On yesterday I decided to see if Van Jones had a Facebook page so that I could read the words of encouragement offered to him by his supporters and I happened upon this picture of Van Jones and his family....

Now please understand that I have absolutely no problem with interracial marriage (especially for the sistahs-but that's another blog post) but I hardly expected to see Van Jones in an interracial marriage. I had to scratch my head. This morning as I read my daily dose of the BlackInformant, I noticed that Duane had the same reaction and related it to a scene from "I'm Gonna Git You Sucka"....
Ah come on, can't you take a joke...lol
Finally we are i n agreement. LOL! That's exactly what I thought.
I think that's what makes me the most mad, when people talk about "the man", then marry "the man's daughter". Another rich black person using racism to make money, while dipping his stick.
Mr. Jones can't believe his own logic, can he?
No he doesn't believe it. He just spews that rhetoric because it's politically expedient to do so. Which is really a slap in the face to the people he supposedly cares so much about (who he refers to as "Pookie & em") I want black folks to wake up and stop listening to this kind of talk because the liberals and their operatives such as Van Jones are just using us as their useful idiots.
I know racism exists but it is impotent to stop those of us who are motivated, competent, and confident in our own abilities and personhood.
This is a man who would accuse others of having a token black.
Which is actually a lot like those hangers on who purport to finally find something to agree with you about. IOW, they're telling you that you're mostly full of things that annoy the hell out of them and you're not a very good sheeple, as they example by their opportunistic stance: Disrespecting yo dumb blk azz every chance they find, so as to confuse, infiltrate, smear, and keep you down.
Smile~LOL...I marvel at your way with words. Keep telling the truth my friend...lol.
@ CBW:
I'm sorry, how am I trying to keep you down, or smear you? When have I ever made it personal, or say you're not a good person or "sheeple" because you're a conservative?
@ Smile:
I have been nothing but civil with you and time after time, you keep calling me names, and making smart comments. I will let you continue, it's just the internet, you can say a lot of things behind a screen that you can't say in public.
I'm not gaining anything by being on this site, other than another perspective. I read this blog, and I read the Field Negro because of the vast perspectives.
Hello, CBW I enjoy reading your blog and thanks for your posts on
Van Jones. Were it not for the conservative blogs, I would not know who he was.
@Mrs. Grapevine,
I find this post funny, because I suspected that Van Jones was married to a white woman the moment I heard of him. I'm glad because this proves that I was right about him all along.
I feel for you Mrs. Grapevine,
and many black women who still believe in the idea of black unity and solidarity or that we are in this together when there is daily evidence (Ex. Van Jones) that this idea is an illusion.
One reason I like CBW's blog is because it provides an alternative to the "group think" or "blind racial solidarity" perspective that many blacks seem to possess.
I'm not sure why you feel for me:
I'm married with two children who both have the same daddy. I went to Hockaday and SMU in Dallas, TX where I was always a minority, but somehow managed to succeed. I own two businesses with my husband, and my blog (celebrity) makes $2000 a month from ads; all of which allow me stay at home with my boys. I taught my oldest to read at 3. I teach Awana at church, and do all the communications for my church. We own our home, and we practice tithing.
I believe racism is real, but I don't think it's a boogie man to hold over kids head. If we focus more on how to be better citizens then we can focus on poverty within our community. It's not just blacks with me, it's poverty in general.
I don't believe in black solidarity, I wonder why there is lack of it? Why are other races including Africans, able to network and end poverty in one generation, yet blacks seem to have a hard time doing it. We can't even agree to disagree and focus on the things that we share.
As soon as I say, "I'm a liberal," then all these crazy stereotypes are hurled at me. It's all good, I haven't been a statistic, yet.
I wasn't implying anything about your marital status. I referring to the fact that many blacks seem to have blind faith in leaders like Obama or Van Jones by assuming that because they are black or speak about racism, they have the interests of black people and/or poor people at heart. They only have themselves and their personal interests at heart (which is their right) and only see race and class politics as a tool to get what they want. People just have to be discerning when it comes to these individuals especially vulnerable groups like black women. (I'm a black woman so this group is a priority to me)
I addressed you because it seemed you were taken aback by Van Jones' white wife and that it might somehow be inconsistent with his belief system. I'm telling you that it is not. That is why I predicted correctly that he had a white wife. It seems to me that you misread him and I think a lot of black people misread many of our so-called "black leaders".
@ love bug:
Sorry, I'm so use to being attacked. My bad!
I'm not surprised, I just thought it was funny.
You just can't make this stuff up LOL!
This is going up on my fb profile!
