Tuesday, July 27, 2010

The Story Of Your Enslavement

This video is my answer to those who question what the Tea Party Movement is about. It's about Freedom. Unfortunately, racism chasing Black folks are under the mistaken impression that it is only Black people who have been enslaved in this country. As well as the mistaken belief that the Tea Party Movement is about the continued "oppression" of Black people. Hopefully little video will help those who wish to "leave the farm" and in the case of racism chasing Black folks "leave the plantation" to do so:

Transcript: (My comments in red as usual)
This is the story of your enslavement; how it came to be, and you can finally be free.
Like all animals, human beings want to dominate and exploit the resources around them.
At first, we mostly hunted and fished and ate off the land - but then something magical and terrible happened to our minds.

We became, alone among the animals, afraid of death, and of future loss.
And this was the start of a great tragedy, and an even greater possibility...

You see, when we became afraid of death, of injury, and imprisonment, we became controllable -- and so valuable -- in a way that no other resource could ever be.

The greatest resource for any human being to control is not natural resources, or tools, or animals or land -- but other human beings.

You can frighten an animal, because animals are afraid of pain in the moment, but you cannot frighten an animal with a loss of liberty, or with torture or imprisonment in the future, because animals have very little sense of tomorrow. You cannot threaten a cow with torture, or a sheep with death. You cannot swing a sword at a tree and scream at it to produce more fruit, or hold a burning torch to a field and demand more wheat. You cannot get more eggs by threatening a hen - but you can get a man to give you his eggs by threatening him.

Human farming has been the most profitable -- and destructive -- occupation throughout history, and it is now reaching its destructive climax. [Globalist New World Order Agenda, has changed gears. They are in acceleration mode]

Human society cannot be rationally understood until it is seen for what it is: a series of farms where human farmers own human livestock.

Some people get confused because governments provide healthcare and water and education and roads, and thus imagine that there is some benevolence at work. [People like Shirley Sharrod, Joe Madison, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Van Jones, Uptown Steve and Pookie and 'em}

Nothing could be further from reality.

Farmers provide healthcare and irrigation and training to their livestock.

Some people get confused because we are allowed certain liberties, and thus imagine that our government protects our freedoms.

But farmers plant their crops a certain distance apart to increase their yields -- and will allow certain animals larger stalls or fields if it means they will produce more meat and milk. In your country, your tax farm, your farmer grants you certain freedoms not because he cares about your liberties, but because he wants to increase his profits. Are you beginning to see the nature of the cage you were born into?

There have been four major phases of human farming:

The first phase, in ancient Egypt, was direct and brutal human compulsion. Human bodies were controlled, but the creative productivity of the human mind remained outside the reach of the whip and the brand and the shackles. Slaves remained woefully underproductive, and required enormous resources to control.

The second phase was the Roman model, wherein slaves were granted some capacity for freedom, ingenuity and creativity, which raised their productivity. This increased the wealth of Rome, and thus the tax income of the Roman government - and with this additional wealth, Rome became an empire, destroying the economic freedoms that fed its power, and collapsed. I'm sure that this does not seem entirely unfamiliar.

After the collapse of Rome, the feudal model introduced the concept of livestock ownership and taxation. Instead of being directly owned, peasants farmed land that they could retain as long as they paid off the local warlords. This model broke down due to the continual subdivision of productive land, and was destroyed during the Enclosure movement, when land was consolidated, and hundreds of thousands of peasants were kicked off their ancestral lands, because new farming techniques made larger farms more productive with fewer people. The increased productivity of the late Middle Ages created the excess food required for the expansion of towns and cities, which in turn gave rise to the modern Democratic model of human ownership.
As displaced peasants flooded into the cities, a huge stock of cheap human capital became available to the rising industrialists - and the ruling class of human farmers quickly realized that they could make more money by letting their livestock choose their own occupations.

Under the Democratic model, direct slave ownership has been replaced by the Mafia model. The Mafia rarely owns businesses directly, but rather sends thugs around once a month to steal from the business "owners."
You are now allowed to choose your own occupation, which raises your productivity - and thus the taxes you can pay to your masters. Your few freedoms are preserved because they are profitable to your owners.
The great challenge of the Democratic model is that increases in wealth and freedom threaten the farmers. The ruling classes initially profit from a relatively free market in capital and labor, but as their livestock become more used to their freedoms and growing wealth, they begin to question why they need rulers at all. [emphasis added]

Ah well. Nobody ever said that human farming was easy.

Keeping the tax livestock securely in the compounds of the ruling classes is a three phase process:

The first is to indoctrinate the young through government "education." As the wealth of democratic countries grew, government schools were universally inflicted in order to control the thoughts and souls of the livestock. - (emphasis added)  [That explains why Black Quasi-Socialist Progressive Fundamentalist Racism Chasers and the unwashed dumb-downed masses who buy into their rhetoric can not process the world outside of  race. The racism is systemic in American society as white privilege is the status-quo  meme is what is pounded into the heads and hearts of every black child in America]

The second is to turn citizens against each other through the creation of dependent livestock.(emphasis added) [The author is not taking about welfare recipients here. He is referring to those on the Farmer's payroll --think foundations, government officials, elected officials]

It is very difficult to rule human beings directly through force -- and where it can be achieved, it remains cripplingly underproductive, as can be seen in North Korea. Human beings do not breed well or produce efficiently in direct captivity.

If human beings believe that they are free, then they will produce much more for their farmers. The best way to maintain this illusion of freedom is to put some of the livestock on the payroll of the farmer. Those cows that become dependent on the existing hierarchy will then attack any other cows who point out the violence, hypocrisy and immorality of human ownership. (emphasis added)

Freedom is slavery, and slavery is freedom. [The actual quote by George Orwell is "Freedom is Slavery and Ignorance is strength" well ain't that the truth from the Globalist perspective. As long as they keep us stupid supplying us was a steady stream of entertainment and disinformation they keep their power/strength]

If you can get the cows to attack each other whenever anybody brings up the reality of their situation, then you don't have to spend nearly as much controlling them directly. [The comment section of my blogs are veritable petri dishes for this phenomena. See how Black Conservatives are attacked by telling the truth about the pathology that has taken hold of  Black people in America?]

Those cows who become dependent upon the stolen largess of the farmer will violently oppose any questioning of the virtue of human ownership -- and the intellectual and artistic classes, always and forever dependent upon the farmers -- will say, to anyone who demands freedom from ownership: "You will harm your fellow cows." (emphasis added) [Think back to the Shirley Sharrod video where she impunes anyone opposed to Healthcare Reform, or the Tim Wises' of the world who feel like government and noble and enlightened White folks  need to take good and special care of  "our negroes" -- well he didn't actually say that but that what he implies in his writings. As if by being black you are forevermore part of a "protected class"-- oh my goodness it's just sickening and infuriating!!!! You know, I can't figure out how Black men aren't enraged by this!!??!! It's such a condensing point of view -- how emasculating!!!???]

The livestock are kept enclosed by shifting the moral responsibility for the destructiveness of a violent system to those who demand real freedom. [Here is the narrative of that reasoning "Conservatives/Republicans only care about the lives of black children while they are in utero but don't give a damn after the baby is born". How damn warped is that?  What they are really saying is black life is so worthless that they support extinguishing it before it is born because "conservatives" aren't going to care about it after it's born. How utterly insane is that? That's the part  with the prevailing pathology afflicting  too many  black folks -- looking outside of our homes for someone to give a damn about our families instead of taking responsibility ourselves. If that weren't so, why would they even fathom that "someone" other than the Mama & Daddy or hell just the Mama (truth be told) should be concerned about the "fetus" outside of the womb?]
The third phase is to invent continual external threats, so that the frightened livestock cling to the "protection" of the farmers. [This is known as the Hegelian Dialectic the critical process by which the ruling elite create a problem, anticipating in advance the reaction that the people will have to the given crisis, and thereby conditioning the people that a change is needed. When the people are properly conditioned (manipulated), the desired agenda of the ruling elite is presented as the solution (Barack Obama). The solution isn't intended to solve the problem but rather to effect public policy change -- "never let a good crisis go to waste" type of  "hope and change" -- ya feel me?]

This system of human farming is now nearing its end. [This is the key point you need to wrap your head around. At least research it. Try to disprove it if you don't believe it. Get informed!!!!]

The terrible tragedy of the modern American system has occurred not in spite of, but because of past economic freedoms.

The massive increases in American wealth throughout the 19th century resulted from economic freedom -- and it was this very increase in wealth that fed the size and power of the state. Whenever the livestock become exponentially more productive, you get a corresponding increase in the number of farmers and their dependents.

The growth of the state is always proportional to the preceding economic freedoms. Economic freedoms create wealth, and the wealth attracts more thieves and political parasites, whose greed then destroys the economic freedoms. [Think about it....Progressive INCOME TAX is not voluntary -- it's compulsory and some say unconstitutional. What's more parasitic than taxing your LABOR, taxing your WORK, taxing the SWEAT of YOUR BROW -- it's sick when you really think about it]

In other words, freedom metastasizes the cancer of the state.

The government that starts off the smallest will always end up the largest.

This is why there can be no viable and sustainable alternative to a truly free and peaceful society.  [Well, that's depressing. But so it is when you live in a fallen world I guess]

A society without political rulers, without human ownership, without the violence of taxation and statism...[I think that's called Heaven]

To be truly free is both very easy, and very hard.

We avoid the horror of our enslavement because it is painful to see it directly.

We dance around the violence of our dying system because we fear the attacks of our fellow livestock.[Personally, I don't give a tinkers damn about those attacks]

But we can only be kept in the cages we refuse to see. (emphasis added)

Awaken, Matrix-babies... [Wake up Black People -- Especially the Racism Chasin' Black People]

To see the farm is to leave it. [To see that this Farm/Plantation  bigger and badder than the Middle Passage is to leave it--stop being the useful idiots of the Globalist]


taipan55 said...

I have preached this for years and many times it feels like I have not gotten through at all, on any level. At some point maybe some will understand that they are still on the "plantation" (as it applies to black americans) and then make a choice to leave it. It infuriates me that so many have been duped, hoodwinked and bamboozled into accepting their condition as inevitable and "normal". It is not!!!

Anonymous said...

Yeah taipan55: were the only group that DOESNT split our vote. even gays and native americans vote republican once in a while...Although in november, i think it's going to change and more blacks will vote conservative..Thats my belief

Smile said...

This is one of my favorite posts. Thank you, CBW. Always, your efforts are appreciated.

The Griper said...

an excellent post, me lady. words written worthy of being called "Words of Wisdom".

F. L. Anderson said...

Wow! Very enlighting.

Great job sis.

Anonymous said...

CBW, thanks for your well thought out post and thanks for pointing out Shirley Sherrod's behavior with the rest of the plantation thinking.


Anonymous said...

Outstanding CBW. Always look forware to a new post on this blog.

Constructive Feedback said...


You know that when Uptown Steve sees this he is going to focus on YOU rather than the video, right?

Joe Clyde said...

"If you can get the cows to attack each other whenever anybody brings up the reality of their situation, then you don't have to spend nearly as much controlling them directly."

Isn't that what Black conservatives do daily. Attack each other (other Black People)?

Any seriously. I get it about society, and how people are sheep. Point taken.

But how about getting to reality. This is no different than the Black Muslims preaching on the corner. Ok, now what.

There is not going to be any third party. People are not going to over throw the government. This smoke and mirrors is just passing the buck still.

Until Blacks care more about doing for themselves as a true community, and stop caring about getting brownie points from their white friends. Nothing is going to change. Illuminati or not.

Anonymous said...

The reason why so many minorities continue to misunderstand reality and vote Democrat is because they want FREE STUFF!!! They want the government to provide housing, food, cash, clothing, cars, whatever. They believe the government’s job is to give them a free lifestyle. One can never change the mind of someone who wants someone for nothing…that is simply the way they are. Some people want to work and have pride in their accomplishments and many do not. 1 + 1 = 2. It’s as simple as that. It’s a victim perspective that believes he or she deserves and is entitled to government handouts. They also believe White people are evil or the bad guy keeping them down rather than wanting to do something for himself or herself on their own merit. For many minorities, they see doing something on their own merit as hard work. It is easier to blame White people for their unsuccessful lives than it is to lay off the pot, move out of mom’s house, get off welfare, and get a job.

