Friday, August 27, 2010

Alan Keyes Explains His Position on Glenn Beck's Hollow Piety

Glenn Beck has spear-headed and organized the "Restoring Honor Rally" on tomorrow but at 8:00 tonight he has sponsored a Gala at the Kennedy Center themed "America's Divine Destiny.  However, in light of Glenn Beck's position on Gay marriage, Alan keyes believes that his "piety" is hollow and he writes:

 "Whatever his outward show of piety, by joining with those who decline to battle this insidious destruction of the basic premise of liberty, Beck reveals that, for political purposes, his piety is hollow. He also shows that his supposed staunch advocacy of the Constitution is hollow as well. For "If the foundations be destroyed …" what will the patriots do? And if he is willing to let them be destroyed, what is Glenn Beck really doing?
One last observation: Beck's display of contempt for the "gay marriage" issue is clear evidence that he has no respect for the political authority of God. Is it just a coincidence that it comes shortly before an event meant to promote him as a pious and principled advocateof the Constitution? The "Restoring Honor Rally" is clearly meant to cement his MSM-scripted role as the spokesman for that majority of tea-party patriots, who sincerely revere God's place as the author of all unalienable right. The MSM will undoubtedly tout attendance at the event as evidence of support for his patently false view that promotion of "gay marriage" poses no threat to our Constitution, sovereignty and liberty; that the majority of Americans are willing to allow the legal abandonment of the natural family and a redefinition of rights that makes them figments of government power rather than authoritative assertions of God's will for justice.
It will be tragic if sincere grass-roots enthusiasm for an apparent message of constitutional integrity lures people to build the credibility of a spokesman who has already publicly abandoned its most essential principle."

This angered a few Glenn Beck fans  and prompted Mr. Keyes to post the following on his blog, Alan Keyes is Loyal to Liberty  in response to an angry email he received.  As usual you will find my comments in red.

"As I expected, my  WND article this week has generated a remarkable reaction from readers, including a number of folks who express dismay at the fact that I (like Joseph Farah) would dare to question the sincerity of Glenn Beck’s professions of respect for God just because he belittles the importance of the ‘gay marriage’ issue.

In answer to one such ‘shame on you’ email I sent the following response, which I think worth sharing here:

Before wishing shame on me, it would repay your time to read what I have written on what the “gay marriage” issue involves.  If after doing so you can still accept Beck’s careless disregard for God’s priorities, I will still pray that God may open your eyes (as I pray for Glenn Beck).
We can’t defeat the so-called progressives by accepting their standards and priorities.
I made no charges against Beck, as you call them.  I simply took what he said and developed its implications.  What matters is not statements and lip service, but real priorities.  The moment of truth is when the battle is joined.  After Judge Vaughn Walker’s decision, the battle was clearly joined. [emphasis added] Beck chose that very moment to give aid and comfort to those attacking God’s authority.    Instead of reacting defensively, shouldn’t you think about the implications of that fact?  “Sometimes the instruments of darkness, to win us to our harm, do tell us truths, lure us with honest trifles to betray us in deepest consequence.” [emphasis added)] “Gay marriage” involves the issue of deepest consequence-and at precisely the moment the enemy launches what he hopes will be the decisive attack, Beck makes known his un-Christlike priorities?  (I say un-Christlike because Christ said “Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness” which means that the issues of natural law (the law rooted in God’s will as sovereign author (King) of all creation) should be our first priority.  He also told us that we cannot serve God and mammon, for as we honor one we dishonor the other.  Whatever pious pose he adopts, Glenn Beck chose to articulate the priority of mammon.  Christ said we cannot have it both ways.  Who would you have me follow, Beck or Jesus? (emphasis added)  [Now that is a powerful statement!How is that for real life application of God's Word ?]

