Hiscrivener posted a compelling blog yesterday entitled
"Depoliticize the Pulpit:the church speaks out and shows it color" . The
Sunday following the election Shirley
Ceasar said the following:
""Too long we've been at the bottom of the totem pole, but he has vindicated us, hallelujah," she cried. "I don't know about you, but I don't have nothing to put my head down for, praise God. Because when I look toward Washington, D.C., we got a new family coming in. We got a new family coming in. And you know what? They look like us. Amen, amen. They look like us."" (Source)I'll venture to say that Shirley
Ceasar isn't the only person of the cloth who gave a sermon along those lines on November 9
Hiscrivener, exposes the vapidness of the assertion that God has "vindicated" black folks because Barack Obama won the presidency when he writes:
""Look here, Doc (with your uber-fake and completely honorary Ph.D.), a few notes for your high holy clarification:
God “vindicated” us the moment this tall Amish-looking dude looking all presidential stood up and discussed his four score years in under four minutes. It’s egregious and shameful it took reiteration 100 years later from Dr. King and the giants of the civil rights movement.
God allows man the ability to choose, such as the men who chose to tell Texas slaves more than two years later about that very speech. (For the record, any fool who openly advocates Juneteenth is embracing a generation of people just being duped. Good on ya!).
Man’s unadulterated and abysmal choices have caused more pain upon generations of mankind than any war, any plague, anything. Choices don’t require vindication. They demand a reckoning. Black folk TODAY weren’t vindicated. No one in my clique, fraternity or family felt that, reckoning and shattering of stereotypes, but no vindication. That word implies guilt and 90 percent of this country’s white folk (because let’s be honest, that’s who this bigoted broad is targeting with her vitriol) had nothing to do with the atrocity of slavery 400 years ago. " (emphasis added)He goes on to say:
"She is more focused on the hollow, half-baked promises of Barack Obama, than the grace-filled truth in the Word of God at this moment.
He is our (yes, even for those of you who can’t stand his policies or his skin tone) president and we should pray for him like crazy. But to extol him as the banner of righteousness over years of oppression is lunacy. It is a benchmark of how far this country has came… not just you, Shirley Caesar. (emphasis added) I say this from a place of utter love for my people (I'm talking about my brothers and sisters in Christ--not just black folks)....WAKE UP PLEASE!!!! Stop falling for that which is nothing more than ear tickling. Study to show thy self approved and stop listened to preachers who are saying nothing substantive and/or biblical.
Black conservatives are often accused of being self-hating, and self-degradating but apparently we (black conservatives) weren't the ones waiting for white america to affirm or vindicate us. So will the real self-hater please stand up? Now Shirley Ceasar's statement about God's vindication of black people-- that's self-degradation! Is it really that difficult to recognize?
Hiscrivener then ended his post most appropriately with the following admonishment to Shirley Ceasar:
"MEMO to Shirley Caesar: You’re an idiot. Consider you have a global audience and although in your world, it’s black like your coffee… THE world is not. It’s more like… well, Obama. A melting pot of religion, race, creed and culture."