As I watch all of the video of Van Jones, who I first pegged as a race baiting opportunist months ago (Green the Ghetto, Give Pookie A Job), I am left wondering exactly what will it take to assuage the rage and contempt that he and his ilk feel towards America.
I'm particularly amused by the term "environmental racism" (eco-racism), now I know that term wasn't coined by Van Jones and has been around for sometime among the granola-eating, liberal types who refuse to shave their legs or armpits and ride their bikes to work but seriously for Van Jones to repeat that ka-ka (code for bulls**t) publicly in an auditorium filled with black folks is just too duplicitous for words. Van Jones says "I'm black, how can I not love the Earth? I'm black how can I not love life? That's the legacy, that's where we are from..." (not making this up check it out for yourself). Is Van Jones saying that because we are black we have some special connection with Earth that white folks don't have? Further, if we love life so much--you know, because we are all black and "earthy" then why aren't we outraged by the number of abortuaries in our communities. And as far as enviromental racism is concerned does Van Jones and his ilk believe that evil white conservatives litter the streets and alleys of the inner cities with chicken bones, broken glass and used condoms when all of the "earthy" life-loving black folks are nestled in their beds sleeping at night? Is it the evil white racist conservatives who piss in apartment halls and elevators when the "earthy", life-loving black folks aren't looking? Is that the environmental racism he speaks of?
I'm particularly amused by the term "environmental racism" (eco-racism), now I know that term wasn't coined by Van Jones and has been around for sometime among the granola-eating, liberal types who refuse to shave their legs or armpits and ride their bikes to work but seriously for Van Jones to repeat that ka-ka (code for bulls**t) publicly in an auditorium filled with black folks is just too duplicitous for words. Van Jones says "I'm black, how can I not love the Earth? I'm black how can I not love life? That's the legacy, that's where we are from..." (not making this up check it out for yourself). Is Van Jones saying that because we are black we have some special connection with Earth that white folks don't have? Further, if we love life so much--you know, because we are all black and "earthy" then why aren't we outraged by the number of abortuaries in our communities. And as far as enviromental racism is concerned does Van Jones and his ilk believe that evil white conservatives litter the streets and alleys of the inner cities with chicken bones, broken glass and used condoms when all of the "earthy" life-loving black folks are nestled in their beds sleeping at night? Is it the evil white racist conservatives who piss in apartment halls and elevators when the "earthy", life-loving black folks aren't looking? Is that the environmental racism he speaks of?
The point I'm making here is that influential black folks such as the distinguished Van Jones are doing a great disservice to the community they purportedly care so much about by extolling the evils of racism both real and imagined rather than encouraging self-reliance and empowerment.
If you tilt your head and squint hard, "environmental racism" sorta, kinda makes sense. The archetypal example is the relation between race and income and pollution: in the US, currently, whites receive higher incomes (on average) than blacks and people with wealth will pay to avoid pollution. Therefore, whites will live farther (on average) from the oil refinery than will blacks. It's a strange kind of racism, though, since Asians make more (on average) than whites, so this relation between pollution and race is more directly a relation between income (or wealth) and pollution. At this point, I ask: "So what?" Wealthy people have more options; that's what it means to be wealthy, and income (or wealth) equality is not possible. As a wise Israeli politician once said: "No solution, no problem."
One sometimes hears of "environmental justice", which term glorifies the environmental cause. The environmental cause has enough going for it that it does not need that hype. Those who graft "justice" to the environmental cause weaken their case, seems to me. It's like shouting or swearing. If you had a solid argument, you would neither need to nor desire to lapse into abuse (or the cheap rhetoric of undefined "justice").
Then there's "social justice". As opposed to what? Anti-social justice? Social injustice? Anti-social injustice? Isn't justice always social?
Van Jones must go. This is typical of creeps and loonies that Barry Hussein Obama has loaded into his administration! There is no room for the race baiting that this guy has done in the past and you know it's still bubbling under.
[quote]As I watch all of the video of Van Jones, who I first pegged as a race baiting opportunist months ago[/quote]
Watch it CBW.
