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(You don't have to take CBW's word on this. A copy of Document 2 can be found in the election commission files of all 50 state election commission offices as well as the Democratic National Committee Headquarters complete with date stamps and matching signatures.)
Notice that BOTH Documents are Signed and Sealed Same Day by Same People!!!!
Document 1 contains the clause "Certification That Democrat Party Candidates for President and Vice President of the United States are legally qualified to serve under the provisions of the United States Constitution."
Document 2 - Sent to 49 of the 50 States for Certification for Placement on the Ballot REMOVES Certification of ELIGIBILITY and provides NO certification that the Candidate is legally qualified to serve in office of President.
Constitutional Eligibility Nomination Certificates
PROVE The FACT of The Conspiracy
of The Greatest Election FRAUD in History
This isn't a conspiracy theory....this is a conspiracy FACT. But who cares because "We have a Black President", right?
The sad thing is that our Justice system all the way up to the Supreme Court don't have enough backbone to settle this matter.
People still need jobs and you people are hanging your hat on Birth Certificates/Documents/Muslim Bashing.
Then people wonder why this country is going down hill. Nobody cares about the people. Only about scoring useless points.
Right Joe Clyde. It doesn't matter that the DNC, the media, and the freaking SUPREME COURT ignore and cover up corruption. It's people like me that are the problem....smh.
LOL really? THIS country was built on corruption. It runs through its veins. Frankly, after the election fraud of George W. Bush, WHO CARES???!!!!
Scarey stuff..., Legal documents.
That's some real crap joe. No one is hung up on his legality. It should have happened a long time ago. By now, he's waisted tax-payers' money hiding - what? Help me out, here. It's gone on so long, even if he is legal, the waist of money is for what?
Treaties signed in the dark and behind closed doors do not make a republic. We are not in one but i want to return to one. Do you? Or do you prefer dictactorship straight-up? If you don't care, like misstook, you're in the way but it sounds like you care about something; even if it's steered in the wrong direction.
The romanist fascist in office after the other ones, 1,2,3,blame-it-on-bush, 2,3,4, ought to be tossed onto the street for what he has done - to promote the bushes agenda further. But, now, let's give him a chance and he's fixing bushes gd mistakes.... psychotic because it's meant to be. From the same ones that give us our presidents, legal or not, just daily horsecrap covering the treaties burying the constitution further. But who cares, right? We're all good with it.
Joe, I read what they have in mind for america. Believe me, you don't want any part of that world, friend. It's not obama, anyways - it's total corruption in washington. I and know who it is and you don't think so, yet. The end of the bible says so. Go read it. The begining of Revelation says if you read it, you'll be blessed. Can't tell ya how, but ....
Well Joe, People need jobs and your kind are hanging on more public sector hiring putting more stress on the backs of already struggling businesses, and you think a blogger talking about Obama's past is the issue? a retarded monkey could run this country better than Obama..
See while dolts such as yourself keep supporting the stimulus of stupidity, anyone with common sense knows that growing the public sector while the private sector shrinks is basically destruction of our economy in itself.
Personally, I don't think it's the stupidity of people of Joe Clyde and Missrook that is the issue. It is the absolute lack of any moral integrity. That anyone can see this and dismiss the implications is troubling.
It's that kind of thinking that leads countries down the path of destruction.
Among the causes of the destruction of the Roman civilization was the demoralizing and degenerative impact of its slaves on the rest of society. It's interesting stuff. Failure from the inside, bottom up.
CBW, you should look into the topic. You'll find many correlations to America today.
It would do you good to know Rome is in full charge of planet earth.
102 minutes of history from the reformation, the ones that rome burned at the stake, to present day and back again. It's what americans forgot, or were made to forget, i should say.
If this makes obama an illegal, we'll have to consider amnesty.
What are they so scared of?
Regardless of whether the issue has merit, I find it very strange that it seems to be so scary for some. They start parroting it's all Dubya, they try to make you feel guilty/embarrassed, in general they want you to shut up.
The MSM (main stream media) continually refuses to allow any intelligent discussion. They just call names and attempt to make it unpopular to discus.
Why would they even care, if it really is as lame as they insist? That is what actually gives it more merit for many. Rather than allow the birthers to make fools of themselves, they jump in with put downs and guilt trips. What are they so scared of?
You're turning out to be a genuine Aunt Jemima nutcase.
Beckkk or the Tea Partiers must be paying you for this foolishness.
Just for yuks.
If this nonsense had any validity to it, you don't believe that Boehner and McConnell wouldn't have been all over it???
All republicans receive compensation for our ideas from Beck and the tea partyers. It's how the whole thing got started - to make money stevie, screw the republic. We're in it for the money. We are all here to Beckonize you and weight you down with tea-bag partys. And today, before the president punches out for the day, he will have sought to tear down more of it.
Up with fascism, down with Liberty. Up with pogroms down with justice. Up with popery and down with Jesus Christ, stevie.
Pogroms - look it up. They belong only to a select few - the people that would like you to go away and drop dead, steve, are the ones running the country. You, like myself are determined by them as fodder. It matters not whether you or I agree with one another. In the end, your ass is the same color as mine - dead by Rome's hand and most of america is oblivious the originator.
I have posted the originator of the bane of the earth here for you to read about and understand where all the pogroms come from and for what purpose. I'll say this much about rome. It will Burn.
Do you know any of these people?
"But who cares because "We have a Black President", right?"
Right, I don't care. And let me tell you why.
For one, there's no airtight proof that you're right: That Obama's not properly certified. It's still an open question.
For two, it's not "The Greatest Election FRAUD in History." Our history is replete with election frauds. Election frauds are as American as apple pie.
One of the cable channels, I think it's HBO, but don't hold me to it, is going to run a series on just how pervasive election frauds were during one of America's time period: I think it's called "Boardwalk."
Check it out.