Anonymous said...

The reason why so many minorities continue to misunderstand reality and vote Democrat is because they want FREE STUFF!!! They want the government to provide housing, food, cash, clothing, cars, whatever. They believe the government’s job is to give them a free lifestyle. One can never change the mind of someone who wants someone for nothing…that is simply the way they are. Some people want to work and have pride in their accomplishments and many do not. 1 + 1 = 2. It’s as simple as that. It’s a victim perspective that believes he or she deserves and is entitled to government handouts. They also believe White people are evil or the bad guy keeping them down rather than wanting to do something for himself or herself on their own merit. For many minorities, they see doing something on their own merit as hard work. It is easier to blame White people for their unsuccessful lives than it is to lay off the pot, move out of mom’s house, get off welfare, and get a job.

Anonymous said...

An excellent book to look into is Eric Hoffer's "The True Believer". good reading given the times...

KyleNYC said...

Great, great post.

You say "They are in acceleration mode." And here's why:

a) Rev 12:12 "For this reason, rejoice, O heavens and you who dwell in them. Woe to the earth and the sea, because the devil has come down to you, having great wrath, knowing that he has only a short time."

b)Mar 13:20 "Unless the Lord had shortened those days, no life would have been saved; but for the sake of the elect, whom He chose, He shortened the days.

Keep it goin' sista, keep it goin'...

Joe Clyde said...


"The reason why so many minorities continue to misunderstand reality and vote Democrat is because they want FREE STUFF!!!"

This is the Conservative Attitude Towards Blacks in America. Then people wonder why so many vote Democratic. lol


It would be nice if it was even an original thought. But that would be expecting too much.

Anonymous said...

To @Anon

The reason why conservatives view minorities this way is because we SEE it everyday in our neighborhoods, communities, cities, states, and across the country. Many minorities DO expect the government to give them free stuff and a free and easy lifestyle without earning it on their own merit. I know this as a Hispanic woman myself and I see this attitude first hand everywhere I travel throughout the country and in my neighborhood, city, and state. I don’t see how you can be blind to this attitude many minorities have. It is evident everywhere. I speak to minorities in my line of work everyday and they TELL me they believe the government should support them in the various ways I mentioned in my earlier post. I know many minorities (both Hispanic and Black) who are on welfare throughout my state and the country. Conservatives believe this notion because it is TRUE! Open your eyes and ears my friend.

Unknown said...

Here, Here! I am glad to see people with a clue! Great work!

karthikeyan said...
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Joe Clyde said...


If I wanted to find a 3 legged dog. If I looked hard enough. I could find plenty.

That doesn't mean that all the dogs or even the majority of dogs are that way.

You have a bias towards minorities. You have a bias against the Democratic Party. So you look for what you believe and find it.

What you believe is only your opinion. That is not the Truth. I am under the opinion that yours is the common belief in the Republican Party. That my just be my bias. But that is why I refuse to support your Party. That is my truth.

Conservative Black Woman said...

JoeClyde~Why do you presume that Anon is a Republican -- just curious.

Anyone with half a brain cell has already figured out that corruption is bipartisan.

You are playing right into the hands of the elitists my friend. They want you to get caught up in the false Democrat, Republican meme. Wake up.

Personally, I've become a political atheist.

ar said...

Get everyone together that you know, Joe, and pull your head out of your ass, ok?

"We are the Government; and we are here to help."

That means; they have controlled every aspect of our lives and everyone thinks it's freedom in america. How screwed up is that? They feed us insecticides for healing and call it medicine. How screwed up is that?

Flouride is poisen. Brush your teeth with it or better yet DRINK RAT POISEN - it depletes ensymes for digesting food - slows down white blood-cells and prohibits them from combating deseases.

Spray the air with Aluminum, borium. ALL WAIST PRODUCTS Alcoa Aluminum. Republican Demoncrat is no difference - they are trying to KILL us inch by inch, brain cell by brain cell.

A Barrel of oil is worth at the most 120 dollars a barrel.

SMACK by the barrel rends $20 to 30 million. I can't drive my car to work but i can shove that shit up my nose for next to nothin.


The big pricks we need exposed is them fascist bastards in group Potomac. Washington is told what to do from New York - Egan. He gets his orders from the Black Pope - Everyone bows to Joe, Joe.

Ratzinger is told what to do too but for show and tell he pretties-up in scarlets and rubies while behind closed doors, they turned us a socialist state and no one thinks so - they apppear to be winning but the cats out of the bag. Their obvious blunderings are catching up to them and they are gonna choke in their own puke and i am going to make sure of it.

I want my country back. I want my money back. I want my brains back and i want Not to be told what to do, eat or enjoy. I teach my child what is right and wrong. I have and idea for a business and want one. I have and idea for several businesses; yet, goobermint showed up to help.

Commie-fascist pigs, they are. All of them. Mr. or Ms. Representative has helped get us here. They can kiss me hind-end.
I need them for nothing. Now that they need me for nothing, i am to go away? Fascist NWO.

wake up.

Rome’s Alien Roman Catholic Mexican Invasion Birthing Neo-Nazi White Fascism.


ar said...

Get everyone together that you know, Joe, and pull your head out of your ass, ok?

"We are the Government; and we are here to help."

That means; they have controlled every aspect of our lives and everyone thinks it's freedom in america. How screwed up is that? They feed us insecticides for healing and call it medicine. How screwed up is that?

Flouride is poisen. Brush your teeth with it or better yet DRINK RAT POISEN - it depletes ensymes for digesting food - slows down white blood-cells and prohibits them from combating deseases.

Spray the air with Aluminum, borium. ALL WAIST PRODUCTS Alcoa Aluminum. Republican Demoncrat is no difference - they are trying to KILL us inch by inch, brain cell by brain cell.

A Barrel of oil is worth at the most 120 dollars a barrel.

SMACK by the barrel rends $20 to 30 million. I can't drive my car to work but i can shove that shit up my nose for next to nothin.


The big pricks we need exposed is them fascist bastards in group Potomac. Washington is told what to do from New York - Egan. He gets his orders from the Black Pope - Everyone bows to Joe, Joe.

Ratzinger is told what to do too but for show and tell he pretties-up in scarlets and rubies while behind closed doors, they turned us a socialist state and no one thinks so - they apppear to be winning but the cats out of the bag. Their obvious blunderings are catching up to them and they are gonna choke in their own puke and i am going to make sure of it.

I want my country back. I want my money back. I want my brains back and i want Not to be told what to do, eat or enjoy. I teach my child what is right and wrong. I have and idea for a business and want one. I have and idea for several businesses; yet, goobermint showed up to help.

Commie-fascist pigs, they are. All of them. Mr. or Ms. Representative has helped get us here. They can kiss me hind-end.
I need them for nothing. Now that they need me for nothing, i am to go away? Fascist NWO.

wake up.

Rome’s Alien Roman Catholic Mexican Invasion Birthing Neo-Nazi White Fascism.


Anonymous said...

Amen gang! For those who have figured out that both the Republicans AND the Democrats are corrupt…Halleluiah! We need more intelligent individuals and less dummies who are partisan idiots! Of course, I know that anyone who still supports the Bushes’, John McCain, and Lindsey Graham as a Republican are idiots well as. But, the most ignorant are the partisan Democrats. These people actually believe the Democratic party cares to help Black people, minorities, women, children, the elderly, and so on. Hilarious! The Democratic élites only care about brainwashing the dullards and becoming wealthy themselves. If you are a partisan Democrat…I am happy to tell you…you are a brainwashed dullard (i.e. @ Anon)! Same goes for the partisan Republicans who still support the corruption in Washington on their side of the fence. I am a conservative…don’t misunderstand that for a partisan moron like the rest of the sheep.

PS. No @Anon…I understand truth more so than you do…your truth may be your truth…but, it is still ignorant and brainwashed nonetheless. Poor fella’. Some people simply cannot be helped or saved. That is the nature of the fittest will survive concept this world operates on. You Sir are certainly not intelligent enough to understand what is right in front of all of our eyes. And, I suspect you never will have enough intelligence to get it. As an expert in IQ testing, I bet your IQ is average to below average…most likely below average. 100 and below for sure. I bet you voted for Obama and you still love him! Hilarious! They could close the casket on you and you still would be blind!

PSS. And, I am not a White person…I am a minority gal. So, you can put your misdirected White anger away on this post.

Anonymous said...

Anon, using your terminology, I guess there must be a great deal of "three legged dogs" around.

70% of African American children are born out of wedlock, 50% of Hispanic children are born out of wedlock, and 26% of White children are born out of wedlock. 70 and 50 percent are astounding numbers to deal with as a society. The majority of welfare recipients are commonly unwed single mothers. The cycle of poverty and generational welfare is rooted in these statistics. This issue is social and cultural.

The facts:
• About 80% of African Americans can expect to spend “a significant” portion of their childhood living without their biological father.*
• In 1990, almost 5 million children lived in neighborhoods in which single mothers were head of household in more than half of all families in those neighborhoods, 80% of those children were African Americans.*
• Nationally, over 19.2 million children live with single parents. About 3 million live with single fathers while over 16 million live with single mothers.*
• Most single mothers with children younger than 6 years old have never been married.*
• Unmarried parents accounted for over 30% of children born in 2000.*
• In 2000, among White mothers about 27% of all births were out-of-wedlock, among Hispanic mothers about 43% and Black mothers about 70%.*
• In 1996, over 9 million children under 18 years old who were born out of wedlock did not have a father who was legally identified.*
• Girls, whose mothers were teenagers at the time of their birth, are over 80% more likely to become teenage mothers as well.*
• In 1970, there were about 4 million divorced Americans. By 1998, the figure rose to over 19 million.*
• Since 1970, men have been divorcing at a median age between 32 and 36 years old.*
• About 60% of couples who divorce have at least one child.*
• Divorce is more common among people who marry before they are 21 years old, those who are not religious; those are of a lower socio-economic status and those who marry because of pregnancy.*
• Studies on families with a great deal of conflict suggest that children raised in those families do better if their parents stay together than if they divorced.*
• Studies suggest that boys might be more adversely affected by divorce than girls might. However, studies of college students suggest that girls whose parents divorced are more likely to develop depression, have problems in their relationships and have children out-of-wedlock.*
• Generally, people whose parents never divorced tend to feel more satisfied with their lives that others whose parents did.*
• Men who divorce are two times more likely to commit suicide than those who stay married.*
• One study suggested that children with stepfathers are three times more likely to be abused. Another indicated that 17% of female victims were sexually abused by their stepfather.*
• Biological parents are on average more loving towards their children than stepparents are. Stepparents also tend to be more hostile and indifferent towards step-children.*
• Problems associated with single parenting do not disappear when single mothers marry.*
• The fathers of over 1 million children in the United States are in prison.*
• African American children are 9 times more likely than White children are, to have an incarcerated parent.*

*Reproduced from “Father Facts,” Fourth Edition (2002), with permission from the National Fatherhood Initiative.

Anonymous said...

More facts:

Pollster Stanley Greenberg found that 70% of single unwed mothers voted for Obama. Gee….I wonder who that 70% were…hhhmmm…maybe individuals who were voting to keep their welfare checks, free housing, and cash assistance???

Obama’s health care for unwed mothers is $2000 less for them than it is for others. That means everyone else who isn’t an unwed mother (and who works) is paying 2 grand more for their health care with this new tax! Democrats make policies to harm the traditional family and to promote unwed mothers and absent fathers in minority and low income communities. They get more freebies if they have children as unmarried women and girls while the men still hover around them for financial support.

Among the poorest of the poor, single mothers living below the poverty line, with minor children to support on AFDC:
White 38.1%
Black 39.7%

The White population in the US is 50% White and 12% Black. That means more Black individuals are on welfare than White in comparison to the total population numbers in the US. This is a loyal, ignorant voting block for the Democrats.

