Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Black America Is In Dire Need Of A Collective Lobotomy

I am convinced that my people need a collective national lobotomy. Why? Because we are clearly clueless about what real racism is. This is evidenced by the fact that we are unable to tell the difference between racism and bad form. Absolute everything is processed through the lens of race. Look at this disgusting display of black pathology:

I am often accused of "ignoring racism". In fact, this comment was left on another thread last night:

it's difficult for me to respect any conservative, especially black conservatives who constantly dismiss the impact of institutional racism that still exists in 2009.The biggest problem with racism is how entrenched it is in our society, employment practices, the judicial system, education and health care. If your goal is to attract more minorities to the Repub party then I suggest you start with dropping the typical talking points. Yes all people group need to take responsibility for personal choices but don't dismiss the horrible impact of poverty. (Spare me the notation of prominent blacks who have made it out of the ghetto because as it stands they are the exception but should be the rule)
YOu cannot simply say no one should be held accountable for the laws that undermine opportunities and consistently destroy the possibility of a level playing field. Please spare me the lecture about small government because that idea varies from person to person. And please don't lower the conversation by equating the desire for a competent government with a hand out. It's naive to simply say pull yourself up by your bootstraps when we both know that corporations do not do the same and many wealthy people game the system regularly. They use lobbyists to get their welfare so people don't look at them with disdain.
I will vote for the next Repub who stands up for the average person, addresses racism in policies and practices, and rhetoric and step down off the mountain of judgment. As a charismatic tongue talking loony Christian I don't need any politician attempting to govern my personal life I do that daily because I love Jesus.

This was my response:

~You write:"If your goal is to attract more minorities to the Repub party"

Well, this isn't my goal. I am not a republican party operative. Why would I care who is or who isn't a republican? Honestly, I'm only a registered republican because in my state independents can not vote in primary elections. I am a conservative Christian just as you profess to be. As such I walk in the knowledge that No weapon formed against me shall prosper and as a self described
"charismatic tongue talking loony Christian" I would think that you would too.

Deplorably, the racism industry trivializes the evil of actual racism. The ethnic hatred based on skin color, tribe, religion and culture that wreak havoc around the globe...especially on the continent of Africa. I am astonished that prominent black politicians, journalist, etc. (sorry I deplore the term african american)have their drawers knotted because of Joe Wilson's outburst of "you lie" and he was right, but are not the even slightly concerned, hurt, outraged about the genocide in Darfar. Or give even a hoot about the horrific destruction of Zimbabwe done by Mugabe. No I'm not astonished I'm embarrassed, heartbroken and disgusted.

You go on to admonish me for what your presume are my talking points self reliance, pulling oneself up by their bootstraps, so I'll spare you. But I must ask, do you think those are bad ideas?

Since you believe that
blacks who have achieved some modicum of success are the exception rather than the rule; that no one is held accountable for the laws that undermine opportunities and consistently destroy the possibility of a level playing field. What law is that? It is my understanding that minorities are favored systematically via affirmative action and often enforced quotas are mandated.

You have difficulty respecting black conservatives as you feel we constantly dismiss the impact of institutional racism. Well, back at ya. I have difficulty respecting Black Quasi-Socialist Progressive Fundamentalist Racism Chasers for their constant indefatigable use of the race card and their inability to discern the soft bigotry of low expectation which belies modern liberalism aka the democrat party. If 40 years of pointing out racism hasn't eradicated it, then why do you think that adding my small little black conservative voice to the choir of racism charges will change anything? But I still take exception to your claim that black conservatives ignore racism. I speak about how racist these lilly white leftist democrats are in almost every post I write. I try and expose how the race industry thrives on empty rhetoric in an effort to maintain a position of legitimacy. The pejorative label "racist" is to be feared above all else. Universities and corporations feel compelled to fund and house diversity bureaucracies promulgating the absurdity of eliminating racism by attempting to magnify and infuse race as a factor in every human interaction.(source) How many corporations offer "diversity" training? How many white colleges and universities offer "African American studies" programs? How's that working out in your mind since our society is still so racist? Well, I posit that it's all about the money, the funding....see the racism industy is lucrative (Van Jones will tell ya)"

The fact that an overwhelming amount of black folks view reasonable and valid criticism of President Obama as racist indicates that we are indeed suffering from a collective mental illness and in dire need treatment. Clearly, liberal programs haven't cured the ills that grieved us over the last forty years so I fear the only cure is a national collective lobotomy.