For three, if Obama has scammed the system (which I doubt) I'm not going to cry foul, or wring my hand because Constitutional provisions weren't scrupulously met: The framers of the constitution didn't write the document with blacks in mind anyway, but whites only. They didn't give us any rights at all.
For four, blacks weren't allowed to vote for years (women, as well), and when we did win the right, whites did everything possible to deny us the right. How Christian of them!
For five, a black person, only in this century, and in this new millennium, has won the opportunity to be president, although a few have tried. It's only poetic justice given how hard whites have used hook and crook to deny us a black president.
For six, as a black person, you're working too hard to delegitimize this nation's first black president. For shame! If our first black president had been Colin Powell, and although I'm a liberal, and a progressive, I would have gladly embraced him, and wouldn't have set out to bring him down, as I have witnessed you and other blacks who call yourselves conservatives doing.
"The sad thing is that our Justice system all the way up to the Supreme Court don't have enough backbone to settle this matter."
Haven't we heard enough from the Supremes? They have already settled one election. Must they settle them all? We the people have to keep some of the power that's given to us by the constitution, don't you think?
Like it or not: The people have spoken! Let us have the last word!
Misfit410 said...
"a retarded monkey could run this country better than Obama."
Don't lose your handle or your avatar. They both fit.
So quickly we forget: We had a "retarded monkey" running the country for eight years--George Bush. Obama has to first clean up George Bush's mess, before he can create his own.
Don't you think you're rushing things a bit?
Anonymous said..."Among the causes of the destruction of the Roman civilization was the demoralizing and degenerative impact of its slaves on the rest of society. It's interesting stuff. Failure from the inside, bottom up."
With a statement like the one you made, and I appended above, you'd do well to remain anonymous.
Slavery in itself wasn't "demoralizing and degenerative" enough to bring down the Roman Empire all by itself, you have to blame "slaves."
And even if slaves did have an impact, which I doubt, good for them: They brought down a society that thought it was cool to enslave them.
Rather than "failure from the inside, bottom up," maybe it was destruction from the inside, bottom up. Hey, I'm rooting for the slaves!
You're suggesting it, so why don't you just come right out and say it: We blacks were slaves once, brought to you by Christ-loving whites.
Are you accusing blacks of what you say happened to Roman society--that, as descendants of former slaves, we're having a "demoralizing and degenerative impact...on the rest of society"?
Mean it or not: One could certainly take it that way!
still watching the tv. Zing that tv into the damned river.
The letters don't prove anything, and that's why the cases keeps getting thrown out the court.
The letters doesn't constitute fraud. If the law says he must be eligible then he must be eligible no matter what the letter says. If he's not eligible and you can prove it, then you can still sue.
Secondly, they signed and notarized and filed on record a letter of eligibility with the correct legal document for all to see. Therefore they admitted that he was vetted, and eligible in legal docs. They don't have to do it 50 times, in fact according to past letters, they didn't have to do it all. The second letter was sufficient in wording for the DNC.
Lastly, the only state to receive a different letter was Hawaii. The state where he was born.
You can check out certification letters from Kerry, to see that the vetted language is not even necessary and doesn't have to be in the letter at all. So it seems the DNC went above and beyond what was required.
Letter #2 is the official letter of the DNC, not letter #1. So if the situation was vice versa, then we would have fraud.
Once again, a little research goes along way. Here is the DNC letter for Kerry: http://www.ballot-access.org/2009/2004-Party-Certifications.pdf
So let's recap:
1) Hawaii was indeed a state when Obama was born.
2) There are two birth announcements of his birth, in two separate newspapers. That means the papers would have committed fraud back in 1961 to help him in 2008-- 1961 helping a black child.
3) We have seen a short copy of his birth certificate, which in this country is all that you need to get into the military, college, and any other institution. I haven't seen any other candidates' papers.
4)Hawaii released an affidavit certifying a long form. (You can chose not to believe them, but they made a legal declaration)
5) There is no legitimate Kenyan birth certificate. It was proven fraud because the idiots used today's legal terminology instead of that of the time. The birth date is off by several (several!). Now there is second "legitimate" one with the corrected year of birth. How many times was he born in Kenya?
6)Even if Obama moved to Indonesia. No person under the age of 18 can denounce their citizenship. Your parents can't take your American citizenship away from you. You have to be of legal age to denounce your citizenship. At 18 Obama was in America.
7) Even if you are born in a foreign country, the courts have said if your mother is American, you are American. No one is claiming Obama's mother was a Kenyan citizens. But, I am sure that will be next.
8) Orly Taitz need someone to challenge her sanity and her citizenship. I wouldn't dare go to her for legal advice, when she's foreign herself.
9) Last, but not least. Letter #2 is the official language sent out to the states, not Letter #1.
10) This is the age of Wiki-leaks, if there is real evidence then get it.
11) Even conservative courts have thrown out these lawsuits.
ar said...
"still watching the tv. Zing that tv into the damned river."
Life is the biggest TV show there is, and on every channel, something is always going on--lies, deceit, violence and, yes, a whole bunch of good stuff, too. Life's the Ultimate Reality channel and show.
Should I follow your advice, and zing it into the "damned river," too?
@Misfit said the "r-word". Palin is going to get you, but at least it wasn't the other word. Although, I think it's quite funny that you compared Obama to a monkey (subliminal). It must be a sub-conscious thing!
Let me guess that's a common saying. Right?
nope, just keep watching your gdtv like you're supposed to - good job,toby.
CBW you should listen to Colin Powell's advice.
Mr. Traitor Powell is concerned with someone else's image while tyranny rains buckets of lies and deceit.
Neither he nor barry have anything to say that didn't get told to them; protected by his mentor Biden; given him by the Cardinal in New York, Egan, so, guess where those roads lead. It's amazing no one will open their eyes and even consider, for a minute, corruption might be everywhere. A sure way to tell is how far off the constitution their thinking leads them - destruction. Eventually, you run out of someone else's money and hard work and you are left with what the rest of the world has already experienced, no thank you. I wouldn't enjoy the dark ages relived.