Conservatives believe government assistance is bad for minority communities, low income communities, and society as a whole because it places individuals in a cycle of poverty. In addition, and more importantly, this lifestyle creates a mindset that government assistance is ok and entitlements are deserved. It also discourages marriages and encourages children being raised by single mothers. All of these factors are devastating to society at large and the individuals on government assistance. Democrat policies that create these “lifestyles” seek to promote disruption in the family and generational poverty.
Some of my favorite quotes:
The Constitution only gives people the right to pursue happiness. You have to catch it yourself.
Benjamin Franklin
"I am for doing good to the poor, but I differ in opinion of the means. I think the best way of doing good to the poor, is not making them easy in poverty, but leading or driving them out of it. In my youth I traveled much, and I observed in different countries, that the more public provisions were made for the poor, the less they provided for themselves, and of course became poorer. And, on the contrary, the less was done for them, the more they did for themselves, and became richer." - Relating to prices and the poor, 1766
Benjamin Franklin

Dr. John McWhorter on Welfare reform (uTube)

Dr. John McWhorter:
Hurricane Katrina, A Discussion on the Roots of Poverty (uTube)

Dr. Shelby Steele:
A message to the Black Militants: You're The Uncle Toms! (uTube)

Dr. Shelby Steele on Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson (uTube)

uptownsteve said...


"At some point maybe some will understand that they are still on the "plantation" (as it applies to black americans) and then make a choice to leave it. It infuriates me that so many have been duped, hoodwinked and bamboozled into accepting their condition as inevitable and "normal"."

Lord, you black coonservatives are absolutely INSANE.

You kiss the asses of white racists, support a politically that doesn't even WANT your support, doesn't have a black elected official of note and the rest of US have the problem?

CBW now carries massas water by claiming that blacks weren't the only folks who were enslaved in America but fails to produce any examples of Americas other slaves!

White racists come on this board and congratulate you for being so "different" from other black folks and that in and of itself doesn't convince you of their racism?

Pathetic. Just pathetic.

uptownsteve said...

There is nothing to indicate the Republican Party has been a "viable" Party for minority voters since Raygun.

Indeed, the current misfits and misanthropes who have come to dominate the Republican Party are the antithesis of the very foundations of fairness and justice for all which started in this country a scant 45 years ago with the Civil Rights Act.


Joe Clyde said...


"JoeClyde~Why do you presume that Anon is a Republican -- just curious. "

This is a conservative Black woman site. I have read comments from other self professed conservative republicans whose comments could be taken word for word from that Anon. So it isn't really a stretch to associate the two.

I'm probably biased myself to think so anyway.

"Anyone with half a brain cell has already figured out that corruption is bipartisan. "

12 years of Right/Left, Blue/Red, and Liberal/Conservative have probably set my brain.

Joe Clyde said...


"For those who have figured out that both the Republicans AND the Democrats are corrupt…Halleluiah! We need more intelligent individuals and less dummies who are partisan idiots! Of course, I know that anyone who still supports the Bushes’, John McCain, and Lindsey Graham as a Republican are idiots well as. But, the most ignorant are the partisan Democrats. "

That was funny.

Anonymous said...

Uptown Steve, I have to admit admire your typical black talk in regards to politics, liberal style;this is too funny:
"White racists come on this board and congratulate you for being so "different" from other black folks and that in and of itself doesn't convince you of their racism?"
I would like to think that whites come to this board because they know there are intelligent, forward thinking blacks who do not believe the bull about racism, social policy etc..that certain leaders have been shoving down their throats for years. You see, some people know they are free, others, well, we are trying to help you realize it. It is not normal thinking, it's salvery all over again. Most blacks are conservative in there thinking anyway, too scare to leave the party for fear of....?????

Anonymous said...

Hello ipan55,
When you look in the mirror and see a Black person rather than an American…that is the root of your problem. You are so caught up in White hatred and Republican hatred that you cannot see the truth. Are we still going to be hearing Black folks cry racism 100 years from now? When will you ever get over your skin color and your hatred for conservatives and see that we are all Americans…not Black people versus White people.

Conservatives are not fighting to keep Black folks from achieving the American dream…we want that for everyone. When will you see that? It is about the Constitution, our individual rights and freedoms, and less government control over our lives. It is not about Black people versus White people. Until you get over that personal problem, you will never see and understand that conservatives could care less about the color of your skin…we care about our freedom to live freely and without government tyranny.

Until you can look in the mirror and see an American, you will only see this debate as one of Black versus White…which is so far removed from reality.

Written by a non-racist, minority gal…not a White racist!

Please watch the videos I posted below by Shelby Steele.

Dr. Shelby Steele:
A message to the Black Militants: You're The Uncle Toms! (uTube)

Dr. Shelby Steele on Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson (uTube)

Anonymous said...

Uptownsteve stated, “You kiss the asses of white racists, support a politically that doesn't even WANT your support, doesn't have a black elected official of note and the rest of US have the problem?”

It is always so easy to discount the comments of partisan Democrats because typically they operate free of research, critical thinking, data, facts, or statists. They typically think based upon emotion rather than rational and intellectual thought processes.

At least you are here reading this blog Uptownsteve…maybe sooner or later you will learn something.

List of African-American Republicans

MLK Was A Republican

Black Republican History


PS. My last post just above this one was meant for Uptownsteve, not taipan55.

Conservative Black Woman said...

UptownSteve~CLEARLY, you have not watched the video or read the freaking comments.

This has nothing to do with democrats or republicans they both SUCK, THEY ARE BOTH CORRUPT, THEY ARE BOTH THE SAME!!!!

Good grief.

JoeClyde~I'm conservative -- as are most Black people. I'm not Republican (I've awakened) Now if only UTS and you would stop hating long enough to figure out that the two are you are much too "small time" to waste so much of your talent(I'm talking to you here not UTS) on defending a party (democrats)

Anonymous said...

Uptown Steve, why are you on conservative Black Woman's blog commenting? Yeah, I know, you want to be freed, you have doubts about the party you support or the movement. Tea Parties are actually for people like you, join one, get right next to that racist you keep worrying about that controls your thinking keeping you pulling the racist card and equality card. Not only have you enpowered them, they love people like you; "the us against them folks". Imagine with me for a moment if you supported your conservative views instead of hiding them to belong to the people's movement(liberal) that has you enslaved to think you fighting for a cause. Imagine what freedom you would have if you were fighting for the rights of ALL people, not just ones of the the same etnicity as you? UptownSteve, I do appreciate you, you know why, because you are why Black Conservative Woman started this blog, for people just like you!

uptownsteve said...


"JoeClyde~I'm conservative -- as are most Black people"

One minute you're saying that blacks want government to take care of them, the next you're claiming that most blacks are conservative..ie "less government".

Which one is it?

"Yeah, I know, you want to be freed, you have doubts about the party you support or the movement."


My party is not perfect but it's alot better than the one you support..

You remember?

The one whose convention looks like the Mormon Tabernacle Choir with a few black waiters?

The one which got this country into the fiscal mess we're trying to dig out of today?

The one which got us into two unnecessary and immoral wars to the tune of $5 billion per month?

Yeah sista, why don't you explain just exactly why you're a conservative if not for the joy of dancing for massa?

MrsGrapevine said...


Quote: "It is unbelievable how Black partisan Democrats will blindly support their party and the White élites at the top who run it! Hilarious!"

So the Conservatives don't have white elites! So Conservatives didn't blindly vote for Bush. So Conservatives don't have partisan

Or is it funny how people think they're so right and different when their just the pot calling the kettle black.

Quote: "We are not fighting against Black Democrats…as conservative; we are fighting against governmental tyranny and governmental control over our lives (i.e. socialism, communism, fascism, totalitarianism, etc.)."

But that fight didn't start for many of you until Obama took office. That fight should have started a long time ago, if it was really about government tyranny.

If that's the case then liberals have been for freedom 8 years of the Bush administration. Because we were certainly against unpaid tax cuts, unpaid wars, and unauthorized government intrusion via the "patriot" act.

I have a hard time understanding this new found passion against government tyranny, when so many people sat on the sidelines for the past 8 years and just allowed it to happen. I hope this new passion against communism is because they learned a lesson from the Bush administration, and not because they lost the power, and not because they have returned to the fear-mongering of the 1960's.

So excuse me, if black are skeptical but we have seen this type of "passion" before from "Conservatives.

MrsGrapevine said...


You are probably one of several who have called me names, too, but since you don't have an identity, is it really worth going there with you?

Probably not!

But to answer your questions, if you've read any of my previous post then you would no the answer.

P.S. -I guess you agree with the other stuff I wrote.

Anonymous said...

Great posts Mrs. Grapevine!
As a minority conservative I agree with many of your valid points! I WAS arguing against the Bush administration throughout the entire 8 years he was in office (even more so during the last 4). As a conservative, I didn’t even like Bush Sr. Many of your points in your posts are valid and accurate. That is my point. As a conservative, I DO see the corruption on both sides and I admit to the corruption in the Republican Party. That is why I no longer call myself a Republican, but a conservative.

PS. Congratulations on your successes as well as those of your family members! Bravo Smart Lady! We have more in common than you might believe.

Anonymous said...

“Not true! I betcha you look down on the poor blacks because of your success, don't you?”

I am annoyed by anyone who doesn’t work and earn their own way through life regardless of race or color.

ar said...

Oh, Grapevine. You're talking in circles, again.

"I have a hard time understanding this new found passion against government tyranny..."

There is No party but one party of tyranny, nothing else. I suspect you don't know what that means.

It means vote your hearts content and take what's given to you by One party of tyrants. You still think the president is fixing things all up nice that everyone else before him screwed up; namely Bush. He's not. He is doing the opposite of what it would take to turn jobs ON. He does the opposite of what He says - EVERY WORD. He is not here to help. He is here to take it down quick as he can before you wake up. WAKE-UP, my lovely, and smell the daylight.

Until the crooks are POINTED OUT this ball is going to keep rolling over us. You can argue til Christ comes, if you want, about what they are forcing upon us. It leaves us operating in the defense and I want offensive modes put on these foreign mf. They are NOT americans, in the least. THEY ARE THE ENEMY. I want another government. A constitutional republic, if anyone can remember what that was....

Waiting for pres. to fix it? That ain't no pres. Bush should have been hung, too. They all should hang. The thing is, they're scared as hell, grape, you'll wake up and learn just what it is they been doing to us, or everyone is lazy and slack and won't read all that stuff; and when you learn it all, come take my arm, we'll go there ourselves and remove every sob corrupt fascist pig we find and throw 'em in the street where they belong. We could dig up H. Hoover, first, and start with him; maybe the rest'll catch on.

The warnings the founders sounded against is before us in washington, Rome on the Potomac.

Our true enemy is there.

MrsGrapevine said...


Quote: "You still think the president is fixing things all up nice that everyone else before him screwed up; namely Bush."

As usual you're not reading the words I've written, because I didn't mention Obama or his administration fixing Bush's mess. The point which was clearly missed, is that everyone in the Tea Party who claims they are against government tyranny, are not. The reason the numbers weren't so great in the past is because many Conservatives who are now proud Tea Party members, did little or nothing to stand up to the tyranny right before their eyes.

The statement was not about Obama fixing Bush's mess, it was about people acting like they are against government Tyranny when in actuality they are just against this one particular administration.

We can make a bet now, that if Republicans regain power, anti-tyranny passion will cease and the Tea Party numbers will dwindle. Many so called "patriots" will fall back into the same scheme and allow their elected officials to do whatever, because they blindly believe the Republicans party equals Conservative. We all know now, that is NOT true.

Conservative Black Woman said...

MrsGrapevine~ You write: "I have a hard time understanding this new found passion against government tyranny, when so many people sat on the sidelines for the past 8 years and just allowed it to happen."

I can only speak for myself, and I have had an awakening -- an intellectual cognitive quickening, a renewal of my mind. WHY? I have to thank Obama for that. Based on what I learned about him through MY research, I couldn't believe that someone who is ineligible to be the President is the President -- Yes, I am a Birther (Even if he was born in Hawaii -- he isn't eligible his Indonesian citizenship which was necessary in order for him to attend school there would render him a naturalized citizen upon his return to the US and therefore ineligible to be POTUS. This was the first thing that tipped me off that something was wrong. Now it's not even about Obama for me. We have bigger problems in my opinion.

I must say MGV that those who do identify as liberal democrats are so damn petty.

You want to discount the merits of those who concerned that the United States is radically transforming to the point that we will all be serfs to the United Nations because people weren't complaining before Obama took office? You don't think that's a tad bit sophomoric? What difference does it make when people wake up as long as THEY WAKE THE HELL UP?!!!!?????

Anonymous said...

Ar and CBW…

I always tell people…the Bush administration took us to the cliff and the Obama administration is pushing us over it. They are on the same team.