Thanks for the You Tube clip, CBM. That brought back some funny memories.
BTW, just like in the clip, most BM who preach that false solidarity, power to the people crapola generally have Others as spouses. If they are not married to her then they’ll have an affinity for them. Just an observation...
This is racist.
Great post! I forgot all about that movie....thanks for the smile.
I don't understand what you mean by "this is racist", could you please clarify? I could be wrong, (please correct me if I am) but are you assuming that the post somehow was against interracial relationships? I assure you it is not. CBW stated she supports interracial relationships especially for black women (So do I).
The issue is Van Jones' obvious hatred for white people despite being married to a white woman.(I feel sorry for his wife, who would want to be married to a man filled with such hate?) Van Jones is not motivated by a desire for social justice or equality but by his personal rage towards and jealously of white men. Hence, the white wife. When you are jealous of someone, you want what they have.
The reason why I find this racist and mildly offensive is because to me the logic is flawed then makes this huge jump to somehow compare old boy to Kalinga.
The first huge presumption is that Mr.Jones is a racist. Let's look at it squarely- did he in the past say he didn't like white people while he lived in Oakland? Yes. Stopping here, can you or anyone else say you haven't done something in the past that you have outgrown (which he readily admits to)? I won't even harp on this because there is a bigger issue at hand.
Saying that "white environmentalists and white polluters are essentially steering poisons into people of color communities" is NOT RACIST. Why? ITS THE TRUTH.
Prime example- You always hear about abstract environmental issues that conservatives take issue with like global warming, or saving some animal or another.
But why is it the overwhelming majority of Americans don't know that East St. Louis (an almost all black, all poor area) is essentially a toxic waste dump and always has been. I encourage you all to read "Toxic Wastes and Race at Twenty 1987—2007: A Report Prepared for the United Church of Christ Justice & Witness Ministries" http://www.ucc.org/assets/pdfs/toxic20.pdf
What you will quickly see is that Van Jones wasn't talking greasy when he said what he did. It's fact.
So getting to why I think this whole thing is racist. Old boy speaks the truth about a whole host of issues, mans up to his past, but because his spouse is of another race this somehow discredits him and the truth that he spoke? The fact that Van Jones is married to a white lady does not make what he said any less true.
Anyway to paint Van Jones as a hardened "soul on ice" militant is just wack, simple and plain. Then to drag his wife and family into it and mock him.. you're damn right it's racist!
Real talk- I can't believe you black "conservatives" fall for this BS. There are more pertinent conservative issues than this Glen Beck F^&*ery.
As much as I love Van Jones I had the same reaction when I heard about his wife, even though I didn't want to admit it. If this was about 2years ago I would have responded with a long rant about "conscious" brothas who talk all that stuff about whitey but go after beckies. Now that I'm older I just find it funny esp w/ that I am gonna git u sucka reference.
Ashby~I tried to follow your link but I was unable to access it (says file is damaged).
I can understand you being offended, that's the nature of humor--it's never funny to everyone. But racist? That's laughable.
Van Jones is a self admitted communist, radical black nationalist. Therefore the Kalinga-esqness is pretty obvious.
No one is making any VALUE judgements about his wife. It's all about the man, Van Jones and his agenda. But, fear not he now works for George Soros think tank so his fight continues.
@ Ashby:
It's not about interracial dating. It's about using race to divide people for profit in public, and then embracing it in private.
What Van Jones is doing isn't unlike what Rush Limbaugh is doing? Using Christian Conservative propaganda for money, but living a lifestyle that contrary to the words he speak. Honestly, a man that's been divorced three times, addicted to drugs and alcohol, and not to mention gluttonous, is the voice of the Christian right. *scratches head* And he's a Methodist (liberal) at that. Anyway that's another subject.
My Point: Certainly if you think Rush Limbaugh is wrong, then you can't except that behavior from the other side. Those that have an academic education have a responsibility to those that aren't as educate to not propagate truth or lies in manner that's detrimental to their audience. Poor and uneducated blacks aren't as able to conceptualize racism in an academic manner and often embrace racism as manner of circumstance that imprisons their ability to succeed. People like Van Jones are aware of this, and they just fuel the fire.
Instead of teaching blacks how he [Van Jones] made it through the system he chooses to teach them why they can't. Van Jones made it because he worked hard and he chose to be exceptional, and that's what he needs to teach to his community, exceptionalism, not racism.
I don't agree on this blog often, but it's always amazing to me how a black man so educated on "race", CAN'T managed to find a black woman as educated who shares his "values." UNLESS, those aren't truly his values and he's just using them to his benefit.