Even in comments here; so what if anyone doesn't follow the laws of the land, is proof accountability has been lost and why is that?
The media gives out it's doctrine each day. It is owned by the corrupt ones. They should be first to hang and why is that?
We are missing some "billions" of dollars, robbed from you and I, and where is it?
The daily stack of lies, deceit and corruption surround us, why is that?
Disregard of the Constitution or the lack of understanding it, is why. This should be required of every graduating High school student.
Suppose instead of the lame indoctrination we send our kids to each year, we give them the lessons of our foundings. Why? Vested interest and we won't be ignorant of the laws of land.
The Birthers' arguments are pure nonsense. Obama was born in Hawaii. Two different newspapers announced his birth. He produced a copy of his birth certificate. Every single one of those ridiculous Birther lawsuits have been thrown out of court. Wake up and stop propagating unsubstantiated conspiracy theories.
No one even agrees on what the founding fathers intended, even when they read the same words and the same sentence.
"All Men are created equal"... what does that meant? Literally it mean all men, not women, but men. Created equal implies a fair start, equal access. But if all men are created equal, why are certain groups denied civil rights? Shouldn't birth guarantee you certain rights, as long as you are not breaking laws.
What is general welfare? Who's included, who's excluded? Ask any person, what does it mean, and you will get so many different answers.
Who will decide which newer Amendments are taken out of the Constitution, especially when they were added constitutionally to the Constitution?
No matter how much you teach ("indoctrinate") there will always be varying point of views. The only way to have one world view, is to take away our freedom to learn and to think.
Our founding fathers argue over these same principles. George Washington favored strong central government, and he was elected President. In your founder father's lesson, will you omit that fact? Will you explain how these moral great men, owned slaves, and slept with them out of wedlock? Are we going to teach our kids the truth as we know it, or just shape yet another doctrine that ignores facts to facilitate an ideology.
I'm not into romanticizing history. These men were human, they were morally conflicted as all humans are. They did good things and they did bad things. They were not perfect, nor is the language they used to draft the Constitution. No matter what you teach, if the person has a mind of their own, they will challenge words and they may see things differently.
No one even agrees on what the founding fathers intended, even when they read the same words and the same sentence.
No kidding! A college student could never pass and eighth grade graduation test from the 1800's.
Here's a test from 1895, I wonder how many people can pass it, without cheating.
In the areas of math and science, I think many of our students are well pass this test. I think English is where we're failing our students.
Thanks grape. If this is not the exam i was referring to, it is very much similar. However, i was under the impression the exam had more history involved. No matter, I'm glad to see it again, thanks.
English would be for structuring and forming thought, History would be for "vested" interest; that part that makes it personal and retentive.
So many think the US is not working very well. I'm included. However, I am not ready to abandon it because i know why it is not working very well; GOVERNMENT over-bearances front-to-back, thru and thru and an illiterate populas.
Had our education system been intact, this would not have happened. I shouldn't have to explain how illiterate college grads are. College exams should include constitutional queries but the opposite is true.
All the necessary parts of our education system that would retain these values has been removed from the school curriculum.
i remember when I first found this blog. I thought it would be more than a typical "partisan", fist shake blog. oh, well - I have been wrong before...
That's so nice to hear you picked this blog to let us know you erred once. We are so honored you decided to lay shame this way and blame someone. Next thing ya know, you'll have a name.
CBW.......write on. Please! You are most definitely not the problem.
Same old, same old. When I dared to even raise the question about the birth certificate, Obummer supporters came out of the woodwork to call me a loonie. The left proclaims free speech except when the left is questioned and their sacred icons are tarnished.
More of the same old is bringing Bush into the picture. News flash, he's been out of office and some punk has been running the country into the ground -- the same punk that has been propped up by the true racists, the Democrat party. So, get over the paranoid "Bush stole the election" lies and face the reality of what that closet Muslim is doing to the United States.
One of these days, and it won't be long, justice will prevail.
How long? Mr. pResident will the lies go on?
How long will you stand there and lie to America?
How many thousands of Americans does it take to say no; hope and change a country before they find out? You tyrannical bastard. Go to hell.
How many take-overs does it take to make a dictatorship?
How many congressman does it take to turn tyranny on?
How many times do you steal tax-payers money and have no record of expenditures?
Show me who calculated cost of living increase for retirees that warrents two fucking dollars a month, while billions are waisted looking for GD ET.
How long will you continue to insult our intelligence, foreigner?
America was a perfect place to start a business; for the honest person. Now, it's stifled with gov.t regs. and NAFTA shooted industry out of america and we produce nothing.
Trades are down at a time when they will be needed. As a contractor working in the shop, say, I can go item by item on the bench or cabinets and see that it is made somewhere else. From pencil, paint can opener, shearers, sanders, saws and saw blades, it doesn't seem to end. I work daily from lumber stores, home improvement centers, and it is a place with No American products in it. I have a running list of business industries i want to open and employ people. They are common items everyone uses but no one will make them in America because tyrants have both hands out to take theirs before you get yours - third party like realators, and unnecessary and detrimental.
I simply want to produce a product and sell it. If it's no good, well, no one will buy it and i have another idea to try. If it's something someone needs or wants, I'm in business. If it continues to sell, it's a good product.
On my property that i own that tyrants want for themselves; Pirates! OverLords! Dictators!
Drive them out. Vote their anti-American derieres out.
So free speech means you can say whatever you want, and no one can ask you questions. How is the fact that the left asks you question about your statements a violation of the free speech?
Just cause you say it, don't mean people will believe it. The 1st Amendment doesn't guarantee that. Secondly if you're going to accuse a person of illegitimacy, have some real proof, or at least know the law. Simple stuff!
It's more logical to believe Bush stole the election than it is to believe Obama was born in Kenya. At least we were witnesses to the fiasco.
You're the only one talking about racism here.