Even if McCain would have won, he would have done the same thing. They are all progressives pretending to be Democrats and Republicans. Both sides want socialism slaves.

It is so annoying to run into minority Democrats who cry racism and believe this is a Black versus White people thing rather than understanding this is an American freedom versus socialist slavery thing. I could place two columns of rats who are in Congress and the Senate today and they both would add up to many crooks who need to be dragged into the street and thrown to the wolves. For sure, MOST incumbents on both sides need to go.

Has anyone ever noticed that school teachers, plumbers, care takers, housewives, blue collar, etc. are never in Washington or even run for office? Its always lawyers and wealthy business men. Has anyone ever noticed that when running, these crooks will put their own millions into the race? Why would someone put their own millions into a race if they didn’t know they would make millions more??? i.e. Hilary Clinton, Meg Whitman (running for governor in CA and put 50 + million of her own money in the race), and many others. It’s a scam on all sides. They get richer and we get poorer!

Do partisan Democrats even know that Clinton signed the NAFTA bill and that I why all our manufacturing jobs are oversees now and will NEVER come back. That law along with Free Trade laws ensure American jobs are gone forever to slave labor countries. Both Democrats and Republicans are destabilizing our economy, our dollar, and our jobs. And, both sides have no intention of changing it back…they are leading us to ruin more quickly than ever before. The reason why the Tea Partiers are out in droves under this administration is because this admin is doing it faster and more overtly than ever before.

Like I always say…the Bush administration took us to the cliff and the Obama administration is pushing us over it. They are on the same team.

ar said...

It is true they are the same animal and we were all born into it; it has gone on for so long, the obvious ruthlessness seems passe.

1888 excerpts of the preface to "Washington in the Lap of Rome" written by Justin D. Fulton.

"WASHINGTON in the Lap of Rome" has been
written to call the attention of the American
people to the great trust which has been betrayed,
and to the great work which devolves upon them.
It uncovers facts which will bring the blush of
shame to the cheek of the real Republican and
fill his soul with indignation. Fifteen thousand
department clerks are under the surveillance of
Rome. If it be not true, as is charged, that a
private wire runs from the White House, in
Washington, to the Cardinal s Palace, in Baltimore,
and that every important question touching the
interests of Romanism in America is placed before
his eye, before it becomes a public act, it is true
that the Cardinal is a factor in politics. Romanism
is the dominant power in the Capitol of the United
States. Lincoln, Grant, and Arthur withstood
it, and suffered the consequences. The power is
unseen. It is shadowy. It inhabits the air and
infects it. Romanism is the malaria of the spiritual
world. It stupefies the brain, deadens the heart,
and sears the conscience as with a hot iron.
It comes, as did the tempter, with gifts in its
hands, of rule, of power, and of wealth, to all who will fall down and worship it.

surrender to Rome of the Capital of the Great
Republic means death to liberty. The people of
all lands and climes are interested in the conflict.
The facts given will ripen the indignation of pure-minded men and women against the Jesuitical
foe, who no longer creeps under cover or hides
in the shadow of some wall, but stalks boldly
forth on his errand of wickedness. It is believed
that it will cause lovers of liberty to shake
themselves from their lethargy, and not only take
Washington out of the lap of Rome, but throttle the
monster threatening the future of the Republic,
and lift the nation to its rightful place as the
educator of mankind, the leader of the best thought,
and the personification of God's great purpose, in
placing within the area of an ocean-washed Republic
a free Church in a free State.

May God help the truth, is the prayer of

and Alan Remington

the book: http://www.archive.org/stream/washingtoninthel00fultuoft/washingtoninthel00fultuoft_djvu.txt

ar said...

Esquires - "Titles of nobility." and the (hidden) 13th Amendment.

"The U.S. Constitution thus contains a specific prohibition against titles of nobility, and a specific penalty for their use, i.e., the loss of citizenship and disability from holding public office. The loss of citizenship means that a Person who was born or naturalized a Citizen would lose that status and thereby become an "alien" with respect to the United States of America. Since the qualifications for serving in federal elective offices all require citizenship, an "alien" is, by definition, disqualified from eligibility for these offices (President, Senator, and Representative)."


Lawyers are not american citizens, never can be, holding such anti-republic capacities.

A short story about a painting and who are lawyers, anyway?

Anonymous said...

This is to Anon who wrote this:"I am annoyed by anyone who doesn’t work and earn their own way through life regardless of race or color."

She said she is annoyed.... still thinking about this one. Why would you need to be annoyed? Like Grapevine, you looked down on the little people at the botton because of your success. Yep, I know what type of person you are. Thanks! Please do not ask me to explain it, I am waiting for CBW to start a new thread.



Anonymous said...

Ar- thanks for posting the information about our governments history Anon thinks he/she is telling us something new.


Anonymous said...

Whoever wrote this is annoying…

“She said she is annoyed.... still thinking about this one. Why would you need to be annoyed?... you looked down on the little people at the botton because of your success.”

Why would I be annoyed you ask??? Because when people are not developing their skills, abilities, and talents…and, they choose to not develop themselves and WORK…I am annoyed at their laziness…not that they are the so called “little people” as you like to call them. UUUGGHHH!!! Pull your head out of your dumb ass for two seconds. You really are a lost soul and don’t understand the basics of life.

You must have a low IQ…it is evident in your lack of rational and cognitive thinking skills.

Success is about developing one’s abilities and USING them. Not sitting on one’s ass and complaining that others are the reason for their lack of success. Success is an outward manifestation of inner character. It is not about money…it is about inner character and work ethic. Money is also simply an outward manifestation of inner development and character.

But, you seem to be so simplistic and angry that you still won’t even understand my post as I suspect.

While you are busy being angry…the rest of the world is busy developing themselves and creating a better life for themselves…without pointing fingers outwardly that others are the problem. Your anger isn’t working for you.

Anonymous said...

Anon did you write this?
"The reason why so many minorities continue to misunderstand reality and vote Democrat is because they want FREE STUFF!!! "
Oh and let's not leave this out: "I don’t have a bias toward minorities or the Democratic party"


"Great posts Mrs. Grapevine!
As a minority conservative I agree with many of your valid points! I WAS arguing against the Bush administration throughout the entire 8 years he was in office (even more so during the last 4). As a conservative, I didn’t even like Bush Sr. Many of your points in your posts are valid and accurate. That is my point. As a conservative, I DO see the corruption on both sides and I admit to the corruption in the Republican Party. That is why I no longer call myself a Republican, but a conservative.

PS. Congratulations on your successes as well as those of your family members! Bravo Smart Lady! We have more in common than you might believe.

August 3, 2010 9:39 PM"
"Why would I be annoyed you ask??? Because when people are not developing their skills, abilities, and talents…and, they choose to not develop themselves and WORK…I am annoyed at their laziness…" Hmmm..their laziness?

Say it ain't so, anon- you are an elistist and you look down on the little poor people(just a phrase) because, you see, you're thinking;I've made it, so go and get yours!

There is more to it as to why certain blacks vote and think they way they do. Research it, PLEASE!!!
CBW is trying to educate not annihilate. Did you read the "The Story of Enslavement"?


ar said...

Grape. All I can say is, you have a mouthful of nothing worth while. You have parties twisted into something else you think is going on. wuwt?

See how well our goobermint education system turned knowledge inside out and backwards? People don't know what party is where nor when nor what the hell for.

Communists. Lazy communists. Corrupt communists - INSANE.

Anonymous said...

It is clear to me that Black liberals are truly hopeless. Enjoy your misery folks because MOST of it is of your own making. What you believe in your mind is what you create in your reality. You will always struggle because you cannot elevate your thinking. No one will save you or help you until you change how you think and how you view reality. You save yourself. If you see the world through the prism of a victim perspective, you will always be a victim. Democrat elites can throw their pennies at you, and if that is enough for you…than by all means, enjoy your misery.

Dr. Shelby Steele:
A message to the Black Militants: You're The Uncle Toms! (uTube)

uptownsteve said...

Nice Try Malcolm but I wasn't talking about conservative/libertarian columnists who would be satisfied with nothing less than a government collapse.

We were discussing the TEA PARTY.

You know the folks being weapons to rallies, carrying pictures of Obama with a bone through his nose, spitting on black congressmen, vowing to take back "their country" by any means necessary???

Where were they when Bush was running up the deficit to record numbers?

ar said...

Shut your eyes really tight and make sure not to watch your country being invaded. Don't you get that?, at all? The country has been invaded by foreigners.

The TEA PARTY knows it, the dems and repubs are hiding it and you are "Where were they when Bush was running up the deficit to record numbers?" obliviously helping. He ran up the deficit. We all know he did. Then Bush's brother Barry quadrupled it. Where has it ever been said Barry is a black man and who gives a shit? He is a fascist pig like the rest in washington.

They are disassembling(ed) the constitution, it no longer applies, for them. Don't exspect solutions to problems, either.

I carry a gun. I will carry a gun, either open carry or conceiled. The government take-over is why. Any idiot what thinks no guns for people, is deserving of what happens to them when this type of government has you by the balls and won't let go.

The Tea Party stands alone. It connects Not to either party's treasonous workings but demands accountability - FROM THE CRIMINALS gd it, man, wake up to the noose around our neck.

Foreigners operate the predator pit. Foreign bankers, foreigners for the U.N. and foreigners for presidents, friend.

Rome sent her JESUITS to run america's policies into the ground and put hers in place. To the tune of disfunctional illiterates knowing it not. Sorry, that's how it happened. Denying it, proves it so. I have been two years in the books learning this. I suggest others do the same; to point out our ENEMY - otherwise, to deny it is helping fascism in the works currently.

Since FDR communism has been sqeezing out and choking the republic - FROM BEHIND CLOSED DOORS from Rome, the Jesuit counter-reformation includes what we (I) detest operating on the potomac, Rome, despotic Rome. Annialator of all republics where free men are. Two hundred years of warnings, (yawn) what a bitch keeping up with all that stuff, anyways, ho-hum. What's for lunch, dear?

Washington dc said...

I am writing to ask for your permission to include your posts on
DCguide.com and include a link to your blog in our directory. We would
include a link back to your blog fully crediting you for your work
along with a profile about you listed on DCguide.com . Please let us
know as soon as possible.


Mike Thomas

Anonymous said...

It's nice to see a glimmer of common sense among other African American women. We have gone from one form of slavery to another, it drives me crazy as well. Despite our horrific history, we have access to the american dream. But the only way to grasp it, is to go after it. Success if the best revenge, not waiting for the government to bail us out. We're smart, driven, and proud.

We have a black president, but if we bow to him like a savior, it can only lead to disapointment and disillusionmment. Sister,I hear you loud and clear. Our kids are starved for hope, we've got to give it to them, thru our actions, not a bureaucrat. It's a personal experiance of acheivement based on using our talents, skills and abilities, hello!, not a handout! We're taking our freedon for granted. We were never meeant to be under the authority of a KING, guys. This is American let's embrace it! Yikes!!!!

ar said...

Progressives and libeals are the bane of the republic. The Jews have nothing to do with fascism; there are puppets in the mix to deter from the originators of Despotism - Rome VATICAN.

Roman catholics have a heart and a desire for Jesus Christ. However, unbeknownst to you and them, they have been infiltrated and like this american government, Jesuits run it.

Unamerican as it is, lots of people think this is where they will live out their free lives. I have news for you. Someone took your tomorrow and burned it. Doesn't it piss you off enough to stop them? Or, don't you know it, like I did not, so shortly ago.

Foreigners in the land of DeCeit have invaded the republic. WAKE UP. In the name of Jesus, wake up.

MrsGrapevine said...


Quote: "You want to discount the merits of those who concerned that the United States is radically transforming to the point that we will all be serfs to the United Nations because people weren't complaining before Obama took office? You don't think that's a tad bit sophomoric? What difference does it make when people wake up as long as THEY WAKE THE HELL UP?!!!!?????"

Who said they are awaken. I think the only thing sophomoric is your shallow interpretation of my words.

I noticed when you can't beat me on argument, you also resort to name calling, but that's to be expected.

My point is that many of these people aren't awaken, and they will return to Republican worship once they are back in power. They will support socialist agenda from people they feel are more like them, just as they did with Bush.

I have respect for those (Tea Party)who were fighting the cause long before it was a trend. I question the motives of those who were only awakened under this administration.