*sarcasm* All white people are responsible for racism, except for his one wife. FUNNY!
There is the link. If it doesnt work just google toxic waste and race.
You guys still are missing something-
Van Jones is not a racist. Its like, if I said to you that back in my undergrad days I had strong communist sentiments, but since then i've leaned more right than anything else.. Does that mean i'm a communist? no. That's just myopic and borderline dumb.
Let's say I was gang affiliated in my youth, but went on get a Phd. Does that mean that I am forever a street thug?
THIS is what noone wants to admit.
FYI.. a pulpit pimp is more dangerous to the useful idiots than this guy.
This statement from you only confirms what most Black men, even conscious Black men, can't stand about the average Black female: no problem with interracial marriage (especially for the sistahs...
We find sentiments like this so rife with hypocrisy that we wonder how you could be so against something as it pertains to BM, but so PRO the same thing as it concerns BW?
Many of you suffer from a heighted state of confusion that it's sad and most refuse to even acknowledge it as fact.
Anonymous you write:"This statement from you only confirms what most Black men, even conscious Black men, can't stand about the average Black female"
Wow, and they call me a self-hating negro.
I will not even bother defending my position it would be wasted on the likes of you.
P.S. and to add insult to injury you are a punk-azz Mutha-F**ker as you aren't even brave enough to post with an ID...smh
Further Anonymous....There isn't a damn thing average about me.
@ Ashby:
I'm not calling Van Jones a racist. I'm saying he's misusing racism in a way that hurts blacks and not help blacks.
And yes people can grow from their past, however it will catch up with you when taken in or out of context.
Van Jones even if he has grown from his past is still responsible for the words he spoke. The words he spoke got him in trouble. So I'm sure he's learned his lesson.
I believe people can change, but just because you change doesn't insulate you from your past.
I also think it was a witch hunt, but he provided the wood for the stake. Don't worry Glenn Beck does the same things as Van Jones, and he will get his.
Usually people choose NOT to defend their position when they clearly recognize that they do not have one. Well one thats rational anyway.
Additionally, you are correct, based on this statment from you:
P.S. and to add insult to injury you are a punk-azz Mutha-F**ker as you aren't even brave enough to post with an ID...smh
You are nowhere near being an average Black woman, to immediately degenerate into profanity and name calling, clearly shows that you are far below average. Try to find some dignity and class.
Oh and I post this way because I do not have an ID.
@ Anon:
I would expect that argument from someone who is a "conscious" black man. The fact that you used the word "average" to describe black women, is evident of your mindset.
You don't date white women because you believe in interracial marriage, you date white women because you believe black women are average or inferior.
For you it's not a matter of preference, it's a matter of impotency. So shut up because you already exposed yourself.
Date who you want because you want to, and not because you have misconceptions of yourself.
I wonder if your mother was just an average black woman.
Well, Thank you MistaO for crawling from beneath your rock and making identifying yourself.
Below Average? lol...touche, I left myself open for that one.
You write:"Usually people choose NOT to defend their position when they clearly recognize that they do not have one. Well one thats rational anyway.
I have over 300 blog posts archived here, if you are daft enough to believe that I have trouble defending my position rationally or otherwise then you have only proven my point that I would worthless to expend the time and energy on the likes of you. But since you've already ruffled my metaphorical feathers I may as well. I in no way disparaged black men by my comment that I am all for a "sistah" opening herself up to the possibility of interracial dating and marriage. In point of fact I am married to the finest black man who ever walked the face of the earth and I wouldn't change a thing. That comment was borne from the observation that many black women are alone in fact 70% of black women are single. Some are single by choice and I'm not knocking them. Some are lonely, but rather than "forsake" the black man and date outside of the race they live with that loneliness. I know it's true because I have a host of single friends and relatives who would NEVER EVER IN ONE MILLION YEARS date a white guy. That was the bone of my contention. In point of fact one could say that I have more a beef with black women for their myopia in this area and none what so ever with black men as it pertains to this.
Sorry I called you a dirty name--that was wrong.
Your reponse to my comments are typical. A whole bunch of assumptions without really r-e-a-d-i-n-g the posts. Nowhere in the posts did I state anything about dating outside of my race. (In fact my W-I-F-E happens to be BLACK)
I was just stating what frustrates many Black men when this issue of IR presents itself in the context of Black people and the average Black woman's stance on it.
That stance? One of downright disgust when it comes to BM but a sense of glee when a BW is involved. This is something that has for years perplexed BM and continues to this day.
Hell, I've even seen BW WITH BM get all amped up at even the mear thought of a WW. Could this be born out of insecurities?