Grape, you have proof bush stole the election? Just kidding.
For me, it's easier to believe the pResident is false and easier to "vet", judging by the unvetted method of the dnc, than it is to pull off and election fraud, especially, and oh so especial the non-elected czar-ship put in place by a so-called citizen and so-called -make me puke- christian (my ass).
Does it make you sick that this foolish man is toying with the people of this land? Whether he realizes it or not, he has brought out the American in the ones paying attention. I'm mad as hell because i am paying attention and mad as hell some folks have been MADE to forget. If anyone doesn't believe that statement, you have not been paying attention and do not desire your own independence to liberty and freedom. True freedom to pursue your dreams without working three days a week for the master-taxer. I am taxed to detriment. The goobnermint is so large no one call tell if it's sitting or standing. If it fell over, who could tell?
I was listening to a candidate(s) incumbant yesterday speak. Not bad; the correct words seemed to be present, until the part where they mentioned their past twenty-five year history working in gov't. They're out, in my book. To me, they are responsible for the mess we find ourselves in and if they have spent 25 years getting us here, how the hell do they expect me to believe they knew what they were doing in the first place, let alone believe they have answers for solutions today? The only thing i consistently see is job security for themselves And, and out of touch LIFESTYLE.
I ask myself over and over again if i could have been more involved, then, maybe some of this would not seem so daunting a task. Always it seemed I was one step behind, all the way. If i had enough extra time and energy after working all day, to spend time keeping track of the persons I elected to do those things is rather retarded, so I'm for getting the SLUGS that have been leaching off the system out of here, pronto.
Each day something comes up, another day has gone by with NO accountability for past (crimes) issues. So far as i care the difference between 3 or 12 trilliiion issues unaccounted for. HO-HUM, tho. Give him a chance....
He didn't need any chance. He continues his masters' plan of subversion from within as he is the same pogrom as bush, bush, clinton and reagan. They all used the same march toward tyranny - Who In Their Right Mind Would Invite the Nasty Poop back into the States United, if it where not to un unite them from within?
Popery and constitutionalism are opposites and Popery is ruling the world. When enough people have forgotten or been murdered for rome, and christiandum does not recognize her as the whore, her jesuits she sent to all the churches with false doctrines and now that she has hidden the truth, she wins.
Grape, you have proof bush stole the election? Just kidding.
For me, it's easier to believe the pResident is false and easier to "vet", judging by the unvetted method of the dnc, than it is to pull off and election fraud, especially, and oh so especial the non-elected czar-ship put in place by a so-called citizen and so-called -make me puke- christian (my ass).
Does it make you sick that this foolish man is toying with the people of this land? Whether he realizes it or not, he has brought out the American in the ones paying attention. I'm mad as hell because i am paying attention and mad as hell some folks have been MADE to forget. If anyone doesn't believe that statement, you have not been paying attention and do not desire your own independence to liberty and freedom. True freedom to pursue your dreams without working three days a week for the master-taxer. I am taxed to detriment. The goobnermint is so large no one call tell if it's sitting or standing. If it fell over, who could tell?
I was listening to a candidate(s) incumbant yesterday speak. Not bad; the correct words seemed to be present, until the part where they mentioned their past twenty-five year history working in gov't. They're out, in my book. To me, they are responsible for the mess we find ourselves in and if they have spent 25 years getting us here, how the hell do they expect me to believe they knew what they were doing in the first place, let alone believe they have answers for solutions today? The only thing i consistently see is job security for themselves And, and out of touch LIFESTYLE.
I ask myself over and over again if i could have been more involved, then, maybe some of this would not seem so daunting a task. Always it seemed I was one step behind, all the way. If i had enough extra time and energy after working all day, to spend time keeping track of the persons I elected to do those things is rather retarded, so I'm for getting the SLUGS that have been leaching off the system out of here, pronto.
Each day something comes up, another day has gone by with NO accountability for past (crimes) issues. So far as i care the difference between 3 or 12 trilliiion issues unaccounted for. HO-HUM, tho. Give him a chance....
He didn't need any chance. He continues his masters' plan of subversion from within as he is the same pogrom as bush, bush, clinton and reagan. They all used the same march toward tyranny - Who In Their Right Mind Would Invite the Nasty Poop back into the States United, if it where not to un unite them from within?
Popery and constitutionalism are opposites and Popery is ruling the world. When enough people have forgotten or been murdered for rome, and christiandum does not recognize her as the whore, her jesuits she sent to all the churches with false doctrines and now that she has hidden the truth, she wins.
Grape, you have proof bush stole the election? Just kidding.
For me, it's easier to believe the pResident is false and easier to "vet", judging by the unvetted method of the dnc, than it is to pull off and election fraud, especially, and oh so especial the non-elected czar-ship put in place by a so-called citizen and so-called -make me puke- christian (my ass).
Does it make you sick that this foolish man is toying with the people of this land? Whether he realizes it or not, he has brought out the American in the ones paying attention. I'm mad as hell because i am paying attention and mad as hell some folks have been MADE to forget. If anyone doesn't believe that statement, you have not been paying attention and do not desire your own independence to liberty and freedom. True freedom to pursue your dreams without working three days a week for the master-taxer. I am taxed to detriment. The goobnermint is so large no one call tell if it's sitting or standing. If it fell over, who could tell?
I was listening to a candidate(s) incumbant yesterday speak. Not bad; the correct words seemed to be present, until the part where they mentioned their past twenty-five year history working in gov't. They're out, in my book. To me, they are responsible for the mess we find ourselves in and if they have spent 25 years getting us here, how the hell do they expect me to believe they knew what they were doing in the first place, let alone believe they have answers for solutions today? The only thing i consistently see is job security for themselves And, and out of touch LIFESTYLE.
I ask myself over and over again if i could have been more involved, then, maybe some of this would not seem so daunting a task. Always it seemed I was one step behind, all the way. If i had enough extra time and energy after working all day, to spend time keeping track of the persons I elected to do those things is rather retarded, so I'm for getting the SLUGS that have been leaching off the system out of here, pronto.