I'm glad Obama awakened your senses, I'm glad you admitted that you were blind to the Bush administration socialist policies. Perhaps, if Bush was black you would have seen it sooner.

Quote 2: "his Indonesian citizenship which was necessary in order for him to attend school there would render him a naturalized citizen upon his return to the US and therefore ineligible to be POTUS."

If as you admitted Obama was born in Hawaii when it was apart of the United States that would make him very much a citizen. If his mom moved to another country and changed her citizenship, that doesn't affect the child's citizenship. A child's parents can't take away their citizenship. You have to be at least 18 years old to denounce your citizenship.

"Section 349 of the INA [8 USC § 1481] specifies several conditions under which US citizenship may be lost. These include:

-becoming a naturalized citizen of another country, or declaring allegiance to another country, after reaching age 18; "

Let's see what name I get called this time...

MrsGrapevine said...

@ Ar:

Awwww...One day you love me, one day you hate me.

But sorry, I am not ready to storm the Bastille with you. Perhaps when Palin is President, then I will be ready with guns in hand to take our country back.

But until then, I will just watch and see how many of you are truly in alliance with the Tea Party. and how many of you just hate losing political power.

Yes, AR, I am watching to see how objective you will be when Obama is no longer in power. That's if he doesn't become a dictator first, right?

MrsGrapevine said...

@ Anon:

*sighs* not worth words...

ar said...

As they say, Grape, You can lead a horse to water...

I have suggested and declared at times that you are misinformed. I have set proof here to links you will not believe. ...so, stay there if you desire to. You are not getting called names for name-calling. If I call you a socialist, it's because you are.

Remember the days of one party? It was republican - for republic.

We are not a republic anymore. We have been slowly cooking over and open fire to near done; a social communism society with fascist chefs turning up the heat and do you honestly think things are looking good?

You have not been paying any attention whatsoever. You're still watching the tele tell lie vision, grapie, or you'd want to reverse what the administration has done to make things worse not better and you should be furious about it.

At any rate, there's proof both parties are corrupt to the core and the Tea Party knows it - No Party in the Tea Party. No color in the tea party. Americans in the tea party. Patriots in the tea party. Freedom fighters in the tea party. Accountability in the tea party. Nobody's friggin perfect in the tea party.

There's corruption in Washington and it has to be rooted out. That is, unless you agree with it. In which case, it is and endangerment to the Republic and should be met with accordingly. How am I doing?

I am opening my mouth for what i have come to know about what has come against the republic but it's a long time ago and so much reading and it takes so much time to fill the mind with things of those kind... so long ago.

Not knowing this stuff is detrimental to the well being of the Republic. It should be taught to our children, again.

MrsGrapevine said...


The problem with a pure republic government as you suggest is that it leads to oligarchy. It will lead to a feudal system, in which you will literally become a serf, if you are not apart of the appointed few that have state's rights to vote.

I am for a democratic-republic because I believe each individual of sound mind has a right to vote on the person that should represent them. If we didn't have a democratic-republic Senators would stay in power, as long as they are appointed to that position by state legislature.

If states were proven to have the best interest of the people at heart, then we would still be a republic. But, unfortunately states used laws to discriminate against blacks, to create slavery, to deny women the right to vote, and to penalized those in poverty. Our history shows, a purely republic government equals slavery.

That would also mean Abraham Lincoln a republican President, was one of the first to issue in this new democracy when he wrote:

"that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth."

So I read the information you send, but I read it more critically. What I have learned is that you don't understand all of it, either. Our history is lot more complicated than we, the people, think it is. Many of the ideas we call socialist, were introduced from the Republican party, and the right side of the aisle, including federal taxes and the democratic-republican model.

The true conservatives of this nation were the racist Dixiecrat who fought for their state's rights to own slaves. Who fought for state's rights to determine eligibility to vote. The civil war was not about slavery, it was about republic or democratic-republic, or state's rights vs those of the people. The civil rights movement wasn't about blacks and freedom, it was about republic or democratic-republic.

ar said...

Why you are a slave. Rothschild’s own you! End The FED!


(posted by Greg Farber)

White House said...


We are running a non-profit site; only for the sake of information sharing.

We visit your site regularly. Recently we came across the "Blogroll" section in your site. Since our site is also based on regular news updates, we believe it would surely help us to be more effective if we get your site’s link. We have placed your link http://www.conservativeblkwoman.blogspot.com/ in our site and we request you to place us in the "Blogroll" section.

URL: http://whitehouse-org.blogspot.com/
Title: American White House
Email ID: whitehouseinfo.blogspot@gmail.com

We would be pleased with your positive response. Looking forward for your reply...

Thank You!!

Jerry Thomas

Amenta said...

You are absolutely correct in you last comment. You are 100% correct on the sleep walking Republicans that are screaming now and were mum when Bush was in office. These same zombies will return to the grave as soon as the Republicans return to office.

ar said...

Still lost in the "dailys". Republicans suck as much as Demoncrats suck. They will continue to suck until we are sucked dry. we're almost there; so keep up with spending spending spending and down with accountability accountability accountability.

The car keys obama won't give back? He's driving us off the cliff. Like Bush backsided myself- I hate his guts for selling me out. The republican party left the people and the democrats too. It's the reason for stepping over to the tea party to say so. I want nothing to do with either party. They are of the same animal and it has been proven so.

The Feds got in here and they have to go. They have had no accountability and it's time they did. They owe me, you, your children and theirs, so far.

1913 was before the Bushes so, you can't blame this one on them; but go ahead.

ar said...

"A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and he carries his banners openly. But the traitor moves among those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the galleys, heard in the very hall of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor - he speaks in the accents familiar to his victims, and wears their face and their garment, and he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation - he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of a city - he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to be feared."
- Cicero, 42 B.C.

Anonymous said...

What a Woman!! I thoroughly enjoyed your article & wish more could read it. I'm proud of you for taking a stand!!

Unknown said...

This idea that republican were quiet during the Bush years is a LIE and attempt to change history. YOU don't know because you either weren't paying attention or you were out partying.

ar said...

Change That's Not - 'Obama On Bush Route' - John Pilger


John Pilger "The Invisible Government" Part 1/4. (Propaganda in the Press)


uptownsteve said...

I'm sure you tin foil hats will get a kick out of this.



ar said...

Nice one, UTS. Still bobbin' the head, I see, still watchin' that TV.

History. Find the enemy within GOVERNMENT and EXPOSE it, instead of helping it.

What is it, you are so afraid of, UTS? The goobermint is corrupt, is all. Don't you want to expose ALL the corruption, crooks and criminals? Shouldn't they go to jail? Blame it on - 'since 1913.

Clinton is the most vile, still is, person on planet earth for killing so many Iraqis for no damned reason other than the steady march of fascism; you deny and blame anyone other than who instigated it, why?

You don't believe and oppressor has taken over the country from within, I'm sorry for that.

Wouldn't it be nice to know who that oppressor is and point them out and go and get them? I think there is nothing else for me to do; other than expose corruption where ever I smell it and I got a big long nose for doing just that.

I point to you, UTS. Stirring the pot of republicans and demoncrats keeping the eyes off of the Enemy Rome in washington, friend. It's her and there ain't any denying it.

ar said...

Are Cops Constitutional ? Nope !


Are cops Constitutional II- Nope !


ar said...

"...was ridiculed by the left and pilloried by the RINOs for calling Obama a Marxist -- based on his positions, and the company he kept. Yet now it is proven he is taking our nation rapidly down that road, with ObamaCare, ruinous financial "reform" and profligate spending into the trillions, and government ownership of majority shares in our major industries."

"Kagan and Sotomayor are both extreme liberal judicial activists intent on pushing a radical left-wing agenda by legislating anti-Constitutional special preferences from the bench. Both unashamedly advocate "lawful" inequality -- Kagan ferociously against the innocent unborn, and in promotion of homosexuality, Sotomayor for special Hispanic interests. Yet under the Constitution, their role as a Justice is neither to legislate nor advocate -- but simply to follow the law!

Kagan's calculated, fraudulent tampering with a report held out to the Supreme Court has "expert, medical evidence" has resulted in 36,500 fully-matured infants inches from birth, brutally and barbarously killed as they were emerging into the world: 10 babies a day, 365 days a year, for 10 years -- wholesale carnage on the scale of a medium-sized American city.

Sotomayor, meanwhile, reportedly for years was a member of La Raza ("The Race,") which seditiously advocates removal of the Southwest from the U.S. as a majority-Hispanic separatist nation. She admits on the record her "Latina heritage" affects her ability to judge impartially. The current GOP "leadership" of the Senate refused to mount an effective challenge against EITHER appointment!"



In Lies We Trust: The CIA, Hollywood and Bioterrorism - Official Release


Lessons from the Two-horned Beast
Stephen Bohr


(two horns = separation of church and states. One horn = total Fascism)

Look in the background of any offical US governing body and the Fasia symbolms are apparent; standing in pairs, usually and bundled like reeds with and axe-head at the side/top. As well, the US flag is bordered in gold fringe indicating Admiralty Law - Not Common Law, comrads.

Their agenda is a Single Horn - Fascist state. Rome rules. She spoilt the minds of the world and hides the Redeemer. tsk, tsk.

ar said...

"...was ridiculed by the left and pilloried by the RINOs for calling Obama a Marxist -- based on his positions, and the company he kept. Yet now it is proven he is taking our nation rapidly down that road, with ObamaCare, ruinous financial "reform" and profligate spending into the trillions, and government ownership of majority shares in our major industries."

"Kagan and Sotomayor are both extreme liberal judicial activists intent on pushing a radical left-wing agenda by legislating anti-Constitutional special preferences from the bench. Both unashamedly advocate "lawful" inequality -- Kagan ferociously against the innocent unborn, and in promotion of homosexuality, Sotomayor for special Hispanic interests. Yet under the Constitution, their role as a Justice is neither to legislate nor advocate -- but simply to follow the law!

Kagan's calculated, fraudulent tampering with a report held out to the Supreme Court has "expert, medical evidence" has resulted in 36,500 fully-matured infants inches from birth, brutally and barbarously killed as they were emerging into the world: 10 babies a day, 365 days a year, for 10 years -- wholesale carnage on the scale of a medium-sized American city.

Sotomayor, meanwhile, reportedly for years was a member of La Raza ("The Race,") which seditiously advocates removal of the Southwest from the U.S. as a majority-Hispanic separatist nation. She admits on the record her "Latina heritage" affects her ability to judge impartially. The current GOP "leadership" of the Senate refused to mount an effective challenge against EITHER appointment!"



In Lies We Trust: The CIA, Hollywood and Bioterrorism - Official Release


Lessons from the Two-horned Beast
Stephen Bohr


(two horns = separation of church and states. One horn = total Fascism)

Look in the background of any offical US governing body and the Fasia symbolms are apparent; standing in pairs, usually and bundled like reeds with and axe-head at the side/top. As well, the US flag is bordered in gold fringe indicating Admiralty Law - Not Common Law, comrads.

Their agenda is a Single Horn - Fascist state. Rome rules. She spoilt the minds of the world and hides the Redeemer. tsk, tsk.

ar said...

Ooops, sorry for that!

ar said...

So, you hate me because I showed you where all this "bs" comes from.

That it is all meant to cause hate and strife between us; from the gov't, UTS. From the gov't., invaded and taken over from within.

The documentation is staggering, yet you hate me because I want you to know about it so you can finger the culprits responsible for their deliberate agendas.

I assume you are in agreement with the constitution. If that is correct, then, the current administration is only carrying on what came before - another duplicate dumbie puppet for Rome, your ruler and mine. Swallow it and hate me if you have to. Just go read it for your self.

ar said...

Q: Did you take an oath?
A: I did, to destroy heretics and their governments and rulers, and to spare neither age, sex or condition. To be as a corpse without any opinion or will of my own, but to implicitly obey my superiors in all things without hesitation or murmuring.

Q: Will you do that?
A: I will.

Q: How do you travel?
A: In the bark of Peter the fisherman.

Q: Whither do you travel?
A: To the four quarters of the globe.

Q: For what purpose?
A: To obey the orders of my General and Superiors and execute the will of the Pope and faithfully fulfill the conditions of my oath.

Go ye, then, into all the world and take possession of all lands in the name of the Pope. He who will not accept him as the Vicar of Jesus and his Viceregent on earth, let him be accursed and exterminated.



ar said...