Also, @ Conservative Black Woman, that argument that so many BW are single because they refuse to date/marry outside is a fallacy at best. To be candidly honest and not to be disparaging, considering how many BW I've seen sexing WM and others, I have no doubt that the real issue here is not that so many are "waiting" or refusing to "foresake" a good BM, but rather all those "other" men that they've involved themselves with did not consider them LTR or marriage candidiates.
Whereas you do not see a dearth of WW, Hispanic or others who are willing to marry BM. Look, I'm just saying, it's a fact.
Now the overwhelming unions of which BM enter into are in fact WITH Black women!
So clearly, there are plenty of BW who find no problem at all finding a BM. The bigger question is, for those BW in abundance who are manless, what are their issue(s)? Because men are easy, it doesn't take a lot to get OR keep us...
I think at the core, we all know what the real issues are.
@ Ashby
You may not think Van Jones was full of hate for white people but, believe me a lot of people, white and black, thought he was. Like it or not, perception is reality (Welcome to the real world). That is why the White House got rid of him in the middle of the night.
No one is attacking Van Jones' wife. If you read my post, I said I felt sorry for her because I am one of those people who truly believes Van Jones is full of hate.
My belief has nothing to do with Glenn Beck or Rush Limbaugh (although I like Rush). I just know that a loving heart does not present itself the way Van Jones does. Am I the final word on that matter? No, God is. If Van Jones has a loving heart, no need to worry, God will ensure his victory.
As for the video, it is a joke from a movie written and directed by a black man, Keenen Ivory Wayans. Let us not be too sensitive to race that we find ourselves accusing everyone or everything as being racist.
I told myself that I would not address you, but I just can't help myself.
This was a post about
Van Jones, it was really inappropriate and reflected poorly on you as a person to turn it into a conversation about your personal issues with Black Women (whatever those issues might be). Next time, discuss the matter with friends, your religious leader or your therapist.
You were also very disrespectful to CBW. (Didn't you learn the importance of treating others with respect?) When you disrespect others, especially women, you tell the world that you lack character, breeding and maturity. (Just a little FYI)
Even though the OP was directed at Mr. Jones, we as Black people should not feel limited to only comment on a specific topic if inherently within said topic exists other areas of concern as well.
Only a person suffering from limited thought would even consider such. Just like with a book club debating a certain aspect of a story. There should be no problem with expanding from the books scenarios to a real life subject. Expansive thought.
Additionally, at no point did I disrespect the host. If you choose to read back, you will note that the first (and only) salvo consisting of caustic language was not initiated by me. Fortunately, the host was/is considerate enough to recognize this as well and made appropriate amends...
Nothing wrong with a healthy debate amongst family...
LOL, CBW. Why am I not at all surprised by this revelation. In fact, I probably expected it.
I agree that there is nothing wrong with healthy debate. However, I have difficulty seeing the connection between politics and the attitudes of black women towards interracial relationships. This is a post on a political blog about a specific topic. I would not have a problem expanding the conversation if I felt the subject was politically relevant.
I felt that your comments were a bit too personally motivated and not politically relevant. I may be wrong, but you seemed angry or upset at black women (I assume with the exception of your wife).
I think that CBW and
Mrs. Grapevine sensed negativity as well. In other words, you did not come across very well. Therefore, your comments served to distract from, not enhance the topic at hand which was Van Jones and the sincerity of his message.
You could not be more incorrect in your assesment of me / my position.
My comments were not "angry" or based out of being "upset" with Black women. I just belive it's high time that some BW who expouse this flawed logic (IR ok BW, not ok BM) get called out for their irrational hypocrisy.
Either you're for it or against it, you can't have it both ways and expect the average BM to be fine and dandy with it. Again, to my first point, this is what perturbs most BM about the average BW's response to IR. We'd have no issue if a "sistah" was down for the Black fam and had that as a stance, but on average, the same BW who jumps out of her skin at the thought of WW with a BM, will drop trow for a white dude with wth quickness, tell me I'm lying...
I believe the real issue here is the fact that many BW have recognized that BM are hip to these ole lies that have been told for many years now. I mean come on, we do know what goes on especially within the confines of "corporate" America..."oh, I don't have a man because I'm waiting on my prince charming"...nope you don't have a man becasue you done spent the best years of your life spreading "it" all around, now you done hit 30, 40 and some all the way up into their 50's actually thinking some man in his right mind gonna want THAT?!?
Excellent Post. This Hypocrisy by Black women for IR only for Black women has to come to an end.
For it for everyone or not at all.
