Friday, May 15, 2009

Unwed Mom Boom Threatens The Sanctity Of Gay Marriage

Oh my Lord...Yes, you have read this right. It seems the chronically aggrieved homosexuals at Defense of Gay Marriage Association (DOGMA) are angry with heterosexual women for being all skankie and whatnot and popping out babies without the benefit of marriage. Who could make this stuff up?!? Seriously, proponents of GAY MARRIAGE are getting all moral, sanctimonious and downright persnickety. Yes, this is very bizarre "dogma" indeed. Whatever happened to live and let live? I just can't understand how two women who bump coochies and two men who....I shudder to think what they do have the unmitigated impudence to talk about that which is sanctified? I picked up this little snippet below from Scott Ott over at ScrappleFace:

"(2009-05-14) — The boom in childbirth by unwed mothers has some American homosexuals concerned about the sanctity of their newly-minted marriages, according to a spokesman for the Defense of Gay Marriage Association (DOGMA).
40 percent of all children are now born to unwed mothers, according to National Center for Health Statistics. Among minority groups, the news is even more stunning. Black single Moms give birth at twice the White rate, and Hispanic solo mothers bear babies at triple the rate.
“All of this is bad news for the institution of traditional gay marriage,” said the unnamed source at DOGMA. “It’s hard not to see this as another example of homophobia. Gays finally start getting the right to marry, and what happens? We see straights abandoning the practice. Heterosexual bigots are looking at marriage and apparently saying, ‘That’s so gay!’”
The advocacy group claims that no society has survived the collapse of the institution of marriage, and it backs a Constitutional amendment forcing cohabiting couples to wed." (Source) - Emphasis added

I'm not saying that all gay people are liberal but these DOGMA people must be because this is some twisted, Orwellian, Bizzarro world business here. Yet another example of liberal hypocrisy -- where is their tolerance? Aren't they "judging" these unwed mothers? Who are they to say that "marriage" is better for children or for humanity than singleness? Not that I disagree with the basic premise but I'm an evil, narrow-minded, self-hating, black conservative -- naturally I'd feel that way. But not the enlightened ones? Say it isn't so?

Update: Well, This was a parody---thank God! But, it fooled the heck out of me because it's soooo believable. Thanks daddyquatro for clearing this up. -- Sincerely Boo-Boo the fool aka CBW.


Linda said...

Oh my, more liberal hypocrisy! It makes you wonder what is happening in our world. You would think the gays would be glad of the babies being born, because, otherwise, where are they going to get new members for their twisted way of life?

I know, this makes me a racist, homophobe, white woman. I'm still not inbred and toothless!

Zabeth said...

That is the most ridiculous thing I have ever read. EVER! I almost died of laughter when I read: “Heterosexual bigots are looking at marriage and apparently saying, ‘That’s so gay!” Perhaps it’s a way of making themselves feel important and relevant especially seeing as how having babies out of wedlock has been happening for decades now. Long before gay marriage was even an issue. It’s nothing new.

Nonetheless, if anything the inverse is true. I’ve often stated (to my conservative friends who oppose gay marriage on those very same grounds) that heterosexuals have done more to demean the sanctity of marriage (i.e. divorce, infidelity, OOW births) than gay marriage ever could. I think we heterosexuals need to get our marriage business straight first- no pun intended.

Zabeth said...

And can someone define what "traditional gay marriage” is? Is there a non-traditional form?

Conservative Black Woman said...

Zabeth~You are right heterosexuals have certainly done their share.

It's miraculous when two selfish people can lay down their own self-interest and become one. That's why marriages fail because it's miracle when that happens and I don't see how it's possible without out God in the mix. I'm not saying I've been able to achieve that because I am on marriage #2....sigh.

Conservative Black Woman said...

"traditional gay marriage”

Now that's an oxymoron.

uptownsteve said...


I got news for you spunky rightwing broads.

Most of the gays in politics are Republicans but just don't have the deceny to be honest about it.

Jim Kolbe
Steve Gunderson
Mark Foley
Ed Schrock
Jim McCrery

The list goes on and on.

Read for yourself.

The problem with righties is that they're all mouth.

Their actions are almost always diametrically different than their rhetoric.

Have a nice weekend!

MuscleDaddy said...

"Most of the gays in politics are Republicans but just don't have the deceny to be honest about it."...

"The problem with righties is that they're all mouth".


UTS, you so NASTY!

- MD

daddyquatro said...

Ummmm... guys....
You do realize that Scrappleface is a parody site, right?
What makes it so funny is how believable it is.

Conservative Black Woman said...

lol...well, I feel like boo-boo the fool. But, it really was believable because that's just how twisted they can be. Thanks for pointing that out....I'll have to update the post.

daddyquatro said...

LOL! My pleasure. I would have thought that DOGMA should have given it away. Not even liberals are THAT clueless :>)

Conservative Black Woman said...

Well, I guess I Actually nothing a liberal can do would surprise me as you can see.

Deanna Bland Hiott PhD, MSN, RN said...

I am howling at the title and I haven't even read the post yet!!! Going back to read now...

Deanna Bland Hiott PhD, MSN, RN said...

Thanks for the laugh!!! I would have believed it too. Liberal agenda is so upside down; no pun intended.

UTS, I am not up on who is and who isn't gay. Gay republican should be an oxymoron; sad that it's not. However,you dems have your share i.e. your man Barney Frank...and let's not forget about what he did to sweet Fannie Mae...