I have never understood how people who profess to read and believe in the Bible can have trouble understanding that the push for gay marriage is entirely incompatible with the Biblical account of God’s will for human nature (i.e., the natural law as applied to human beings.): “…in the image of God He created him; male and female created He them.”  The account of Eve’s creation makes clear that this juxtaposition is no coincidence.  By himself, Adam does not fulfill God’s intention, the image of God in man is incomplete, imperfect.  Only after the creation of Eve does God accept the result as the fulfillment of His will, and therefore good.  Only then is the way man is made (his nature)  a true reflection of the way God is making Him (i.e., the being God assumes for man as He makes him.)   Thus, man is not wholly what God intends him to be until he appears in two ways, one  male and one female, separate and distinct in form, but one in substance. As Adam’s description of Eve (“bone of my bone, flesh of my flesh”) suggests, they are made of the same stuff.

Eve completes the image of God in man.  But as the gender distinction completes the way God intends man to be it also reveals something about the way God is.  In human nature one person is male, another female, but their relations with one another imply the existence of a third person who represents the communion and unity of the two.  So human nature represents one whole that nonetheless exists by way of being three distinct persons .

What Christian can fail to see the theological significance of this account of God’s intention for humanity?  In light of it, we realize the theological imperative involved in the understanding that marriage is the intentional union of male and female with a view to the possibility that reproduces their unity in the form of their child.  An understanding of marriage that disregards this possibility turns its back on the image of God expressed in and through our human nature.  It shows the same forgetful contempt for His will that God rebukes when he prescribes the fate reserved for one who sheds innocent blood.  (Genesis 9:6- “Whosoever sheddeth man’s blood by man shall his blood be shed.  For in the image of God made He man.”) [ I wouldn't compare Gay marriage to murder and would not have used Genesis 9:6 to support the fact that those in favor of Gay marriage reflect blatant contempt for the will of God. While we expect non-regenerate, secular types to reject God and  his Word, how on Earth can a born-again believer in the Lord Jesus Christ support Gay marriage? So, non-believers ya'll are doing what you do. My beef is with those who claim the Christ as Lord and Savior}

Who is Jesus if not the one who reminds us, in the very nature of his existence on earth, of the respect we owe to the image of God represented in our human form?  Who can truly profess to believe in God’s Word and yet deny what the Bible teaches almost literally in the first words it uses to describe human nature?  Can its words be true if, from the beginning, they are false as to our nature?

As Americans we must also remember that respect for the relations implied in the way God made us to be is the whole basis for the authority of the laws of nature and of nature’s God as they pertain to our humanity.  Our understanding of marriage involves our respect for that authority in regard to what is literally the most fundamental of human relationships (male/ female), as well as the even more foundational relationship of God to man.  If “homosexual marriage” is a true concept, then there is no natural basis for human relations,  no natural right determined by God in our creation, no natural justice that governs human affairs. [emphasis added]

This is of course the contention of the moral relativists, who therefore discard the whole idea of constitutional government, acknowledging instead only the force of human will and power.  It may be that people like Glenn Beck, Ann Coulter, etc.  simply don’t understand this aspect of the marriage issue.  If so, the crisis of liberty is too far advanced to wait until time and better instruction remedy their ignorance.  More ominous is the possibility that they, or the people who manipulate their love of mammon, do understand it, and are belittling the issue so that, despite the people’s common sense opposition to ‘gay marriage’,  they will not be roused in time to be effective in opposing the strategy that uses the ‘gay marriage’  issue to poison the conceptual, moral and spiritual root of  liberty." (source) [emphasis added]

In my humble opinion Alan Keyes not only has great and admirable intellect but a brilliant theological mind!!!!

In light of my newly adopted political atheism and realization that the grass-root Tea Party movement has been co-opted, provocateured, and infiltrated by media whores and manipulated lovers of mammon, I will not be a useful idiot for those invisible hands who have hi-jacked not only the Tea Party movement but the RNC  & the DNC.  It was painful to write that because the Americans who attend these rallies are NOT THE PROBLEM and are earnestly seeking to counter the usurpation of our liberty and the tyranny that awaits us if we don't wake up. But, the sad reality is  that the folks who need to hear, glean and internalize  the message of liberty & freedom will not be in attendance. Neither will the media accurately portray what goes on at the rally....I've been to enough Tea Party rallies at this point to KNOW that is the case.  So, what is the solution?  2 Chronicles 7:14 is the solution.