Each day something comes up, another day has gone by with NO accountability for past (crimes) issues. So far as i care the difference between 3 or 12 trilliiion issues unaccounted for. HO-HUM, tho. Give him a chance....
He didn't need any chance. He continues his masters' plan of subversion from within as he is the same pogrom as bush, bush, clinton and reagan. They all used the same march toward tyranny - Who In Their Right Mind Would Invite the Nasty Poop back into the States United, if it where not to un unite them from within?
Popery and constitutionalism are opposites.
Grape, you have proof bush stole the election? Just kidding.
For me, it's easier to believe the pResident is false and easier to "vet", judging by the unvetted method of the dnc, than it is to pull off and election fraud, especially, and oh so especial the non-elected czar-ship put in place by a so-called citizen and so-called -make me puke- christian (my ass).
Does it make you sick that this foolish man is toying with the people of this land? Whether he realizes it or not, he has brought out the American in the ones paying attention. I'm mad as hell because i am paying attention and mad as hell some folks have been MADE to forget. If anyone doesn't believe that statement, you have not been paying attention and do not desire your own independence to liberty and freedom. True freedom to pursue your dreams without working three days a week for the master-taxer. I am taxed to detriment. The goobnermint is so large no one call tell if it's sitting or standing. If it fell over, who could tell?
I was listening to a candidate(s) incumbant yesterday speak. Not bad; the correct words seemed to be present, until the part where they mentioned their past twenty-five year history working in gov't. They're out, in my book. To me, they are responsible for the mess we find ourselves in and if they have spent 25 years getting us here, how the hell do they expect me to believe they knew what they were doing in the first place, let alone believe they have answers for solutions today? The only thing i consistently see is job security for themselves And, and out of touch LIFESTYLE.
I ask myself over and over again if i could have been more involved, then, maybe some of this would not seem so daunting a task. Always it seemed I was one step behind, all the way. If i had enough extra time and energy after working all day, to spend time keeping track of the persons I elected to do those things is rather retarded, so I'm for getting the SLUGS that have been leaching off the system out of here, pronto.
Each day something comes up, another day has gone by with NO accountability for past (crimes) issues. So far as i care the difference between 3 or 12 trilliiion issues unaccounted for. HO-HUM, tho. Give him a chance....
@ AR:
So it's not strange to you, that Bush did not get the popular vote, and only won by a handful of ballots in a state where his brother was Governor. The people on the court who gave him the election win in that state, was later given jobs of cronyism in his administration. The ballots were re-counted by hand, and Bush won by 537 votes. Any other state, there would be a run-off.
Yet, you believe Obama is not a citizen, although he has a certified birth certificate, not the one you want to see (long form) but one none-the-less, plus not one but two birth announcements in newspapers that you can pull-up from the library archives via micro fiche. On top of that he has class pictures of him attending schools in Hawaii in his early childhood. Plus enrollment records that show both of his parents attended the University of Hawaii. You haven't had this much information from any other President.
But, there is no concrete proof, what-so-ever that Bush won the election fairly, or at all. There is more reasonable doubt that Bush did not win the election, than there is that Obama is not a citizen.
@ AR;
I agree so many of those people are life time politicians. It's like a fraternity, sure they say they will change, and no hazing, but behind close doors it's business as usual.
Yep, that's fine, grape. Obama can slide on this one, too. HO-HUM. Seems to me, there's a pile of those ever since anyone heard of the man but no problem. Probably bushes fault Obama is hated so for wrecking the economy, to start.
Don't think for an instant i think bush is innocent, or anything that he did i agree with. We were all pretty damned fired up to get terrorists after 911, and "trusted" the bastards. No More of that! They have had their chance all of these years, is why i think they can go to hell and be replaced by ANYONE.
I said before, these two monkeys, bush and bama come out of the same mold of deceit and corruption as the previous mouth-pieces have and do not run the country but say only what they are told to say and do what they are told to do. Other men have not done so and paid with their lives. It's what Rome does. CFR (Rockefeller), Jesuits, Rome, Black Pope.
Enviromentalism, green earthers, human rights, illegal aliens, = Club of Rome.
Bed-fellows bush-bama.
EJP Advises Shia Muslim Black American Friend on Order’s Crusade Against Shia.
I for one, believe that Stanley Marie Dunham had Barack in Hawaii, because I wouldn't think her dad would let her go off with a man who had 3 WIVES ALREADY. I think the reason he didn't show his Hawaiian birth certificate is that the surname Obama wasn't on there; and he doesn't want Muslums to know this
Oh, someone said blacks weren't able to vote? you don't know your history... It was in the 'jackass'[democrat] south that we weren't able to vote; we WERE able to vote in the NORTH and other places
There were many many people in Congress and elsewhere who knew Obama was ineligible to hold the office of POTUS.
See: http://www.hillarynme.com/2009/10/08/shocking-more-proof-members-of-congress-always-knew-obama-was-ineligible-for-the-presidency/
I read both those official election documents, and frankly, I don't see ONE damn thing in either one that claims Obama is not eligible for President. Both documents are EXACTLY the same, so what the hell are you talking about? And comparing Obama to Hitler is really taking it over the top---I mean,seriously.it's okay to hate Obama all you want, but you better have some evidence to back up your claims--anybody making silly, ignorant statements like that pretty much loses any credibility with me.