JoeClyde~I'll invite you to read all of the comments before you pass judgement on this Black woman. No where in my post or comments have I opined that Inter-racial dating and/or marriage is only for black women...
If you read the comments and sharpen your reading comprehension skills you will find that I am married not dating and my husband is black.
But to answer you direct questions:
Isn't it race baiting by using his white wife. Absolutely not. I didn't put the picture of his family on my blog to incite division or derision between the races. I posted to picture and video because Van Jones reminds me of Kalinga. And I think it's funny as heck
Alice Walker was married to a white man. Can she no longer speak about racism? Actually, she is no longer married to a white man and is a self-proclaimed lesbian. Of course she can speak about racism. So can Van Jones-- but he still reminds me of Kalinga...lol and it's funny as heck!
Angela Davis was married to a White man. Can she no longer speaka about issues that affect Black America? Hmmm, I didn't know that? What's with all these black nationalist types marrying the oppressor? But the last I check Ms. Davis was a college professor and has softened her kill whitey message considerable.
Or is it that this a Black man. We all know that nothing brings Black women and White men together in Kubaya harmony. Then to put down Black men. NEGRO Pahleez! I am not putting down black men, I'm putting down Van Jones, race-baiting, hypocritical azz!
Should I dare ask whom are you dating? Married to a wonderful, NON-Conservative, but free thinking black man.
ps. You and other Black conservatives always use the patent "I know that racism exist" OK. Speak on it. Speak on it? We don't have too, you racism chaser never shut the hell up about it. If all of the whining and complaining hasn't change it in the last 50 years then perhaps you need to change your modis operandi. The race card is played daily, over and over again. I'm sick to death of hearing it. I know what I'm working with, but I have enough confidence in myself, my abilities etc that I refuse to be paralysed, stopped or allow racism to stunt my intellectual and spiritual growth.
Do you feel the Joe Wilso outburst. Which he was completely wrong. Do you feel that was based on Racism? Unequivocally Hell NO. He broke with civility and decorum but he Barack Obama was telling a bold face lie!!!
Do you endorse Rush Limbaugh's and Glenn Becks daily race baiting. If and when Rush and Glenn begin race baiting I'll be against it. I listen to Rush Mon-Fri from 12 -3. I TiVo Glenn Beck M-F. How often do you listen or watch? Well, until you start watching and listening I believe I'm in a better position to judge Or are you only against it when Corporate Al does it?Did it ever occur to you JoeClyde that I have a problem with Al because his message isn't changing a damn thing for a certain segment of the black community?
When will Black conservatives speak honestly about racism, and stop trying to show their white friends that they are special negros.You racism chasers only expose your insecurity about Who you are as black people. You all invariable assume that Black Conservatives hold the opinions they do in order to garner "white people love", when it point of fact it is you racism chaser who are always crying because believe that white folks don't care about you. I think it's pretty darn pathetic.
The similarities are obvious and hilarious. I haven't seen this movie in probably over ten years, but I thought the funniest part was that little blond kid reading his history report about Lincoln.
I almost started laughing when I saw the picture, before I read any of your post. Especially after hearing some of the stuff he's said and the passion with which he said it.
I guess I'm also wondering, what is his wife thinking? How could you marry someone who thought so negatively about your race? Strange.
And, didn't you say you have no problem with interracial marriage? And people are saying that you have a problem with black men marrying women of other races?
Your "buttons" are pushed very easily, and that makes you look petty in many of your responses. Two men on this thread have made comments that don't fit your ideological base, and you quickly descend into name calling and denigrating the person. At times, you even trend towards condescension towards the brothers, as if they are beneath you responding to their posts.
It is ironic that Van Jones is married to a white woman, but your contention that he is a "racism chaser", while wanting to be with the oppressor, doesn't hold much in a proper assessment of the man's behavior. Yes, he has said some disparaging things about white people in the past, but does this doom him to be a racist forever? I think not. Also, it was my impression that you were bringing his martial situation to light because you felt it was funny. What is your motives? Were you bringing this up because it is ironic or because you feel he is a hypocrite?
I did laugh when it was revealed that Mr. Jones is married to a white woman. It is somewhat confusing the number of Black nationalists who are married to people of other races, but it doesn't negate their ability to speak out on issues that affect the community from which they hail.
THSquare~You are absolutely right that I the way in which I responded initially to Mista0 (aka anonymous) was wront. It was petty, and downright classless and uncouth. I did however apologize for that and I am sincerely embarrassed by my outburst.
That being said I offer no apology toward what you have aptly described as "condension" towards some of the brothers and here is why. I stated that I have no problem with inter-racial marriage, and that I posted this video as a joke. Yet, the "brothers" read all sorts of innuendo into my words and both of them were dead wrong.