The words "Racial Opportunist" said by Michelle Malkin got her tagged as a RACIST who could not stand to see a Black man as president.
Is THIS the fate that you wish to suffer?
(I fully expected you to post something about the tragedy at the AU Center on Thursday. )
CF~I'm sure that I'll be called the worst type of boot-lickin' Tomasina by the BQSFPRC's but the someone needs to tell the truth about the sick twisted mentality of our people and the azz-holes like Van Jones who exploit it.
Regarding the Spelman student who was killed a few days ago, all I can say is that my heart is broken for that child's parents who have to take the beloved daughter home in a coffin.
Beyond that I am so overcome with perhaps irrational sadness by my daughter's decision to attend an HBCU that I can't think clearly enough to blog about much of anything these days.
The more disconnected you become from the earth, the more faded your skin becomes.
Didn't you know that? Dang.
lol...thanks for explaining that JudyBright.
[quote] Beyond that I am so overcome with perhaps irrational sadness by my daughter's decision to attend an HBCU that I can't think clearly enough to blog about much of anything these days.
Fear not CBW:
This was a freak occurrence. While it is true that the greater area within which the AUC is located is a violent place. The island upon which the AUC resides is one of the most protected spaces in the city of Atlanta.
As long as your daughter does not go walking off campus, 8 blocks in any direction she will be fine.
Spelman in particular is a gated community within this protected space and thus they are better off.
Think about all of the muggings that has happened at Georgia Tech this year. This is not just a "AUC thing". In fact people within certain areas of Atlanta have been under steady assault by the Piracy problem.
I just hope that the study body of the AUC refuse to be draw away in the future for an 8 hour bus ride to Jena LA when it is work to be done in their immediate community.
The key problem is that the young leadership and the old operatives who have the megaphone trained upon the crowd know how to PROTEST better than they know how to do HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT.
I believe that this situation is going to reach a point in which these SOLD OUT OPERATIVES are going to be pushed to the side and leaders who are more in touch with the needs of the community will come forward and make change at the CULTURAL level.
Some people have no respect for life. They need to be seen as the ENEMY OF OUR COMMUNITY, not a person who needs to be DEFENDED from abuse by the police per the "Justice Thurgood Marshall Justice" that are leaders practice:
Silent on Street Criminals as they assault victims. But when these criminals get abused by the SYSTEM then we hear them speak up.
I listened to Glenn Beck all last week. All I can say is we saw this coming. Like I told my liberal friend before Obama was elected, you can not disregard someones past and who the associate with. Van Jones is now being exposed for what he truly is, a self professed communist. Obama is being exposed by his associations. I am so sick and tired of Americans going about life looking through rose colored glasses.
Like Van Jones said, "Personal IS Policy!"
What a breath of fresh air you are conservative black woman...thank you!!!
i have spent 15 years working at convincing juvenile delinquents that only they have control of their lives. their fate is in their hands. There is no system keeping them down....only their own choices....
Van Jones is the poster boy of people of color race victimization con ....Americans want to move beyond such limitations but we have to face the fact that it is a money makers for the Jesse Jacksons and Van Jones.
I didn't even get to comment on this before Van Jones retired (like a midnight mover) early Sunday morning!!! All the same, the point you're making here is valid and well worth considering for future reference... I'm sure we haven't seen the last of the "Van Jones'" whom, as you so accurately stated, are doing a great disservice to the community they purportedly care so much about.
Came over via Vinnie Goomba's link to your previous post.
Good God woman, don't you know you're not supposed to notice that the racist, felonious Comrade Jones WAS (heh) running a "green the hood" scam to funnel greenmail to pals of the White House.
The Red Estate media never told you that. Though Jones did--it's still a right-wing distortion.
Nice work.
This blog is awesome....I just found it today....do you have a follow button? I have subscribed but would love to follow you in my google reader.
Whenever I see the likes of V. Jones I remember Reginald Lewis and Beatrice Foods. The man earned and deserved all the respect and admiration that comes with hard work, determination and foresight.
