J.C. Ryle (1816-1900) wrote the following in Fire, Fire!:
Beware of manufacturing a god of your own: a god who is all mercy but not just, a god who is all love but not holy, a god who has a heaven for everybody but a hell for none, a god who can allow good and bad to be side by side in time, but will make no distinction between good and broad in eternity. Such a god is an idol of your own, as truly an idol as any snake or crocodile in an Egyptian temple. The hands of your own fancy and sentimentality have made him. He is not the God of the Bible, and beside the God of the Bible, there is no God at all.
Beware of making selections from your Bible to suit your taste. Dare not to say, ‘I believe this verse, for I like it. I refuse that, for I cannot reconcile it with my views’. Nay! But O man, who art thou that repliest against God? By what right do you talk in this way? Surely it were better to say over EVERY chapter in the word, “Speak Lord, for thy servant heareth”. Ah! If men would do this, they would never deny the unquenchable fire.
Beware of making selections from your Bible to suit your taste. Dare not to say, ‘I believe this verse, for I like it. I refuse that, for I cannot reconcile it with my views’. Nay! But O man, who art thou that repliest against God? By what right do you talk in this way? Surely it were better to say over EVERY chapter in the word, “Speak Lord, for thy servant heareth”. Ah! If men would do this, they would never deny the unquenchable fire.
H/T to Unworthy1 who posted this quote on Defending.Contending!
Wow, CBW, this is a powerful post. I have heard it said that the devil has more bibles than God.
Ditto, a very powerful post indeed! My prayer is that peoples hearts will be opened and that they will "see" that there is truly only ONE Lord and Saviour.
Thanks for posting this.
This says it all: "...manufacturing a god of your own..."
As for me and my house: There is one God and we serve Him.
Just found your blog...like it very much :) Will definitely be back!
This is awesome! What a great find!
As usual, wonderful post...so true.
Great post CBW. People will often use the Bible as a tool for their own foolishness.
A few prayers for the 'goings on' in MI would be a good idea. The citizens of that state have to bare the brunt of much foolishness.
The felon, Detroit Counselwoman Monica Conyers, is the latest in a long line of deplorable behavior and shabby results. Her husband, Congressman John Conyers, head of the judiciary committee, a huge proponent of "single payer" national health care, is a long entrenched politician. The results of these kinds of policies are there for all to see.
The politicians of the region are so convoluted and interconnected with each other, judges, and various enterprises... Is there such a thing as political incest?
I just love J.C. Ryle. What a man!
To BrotherKomrade:
Keep in mind that Christianity is not an Abramhic faith. Christianity is built on a believe in Jesus Christ, as God incarnate. Abraham is not the cornestone of Christianity, Christ is.
Conservative, did you fire me as a blog sista. WT__?? LOL
Attorneymom~uhmmm.....I've only called and emailed you 50 times over the last few days. Read your email Chick-A-Dee!
One word... AWESOME.
awesome blog! This is great stuff and an enjoyable read.
My friend and I do audio recordings of great works (like Ryle's) which we make available for free online, so I thought I'd share a link with the hope you'd stop by sometime.
God bless sister,
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