I was in the audience as Van Jones spoke in DC in March of 2009 and he was making all sorts of disparaging comments about America and it's white citizens. So perhaps he has had an epiphany since March 2009. I walked away from that meeting feeling that he was race-baiting, opportunistic bag of steaming horse poop...it's just me and my humble opinion. The people in attendance with me in the very same meeting felt he was an inspiring and uplifting man....go figure.
"JoeClyde~I'll invite you to read all of the comments before you pass judgement on this Black woman. No where in my post or comments have I opined that Inter-racial dating and/or marriage is only for black women..."
Now please understand that I have absolutely no problem with interracial marriage (especially for the sistahs-but that's another blog post)
"Absolutely not. I didn't put the picture of his family on my blog to incite division or derision between the races. I posted to picture and video because Van Jones reminds me of Kalinga. And I think it's funny as heck"
If that was your intention. Then I apologize.
"Speak on it? We don't have too, you racism chaser never shut the hell up about it. If all of the whining and complaining hasn't change it in the last 50 years then perhaps you need to change your modis operandi. The race card is played daily, over and over again. I'm sick to death of hearing it. I know what I'm working with, but I have enough confidence in myself, my abilities etc that I refuse to be paralysed, stopped or allow racism to stunt my intellectual and spiritual growth."
I'm sorry but that does seem to be a copout. While you have no issues exposing Blacks as whiners. You never have a comment on Racism from Whites. Especially conservatives. Interesting.
I believe that Al, Jesse, Sean Hannity, and Rush are all employees for the same company. They all race bait. But why do Black conservatives only see it coming from Black people?
Since you listen to tivo Glenn Beck with is pathetic in itself.
Do you believe Obama is a Racist. Honestly, don't run with the conservative Looney Jerry Wright line.
Do you honestly believe that Obama is a racist against White People?
If and when Rush and Glenn begin race baiting I'll be against it.
Some famous Limbaugh quotes
I mean, let’s face it, we didn’t have slavery in this country for over 100 years because it was a bad thing. Quite the opposite: slavery built the South. I’m not saying we should bring it back; I’m just saying it had its merits. For one thing, the streets were safer after dark.
You know who deserves a posthumous Medal of Honor? James Earl Ray [the confessed assassin of Martin Luther King]. We miss you, James. Godspeed.
Have you ever noticed how all composite pictures of wanted criminals resemble Jesse Jackson?
The NAACP should have riot rehearsal. They should get a liquor store and practice robberies.
They’re 12 percent of the population. Who the hell cares?
Take that bone out of your nose and call me back(to an African American female caller).
JoeClyde~I can honestly say that I do not believe that Barack Obama is racist - unlike Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh I might add who believe he is :)
However, I don't believe he is a Patriot either. I think that Pres. Obama like most black intellectuals, politicians, and activist has an affinity for socialism. I'm not saying the wants to turn the US into a socialist country, but he believes that facets of socialism are virtuous and he'd like to see some changes in that direction.
Come to think of it, I don't even think Van Jones or Jeremiah Wright are racist. They don't believe that venom they spew. Which is precisely why I believe they are opportunist. They say those things in order to profit -- as in Rev. Wright's case-- hype up the masses, get a good hoop going and pass the collection plate. Van Jones -- political expedience pure and simple.
"I'm not saying the wants to turn the US into a socialist country, but he believes that facets of socialism are virtuous and he'd like to see some changes in that direction"
YES, because there are many virtuous aspects of socialism, like public schools, public roads, publicly funded police and fire departments, your local water system, you local sewage system, postal service, etc. etc. etc.
Are you implying these are bad things?
Or are you going to double talk about the government being the problem and not being able to get anything right?(btw- Reagan stole this mantra from a marketing firm. In fact, Reagan's brand of conservatism was taken directly out of the market differentiation playbook)
The whole socialism argument is PURE IGNORANCE.
Ashby~You write "The whole socialism argument is PURE IGNORANCE."
Ahhhh....Liberal elitism at its best. Kind Sir, you prove my assertion regarding the black intellectual's affinity for socialism -- you are just a veritable petrie dish for that "culture" (pun intended)....lol.