The truth is never popular.

1. Every Iraqi that has been killed since its invasion of March 19, 2003, has been MURDERED by the military forces of the the Pope of Rome, which forces have been led by the U.S. Government.

2. Every American soldier hurt, maimed or killed since the invasion of March 19, 2003, has been MAULED or MURDERED by “The Insurgency” created by the policies of the Pope of Rome through his agent, the U.S. Government. American soldiers are not “American heroes;” rather, they are “Roman crusaders” as was your editor when garrisoned in West Germany for nearly four years.

the rest: http://candidconservatives.com/the-truth-is-never-popular/#comment-1332

ar said...

America Will Soon Lose Its Constitution.


"We are determined . . . to take possession of the United States, and rule them; but we cannot do that without acting secretly and with utmost wisdom.

If our plans become known, they will surely be defeated. – Charles Chiniquy, Fifty Years in the Church of Rome, The Wickliffe Press, Protestant truth Society, Wickliffe Avenue, 104 Hendon Lane, Finchley, London, N3, 1885, p. 373.

How sad will their awakening be, when, with our out-numbering votes, we will turn them, for ever, from every position of honor, power and profit! What will those hypocritical and godless sons and daughters of the fanatical Pilgrim Fathers say, when not a single judge, not a single teacher, not a single policeman will be elected if he be not a devoted . . . Roman Catholic? What will those so-called giants think of their matchless shrewdness and ability, when not a single Senator or member of Congress will be chosen, if he be not submitted to our holy father the Pope? What a sad figure those Protestant Yankees will cut when we will not only elect the President, but fill and command the armies, man the navies, and hold the keys of the public treasury?

Then, yes! then, we will rule the United States, and lay them at the feet of the Vicar of Jesus Christ [the pope], that he may put an end to their godless system of education, and sweep away those impious laws of liberty of conscience which are an insult to God and man!

The papacy is the most deadly enemy the United States will ever have to face. Using the utmost secrecy to conceal her plans, the papacy, through her facade of religion, has for many decades been infiltrating the United States in all levels of government. As a result, the United States will soon lose its constitution and become a tyrannical, persecuting power."


MrsGrapevine said...

The year wasn't 1913, the year was 1901. It started long before Woodrow Wilson was President.

Anonymous said...

"And it ain't the federal government.


You sir, should be commended for the consistency of your ignorance. Time will prove you wrong. But I have a feeling, you won't recognize the work of your "enemy" at that time, but will only continue to blame whitey, uncle toms, and your usual suspects.

Anonymous said...

I agree…UptownSteve is merely an angry black man who is totally blind to reality. He is hopeless; I don’t know why you guys even respond to him. If he wants to be angry at White people for the rest of his life for his own failures…let him. Who cares if guys like this are ignorant. He can live in his misery while the rest of us work on our lives and find success and happiness. That is called bootstrapping UptownSteve…you should try it sometime instead of blaming and hating White people…it actually works and changes your life for the better.

I have learned that some people simply cannot be saved or informed. They must come to the water and drink for themselves. If they want to remain in the desert they have create for themselves…who cares.

ar said...

I do. I care and i think you probably do, too. I chased some dude's comments a couple years back that showed me I knew nothing of what was happening right before my eyes in government corruption via Rome's Jesuits.

We're proof the reformation is over, looks like. By the Vatican's own statements it is and Benedict has congratulated his Society of Jesus - Jesuits for it, specifically, in the following link.

And how does terrorist sound for complaining about the pope? New rule a couple, three years back. Humanism, they say. I say, I'm not complaining. I'm showing folks what "she" wrote and says and did to me/US. One hundred two minutes of Rome-Vatican documented facts and her determined Loyolans destruction of america free thot and choice. and spelling.


ar said...

Anonymous said...
An excellent book to look into is Eric Hoffer's "The True Believer". good reading given the times...

I thot that sounded familiar and it's been on the desk for a year, now. A customer handed it to me; i'm curious, again. thanks.

Anonymous said...

You are falling for the Jews trying to destroy Jesus’ church…the Catholics (and the Jesuits just happen to be an order of priests within the Catholic Church) are not the enemy. The Devil is crafty and you are falling for all the Internet propaganda the Jews are putting out there to disguise and hide who they are. They are showing you a red herring so that no one finds out who they are and what they are doing in the progressive movement they have created. Open your eyes and ask God for guidance. You are being misled with a red herring.

Anonymous said...

Are you a Muslim? Is that why you view the Catholic Church the way you do?

Anonymous said...

Ahhh I see, I went to a few of the websites you provided…you are Lutheran and most likely White European. Got it. I see why you have such a problem with the Catholics and the Pope. Maybe you should be posting on religious sites…this is a political site my friend. I appreciate you…I like Lutherans…hard workers!

PS. I understand the reason why Lutheran was so upset with the Catholic Church…selling indulgences. The Pope at the time was a member of the de' Medici family. For those who are unaware, this was a huge and powerful banking family in Europe at the time. Pope Leo X was a member of the de' Medici family. Power and corruption infiltrated the Catholic Church at that time from this powerful banking family. Corruption happens Ar. That doesn’t mean the entire Catholic Church and all the Popes since are corrupt. But, the Devil is tricky and corruption can always be present. We must be vigilant. But, know your enemy…the Jews are the progressives, the Illuminate, the secret societies, and against the working class.

Anonymous said...

ooops...I know his name was Luther, thus the Lutherans are his followers. sorry for the typo..I am a professor so I care about my typos! ;-)

ar said...

I point out Jesuit influence via the Vatican in the United states. Roman Catholics, most anyway, are unaware or are just coming to, the direction the Vatican has taken them, (since Mousillini).

The fact that Luther points to Rome as anti-christ should be prevelant today in the church but it is Not. The other facts are; One truth, one bible, one Jesus Christ. Rome says if I think for myself, I'm a heretic and destined to die. The bible speaks of it but no one likens it to Rome-Vatican, yet. It's her heavy hand on the world and world Poly-ticks but no one thinks so, yet.

In Fascism, marrying of church and state is the ultimate plan for NWO. Every man on planet earth BOWS to the pope; and no one knows what the pope stands for... ANTI-CHRIST the counter-reformation worked. No one remembers anything anymore. We're there, if "she" has celebrated her success already; and she has.

The AD link I provided; this feller puts what rome has written and demised to do to the reformers, that's us, and places it with Scripture. Most of america thinks the anti-christ is coming. He's here in the form of the pope, 666, for you to read All about - Jews are used like the "dailys" we get caught up in between ourselves. Better get more familiar with what the good book says and point fingers at corruption.

I think of all the ill-fated programs the "government" created. It's staggering. And most every one is designed not to fix but perpetuate it's existence.
Trace it all long enough and the roads all lead to the same damned place - Why separate religio from politico when the NWO is "unifying" the two?

Constance Walden said...

Still On The Plantation

Still on the plantation,
and still in chains.

Still eating
from the master's hand.

really changed.

Still on the plantation,
believing the lies.

You stand still
as the world progresses

before your eyes.

Constance V. Walden

ar said...

America: Freedom to Fascism - Director's Authorized Version(?) (some of these have been removed)

Show me the Law I owe the Fed. or you owe the Fed.. There is no Law requiring me to do so.


Albert PIKE, a Mason & Jessuit says Clive Boustred


uptownsteve said...

Malcolm Kirkpatrick

"That did not happen. Your evidence was bogus, as I demonstrated."

Malcolm you're in denial (or straight up lying)

Weapons at Tea Parties


Tea Partiers spit at black congressmen and spew N word



White Supremacists host Tea Party



Racist signs at Tea Party rallies


You can't wish this away Malcolm.

The Tea Party and a great deal of this rightwing fever against Obama is because of RACE.

They just can't deal with a black man being President of THEIR country.

If that's not what you're about then how about denouncing the obvious racist elements in the Tea Party.

I bet you don't.

You're just going to deny they exist.

uptownsteve said...

For the black conservative:

When the axe came into the forest, the trees said "The handle is one of us!"

You conspire with those who would kill us all tomorrow and YOU think YOU'RE off the plantation?????

ar said...

The tea party is about what has been happening to the country - Overgovernment, high taxes to Detriment, Taxes, Overgovernment, Taxes, Out of Control Government spending out of Constitutional Authority. I want Accountability.

Open government is the only thing he didn't lie about. This is very open Fascism. I recognized it right off the bat because I readed the Laws about it that everyone seems to want to uphold anymore. Know what I'm talking about? I do. I don't think some folks do, yet, or they just don't think a constitutional republic is any damned good for anything, anymore. How is that that not very many people have any idea the Constitution of the United States of America has been thrown to the ground and you have been spat upon?

I figured it out when someone said to listen to this guy talk. "He talks so well.." Forked tongue, is all. Makes no difference if he's either party, he is anti-Republic, like most folks think they are americans; is very frustrating. And half crazy, turning detest of overGoobermint into something it is not, nor comes close.

Malcolm Kirkpatrick said...

(Steve): "...spitting on black congressmen..."
(Malcolm): "That did not happen. Your evidence was bogus, as I demonstrated."
(Steve): "Malcolm you're in denial (or straight up lying)."

Back atcha. Your link to the purported evidence of racial slurs only showed Speaker Nancy Pelosi talking to cameras in a room full of Congressmen, and news reporters asserting that slurs occurred. Produce video evidence that anyone at that Tea Party rally called Representative Cleaver or Lewis "nigger" or spat upon anyone. You cannot. Several videos of the walkthrough exist, and none support the accusations that anyone called the Representatives "nigger" or spat upon anyone.

Your latest collection of links does no more than repeat the accusation. This is not independent verification. As to...

(Steve): "Weapons at Tea Parties

So what? I own firearms and support both open carry and concealed carry legislation for non-felons past their 16th birthday, the age specified in the Militia Act. The administration has not yet moved against the Second Amendment, except in its Supreme Court nominations, but it seems reasonable to me to expect that it will, and so also it seems reasonable to me that many Tea Partiers would also make their support of the Second Amendment public.

(Steve): "Racist signs at Tea Party rallies"

I looked.
a. Most of the signs have nothing to do with race.
b. It's not racist to depict the President as black. He is.
c. If some race-obsessed political activist, a David Duke or Al Sharpton, for example, says "2+2=4", should I dispute the assertion that 2+2=4?

(Steve): "You can't wish this away Malcolm.

I see nothing to wish away. I do not see that a movement organized around federalism, the market economy, and small government has any obligation to police its membership of people who prefer roses to orchids or who prefer Fords over Fiats. Those issues are not at issue.

Your entire argument amounts to guilt by association. And the associations are often fabricated by mendacious critics like you, Steve.

Malcolm Kirkpatrick said...

(Steve): "...spitting on black congressmen..."
(Malcolm): "That did not happen. Your evidence was bogus, as I demonstrated."
(Steve): "Malcolm you're in denial (or straight up lying)."

Back atcha. Your link to the purported evidence of racial slurs only showed Speaker Nancy Pelosi talking to cameras in a room full of Congressmen, and news reporters asserting that slurs occurred. Produce video evidence that anyone at that Tea Party rally called Representative Cleaver or Lewis "nigger" or spat upon anyone. You cannot. Several videos of the walkthrough exist, and none support the accusations that anyone called the Representatives "nigger" or spat upon anyone.

Your latest collection of links does no more than repeat the accusation. This is not independent verification. As to...

(Steve): "Weapons at Tea Parties

So what? I own firearms and support both open carry and concealed carry legislation for non-felons past their 16th birthday, the age specified in the Militia Act. The administration has not yet moved against the Second Amendment, except in its Supreme Court nominations, but it seems reasonable to me to expect that it will, and so also it seems reasonable to me that many Tea Partiers would also make their support of the Second Amendment public.

(Steve): "Racist signs at Tea Party rallies"

I looked.
a. Most of the signs have nothing to do with race.
b. It's not racist to depict the President as black. He is.
c. If some race-obsessed political activist, a David Duke or Al Sharpton, for example, says "2+2=4", should I dispute the assertion that 2+2=4?

(Steve): "You can't wish this away Malcolm.

I see nothing to wish away. I do not see that a movement organized around federalism, the market economy, and small government has any obligation to police its membership of people who prefer roses to orchids or who prefer Fords over Fiats. Those issues are not at issue.

