Friday, April 23, 2010

The Most Dangerous Place For An African American Baby Is His or Her Mother's Womb

What a heinous indictment. How I wish it were a lie. However, if 52% of pregnancies end in abortion for black women then how is the womb of a black woman a safe place?

Watch this video, then ask yourself if a woman has a "right" to do this. Then remember what Pastor Childress said "If abortions were not lucrative they would not be legal"


Anonymous said...

Have you seen the documentary: Maafa21 Black Genocide in 21st Century America? I highly recommend it. See a preview here -

uptownsteve said...


Anyone forced to get an abortion?

It never ceases to amaze how the only time conseravtives give a crap about black children is when they are fetuses.

Conservative Black Woman said...

And another thing UTS regarding forced abortion. It happened in Seattle -- read below:

ar said...

I'm not very grateful for this information. Nor, do i know how to be graceful about how i feel about it. "If I were in charge for just five minutes", would be and interesting blog. However, I see this as more finger pointing at the Club of Rome? Agenda 21, Sustainable Developement? Against humanity.

Robert said...

Uptown Steve:

Look for the video "Maafa 21" and see it, then get back to me.

Anonymous said...

CBS ... As a woman who is pro life and Christian I am grateful people like you are brave and grace-filled enough to make your voice heard. If those who are pro abortion would simply admit the act kills a child I would have more respect for them. I'd still be against the act but would at least be able to discuss it with them better. But they want to pretend only the mother is involved. Aborting a fetus kills a person. Period. And all Christian religions forbid killing others except in self defense of a life (not a life style).

PS I am the ex of your blogger friend and I have NEVER used the N word. Ever.

Anonymous said...

Yes, the left sure loves black people all right. About Barack Obama: he has a love/hate relationship with his 'black side' since he wasn't raised black. Lastly, I believe that anyone who takes Darwins theory of evolution as pure fact, is a subconscious racist.Margret Sanger and others thought blacks came from monkeys anyway. Read Darwins book He said that an average black man has only the abilities of a 11 y/o white boy. Black Christians need to be defending creationism EM MASSE. The left is sinister. SINISTER MEANS LEFT SIDE IN LATIN.

ar said...

Did blacks rule the world once; is that why the fear?

Beyond-The-Spectrum said...

When it comes to life, I work believe from the premise that Providence brought us here and Providence alone should remove us (at the risk of butting heads with those of you of a particular religious persuasion). The death mentality in America should be outlawed, whether its abortion or the death penalty. Being against one while for the other smacks of hypocrisy.

Anonymous said...

Yes, ar, that's why, I believe we (black people) should push 'intelligent design' in our schools and not wait for white scientists to do it like Ken Ham,etc ( is a good site

ar said...

Yes, we should keep our kids home and teach them the truth.

I am enjoying the creation site. thanks. i signed on.

A link i have posted before about the big bang theory hogwash is in government's hands for refuting - that can't and won't. Hawkins knows the difference between creation and evolution - but no one will say so.

ar said...

Death was the premise behind the original sin. Satan told Eve: Surely, you will not die this day. ...and she didn't die that day but obviously the death Christ spoke of was eternal - to the grave and to dust, gone.

Christ told Noah All flesh will be destroyed - they forgot God and did everything else but thank their maker, provider, creator. Over and over God killed to death everyone who refused him, turned their backs on him and forgot what he said. and will again.

I was in Providence, once. Nice place, Rhode Island. God blessed it. All the earth he provided for man and blessed it. Can't get my head around providence separating the waters from the waters and above the firmament. The waters above the firmament are clouds. providence? Above the waters the maker sits and watches his evenings and mornings, counting them from the first until the last. On that day, if providence is Jesus, then, you are quite correct.

Being as how he walked the earth then, he will again. There is no other thing under heaven or on earth that is going on or is going to go on. The waiting is for that One of perdiction to be revealed, is all. He shows up after or in place of the chester the molester anti-christ pope joe the Inquisitionor (look up the meaning). Amazing how it mimics today's Popelitical Correctedness - rome's program so we can't call her a whore lier and molester and deceiver of nations and tongues.