This economy was already being run into the ground by the time Obama got into office, so don't even try to blame all of that on him. Bottom line, A lot of y'all on this board just can't stand the fact that our President is black and running this country. Hell no, he ain't perfect and there are some things he's done and said that I don't agree with, but I sure as hell am not demonizing him and saying he's the Antichrist of some stupid s*** like that--I'm not some crazy right wing nut like the majority on this board--excepting Grapevine,Uptown Steve, and zing---losing my damn mind and blaming EVERY damn thing that's happened in the past couple of years on Obama. Another thing---funny how NOBODY on this board is hollering about that trillion dollars per month we're paying to keep these two needless wars going--not even you,CBW---no, everything is just Obama's fault, and everything would be fine if he left office---yeah,right--you wish that would happen. Another thing---yeah, Bush is out of office,but we're STILL paying for his f**ked-up mistakes---these wars, for instance---exactly what the hell have they done for us except for us to show off our weapons and go stomping around the world proclaiming how big and bad we are? Not a damn thing, and I'm not letting Bush off the hook for nothing---he was just lousy President,plain and simple.
The Republican Party hasn't given a damn about black people since the first civil rights bill was passed in 1964. They flat out turned their backs on us--I say f*** them---they don't give a damn about anybody but themselves and how many votes they want to get. All they care abut is big business to the exclusion or EVERYTHING in this world.
The President is legit---just get the hell over it and deal with it!
Quit drinking the damn Kool-Aid,please.
I read both those official election documents, and frankly, I don't see ONE damn thing in either one that claims Obama is not eligible for President. Both documents are EXACTLY the same, so what the hell are you talking about? And comparing Obama to Hitler is really taking it over the top---I mean,seriously.it's okay to hate Obama all you want, but you better have some evidence to back up your claims--anybody making silly, ignorant statements like that pretty much loses any credibility with me.
This economy was already being run into the ground by the time Obama got into office, so don't even try to blame all of that on him. Bottom line, A lot of y'all on this board just can't stand the fact that our President is black and running this country. Hell no, he ain't perfect and there are some things he's done and said that I don't agree with, but I sure as hell am not demonizing him and saying he's the Antichrist of some stupid s*** like that--I'm not some crazy right wing nut like the majority on this board--excepting Grapevine,Uptown Steve, and zing---losing my damn mind and blaming EVERY damn thing that's happened in the past couple of years on Obama. Another thing---funny how NOBODY on this board is hollering about that trillion dollars per month we're paying to keep these two needless wars going--not even you,CBW---no, everything is just Obama's fault, and everything would be fine if he left office---yeah,right--you wish that would happen. Another thing---yeah, Bush is out of office,but we're STILL paying for his f**ked-up mistakes---these wars, for instance---exactly what the hell have they done for us except for us to show off our weapons and go stomping around the world proclaiming how big and bad we are? Not a damn thing, and I'm not letting Bush off the hook for nothing---he was just lousy President,plain and simple.
The Republican Party hasn't given a damn about black people since the first civil rights bill was passed in 1964. They flat out turned their backs on us--I say f*** them---they don't give a damn about anybody but themselves and how many votes they want to get. All they care abut is big business to the exclusion or EVERYTHING in this world.
The President is legit---just get the hell over it and deal with it!
Quit drinking the damn Kool-Aid,please.
I read both those official election documents, and frankly, I don't see ONE damn thing in either one that claims Obama is not eligible for President. Both documents are EXACTLY the same, so what the hell are you talking about? And comparing Obama to Hitler is really taking it over the top---I mean,seriously.it's okay to hate Obama all you want, but you better have some evidence to back up your claims--anybody making silly, ignorant statements like that pretty much loses any credibility with me.
This economy was already being run into the ground by the time Obama got into office, so don't even try to blame all of that on him. Bottom line, A lot of y'all on this board just can't stand the fact that our President is black and running this country. Hell no, he ain't perfect and there are some things he's done and said that I don't agree with, but I sure as hell am not demonizing him and saying he's the Antichrist of some stupid s*** like that--I'm not some crazy right wing nut like the majority on this board--excepting Grapevine,Uptown Steve, and zing---losing my damn mind and blaming EVERY damn thing that's happened in the past couple of years on Obama. Another thing---funny how NOBODY on this board is hollering about that trillion dollars per month we're paying to keep these two needless wars going--not even you,CBW---no, everything is just Obama's fault, and everything would be fine if he left office---yeah,right--you wish that would happen. Another thing---yeah, Bush is out of office,but we're STILL paying for his f**ked-up mistakes---these wars, for instance---exactly what the hell have they done for us except for us to show off our weapons and go stomping around the world proclaiming how big and bad we are? Not a damn thing, and I'm not letting Bush off the hook for nothing---he was just lousy President,plain and simple.
The Republican Party hasn't given a damn about black people since the first civil rights bill was passed in 1964. They flat out turned their backs on us--I say f*** them---they don't give a damn about anybody but themselves and how many votes they want to get. All they care abut is big business to the exclusion or EVERYTHING in this world.
The President is legit---just get the hell over it and deal with it!
I read both those official election documents, and frankly, I don't see ONE damn thing in either one that claims Obama is not eligible for President. Both documents are EXACTLY the same, so what the hell are you talking about? And comparing Obama to Hitler is really taking it over the top---I mean,seriously.it's okay to hate Obama all you want, but you better have some evidence to back up your claims--anybody making silly, ignorant statements like that pretty much loses any credibility with me.
This economy was already being run into the ground by the time Obama got into office, so don't even try to blame all of that on him. Bottom line, A lot of y'all on this board just can't stand the fact that our President is black and running this country. Hell no, he ain't perfect and there are some things he's done and said that I don't agree with, but I sure as hell am not demonizing him and saying he's the Antichrist of some stupid s*** like that--I'm not some crazy right wing nut like the majority on this board--excepting Grapevine,Uptown Steve, and zing---losing my damn mind and blaming EVERY damn thing that's happened in the past couple of years on Obama. Another thing---funny how NOBODY on this board is hollering about that trillion dollars per month we're paying to keep these two needless wars going--not even you,CBW---no, everything is just Obama's fault, and everything would be fine if he left office---yeah,right--you wish that would happen. Another thing---yeah, Bush is out of office,but we're STILL paying for his f**ked-up mistakes---these wars, for instance---exactly what the hell have they done for us except for us to show off our weapons and go stomping around the world proclaiming how big and bad we are? Not a damn thing, and I'm not letting Bush off the hook for nothing---he was just lousy President,plain and simple.