If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.
 The only solution!


Unknown said...

I need to read this in detail to comment, but it's wrong of Keyes to tie Beck into Coulter. Coulter is a pure entertainer. Beck is an entertainer, but he is trying to find solutions. To take this country back is going to be a long walk. And it will require us to think in long terms. The real problem is how do we proceed. We are already an oligarchy. Judges can sit on a bench darn near for life. They have multiple times nullified the will of the People. And the other two branches ignore us completely, and ridicule us, aided by people we give money to to "entertain" us. And the most wealthy among us who could affect change most quickly, are on the side of evil, or cowed into submission. Law enforcement and military, they'll follow whoever is in charge whether it was Ghandi or Hitler. How do we fight that? Protests won't work. Voting? It's rigged and we all know it. Do we fight evil with evil? Maybe, if history is any guide.

Jonathan said...

Alan Keyes should have been the first black president. He would have been a candidate, had it not been for NWO interference.

Keyes is 100 percent correct. I am gratified to hear this true patriot get right to the heart of the matter, fearlessly and thoughtfully.

When Beck sidestepped the gay marriage issue, I became convinced he is not up to the noble task of speaking for the restoration of America. He waffles on this issue out of fear, not conviction, and that means Beck is not a true voice. I hope his ratings plummet as a result of it. I hope he is publicly castigated for it at his big rally in DC tomorrow.

Gay marriage highlights the great schism in American conservatism, between the secular and the theistic. It has grown astoundingly fast since the days of Reagan - "from out of nowhere."

Leftists are hijacking the GOP in the same way they hijacked the Democrats. Within a few years, there will be only one party left in this country. This greatly furthers their aim of marginalizing the Christian element of this nation - and thus excluding the voices of a vast block of citizens from the public arena who most oppose the Marxist agenda.

I firmly believe that America's fate hinges on the gay marriage issue. It will determine the spiritual direction of our nation, at the fork in the road, between darkness and light.

And if we take the dark road, then there is only next the abandonment of Israel, and then the final descent into ruin at every level.

Glenn Beck is a fool for not realizing this. As if gay marriage is REALLY the ultimate goal anyway.

Anonymous said...

Ziv, moral people are not called to be unqualified pacifists at all times.

MrsGrapevine said...

This is a subject I pray about constantly and ask God to provide me with answer. Not to defend Beck (I have a litany of other reasons to not like him) but could it be that he's torn by what the Constitution stands for and what God's words says.

IMO, I do take fault with the church for even allowing the concept of gay marriage to exist. In what church could two men be joined together under God's words. That's where I have a problem. I don't believe a gay union can exist within the church [PERIOD]. I don't understand priest or pastors who perform these ceremonies. I think once the church started going against God's word, it was easy to take this issue to a secular vote.

But like Beck, how do you reconcile that people are born with certain inalienable rights because they are human. How can you justify taking someone's rights away because of their orientation, especially when they have freedom of religion. Wouldn't God hold them accountable, anyway?

I do think marriage is between man and woman, and it's an elective institution for man and woman. No one forces you to be born into marriage, therefore it shouldn't be a civil rights issue. It's like requiring the boys scouts to be opened to girls, and accusing them of discrimination.

If it's a matter of benefits and legal authority in matters of common property, then all humans should be able to decide that for themselves.

BUT, when it comes to marriage. It should be between a man and a woman! When it comes to rights, everyone should have certain civil liberties. So how do you reconcile the two...

ziggy said...

Alan Keyes is right. God bless him. The rubber has met the road. That's the gist of it. The time has come when we will either stand on God's word uncompromisingly or not.

God's people must recognize the time. I'm grateful for the Tea Partyers and all fiscal conservatives, but the financial problems we see are only a symptom. The failings on every front that we are witnessing can only be stayed by a revival of Godly morality in America.

I knew that a parting of the ways would come between merely "conservatives" and the body of Christ. The liberal democrats have been clearly opposed to a judeo-christian worldview, but now that its "crunch time" so to speak, you can believe that only those that have been redeemed by the blood of the lamb will be left standing on these issues of "morality". It's just a matter of time people.

ar said...