You also write:
"Or are you going to double talk about the government being the problem and not being able to get anything right"
No Conservatives do believe that government is inately inept, inefficient and often intrusive-- rather our political stance is grounded in our understanding that the test is not whether the government is acting beneficiently but whether it is acting constitutionally. Further, I am of the opinion (notice I said opinion-- mine)that when a government acts inefficiently, intrusively, tyrannically or even socialistically, these are but symptoms of their repugnance to the constitution. It was Alexis de Tocqueville who said (and I'm parapharsing) "Americans are so enamored of equality that they would rather be equal in slavery than unequal in freedom," but I beg to differ with Tocqueville and I say it is black americans who bathe in this vat. I think this twisted notion germinates the entire Us vs. Them; Black vs. White; Priviledged white male vs. Oppressed black man turmoil...but I've gotten of track...
Conservatives do not consider public schools, public roads, publicly funded police and fire departments or other such services delivered by the federal government socialism because they are explicitly provided for in the Constitution.
Again, I think of Tocqueville who wrote: "Democracy and socialism have nothing in common but one word, equality. But notice the difference: while democracy seeks equality in liberty, socialism seeks equality in restraint and servitude."
Conservatives are painted as heartless uncaring souls because they don't think the government should forcefully compel us towards beneficence, unlike our leftist liberal counterparts we give freely of our own will as it should be.
oops I meant to say conservatives do not believe....
Here is where I would respectfully ask you to consider the fallacy in your thinking.
This idea that if the Constitution doesn't list a right, that right doesn't exist, or if an allowance isn't made for something in the constitution then it shouldn't exist. Basically, this assertion can be summed up as:
The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, should be construed to deny or disparage other rights.
The 9th Amendment of the constitution reads:
"The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people."
...so what are you really saying?
To me, the constitution is a living document. If not, how do you deal with 21st century privacy issues, the Internet, and host of other things that did not exist at the time of the constitutional convention?
(fyi- I resent being lumped in with the "black" liberals. First, i'm a 20 something product of a diverse area. I've NEVER in my life lived/studied/existed in a black majority and don't even feel the need to qualify myself as "black". i mean wtf, of course i'm black, It doesn't define me. Finally, I am an investment banker who who believes in free markets but understands the destruction that can be played out on people who play no part in finance. HENCE, from a strictly pragmatic viewpoint, i realize the need to regulation (to stop me from robbing you)... and unlike you, I see the need, cost/benefit breakdown, and understand the implications of TARP/Stimulus/Etc.
I call IGNORANCE because of the insistence of having a myopic political viewpoint which completely disregards NECESSITY.
Ashby~Now we are talking about rights? I countered your assertion that publics services like post office, fire and police dept. were not "socialist" because they are explicitly provided for in the constitution and from that you deduce that I am asserting that "because the constitution doesn't list a right, that a right doesn't exist?" Huh? I really wasn't trying to debate whether or not the constitution is living document or not and I certain respect your opinion. However, how duplicitous of you to consider my political view point "myopic" and devoid of necessity because I disagree with you. That's mighty "liberal" of you.
FYI~ I view the Constitution as the philosophical bedrock on which this country is built. In the words of Mark Levin “It is—and must be—a timeless yet durable foundation that individuals can count on in a changing world.”
Further, I maintain that this "living constitution" doctrine is really a slippery slope towards judicial activism. Jonah Goldberg brilliantly exposed the dangers of the living constitution doctrine when he wrote:"A 'living Constitution' denies us our voice in this regard because it basically holds that whatever decisions we make—including the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments—can be thrown out by any five dyspeptic justices on the Supreme Court. In other words, the justices who claim the Constitution is a wild card didn't take their oath to uphold and defend the Constitution in good faith because they couldn't know what they were swearing to." Kind of obliterates the argument that the constitution is a living, breathing document in my humble opinion.
You wrote:I resent being lumped in with the "black" liberals. First, i'm a 20 something product of a diverse area. I've NEVER in my life lived/studied/existed in a black majority and don't even feel the need to qualify myself as "black". i mean wtf, of course i'm black, It doesn't define me."
So, lumping you in the with liberals is fine...just not the black ones...ok, sorry duly noted.
Lastly, Ashby you write, "unlike you, I see the need, cost/benefit breakdown, and understand the implications of TARP/Stimulus/Etc."
How do purport to my level of understanding as it pertains to cost/benefit analysis and the implications of TARP/Stimulus/etal.
Do you feel that because you are an investment banker to have "deeper insight". If so, then count me in as I hold a Series 7, Series 66 license as well and (there I go being petty again...forgive me I just can't shake the snarks tonight)I doesn't take much brain power to conclude that Bush's exorbitantly expensive boondoggle in Iraq spanning six years is still $75 billion less expensive than TARP #1 alone. Compounding TARP 2 and the stimulus monies to that $75 billion is unconscionable on it's face -- Benefits??? Why don't you send me your spreadsheet.
"Benefits??? Why don't you send me your spreadsheet."