Your blog is excellent I will add it to blogs I follow.
The Van Jones "Scandal" brings some things to light for me.
Our gub'ment seems hell bent on helping the weak get back at the strong. To me this is vindictive. All of our social programs and attempts to end poverty have led us to a point where we are now. A point where some strongly feel that the gub'ment should run our lives.
This is scary.
Van Jones constantly seemed to hint at making the white folks pay. I DON'T THINK GOD LIKES THAT.
This revenge that so many African Americans seek will continue to lead to our own stagnation.
As an African American I have decided to move on. Yes there is racism out there but I can't eat, sleep and breathe that s@#t.
God wants us to forgive so we can move on, to free ourselves. Why must we live with such hate.
The one thing that sticks out in my head is this:
Most entertainers rap about the hood. That is where their target market is. That is how they relate to their fans. They are rich but their fans are average people.
People like Van Jones talk about all the bad things that white folks have done. His fans agree. They support him. His target market is hatred for another race and those who find vindication with his words.
Making people pay is not the answer. Gods love is. I pose one question to all of you reading this post.
Do you think God is a conservative?
I do.
This is a shame.
If you read the HUFFINGTON POST blogs, conservatives now have a new label to add to the list behind racist: "MCCARTHYIST". We question video taped statements and self- proclamations of Van Jones communistic beliefs and we are made to be the hatemongers and racists. When will the hypocrisy ever end? They just can't seem to look in the mirror and see that the hate they accuse their opposition of spewing is really only a projection of their own.
PS Is anyone here going to the
Tea Party March on Washington this Saturday?
Fantastic, Great blog! Common sense and intelligence knows no racial bounds.
Ball~ I couldn't agree with you more.
CWW~This "McCarthyist" will be at the 912 Tea Party on Sat. I can't wait. I'm also participating in a few of the proceeding workshops.
CBW, I was by Musings of a Vast Right-Winger and he had a link to a speech written by Dr. Bill Cosby that I know you would love. It is so encouraging to see people speaking out about the dissolution of the moral fabric in our society, black and white. Go and read it to cheer your self up and on...we are not alone but I am beginning to feel we are in the minority.
On the Drudge Report Van Jones States he did not take that security questionare thatmany people do.
"And as far as enviromental racism is concerned does Van Jones and his ilk believe that evil white conservatives litter the streets and alleys of the inner cities with chicken bones, broken glass and used condoms when all of the "earthy" life-loving black folks are nestled in their beds sleeping at night? Is it the evil white racist conservatives who piss in apartment halls and elevators when the "earthy", life-loving black folks aren't looking?"
Wow is that what you really think about black people. I don't even have the words to battle this distortion. Honestly, I don't understand how you can call Van Jones racist, when you have the same logic except on the negative side.
75% of blacks live above the poverty line, and are not pissing in hallways. Over half of our population own homes nationwide. In some states that rate is as high as 59%. The unemployment rate among blacks nationally is 11% (not lower than other races, but not significantly higher). The large majority of that rate comes from the age group 16-19. That means the overwhelmingly majority of blacks 19 and older work, and don't have time to piss in hallways.
There isn't much difference between what Van Jones is saying versus what you're saying. Both of your words are a detriment and very racially motivated. The truth of the matter is that there are plenty of blacks that are doing well, and who work very hard for a living.
These stupid welfare stereotypes is not the reality of what it means to be black in this country. Yes, it exist, but to reduce our whole population to lowest denominator is unfair, and unnecessary.
I do understand your argument that racism is being used as an excuse to hold people back, but it's very odd that the only race with so many difficulties in this country happen to be the only race enslaved. It's just ironic, I guess.
Whether or not racism is real, doesn't matter to me. What matters is that we are teaching children how to be better students and how to work harder to get ahead. Teach them to take risk and learn what it means to be business owners. Last, but not least teach them to be good stewards of their money. It's not always how much you make, it's how much you spend.