Good for Alan. Bad for Beck for the moment.

Weighing in on his side, for what Beck's been doing has reassured those looking for answers and shed tremendous light upon the originators of anti-americanism.

I'll give Glenn a minus instead of a plus for this one. The reason is in part what Mr. Keyes did not say. I am in agreement with his statements and i have always hung on his every word and in this case with Glenn he is of course, right on. However.

Deeper and further back the "originators" of our perils began the largest propaganisement ever undertaken, infiltrating every nook and crannie of education, the arts, media, town-halls, selectmen, mayors, governors, presidents. All cozied up in the Evolution blanket - we haven't escaped it for all these years. It is and originator of Not thinking. It began a Evolution theory that Science upholds. Even Stephen Hawkins when confronted with why do we go with evolution when creation is so incredibly knowable and explainable, proven every time science goes to refute it; it is proven again and again.

"Modesty" were his words for why evolution and not creation - he KNOWS the difference. All scientists do and they are paid to shut up. No money in God, Steven. Traitor.

Anyways, evolution is the root cause of division (ill-thinking). No accountability.

Beck has done a 60 percent job so far. I've known what he alludes to for some time and have said before there is only so much information he is going to "broadcast". I have always felt it was my job to find the answers - with help from him and others. Mostly from those who are known as Truthsayers; and they can and do include men of God pounding on the bible, waking people up and Lord, yes, pointing at rome anti-christ.

Here and there I go back to my list of what goobermint agencies are corrupt, not needed, do the opposite of what it was intended for, or, are just plain useless and add another one to that list.

I am not sure just when the list will end. It may not - at all, but i found this quote someone left as a comment to what has happened with our wildlife by fanatical earth and animal worshippers. I think it reflects my thots on goobermint and the liars, crooks and thieves in washington.

"The masses go into a revolution not with a prepared plan of social reconstruction, but with a sharp feeling that they cannot endure the old regime." Leon Trotsky

Why do I still give out(have) hope for the people; and the POTUS to be revealed as illegal? If O is illegal, everything he has done to come against this republic, and he has, is void. Not that i would stop there....

Angel said...

I am traditionally a reader and never a commenter however, I wanted to make a brief statement. I don't feel I have to defend anyone, lease of all Beck. Do I like Beck? Yes,I like people who make mistakes and admit that they have done so. I have heard him discuss his previous marriage and family and how he made of mess of that and then go back and ask the ex-wife and kids to forgive him. Do I agree with everything he does? No, I love my mom and I don't agree with eveything she says and does. People have different callings in life. I went to a rally for NOM in Atlanta and was one of ten people. The gentlemen that runs this organization is anoited by God to take up this mantle. Gay marriage is an issue that I don't want in murky waters with so many other topics. God has given this mandate to many people, and primarily I believe it starts at home and in the pulpit. Instead of focusing our attention on Beck for this issue, let's put pressure on the people of faith to defend this institution. Lastly, does this mean that we shouldn't support rallies that have such a wonderful message. I heard Alveda King speak today and she was great. I am sorry, anywhere now that you are free and supported to use the name Jesus is OK in my book. You folks need to step back and really look at the big picture. You are dealing with people and unfortunately, they will always have flaws. God Bless You All. Even if you don't agree with me, I am just happy we are talking about God.

ar said...

White rightwingers furious that a black man is in the White House.

Uptown, you hate it that much? You hate this president and his admin. for screwin'up so badly you're blaming it on someone else.

A black man is furious his (black?) president is a total anti-american foreigner.

the peoples have been come against from OUR own gummint, bro. You hate me, I know. I'm still your brother, tho. I'm offering a consideration of something other than a people for more gov't. and proof their programs against you and I worked, if you think whites got issues with color. Why are you lost in what color you are and what color everyone else is?

I don't understand how you can not see total corruption from foreign "bodies" operating openly on our soil, as much as they have been pointed out countless times.

Instead, it's "I'm black and the whole world hates me." You're the only one that thinks you're black.