Zabeth, good points. Seems as if we are our own worst enemies.

Linda, good to see you back... :)

Lastly, good to see you in one piece, CBW, I love your site!!!

Conservative Black Woman said...

Thanks Southern Drawl.

M. Minnesota said...

We had the "Roaring Twenties, the Depression in the 30's the WWII the Fifties Elvis, James Brown, Leave it to Beaver, then the Psycho Sixties, the Leisure 70's (Roe.V. Wade at the top of our economic output in the country) The Eighties MTV,the beginning of Hip- Hop. The 90's Clinton and Jesse Ventura. Sept. 10th 2001 was the last day of the 90's.

We are now in a time period called "YOU LITERALLY CANNOT MAKE THIS STUFF UP!!!!!!!!

This will not change unless the church repents and God intervens.

DJ Black Adam said...

@M. Minnosota:

"This will not change unless the church repents and God intervens."

And, pray thee tell, how should the church go about intervening?

uptownsteve said...

"However,you dems have your share i.e. your man Barney Frank...and let's not forget about what he did to sweet Fannie Mae..."

But Frank was not a hypocrite who supported anti-gay legislation while practicing gay behavior.

Ya see the discrepancy?

And just what did FRANK do to Fannie Mae?

JudyBright said...


Anyways, it's precisely things like unwed mothers and easy divorce that gave homosexual "marriage" a shot in this society.

Marriage is no longer seen as the foundation of society and the basis of raising children, so you can get adults together in any combo now and call it "marriage."

Constructive Feedback said...

[quote]Whatever happened to live and let live? I just can't understand how two women who bump coochies......I shudder to think what they do have the unmitigated impudence to talk about that which is sanctified?[/quote]


I am forced to accept that when it comes to one's sexual choices - I have no direct control over their decisions NOR would I want to live within a government arena that even tried to police this action into everyone's bedroom with any specificity.

While I don't accept the marriage of two people who choose to do as you have listed - the "manish" side of me would volunteer to be a government inspector of these female "coochie bumpers". If it is the law - someone needs to enforce it. 8)

I'd leave it up to UptownSteve to do the work with the two fellas.
I always figured that he was "curious"

Conservative Black Woman said...

CF~" the "manish" side of me would volunteer to be a government inspector of these female "coochie bumpers". If it is the law - someone needs to enforce it."Bahwahahah....I'm sure you would! That "manish" side of you routinely seems to manifest...yes, I'm talking about your "Stanky Leg"

uptownsteve said...

"And the news is that most gay republicans are happy where they are and not trying to push their agenda, gay marriage for one, on to anyone else."

How is anyone "pushing" gay marriage on you?

If you're opposed to gay marriage, don't marry a gay.


Constructive Feedback said...

[quote]'m talking about your "Stanky Leg"[/quote]

Hey I forgot about that post.

Let me go see if the video is still on YouTube.

I'm a big freedom of speech type of guy you know.

JMK said...

"We know that the Repubs' core principles are trotted out only when we have a Dem for president, and a congress that's predominantly liberal.” (UTS quoting FN)
That’s actually and demonstrably untrue.

The Moderate/Rockefeller-wing of the GOP is economically Keynesian and socially Liberal and they have held enough sway over that Party to wreak quite a bit of havoc. The Moderate/”Progressive” Republicans have aloooong history, from Herbert Hoover (the FIRST “Progressive” American President) to Richard Nixon, to George H W Bush to G W Bush to Christie Whitman, Bob Dole and John McCain.

The Conservative base of the GOP and many Conservative Democrats (only 41% of Democrats self-identify as “Liberal”) believe in SMALLER not “better” government. They believe in lower taxes, more freedom and individualism and MORE personal responsibility and LESS government intervention.
“Those principles, to which they now genuflect, were, for more than eight years of the Bush administration, in moth balls, but that hasn't stopped Repubs from reasserting them at a time when Americans have grown weary of a government of convenience...” (UTS quoting FN)
I’ve said that SAME thing for months now...right here and on my own blog – G W Bush was indeed as Keynesian as his father and Richard Nixon.

And Conservatives blasted G W Bush on his reckless overspending and his incompetent handling of the southern border...Liberals just didn’t notice.

What FN is unwittingly arguing for is the demise of the current Keynesianism. Since G W Bush’s administration was Keynesian (even FN acknowledges THAT), and that Keynesianism helped bring on the current calamities...the answer, the solution is NOT “MORE Keynesianism.”

But that’s what we’re getting.

Let’s just hope that since it’s bound to crash, it crashes BEFORE the 2010 Elections so maybe we can get a second “Gingrich Revolution” albeit with different names.

Anonymous said...

The saddest thing in this story is that our current culture (hetereosexuals) is that of homosexuals themselves and what they have promoted for decades.

Difference there is a fundamental impact of hetereosexuals willy nilly having sex vs homosexuals and the former affects the entire society.

But it does show the malignant narcissism of the Left (stolen from Tammy Bruce Death of Right & Wrong)

Anonymous said...

With regards to Uptown Steve's comment on the Catholic Church:

Over 80% of the Catholic priest abuse cases were homosexuals preying on young boys.

The time period of aforementioned homosexual pedophilic priests came after the Catholic Church (unlike the Boy Scouts) relaxed some of it rules.

Oh and BTW your child is 100 times more likely to be molested at your public school by a public school employee according to the Department of Educations own report.

*Roll's eye's and contemplates drinking a shot of whiskey after reading yet another of your "insightful" posts*