The Republican Party hasn't given a damn about black people since the first civil rights bill was passed in 1964. They flat out turned their backs on us--I say f*** them---they don't give a damn about anybody but themselves and how many votes they want to get. All they care abut is big business to the exclusion or EVERYTHING in this world.
The President is legit---just get the hell over it and deal with it!
Quit drinking the damn Kool-Aid,please.
To the dimly lit;
Obama care is unconstitutional. His election to office is, so far, very questionable.
Obama should be compared to Hitler Every Day - along with the Bushes, Bin Ladins and rest of the elite nwo maniacs festering out of the U.N. to the US via the Counsil of Foreign Relations.
Mr. Obama and Mr. Bush and presidents since HOOVER have been appointed, bread, and groomed to serve for ROME's jesuit army instituting the Counter-Reformation - of which you must have no knowledge whatsoever or you would not be tooting such a horn as Obama is good for anything other than causing the upholders of freedom to put a stop to the take-over of MY COUNTRY by foreigners, criminals and ungodly men taking the minds of my brothers and sisters and turning them into mush-buckets.
The first to the gallows will be the MEDIA. Then our Dept. of Education - and bring matches.
The colored feller you think i hate and despise has lied to me. Others have lied in the past and they are to be held accountable. Why won't you admit he has lied since coming into (illegal) office? He has lied about everything yet you cannot or will not admit he has any shady side to him at all. His past speaks for itself and his actions over the past years are criminal and against a Republic by and of the people. He's a thug, hypocrit racist, fascist pig because I know what he's up to. Lies and deceit - since Hoover, filled with corruption your demoncrat and repubicans are the same thing - have been til we get rid of them all VIA the vote.
Do your history. Rome, U.N., CFR, Club of Rome is your agenda 21, sustainable developement and the removing of the constitutional republic is the Counsil of Trent and Lateran Treaties brought Rome into your schools and homes and tv and books and pResidents and your mind, roman.
I love this blog, but needs more article that are current. Please keep it going cause we do enjoy your articles.
It helps the cause of freedom!
Might I suggest watching 95 minutes of the War against America to finally rid the planet of free thinkers.
If you care to know the truth behind all wars, don't watch it. If you don't want to know why, don't watch it. If you want to learn something about our demise, then it's time to stop the denial and look at things straight on, from the source.
If you watched this 95 times, you could not exhaust the (truth)information presented in the historical documentation.
“We shall unleash the nihilist and the atheist, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in it’s horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and the most bloody turmoil. Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilizations, and the multitude, disillusioned with Christianity, … will receive the pure light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer… the destruction of Christianity and atheism. Both conquered and exterminated at the same time.
(Fourth Reich of the Rich, Griffin; pp 71, 72)
Find your enemy and mine.
ar, I've seen that quote by Albert Pike somewhere else, but I can't remember where. I've got a copy of "Morals and Dogma" and Pike does indeed speak of Lucifer this way. Pike was a wierd, wierd dude.
Griffin is often mistaken for an anti-semite, I think. I hear that accusation, but still keep an open mind. I believe what he says about the moneychangers and the banking cartels, because my own research over the last 20 years has corraborated much of what he says.
There's no sense in people arguing back and forth about the Republicans and the Democrats. That's how the power structure divides people into warring factions who can't work together. Instead they further the agenda of the powerful. Both parties are controlled by the global bankers, through layers and layers of foundations, organizations and complex machinations. The politicians themselves are only useful idiots. Maybe 10 percent of the most senior statesmen and elites in the world are actually powerbrokers.
Obama is Bush. Bush was Clinton. And I feel even more confident saying that now in late 2010, than I was in late 2008. Obama is another useful idiot. His own dreams and ambitions for humanity are just being used by the shadow government for their own purposes.
I get really sick and tired of pResident pointing his finger at us all the time; knowing he's pitting one side against the other. And as much as i possibly can, I quit looking to blame o and point out his agenda, from Egan, Archbishop of New York, after Biden and on up the ranks of the 33rd's to the Black Pope.
We have a huge house-cleaning to do. My guess is, once corruption is found out and the bums put into the streets, the rest will fear for the same and smarten up.
All of us have been affected by this charade of two-party system. I don't like being a useful idiot just as much as i hate being lied to. I loved bush - thot he was the cat's meow - I KNEW NOTHING at the time. From what i have learned in the last two years, I am completely confident removing the entire waist in washington and throwing them into the streets will be to our shear delight and betterment, immediately.
I want what the FEDS stole from me over my Lifetime and the IRS owns me a very large sum of money they stole from me over my sixty years, yes sir, I want them bastards in jail after they pay the United States citizens what they stole from us all these years. They are foreigners to this great land and they are foreigners to a republic. Send them all to jail.
I do not know who is worst. You or Pastor David Manning when it comes to the Obama coverage. :-)
Why is that, ATmom? Is it because Pastor Manning has a pair. A very large pair and he called out the sissie commie fascist in the white house for lying, cheating and causing division thru-out. If this so-called poor excuse of a man and pResident were to be and American by showing us that it is in fact A FACT that he is and American, would only be the first, in many, steps to convincing me he's for US. Nothing he has done so far is in accordance with running a Republic of and by the people. The opposite is in effect and some people think it's just the American way when it is not the American way at all. It is the FASCIST and dictatorship progression running ramshod over every bit of our constitution, declaration for a free republic that now cost me 4 months of the year of my labours - I am a slave like you are and I hate it with every fiber in me because it is so completely the opposite of life liberty and the pursuit of happiness as put forth by our founders but these freaks stole that information from all of us socialites thinking it's the american way. And this brown man in the oval office is NOT black or anything close to it. Take away the SKIN color you hide under and look at what he's done to you, slave. And don't give him any credit for anything other than driving god-fearing folks to their knees in prayer over the fascist taking over our government, cities and towns.