Maybe I am wrong, uts, but I think all the people have to stick together to fight this shittie entity that took over washington, deceit. If that's not true, by you, then, what's the point in me trying? There's a foreigner in washington and you know where it came from. Been here alllll allong; EVERY president bends the knee, uts.

It's our job to EXPOSE it.

Anonymous said...

"If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.
The only solution!"

Amen CBW!
anon 2

Angel said...

I pray your eyes are opened one day however, what I have discovered recently is people love the dark. Especially black folks, let my people go. I hope you see that all we give to other black folks especially the men are excuses to stay the same, the white man, the media, our economic class. The ignorant blacks who applauded the education sec. who spoke at Al's little rally (by the way he denied the 68 vouchers for private school for the poor black children in D.C) until you can get him out of the white house please don't talk to me. People, not just black folks have to decide to change their own destiny. You don't get a government pass because your black.

uptownsteve said...


"Uptown, you hate it that much? You hate this president and his admin. for screwin'up so badly you're blaming it on someone else."


This President is cleaning up the mess the rightwingers created.

This is just part and parcel of the rightwing bizarro world where draft dodgers suddenly become war heroes, racists like Beck posture as "healers" and the crackpot policies which caused the economic collapse are being called up to save the economy?

Angel, if by some tragedy you are black, you are the biggest dupe since Forrest Gump.

Conservatives aren't your friends sweetheart.

They've opposed every form of black advancement since Reconstruction.

They're angry because a black man is their President.

Open your eyes my sister and unshackle your mind.

The righties are talking about revoking the 14th Amendment!!!

They say it's about "anchor babies but what really bothers rightwingers is the equal protection clause of the amendment.

First it's the immigrant babies and then its blacks, browns, non-christians and "the gays".


Anonymous said...

I didn't know Glenn Becks position on gay marriage, thats a new one for me--the spirit was 'right' but 8/28 was wrong because he's a Mormon, and if you read on what they believed, and deny, it would make UTS correct on many things. their 'prophet' Joseph Smith was a RACIST he believed blacks were black because of the 'curse of cain' in the 'pre=existance' although they tried to deny that after 1978

Unknown said...

Well said, Angel. Anon, yes, Beck is neutral(?) on gay marriage. But so what? You will never agree with any other person on every single issue. This is why the Left-Right, Republican-Democrat labels are just that: labels. They can never describe a whole person, people being way more complicated than any volume of ideas. Listen, learn, make your own conclusions.

Angel said...

Up Steve
Wow! I am bi-racial like our dear President. My mother marched and integrated a public school (she is a proud Christian Conservative, YES). Sometimes, she cries because she feels black folks were better off in some regards when they had a sense of pride and hard work. Now, BET, trashy music, fatherless, welfare, etc. Also, I don't hate our President (I pray for him, cause anything is better than Joe Biden), I just disagree with his policies. You are looking for togetherness and it's not happening because we all get an individual chance to choose. I just graduated from college after being laid off. What did I do? I took my life and put it into God's hand and let him direct me. While in school my husband and I had two additional children. Did the government take care of us, No. We scaled down our home and our lifestyle. WE ARE MAKING OUR WAY PROSPEROUS with GOD's help. Jesus will always be the way. Again, you are a traditional liberal to me; angry, aggressive and down right mean. Hey, all I can do is pray. Oh, I do hate labels as well and I believe in individual candidates. God Bless!

MrsGrapevine said...

Well my mother was a Democrat and I am Democrat, and guess what? We've never been depended on the government or government aid. Guess what, we know lots of other blacks who have NEVER been on government aid, who also voted Democrat. But I do know some Conservatives who live in my neighborhood who claim they had to use government assistant to get through hard times, "But they paid it back with their taxes"...

I do know some Democrats who also have used government aid, as well, and turned their lives around.

I belong to a church, too. God has blessed me, a Democrat with businesses to carry me through. He has also blessed many other people in my church to network and continually find jobs during this recession. The more I tithe, the more blessing I have received.