To date, 21 institutions have repaid the principal amount and repurchased the warrants, and 15 more have repaid the principal. Morgan Stanley, which borrowed $10 billion in October 2008, redeemed the preferred shares in June and purchased the warrants for $950 million on Aug. 12, giving taxpayers a return of 12.7 percent, according to SNL Financial. For the 21 companies that bought back the shares and the warrants, the taxpayer received an annualized return of 17.5 percent—which is better than most hedge funds have done in the past year. Since many of the largest financial institutions raised private capital to substitute for government capital, the 36 "exits"—a tiny fraction of the transactions—represent 34 percent of the total. The bottom line: Taxpayers put $204.4 billion into the banks through CPP and have received $70.2 billion in principal, plus about $10 billion in dividends and warrant payments. The repaid money goes back into Treasury's general fund, while a small amount has been put back to work.
If you view the constitutuion as the bed rock on which this country was founded on then you would agree that right wing and left wing ideology has existed from the start of this country and both sides helped to create this document and both sides know how to interrupt it.
Big government versus small government have been debated since the founding of this country, and no consensus was ever drawn. Each side made sure the constitution contained provisions suitable for their ideology.
The Supreme court decides the constitutionality of the law as defined in the constitution.
Lastly, this really bothers me. That highly educated black people are activist and liberals. That somehow being highly educated makes you ignorant to conservative values. Which is really a paradox. It is strange that the more educated a black person becomes the more likely they are willing to embrace Conservatism.
Perhaps being highly educated open our eyes to seeing injustice and puts us in a position to help others. There are people who use racism as an opportunist platform, but there are many who are in the trenches trying to change our communities and help kids think bigger and do better.
I would rather be a highly educated liberal any day because at least I know my beliefs are founded on education and research. I'm also proud to be a part of the Christian left, because so many people lose their religion on the way.
Great link, CBW. Love your blog.
Van Jones is Kalinga. But let's not forget a more prominent public militant/private lover of white skin. Michelle Robinson!!! Apparently, this proud sista couldn't find a real black man in the Chi, she had to get with a half-white dude. Typical!!!!!!
Im neither black nor a conservative nor a woman, so forgive me for posting but I had to enter the arena...
I'm Tamil, an ethnicity in the southern part of India. I fell in love w/ a girl from the Punjabi culture, from the northern part of India with the same religion but a completely different culture from my parents and I.
Further, she looks white, and I look black. My parents have a problem with it, they are v. conservative and expected me to marry a Tamil girl, but frankly I never found a Tamil girl w/ the same values as my gf, or the same spiritual outlook on life.
Sometimes you just meet ppl and you fall in love and you could not have anticipated it. I didn't go out and TRY to find a white girl it just happened. iN fact I didnt even consider pale skin attractive (tho now i do) at all, and her looks were irrelevant to the content within.
Why do we sisters of color believe that we own our brothers of color? Are we so shallow to be the racist we hate? Those sisters who deny the right to love, speak of equality and freedom of choice when it is convent , while denying the choice to love who they want to and who they want to raise their children. Stop this insanity! Talk about the issues! Frederick Douglass' second wife was a white woman. Frederick Douglass' choice to fight for the freedom to his fellow slave brothers and sisters was greater than any brother of his time. Frederick and Vann know the truth about the cause. Get past your hurt and address the issues!
Why do you continue to use the word average with black women, you don't speak of the average black man. The average white woman is never used to describe them. What is average, All of my black girl friends all have bachelor degrees or higher. In my circle that is average. The average black man like to throw that word around like a snear. I cringe every time I see that WORD!!!!
Who gives a shyt who's he's married to
Who gives a shyt who's he's married to
You are so right.
Do you think maybe he just fell in love with the woman and married her? He has children. It's pretty tasteless to comment on his marriage based upon race.
Not surprised. Most famous black men feel that have not arrived unless they marry a white woman. Say a lot about their issues. Most those women would not marry if fame and fortune wasn't evolved. The black men not famous can't get those pretty white Hollywood looking women. They look warn, stressed and over weight from a trailer park.They Not that his us pretty at all. Hats of to Denzel Washington and Samuel L Jackson confidence in themselves.
@ Debra Holt
even the white women that rich black get are rarely attractive
It's shameless that so many black men AND black women are starting to buy into the notion that no one in their own race measures up
we've been conditioned to automatic contention amongst eachother
I joined a conservative group in Jefferson Texas but had to leave because the only one other black felt threatened
I wasnt there to get along, I was there to grow the black conservative movement ( in the vein of Colin Powell, NOT GW or Trump)
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