Rome is called the whore in the truth book because she's been hiding and lying about the truth - to the whole world and God will deal with it. I think you know how it will turn out.

All religions banning together for the betterment of mankind leaves out Jesus, the bible. ... and joins with the pope? nope, sorry. Idols R not us.

Were the days of old as tainted of truth as today? Same Rome: Same unTruth.

Anonymous said...

aids is happening because of behavior of men with men. Thats why i don't like the saggy pants because it makes men look like the 'girl' in prison, of course, they wont let the women know THAT.Also, plats on men makes them look 'female' as well,pierced ears, etc. We could stop it though ,it may seem impossible because teenagers usually follow what the peer group tells them to. The way families are today dont help it

ar said...

The loss of over 52 million people has meant a loss of $38.5 trillion in GDP.

It’s almost as if a nuclear war had occurred on U.S. soil...


craig D said...

@ CBW...Wouldn't you agree that Politics and Religion are the two most divisive issues that we face? The notion that "Liberals/Democrats" favor abortion while Conservatives/Republicans opposed them is ridiculous! There are just as many pro-choice republicans as there are pro life democrats! Politics is what's destroying our country! It's not democrats or any "liberal agenda!" Until we can accept the fact that we are being hustled by the powers that be this country will continue to devolve. We're being dumbed down to the point of no return people!

ar said...

Craig, politics is destroying the country - right after it destroyed education and the ability to recognize a deliberate oppression.

That effort is caused by a deliberate entity which has been identified as the Jesuits who control the Vatican first and foremost and secondly, control your thinking, mine and anyone alive on planet earth, my fellow struggler of putting your finger on truth.

As far as my eyes will stretch out across the horizon, the land is filled with people like me and you. We do our dailys and by nite fall, we are either satisfied with the events of the day or not. Our decisions for the next day are perhaps on our minds, providing there is enough time in a busy day for all that. Day after day we aim to make things a little better if we possibly can. In hopes of tomorrow being a better day.

Someone took our tomorrow, friend, and called it theirs. Someone took our today; do you know who and how and why? I do. Read-on some more in CBW's truthsayers blog and get that stuff known in yer head so you know who the players are that mess with our minds; until then, i think to call us romans.

Please go read the stuff you hate and think will scare you. It will scare you and then you have ground to stand on and (someone) SAY Something (please).

Semana Santa (Satan Week), The 666 Hexagram & The Coming Final Risen Pope (watch all of 'em.)

I'm gonna give credit to Greg Farber for this link to truth. It's a utube but he posts truths for you to read, please.

Two things on Earth are happening right now;

Satan is in charge

The overcomers pointing him out.

As soon as that happens, Jesus returns. The end,I mean the Begining.

Anonymous said...

I believe, though I may be wrong but one of the reasons many of our cities are in a huge deficit is that the 'sex genie has left the bottle'. Many of the people who could have been contributing to our society in a good way have been aborted!! they would have been in their late 30s and would have been able to pay taxes to keep up the deficit or social security. I don't know the answers to the deficit in many american cities. Also, it makes many men feel irresponsible for their families; black or white...also, most of the real musicians were born BEFORE 1973, and many teenagers know it

Anonymous said...

Anyway ar, i think the Sludge of Mexico could be a sign of judgement; i think the oil break was started by an earthquake---weve been having multiple earthquakes since Jan 12 and the Hatian earthquake..There probably will be no way to stop it until our country repents from sin and get revival..Like not having the left leave out morality and the bible like the founders said...Another thing; even though the founders had slaves, were they abused and treated badly by them? I don't know, i don't think so--they wouldn't have wrote much about GODS PROVIDENCE without guilt.

ar said...

It won't take much more of this admin. actions to ban Everyone together and watch rome fall. Rome Mr. Pope is going to Jerusalem before long; It won't be very pretty nor last very long but it's our exit que. I'm so glad.

Plus, for the immediate future, we have aliens and invasions and avoiding violence from it, to deal with. Rome gets money from your taxes to set these aliens up in america with housing and won't teach them english. Everywhere you look, she's been there and ravaged it desolate.

Anonymous said...

The second most dangerous place is walking down a street named after Martin Luther King, Jr at night.

What a terrible irony!