This is why 'they' try to guilt trip us into thinking protesting and speaking out is only for the 60's, Democrats, and kool aid drinkers.
I'm very grateful to my fellow freedom loving Americans...and Glen Beck too!
They don't seem to realize that the 'cards' they've been playing are so worn out they won't slide across the table...NO MO!
Calling us names won't work anymore either! Just keep flapping the jaws, don't make me no never mind!
Keep the faith!
MrsGrapevine~You write "Wow is that what you really think about black people. I don't even have the words to battle this distortion."
Of course I don't believe that all black people live in these conditions. However, the ones that do live in littered environments and smelly apartment bldgs are not helped by the likes of Van Jones extolling the evils of racism and blaming white folks. That's the point, I'm sure you are intelligent enough to have gleened that so who is really doing the distorting here?
It's not a matter of if I'm intelligent enough to gleen your thoughts, it's a matter of right and wrong. I said, and I quote, "I do understand your argument that racism is being used as an excuse to hold people back."
I just don't think the caricature of a race was helping your point. I'm sure you can come to Wylie, TX and see what "some" poor people are doing to their neighborhoods both white and black, but they do NOT represent the whole of either race. Although I get your point, I just don't understand the choice to compare white versus black in that manner, when the point was to call out a race-bater.
I didn't distort anything you said. I just almost found myself agreeing with you until I read those lines.
MrsGrapevine~You write "Although I get your point, I just don't understand the choice to compare white versus black in that manner, when the point was to call out a race-bater."
It was Van Jones who used the term environmental racism and I will even concede that he was not necessarily talking about litter in lower income neighborhoods. I took it there to make the point that high profile black folks make a habit of race-baiting when surrounded by black folks (that's the audience he was addressing) and if they care so much about the plight of black folks then talk about something uplifting and empowering (as we both agreed) rather than both real and imagined racism.
As you know, 'their' tactics are to claim "almost agree, except" and then they proceed to split hairs, pick apart one innocuous point and beat the 'F'
out of you with it, all while inserting the usual guilt trips.
As I said, no one gives a rip what they say, their cards a worn out. We understand that they're scared and compulsively trying to involve themselves in our lives (and blogs). As for us, we'd rather watch a cow fart, not that there's a (obvious) difference.
My God girl, give it a rest. CBW has hit the nail on the head. Must you argue when you have nothing substantive to say?
Regarding your post on September 7, 2009 at 10:21:
1. The EXCUSE of racism IS used to hold our people back; whether or not you understand the concept is secondary.
2. Slavery is a scapegoat at this historical juncture....for every slave brought to America 8-9 were brought to the Middle East. What's "ironic" (pathetic actually), if you will, is that the Muslims were the primary slave traders back in the day; yet you cling to the teachings of Malcolm X over Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
3. Whether or not racism is real DOES matter and should be quashed rather than made a basis for opportunistic behavior.
The REAL difference with CBW's philosophy and yours is that CBW promotes equity while you promote excuses.
@ Black Ink:
You read what you want to read and ignore the rest, how do I promote excuses. I don't care if racism is real or not. How does teaching kids that racism exist help them become better stewards, and better citizens?
I think slavery has impacted the black race, but not once have I ever said that's an excuse to not do what you're suppose to do.
You want to argue with me, and I'm not in disagreement with CBW. I wanted to know why she compared white vs black in the manner she chose. As if blacks were only poor and dirty. She provided her answer and I don't disagree with her.
I appreciate your two cents, but that's all that it is at this point.
@ Smile:
"They" are going to steal your babies while they are sleeping because "they" are secretly from another planet. Smile knows how "they" operate because secretly he is "one"...(doom doom doom).
It's a guilt trip now, that there are successful black people. LMBO! You're just too cute.
I'm so scared, not sure of what, but I am scared, and so I try to be apart of @smile's life because somehow that makes me un-scared. I heart you, you make me feel safe.
You do know this is not the only blog CBW has, and I have agreed with her on things before. But, since I don't agree with everything then I'm evil *places pinky to lips* bwahahaha!
That's all I have to say about that!
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