This stereotyping is funny because all of you also know blacks that voted Democrat who hasn't used welfare or government aid to survive. But even knowing those individuals, you still think blacks vote Democrat because they want hand-outs. That would be like me saying the rich Wall street cats only vote Republican because they want government hand-outs (oh! wait that may be true lol...j/k)

Blacks are always divided over some of the most trivial issues. Voting left or right is not going to change our problems. Especially when out politics are founded on stereotypes and lies. We use to put church and family first, and now our covetous nature has a lot to do with our problems. This is not something that politics taught us, this is something we learned from the world. We all need more faith and less worldly concerns.

ar said...


"...We use to put church and family first, and now our covetous nature has a lot to do with our problems. This is not something that politics taught us, this is something we learned from the world. We all need more faith and less worldly concerns."

Grape, i have a question. Do you think it's our fault (christians) for not being "christian" enough that got us in this mess?

ar said...

Would the amazing uttown care to say where all these numbers originate?

"The percentage of the black population with high school degrees has shot up from 66% in 1990 to over 83% today, college graduate rates increased 42% between 1990 and 1995, and continue to increase at a substantially higher rate than the population in general, Almost 1/3 of all African Americans between the ages of 18 and 24 are in enrolled in higher education - that is up from 20% in 1990. Blacks who do achieve a degree, are 3 times more likely than their white counterparts to get a post-grad. 12% of the black population between 25 and 35 is pursuing higher education, vs. 9.8% of whites."


MrsGrapevine said...

@ Ar:

I wasn't blaming Christians for the mess we're in, I was saying lack of Christianity and faith (even from other religions) have contributed the mess we're in.

When people rely on the world, government, and corporations to raise their children, then we have a problem.

When people want bigger houses that they can't afford, and coveting things they can only obtain through debt, then we have a problem.

When Christian folk are getting divorced at a faster rate than secular couples, we have a problem. When single women are having more babies than married women we have a problem.

When people are turning to anti-depressant drugs, alcohol, and extra curricular activities instead of faith, then we have a problem.

Just because it's your right to do it, doesn't mean it's right to do it.

I'm not perfect and I struggle everyday, but I know I am a better person with Christ than without. I am blessed to be a stay at home mother who can shape her sons views and education.

Just a conservative girl said...

I could easily be incorrect, but the only thing I have ever heard him say about Gay marriage was in a discussion that was about social issues and he his comment was that he would leave that for others to discuss.

The context of that conversation is not being taken into consideration. IMO.

He just said that he was going into a different direction and that there were plenty of other talking heads to discuss the more social issues. I would believe that he is against gay marriage.

Anonymous said...

ar and uts; who is going for higher education these days are black WOMEN not black MEN as much..i would like to see this change..we need to push the math and sciences among black MEN as well, since we are competing worldwide

ar said...

Thank you, grape.

The reason i asked was i think a lot of people associate themselves more toward the "guilty" end of this statement, when it is absolutely provable to be incorrect, whether they realize yet, or not. That statement being: christians should have done a better job.

Obviously, I refer to the whore and bitch that has persued us since... for damned ever, trying to erase Jesus Christ from our minds. And, which is also de-education of our youth, as is provable by listening or reading what they write-if they can, if you can figure out the spelling.

It is my contention we as a people is the US particularly, are realizing this to varying degrees.

When it becomes personal, is one way "vested" interest enters the situation. Or, in other words, it usually gets someone off their butt to do something about it. The other way is to study our founding documents, which i believe are inspired of God, they are higher principled.

Ages ago, as i have mentioned in the past, i was active in trying to keep prayer in schools. Active, always active and watching and waiting at every turn, is eventually how i see the years' tolls take it's shape on americans.

Vested interest of a people has been taught out of our youth, society, by SOMEONE on purpose and i get terrilby irate when someone is guilting themselves out of right-standing. I believe (almost)the counter reformation has worked. No one says anything about who is running the US and why no one knows who it is.

I don't watch Beck; often times i get creeped out because he follows what I have thot. I did my history, still am, so did he. I listen to radio if i am near one or can while working. The only thing i have to say is: he has read the same demise for america that i have. He has warned people to get the hell busy and find it out - and he says we have been - you have to "vest" that for yourself.