Your entire argument amounts to guilt by association. And the associations are often fabricated by mendacious critics like you, Steve.

Malcolm Kirkpatrick said...

Sorry 'bout the double post, Robin.

Malcolm Kirkpatrick said...

(Anonymous): "I have learned that some people simply cannot be saved or informed. They must come to the water and drink for themselves. If they want to remain in the desert they have create for themselves…who cares."

Thanks for the nudge.

uptownsteve said...

I'll regard your last post as a white flag.

Anonymous said...

"If they want to remain in the desert they have create for themselves…who cares."

The problem is they won't remain in their desert quietly and peacefully. They're a noisy, ignorant bunch, who will always make a problem for sensible folks.

Malcolm Kirkpatrick said...

(Steve): "I'll regard your last post as a white flag."

Aloha, Steve,
Your evidence falls apart, just like your arguments. You are addicted to your sense of victimization and anger. Yes, I admit defeat in my attempts to appeal to evicence, reason, or compassion. You win. Good for you.

Here. I'll make it easy for you...


"I won! I won! I won! I won! I won! I won! I won! I won! I won! I won! I won! I won! I won! I won! I won! I won! I won! I won! I won! I won! I won! I won! I won! I won!"
take it to a tattoo parlor, and have the artist work it into a design on your forehead so you can congratulate yourself every morning when you look into the mirror. Tata.

uptownsteve said...

Malcolm Kirkpatrick,

Ahh, you resort to the tired retorts that righties reflexively hurl toward any black with self-assurance and pride.

I promise you that I will leave this board forever if you can produce one post from me that even suggests "victimhood."

As far as "anger" nobody displays more anger than you righties who are absolutely apoplectic that a black liberal is President of the United States.

You obviously feel that your birthright of privilege and power is being taken away from you and "handed" to those undeserving , unappreciative blacks and the hispanic immigrants teeming over the borders.

I'm hardly angry.

A sea change is taking place in America.

Justice will be served and the unjust are afraid.

Malcolm Kirkpatrick said...


Mussolini's party was National Fascist Party. The fasces is a bundle of sticks, symbolizing strength in unity. Mussolini edited a socialist party magazine until he split to form his own group. Please read his "What Is Fascism?". Mussolini argues that fascists have more in common with socialists than either have in common with liberals. At the time "liberal" meant, approximately, laissez faire, in other words, a free marketeer. Fascism is a socialism variant.

Hitler's party was the National Socialist Gernman Workers' Party.

ar said...

someone Slap me!

MrsGrapevine said...

@Malcolm Kirkpatrick

The socialist party expelled Mussolini because of radical views on war. He then embraced extreme nationalism. You can look at the Neo-con doctrine and see that it fits almost perfectly.

If Hitler was a true socialist, why would he kill or expel all socialist and communist first. Why would he say:

The German state is gravely attacked by Marxism.

I… expressed the conviction that the question of the future of the German nation was the question of destroying Marxism.

In the economic sphere Communism is analogous to democracy in the political sphere.

The Marxists will march with democracy until they succeed in indirectly obtaining for their criminal aims the support of even the national intellectual world, destined by them for extinction.

Marxism itself systematically plans to hand the world over to the Jews.

The great masses of the people ... will more easily fall victims to a big lie than to a small one.

This year will go down in history. For the first time, a civilised nation has full gun registration! Our streets will be safer, our police more efficient, and the world will follow our lead into the future!

The fact that the Catholic Church has come to an agreement with Fascist Italy ...proves beyond doubt that the Fascist world of ideas is closer to Christianity than those of Jewish liberalism or even atheistic Marxism..

The advantages for the individual which may be derived from compromises with atheistic organizations do not compare in any way with the consequences which are visible in the destruction of our common religious and ethical values. The national Government sees in both Christian denominations the most important factor for the maintenance of our society. ...

Today Christians ... stand at the head of [this country]... I pledge that I never will tie myself to parties who want to destroy Christianity .. We want to fill our culture again with the Christian spirit ... We want to burn out all the recent immoral developments in literature, in the theater, and in the press - in short, we want to burn out the poison of immorality which has entered into our whole life and culture as a result of liberal excess during the past ... (few) years.

Those are his words not mine.

Malcolm Kirkpatrick said...

(Grapevine): "The socialist party expelled Mussolini because of radical views on war. He then embraced extreme nationalism."

And so? They rejected him, not the other way around. The "socialism in one country" versus "international socialism" argument goes back to the Stalin/Trotsky schism. They were both socialists. So was Mussolini. So was Hitler.

(Grepevine): "You can look at the Neo-con doctrine and see that it fits almost perfectly."

Sorry, I seem to have misplaced my copy of the __Protocols of the Elders of Neo-Con-ism__. Could you cite the relevant passages and provide page numbers?

There is no such doctrine.

The government of a locality is the largest dealer in interpersonal violence in that locality (definition). Every law on the books is a threat by the State to kidnap (arrest) assault (subdue) and forcibly infect with HIV (imprison) someone, under some specified circumstances.

Constitutionally limited government, federalism, and free markets institutionalize humility on the part of political leaders. Expansion of the central government and State intrusion into private life (e.g., drug laws, anti-prostitution laws, minimum wage laws, anti-discrimination laws, nationalization of pensions and health care, etc.) institutionalize political arrogance.

Please understand that I'm not recommending drug use or prostitution, here. I'm saying that laws against these things do more harm than good. Social Security, Medicare, Obamacare, and other unconstitutional applications of Federal power degrade social welfare.

"Humble" does not apply to Fascists, Nazis, or other socialists.

ar said...

We're hearing thru the grapevine again. Mama grape, Pope Benedict was schooled in Hitler's youth camp they both sound the same; are.

I hadn't any idea how well the counter-reformation had succeded, til now.

ar said...

Steve, you're a success, too.

MrsGrapevine said...

@ Malcom:

You are caught up on the label of "nationalist socialist", but let's look at what Hitler said and did and what he stood for.

He was against the feminist movement, he was against marxists, he exterminated socialists and communists, he allowed the elite to own private companies, he supported war as means of expansion, he believed in German Exceptionalism, he believed in extreme patriotism, and although he was a "socialist" he supported individualism over coalition, he didn't use democratic process, he believed in controlling the media of the left, he believed in Christian government that dictated social morality.

Hitler's "socialist" programs were a "socialist" lie. The only objective to his programs was to indoctrinate Germans with his agenda, so that he could create a serf class. It was never about the people, and the people were never going to have a say in anything, unless they were rich.

Quote: "s. Expansion of the central government and State intrusion into private life (e.g., drug laws, anti-prostitution laws, minimum wage laws, anti-discrimination laws, nationalization of pensions and health care, etc.) institutionalize political arrogance."

The laws you listed are not all liberal laws, and all weren't created from the "socialist" or "communist" left. Yet, that's mostly who I see you attacking.

The war on drugs was coined by Ronald Reagan. As far as laws on who you can and cannot sleep with ,it is not coming from the "socialist" left.

That's why I am concerned with the labels, because people aren't looking at the actions.

The more I learn the more I see that I am libertarian, in that I believe private lives are private. But, I still believe there should be a minimum standard of care for all human beings in this country. So I will always lean left on the spectrum.

I also don't believe that Republicans or Conservatives believe in less government as demonstrated by Bush, Nixon, and Reagan. They just believe in less government for "welfare" programs, but they support big government when it comes to war, spending, invasion of privacy, limiting individual moral rights, and rewarding taxpayers dollars to elite companies and banks.

I'm not against the "Tea Party", I'm against the people who are using the "Tea Party" to regain control. The "Tea Party" is being used by Republicans. This new found outrage is just a farce. I hope when a Republican is re-elected that the Tea Party hold them accountable with same passion and outrage.

Malcolm Kirkpatrick said...

(Grapevine): "The war on drugs was coined by Ronald Reagan."
(Drug Policy Alliance): "During the Great Depression, the 1937 Marijuana Tax Act came into law, again using racism as its chief selling point."

1937. Hmmmm.... Democrats controlled the House and Senate during FDR's presidency.

(Grapevine): "As far as laws on who you can and cannot sleep with ,it is not coming from the 'socialist' left."

Dunno 'bout that. I would be interested in a history of anti-prostitution and anti-sodomy laws.
Social conservatives are not, generally, free marketeers. White social conservative voters migrated to the Republican party after the mid 60's. Previously, they had been Democrats (e.g., William Jennings Bryan).

(Grapevine): "You are caught up on the label of 'nationalist socialist', but let's look at what Hitler said and did and what he stood for."
(Grapevine): "That's why I am concerned with the labels, because people aren't looking at the actions."

Make up your mind. You started this with your free use of "fascist".

Malcolm Kirkpatrick said...

(Grapevine): "The fact that the Catholic Church has come to an agreement with Fascist Italy ...proves beyond doubt that the Fascist world of ideas is closer to Christianity than those of Jewish liberalism or even atheistic Marxism."

What about the Baath (Pan-Arab Socialist) party's accommodation with Islam? Was Saddam Hussein "fascist" as you use the term? Does this mean socialism "is closer to" Islam "than those of Jewish liberalism or atheistic Marxism"?

Please read Mussolini's "What is Fascism?" He says directly that fascists have more in common with socialists than either have in common with liberals (meaning, in 1920's Europe, free marketeers).

MrsGrapevine said...

@ Malcom;

1)Quote: "Make up your mind. You started this with your free use of "fascist"." No, Ar started this with the use of the word "socialist", and a series of articles he wanted us to read on Jews, slavery, and Rothschild's. Which leads to a series of articles on Hitler. I wasn't calling you a fascist or Ar a fascist for that matter. The point was if you are going to associate people with certain names, it can go both ways. I can easily tie Conservative beliefs to Hitler and fascism, just as you can tie socialism to Hitler. I'm not asking you to pick one or to be one. My point has always been don't get caught up in the labels, look at the actions. Hitler was labeled a "socialist" but he had a lot of "neo-con" actions.

2) Quote: "During the Great Depression, the 1937 Marijuana Tax Act came into law, again using racism as its chief selling point."

So how does that negate Reagan and the Conservative party using government to control and create anti-drug laws. It doesn't! Instead it just points the finger right back at liberals without admitting that Conservatives are also apart of your big government argument.

But, now which side is more in favor of legalizing weed. The left or the right?

3)Would be interested in a history of anti-prostitution and anti-sodomy laws.
Social conservatives are not, generally, free marketeers. White social conservative voters migrated to the Republican party after the mid 60's. Previously, they had been Democrats (e.g., William Jennings Bryan).

That has been my point all along. Don't know if you are using my point against me or with me. So at last we do agree, the concept of liberal and conservative in America are often times confused with Democrats and Republicans. We get stuck behind labels, and not my party actions.

If the White Social Conservatives migrated to the Republican party, then that would also mean, as I have stated before the racist Dixiecrat are now Republicans. Now, we can see why a majority of blacks aren't.

MrsGrapevine said...

@ Malsom K

1) Quote: "The fact that the Catholic Church has come to an agreement with Fascist Italy ...proves beyond doubt that the Fascist world of ideas is closer to Christianity than those of Jewish liberalism or even atheistic Marxism."

That's not my quote, that's Hitler's quote. Hitler was saying he had more in common with fascists than he did liberals or Marxists. Thus he did not consider himself or Mussolini to be liberals or leftists.

Secondly, according What is Fascism? The answer is written by Mussolini himself:

"Fascism is opposed to classical liberalism which arose as a reaction to absolutism and exhausted its historical function when the State became the expression of the conscience and will of the people. Liberalism denied the State in the name of the individual"

Malcolm Kirkpatrick said...

(Malcolm): "White social conservative voters migrated to the Republican party after the mid 60's. Previously, they had been Democrats (e.g., William Jennings Bryan)."
(Grapevine): "That has been my point all along...If the White Social Conservatives migrated to the Republican party, then that would also mean, as I have stated before the racist Dixiecrat are now Republicans. Now, we can see why a majority of blacks aren't."

No. The principled race-neutral free market position opposes racial discrimination in government policy (both Jim Crow laws and affirmative action), and allows non-State actors to discriminate on the basis of any silly reason whatsoever. The only party which advances this position is the Libertarian Party. Republicans who supported race-neutral government policies in the era of Jim Crow did not have to move an inch in the era of affirmative action.