ATmom, their decees state that you and anyone going alone with this take-over, of which it is a take-over of the republic, I have the documents and you should have read them by now, are useful idiots. Because when they have it all and you have less than you do now, we will be in the DARK AGES again, remember those days? You should have read about those days by now. They were all the god-fearing free thinkers that were murdered by FASCISTS. The blood-shed over the intire planet is from the hands of tyrants and Obama is simply a tool and fool like the ones before him, the bushes and clintons, the worse of the worse in the entire world are the Klingtons. They are responsible for NO JOBS IS AMERICA ANYMORE. NAFTA.
This is turning into a friggin history lesson again. Go do your homework, sis and get in the right frame of mind. I hate calling you a fascist, too.
CBW, I miss your fine blog. Just learned about another CBW, Cedra Crenshaw, a young accountant who is running for office in Illinois. Her motto is
"Springfield needs more acountants and fewer lawyers."
"As the story goes, there is a painting somewhere in the vast hallways of the Smithsonian museum which shows British soldiers boarding a sailing ship, muskets in hand. The ship is in an American port, and the soldiers are returning home after the War of 1812.
There is a problem with this picture which may not be immediately apparent to the casual viewer. Our history books tell us that the British lost that war. History should also tell us that the winners in a war usually (but not always) take the guns away from the other side. So, why were these British soldiers boarding their warship, guns in hand?"
Supreme Law Library: ESQUIRES. The real 13th Amendment banning LAWYERS from holding public office or Ever regaining citizenship again.
And it came to pass: LUKE, chapter eleven.
Jesus, Lord and Saviour, hates Lawyers.
Please go Vote.
What Black person in their right-mind would be right wing?
What persons in the world can't get their color off of them?
I am an American citizen of the states united and I pledge allegiance to the flag and to the republic for which it stands. The only place on earth where trust in God is foremost in all things and love of country is proceeded by family and private property, creating private wealth, otherwise known as the pursuit of happiness, liberty.
Having no defense for encroachment upon these God-given rights, is proof you are no american but an imposter, fraud, and a deceiver.
A defender of the Constitution does not need color for his mind to hold fast to the truths of life, liberty. These truths are self-evident.
Either we are americans or we are black, red, green, white and yellow and divided and lost in the color of skin.
Happy Veterans Day to all; and their families and friends, loved ones.
God Bless America and stop the invasion of Yemen.
This is the dumbest fucking thing that I have ever read. First of all, in order for him to be a Senator, they all have to fill out what's called an SF 87, which is form to initiate a public trust investigation. Its a 40 page form where you have to list where you were born, all the places where you lived, educated, worked and so forth. If there was something funky about his ability to be POTUS, the government would've found it then. Geez, you probably believe that earth is flat and is only 6,000 years old, that the moon is made of green cheese, that there is a such thing as compassionate conservatism and trickle down economics work.
Abu Abu do you have and original thought, at all?
“Isn’t the only hope for the planet that the industrialized civilizations collapse? Isn’t it our responsibility to bring that about?” -Maurice Strong, Secretary-General of the UN Earth Summit, June 1992
A U.N. chartered united states, fallen by Secret Societies, headed by the Jesuits controlling Vatican Rome. Free Masonry, Illuminati, Skull and Bones secret societys of which Obama, Bush, Bush, Clinton, Carter, Reagan belong - all the way back as far as Hoover, FDR.
“By controlling energy, we can control nations; by controlling food, we can control individuals”! -SMOM, Henry Kissinger. A definate Fascist Pig, Illuminati.
In 1991, in a book entitled The First Global Revolution: A Report by the Council of The Club of Rome and coauthored by one of the founders of The Club of Rome, Alexander King, they admitted choosing global warming and other threats to unify humanity under a world government
“In searching for a new enemy to unite us [all of humanity], we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill. In their totality and in their interactions, these phenomena constitute a common threat which as the enemy, we fall into the trap about which we have already warned, namely mistaking symptoms for causes. All these dangers are caused by human intervention and it is only through changed attitudes and behaviour that they can be overcome. The real enemy then is humanity itself.”
Your glorified pResident Obama is in charge of nothing more than the traitors were, before him. This president is a mouthpiece for the NWO just like the presidents before him. Our Jesuit run school systems have produced idiots, illiterate of life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness under a constitutional republic. Instead, they believe we are in one - we are not. Proof they have infiltrated our republic to destroy it from within. They have written about it, did it and most don't know what happen and call us america the free - what a joke. Everyone has been lulled to sleep, or bored to death or just plain lied to through and through.
This president is fullfilling Rome's wishes DIRECTLY, just like George, I hate, Bush and blame him for his part and when will this president OWN UP to what he is doing? He never will. He can not or he is a dead man too.
If you're still thinking Barry has your answers to all your problems after he gets done blaming someone else, that is, you have been lied to and believed it, for pity. Others things are going on and you need pay closer attention concerning your capacity to be able to do and do for your loved ones what our founders set before us to try and maintain as a republic. "Here's your Republic..., if you can keep it." Those words were spoken because, and in fact, the Jesuits were present at the "signing." And because our founders knew the Jesuits intent which has not changed in 400 years and they were thrown out of 84 other countries, they feared the day the knowledge would be lost to keep and hang on to it. They were right and saw it then, should men not maintain constant guard over it, it would be lost forever.
Calvin, ever hear of him? Scoffers shudder at the fact the christian nation was founded on christian principles, mostly of Calvin's doing.
WND posted this last week:
Congress report concedes Obama eligibility unvetted.
I found the "End of Liberty", have you?
G. Edward Griffin, recommended it. He is a proponent of What the heck are they spraying? (Chem-trails)and Reality Zone and Unfiltered News.
Marxism was congressionally established in America; by Greg Farber
The rights of men as individuals, not collectivists, war continues…
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