So far, lots of folks seem to be figuring out what they Don't want, right, Barry, Eric, Joe? Perhaps what people want will be evident before it's too late. I think so.

Beck's hollow piety is true. Thanks Alan Keyes. His truth is not filled with piety. He's in error, is all. A stronger voice is WHERE?, Alan. Are you helping?

Of course he is. He's helping americans "clear their throat".

Beyond-The-Spectrum said...

Alan of a few ORIGINAL Black Conservatives who people should stop and listen to. He's not as entrenched in the Establishment as most others.

Digital Publius said...

Good stuff CBW, I wrote a similar article, I wish I could say the comments I received surprised me, but they didn't. Many of us say we believe in God, but very few of us actually believe God.

MrsGrapevine said...


I disagree with you. The people you side with claim to be Christians, but a lot of time I see behavior from them that is just counter to the fact in my opinion. I'm not talking about sinning. I'm talk about ideology.

The bible is very clear that we will be deceived by what appears to be a Christian, what appears to be a man of God. No one on the right believed in Obama (they think he's Muslim), so it's obvious to me, he's not the person evil one.

The person to watch will be someone who deceives the Christians of this nation. That's why I am more skeptical of these "Christian Conservatives" like Bush.

Then today, I find out Christine O'Donnell the Tea Party candidate from Delaware dabbled in satanism. I have my guards up again.

I feel like on the left you know who the wolves are, but on the right I feel there are a lot of wolves in sheep clothing, and a lot of Christians are going to follow blindly.

Obama may have some bad policies (in your opinion), but I don't think he's inherently evil.

Anonymous said...

Beck is not the center of any movement. He's a teacher who has deliberately limited his material to that which does NOT divide Christian from non Christian. He is recommending God be a part of everyone's life. Farah makes the same mistake as Keyes, thinking that because Beck says we need God, he SHOULD be saying that we all need to be Christians, and that anything un-Christian in Beck's presentation invalidates it.

I personally don't give a hoot what Beck believes about religion. I know my Savior and what He wants from me. I have been to very large gatherings, the original 912 and Beck's 828, and there is no obvious clue to me that large crowds of people are idolizing/following Beck per se. They're not. They're paying attention, and Beck's pointing out things people recognize they need to know. I wish our side would stop pretending that Beck is trying to lead a religious movement. He's just trying to bring God back into the public square, and you should make of Him what you will.

I think Beck is a reluctant answerer of a call on his life. He isn't any smarter than the rest of us, and he can be wrong on issues, and IS. That doesn't bother me in the least. I wish others could be as equitable in their view of Beck. He does a valuable job that needed doing, and nobody else stepped up. Thank God for that. I will read my Bible, not my Beck newsletter, to find out what God wants from me specifically. Beck is wrong on gay marriage and wrong to dismiss the very valid question of why Obama has not shown grades, writings, birth certificate (long form, Hawaii, they are visible online and he has NOT shown his), etc etc. Lots to learn, and it is being hidden from us.

But Beck is not a 'religious leader'. He's an alarm clock for our consciences. That's all.

Dave in Dallas

Anonymous said...

btw Mrs. Grapevine, Christine O'Donnell was dating a guy, and very early in the relationship he tried to get her interested in "witchcraft", which is not satanism at all, more like paganism. She discovered very quickly, at age 17, that she was not interested in it.

That is not "dabbling", that is high school romance. Later, she was saved, and was never at any risk of "being a witch" or "practicing witchcraft" or anything else.

She is a Christian, has been one for a long time. Bill Maher was mocking her Christianity 15 years ago.

The BrabMan said...

"Whatever his outward show of piety, by joining with those who DECLINE TO BATTLE this insidious destruction of the BASIC PREMISE OF LIBERTY, Beck reveals that, for political purposes, his piety is hollow."

Brothers. Sisters. I believe Alan Keyes to be a towering intellect but right here, right now? He appears to be a (common) blustering, pompous ignoramus.