(Grapevine): "Secondly, according 'What is Fascism?' The answer is written by Mussolini himself:...'Fascism is opposed to classical liberalism which arose as a reaction to absolutism and exhausted its historical function when the State became the expression of the conscience and will of the people. Liberalism denied the State in the name of the individual.' "

Right. "Classical liberalism" means laissez faire. The opposite of socialism.

Christelyn Karazin said...

Sorry to hijack your thread! After reading your blog, I thought you might be interested in knowing that I am organizing a blog blitzkrieg on September 22 dubbed, "No Wedding, No Womb!" in which a legion of writers, authors and bloggers will call attention to the rampant out-of-wedlock problem in our community. We already have interest from the media--this is a serious call to action. I'd love to give you more information if you're interested. Find me on Facebook. http://www.facebook.com/christelyn or email info AT beyondblackwhite DOT COM

Anonymous said...

Wonderful article, thank you!

Joe Clyde, sorry, but you're wrong. Standing up for all our civil rights isn't currying for brownie points. Your problem is, is that you don't respect the concept of civil rights. Your mindset allows for discrimination to become an accepted norm. What makes us slaves is giving up our right to self determination, to be free to think and decide for ourselves. You need to break the chains that are binding you, and unfortunately those chains of your own making.

ar said...

You are falling for the Jews trying to destroy Jesus’ church…the Catholics (and the Jesuits just happen to be an order of priests within the Catholic Church) are not the enemy. The Devil is crafty and you are falling for all the Internet propaganda the Jews are putting out there to disguise and hide who they are. They are showing you a red herring so that no one finds out who they are and what they are doing in the progressive movement they have created. Open your eyes and ask God for guidance. You are being misled with a red herring."

Jews do not run anything other than what they are appointed to or let to do, period. Since dirt, Rome has sought to blame the Jews. It has worked and you are proof. Stop believing the lies put against God's people. Have they erred? Yes. Have they done bad things? Perhaps.

Not unlike our very own parade of presidents we watch march on by; all offered for pubic "voting" at the appropriate time. Both put there, in place, in the public eye by THE JESUITS - you have no sense of history if this escapes you. Get busy. The bible points to the One coming, the One that came and the One that will come again blaming Rome in Revelation 19:2 because she corrupted the earth (the whole planet and our minds are corrupt because of her). You cannot escape it. Just look around at the gloom of oppression, the dark clouded lies piled upon lies unceasingly broadcasted over the airwaves, books, schools and let's not forget the Roman Georgetown and Yale establishments of indoctrination. Get a lawyer, get a non-citizen - BAR ASSOC. invented by the Rothchilds. Why are there non-citizen judges and lawyers making decisions for me and you? Get it? Non-citizen foreigner, invader worthy of the rope and it's just and other day, la di dah di dah. They should hang.

It's working because my fellow-citizen looks to fight me when we are One nation under God, indivisable with truth and justice for all. It is the sole, single purpose of Rome to kill you and you think the jews are doing it.

Sometimes I think i have forgotten more than some people know about who is in charge of planet earth, damn it, and it's a lie pointing at the Jews and blaming them for what The Jesuits, taking orders from the Black Pope, have done to fool you in their schools, tv, everywhere the foot trods, anything the mind might think, she thought of first, you lazy people have your minds in someone else's hands. tsk, tsk.

It's the Story of Your enslavement and mine. I am not a prisoner because the bible said "come out of her, my people". It is her confusion prevelant upon you.

ar said...

You are falling for the Jews trying to destroy Jesus’ church…the Catholics (and the Jesuits just happen to be an order of priests within the Catholic Church) are not the enemy. The Devil is crafty and you are falling for all the Internet propaganda the Jews are putting out there to disguise and hide who they are. They are showing you a red herring so that no one finds out who they are and what they are doing in the progressive movement they have created. Open your eyes and ask God for guidance. You are being misled with a red herring."

Jews do not run anything other than what they are appointed to or let to do, period. Since dirt, Rome has sought to blame the Jews. It has worked and you are proof. Stop believing the lies put against God's people. Have they erred? Yes. Have they done bad things? Perhaps.

Not unlike our very own parade of presidents we watch march on by; all offered for pubic "voting" at the appropriate time. Both put there, in place, in the public eye by THE JESUITS - you have no sense of history if this escapes you. Get busy. The bible points to the One coming, the One that came and the One that will come again blaming Rome in Revelation 19:2 because she corrupted the earth (the whole planet and our minds are corrupt because of her). You cannot escape it. Just look around at the gloom of oppression, the dark clouded lies piled upon lies unceasingly broadcasted over the airwaves, books, schools and let's not forget the Roman Georgetown and Yale establishments of indoctrination. Get a lawyer, get a non-citizen - BAR ASSOC. invented by the Rothchilds. Why are there non-citizen judges and lawyers making decisions for me and you? Get it? Non-citizen foreigner, invader worthy of the rope and it's just and other day, la di dah di dah. They should hang.

It's working because my fellow-citizen looks to fight me when we are One nation under God, indivisable with truth and justice for all. It is the sole, single purpose of Rome to kill you and you think the jews are doing it.

Sometimes I think i have forgotten more than some people know about who is in charge of planet earth, damn it, and it's a lie pointing at the Jews and blaming them for what The Jesuits, taking orders from the Black Pope, have done to fool you in their schools, tv, everywhere the foot trods, anything the mind might think, she thought of first, you lazy people have your minds in someone else's hands. tsk, tsk.

It's the Story of Your enslavement and mine. I am not a prisoner because the bible said "come out of her, my people". It is her confusion prevelant upon you.

ar said...

cbw, the comments page is foolin me with double prompts, and triple. I posted up once and got two for one...

MrsGrapevine said...

@Malcom Kirkpatrick

Fascism is opposed to classical Liberalism, socialism, communism, and Marxism as stated by Mussolini. Anything against free market is not automatically socialism or liberal in today's terms. Especially when the ideologies take on principles such as patriotism, nationalism, the power of the state, war mongering, and elitism. We get into these arguments because of the way systems are classified today compared to the 19th century To use today terms, "progressives" are not fascists. They reject an undemocratic system, they oppose a religion state, they oppose war mongering, they oppose extreme patriotism, they embrace trade unions, they embrace "equality", and middle class system. They do share a belief in a more centralize government, but certainly not to the extent of Mussolini and Hitler.

"Conservatives" believe in a free market when it comes to the economy, but when it comes to individual social rights they are very fascists in
their ideology. Today they are a party that talks about governing through religion, having purity test, using the constitution to oppose
gay marriage, using war pre-emptively, awarding government contracts to certain elite corporations, attacking socialist principles publicly even-though they embrace them within their policy, American Exceptionalism and patriotism, inequality beliefs of human creation. All of these things you can find extensively in Hitler's and Mussolini's words. Not what others have interpret their words to be, but from what has come out of their mouths through translation, of course.

MrsGrapevine said...

@Malcom Kirkpartick

I get it now, there is a huge re-writing of history by both the left and the right in this country. The only true laissez-faire or "liberal" individuals in this country are the libertarians, but they often vote with Republicans, which baffles me. Especially after Nixon, Ronald Reagan, Bush one and Bush two. I understand believing economic freedom leads to individuals freedom, but when has a Republican, in the past 30 years delivered. Instead libertarians have voted in war-hawks, who have infringed more and more on our individual freedom. The last President, Bush 2, also infringed on our financial freedom.

Back to my original point, I don’t think there is anything wrong with the Tea Party, but I hope they are not allowing themselves to be used in order to vote in another Republican who promises to repeal social security and health care, only to keep chipping away at our individual rights, while increasing our deficit, and the strengths of nationalized banks. Instead of joining forces with Republicans, why didn’t Libertarians use this opportunity to establish themselves at the truly independent party, with real values most Americans can relate, too. Why join alliance with Conservatives or Republicans?

princetrumpet said...

It is refreshing to see such honesty and painful self-reflection. For yours I have heard black "leaders" say "We need to have an open, honest discussion about race." I've heard Eric Holder call us a nation of cowards because we haven't discussed race enough to his satisfaction.

What that translates as is the following: "You white people need to admit to whatever sins black folks have decided you should admit to!"

What is frustrating about that is that when the black community is requested to take a long, hard look at itself, those same black "leaders" will become silent and suddenly the honesty stops. The self-inflicted wounds of the black community are suddenly not as worthy of conversation as whatever it is that the slave masters did in the 1700s and 1800s.

I commend and praise this website for looking honestly at things that just plain hurt to look at. Only then can true unity begin and the problems wiped away. It will take time but that's the only thing we have on our side: time. We shouldn't squander it with more social programs that weaken the soul of the minority communities further.

This is a great website and I look forward to reading more from those that truly want to bring us together as a nation.

Malcolm Kirkpatrick said...

(Grapevine): "The only true laissez-faire or 'liberal' individuals in this country are the libertarians, but they often vote with Republicans, which baffles me."

Unless you are a hermit, you must compromise. Someone once asked Milton Friedman why he was a Republican rather than a Libertarian and he said he could exert more influence in the direction he wished to move policy from within the Republican Party.

(Grapevine): "Especially after Nixon, Ronald Reagan, Bush one and Bush two. I understand believing economic freedom leads to individuals freedom, but when has a Republican, in the past 30 years delivered."

NAFTA and GATT were negotiated under Republican presidents and passed during the Clinton administration with support from a majority of Senate Republicans and a minority of Democratic Senators. Had the Senate majority (Democrats) determined the result alone, NAFTA would not have passed.

Reagan promoted deregulation, begun by Carter's ICC head, Alfred Kahn, who deregulated trucking and passenger air travel.

ar said...

The Assassination of America and the Conspiracy Behind It” by Craig Oxley


ar said...

Gawd, cbw. Hope to see you at the Beck thing. whaa-whoo.

A specieal place in my heart for MLK; He saw his enemy, he knew his enemy, looked his enemy in the eye.

How did He know that, unless he knew who he was dealing with? Just some nice words? Nawh.

Regardless, my heart and soul will be there for the desire I have for people united under one nation. One God; with life, liberty and the persuit of happiness. My fellow-man is not my enemy. He is my brother, neighbor, friend. My enemy is that which looks not in my eye but prevails under the cover of darkness to seek to divide.

Up with people, down with big gummint.
Down with taxes, up with jobs.
Up with accountability, down with Fanny and Freddie.
Down with bail-outs, up with imprisoned tyrants.
Up with local banks, Down with the Fed.
Down with the IRS and up yours is unappropriate but so true. Up with the hands-praise God from whom all blessings flow.

USFS is a short list of non-essential but more detrimental agencies promoting each other's livelihood at my expense. I am very tired of working for someone else.

ar said...

You are falling for the Jews trying to destroy Jesus’ church…the Catholics (and the Jesuits just happen to be an order of priests within the Catholic Church) are not the enemy. The Devil is crafty and you are falling for all the Internet propaganda the Jews are putting out there to disguise and hide who they are. They are showing you a red herring so that no one finds out who they are and what they are doing in the progressive movement they have created. Open your eyes and ask God for guidance. You are being misled with a red herring.

"As is the typical Jesuit modus operandi: the Freemasonic Jews are placed in the foreground, while the White Gentile Jesuits and Papal Knights direct all policies from the background!"


Marie Devine said...

Now on October 26, 2011 we recognize you are mostly right. Too bad you started with monkeys as though we began there.

We can end our slavery with truth; there is a solution:

Email and call friends, and leaders.
Action Required: Evidence + Warning
“OCCUPY Wall Street” is ARAB SPRING in America


Union sign in California parade says:
"From Wisconsin to Libya, Workers of the World Unite, Fight for Communism."

See http://www.divine-way.com/45_communist_goals_for_take_over_of_america.html
read into Congress in 1963:
#17-19, 42, 36, 37 control of political parties, schools, students, unions, and big business.

Lifelong employment is not freedom; it is glorified slavery.
A garden paradise lifestyle is freedom and healing for man, land, and spirit.

Jesus said, Occupy till I come. IF that is a prophecy, OCCUPY can turn their energy to God's goal of a garden paradise lifestyle that solves the problems we create with lifelong enslavement. They will find a leader and they will succeed.

We will not need to wait for 2012 elections. The whole mindset of America, and the world will change; and God will establish His leader according to His written word in the Bible. That is our eternal security.