Aside from the speciousness of his article, which I will deal with second, the audacity of Keyes to pass judgement on *ANY* man's intentions, *ANY* man's soul-searching, *ANY* man's inner dialog is the height of hubris, and Mr. Keyes has clearly over-stepped the bounds of decency here. Condemning *ANYONE* for failing to take any specific action that you require, simply to impress you and prove a POLITICAL point? Excuse me? Who died and made you God Almighty, Mr. Keyes? I challenge you or any of your supporters to explain yourself: why must Beck, who is engaged in more battles right now than most of us will ever have to engage in during the course of our (hopefully long) lives - why must he take on another issue? Why should he engage, unless he feels strongly about it to WANT to engage? You condemn a man for not expressing YOUR level of outrage on the issue? To hell with you then, oh great and powerful Oz! I am not outraged either! I am not likely to become outraged either. The great homosexual debate will eventually wither and die on its own (the argument is about behavior/misbehavior) - it does not need me to fan the flames and keep the issue alive.

Second, the fallacious argument. Explain this, please: Homosexuality is responsible for the destruction of WHAT basic premise of liberty? This statement is completely empty of substance, containing only some lofty rhetoric and buzzwords to get us conservatives riled up. So, again - WHAT basic premise of LIBERTY is under assault because homosexuals want "in" on the holy sacrament of marriage? I've given this five minutes, and cannot make any sense of it. So spell it out for me, if you please. Or if you can. According to the Constitution, we are endowed with liberty by God, our creator. So explain how anything of this world can threaten a gift from God. The truth is that our liberties are under assault by those who don't have enough sense to keep themselves from giving them up/sacrificing them willfully (in exchange for government largesse) and by those opportunistic and power-hungry elitists who would position themselves as rulers over these self-destructive nitwits.

Here's the deal - nit-picking our conservative brethren only benefits our common enemies. Satan and his minions feel a thrill of victory whenever we snipe at each other. I would recommend that Mr. Keyes allow people to pick their own battles, and fight those fights that they feel intellectually and emotionally equipped to fight. There are plenty of heavy-weights fighting on the "homosexual corruption of marriage" front that we need not have "all hands on deck" for this battle. Think about it - why have "all hands on deck" for every single battle? All that will do is make us all battle weary. How about this instead - let Glenn do what he is good at and fight the battles that he is obviously winning. You do what you are good at and fight whatever battles you are winning. I think this "division of labor" will see us through to ultimate victory and, perhaps, to some sense of esprit de corps

And when we feel the need for some direction because we can't make up our own minds, we will ask for your opinion on what battle you think we should fight, OK?

Now, on to Mr. Keyes' second sentence......

CAPBLACK said...


I've always found Alan Keyes to be unambiguous about his stances and thus respect his, even where we differ. I wish he'd won the GOP nomination because he's the conservative many wish they were. lol. I'm a moderate-conservative ( self-described Hood conservative ) and have my own view of Gay marriage and/or civil unions as a purely legal matter. Glenn Beck however, hoodwinks many on various topics, including PR hungry Black conservatives who should always be more prone to look before they leap than other peers.

taipan55 said...

CBW, I re-read your summation:

"In my humble opinion Alan Keyes not only has great and admirable intellect but a brilliant theological mind!!!!

In light of my newly adopted political atheism and realization that the grass-root Tea Party movement has been co-opted, provocateured, and infiltrated by media whores and manipulated lovers of mammon, I will not be a useful idiot for those invisible hands who have hi-jacked not only the Tea Party movement but the RNC & the DNC. It was painful to write that because the Americans who attend these rallies are NOT THE PROBLEM and are earnestly seeking to counter the usurpation of our liberty and the tyranny that awaits us if we don't wake up. But, the sad reality is that the folks who need to hear, glean and internalize the message of liberty & freedom will not be in attendance. Neither will the media accurately portray what goes on at the rally....I've been to enough Tea Party rallies at this point to KNOW that is the case. So, what is the solution? 2 Chronicles 7:14 is the solution.

If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.

The only solution!"

I can only say: Amen, Sister!!!
Lord knows I recognized the same thing!!!