Monday, May 11, 2009

Barack Obama Defunds Historically Black Colleges & Universities

I readily admit that my thinking is not clear when it comes to Historically Black Colleges & Universities. I actually feel terribly guilty about the fact that I feel they are obsolete, their admission standard are too low and I am utterly heartbroken that my daughter has decided to attend one. Now before you all start beating me your wrath because I am beating myself up about it. But, hey at least I'm honest about it and I have four years to work through my angst...I guess. Unless she transfers (one can only hope).

On the heels of destroying the DC voucher program, the Obama administration is now reportedly planning to cut $85 million of federal dollar which HBCU's have relied on since 2007. The White House notes, however, that HBCUs would benefit in the long run from other direct government funding, which would mean a hike of about $12 million – raising the amount of federal dollars to $250 million. But, as Black-college leaders point out, the cessation of the specific fund would mean a $73 million reduction. Here is the kicker, which really illustrates Barack Obama's incredible hubris or stupidity I'm not sure which but,"Obama contends that under his education plan, Black colleges would be able to better serve Black students because of a $200increase in the maximum Pell Grant – taking the total allowance to $5,550...." On second thought Obama just thinks black folks are stupid. Well, I guess 96% of us are --that is the 96% of ya'll that voted for his monkey azz.

Hey Kanye, judging from this it isn't President Bush who DOESN'T CARE ABOUT BLACK PEOPLE, is it? It's America's first Black President in the person of Barack Obama who doesn't appear to give a tinker's damn about black people and in approximately 114 days has managed to inflict harm on black children TWICE.

I hope this opens up the eyes of the blind. Neither the democrat party, liberals, or Barack Obama give two shades left of a good G**damn about black people. It's all about power for politicians-- the acquistion and perservation of power. Black folks have it twisted and until we stop expecting politicians to "care" about us and seeing ourselves as some sort of inferior beings who need to be coddled then they will continue to take our votes for granted. I get so angry when I hear grown men complain that Republicans don't cares about us . Why should anyone care about us when we consistently make uninformed decisions based solely on whether or not someone is Black or White, Democrat or Republican? Aren't we really telling the world that we don't care about ourselves? So why should someone care more for you than you care for yourself? How many Democrats will it take to poop (like Obama has done -- TWICE) on us to prove that they are just USING US?


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Anonymous said...

To DJ Black Adam / Linda:

The point I do believe that Linda was trying to get across is that the inherently racist proposition of basing affirmative action on skin color is that you perpetuate that which you profess to want to end.

I have yet in my entire career worked with a black engineer who did not hate affirmative action by skin color.

And for an engineer who's black to hear a snide comment from some liberal arts major in human resources tends to piss them off.

The assumption people will tend to make is "he/she got it because they were black"

Heck, go back and read the comments about Clarence Thomas and how he wouldn't have got there without affirmative action by skin color.

Merely another tool of the statist.

Thomas Sowell and his study on Affirmative Action Around the World is a pretty good read.

Now if you wanted to base it on something constitutionally correct say economics fine.

But why is it the statist ie liberal particularly white liberals recoil at the very notion.

Hey you want 20 extra points, 100 whatever for someone under the poverty line fine - but if it's based on economics well then identity politics takes a hit and who exactly does that hurt?

There is a reason any American who's black and leaves the liberal (statist) slave plantation is villified:

Demographics if the % of blacks don't vote nearly 90% Democratic say it drops below 80% into the low to mid 70's they are pretty much finished as a party on the national level

Strictly from a practical standpoint one would think more people would realize you have two sets of crooks in Washington DC and if you are not prepared to play one against the other or as conservatives do don't vote for the one even if it means a loss - you're kinda screwed. (Bush the elder, 2006 Congress, 2008 - there is a reason R's lost)

But unlike the Democratic Party paying lip service to helping blacks but never doing so - conservatives can force R's to do the right thing on occasion see Harriet Meyers and no to amnesty.

Anonymous said...

With regards to SAT / admissions:

Conservative Black Woman said...

Odooley8939~Yikes those stats are both sad and sobering.

It's disgusting that black folks would rather make excuses for this, question the validity of the source or scream racism...anything but address the real problem. As long we engage in this type of denial nothing will change.

How is asking for a break in terms of performance consistent with pride?

Anonymous said...

Too funny (not the topic)but this is the second post certain folks stopped talking about it after some numbers are posted.

Hey I'm a nerd by definition (engineer) so if any of the usual suspects can tell me how physics, algebra, trignometry, geometry, calculus etc are "racist" when you've got the culprit right there in your face - single parent homes, a mainstream popular culture that denigrates knowledge and last but not least some folks will get a pass.

KISS principle (Keep It Simple Stupid - what we use in industry sorta a cooler way of Occam's razor) - if Asian females (highest SAT scores)got a free pass + other two factors for decades would they still have the highest SAT scores

Call it some wild n crazy common sense but I think not

Reward bad behavior = more bad behavior.

Teach kids they are victims = they will be

liberateyourself said...

Wow, with all of this ruckus between political parties it's no wonder why I don't pledge alliance to any. Seems like political parties served to divide people not to unify. You cannot deny the history of the pass nor can you deny its aftermath on the black community. However, you cannot live in the past and assume blame if you ever expect to move forward. Yes, there are structural inequalities which lead to disparities in education, housing, health, and life chances (It is factual and cannot be disputed). If any change will be affective in correcting the inequalities present in America, it will occur at the micro-level by correcting institutional injustices. Until that happens, the U.S. will continue to be separate and unequal (referring to the urban poverty tracts and the poor ethnic enclaves). We cannot point to a few minorities in power and assume that race no longer matters in America (this would be considered tokenistic fallacy). Yes we should love all races, but we should not deny existent disparities. Why are the prisons overpopulated with minorities? Why do minorities have a high drop out rate? Why are education systems unequal? Why are minorities exposed to more health issues? I believe this newly arrived concept of accusing everyone of "playing the race card" is just a way to denote or downplay true injustices. Accepting other races does not mean denying injustices. There is serious aftermath that needs to be corrected at the government level. Also, it would be quite foolish to deny the existence of white privilege in America (especially since white professors teach it in their curriculum). Let us not live in the past, but don't live in denial of the aftermath of racism in America.

liberateyourself said...

(typos corrected)Wow, with all of this ruckus between political parties it's no wonder why I don't pledge alliance to any. Seems like political parties served to divide people not to unify. You cannot deny the history of the past nor can you deny its aftermath on the black community. However, you cannot live in the past and assume blame if you ever expect to move forward. Yes, there are structural inequalities which lead to disparities in education, housing, health, and life chances (It is factual and cannot be disputed). If any change will be effective in correcting the inequalities present in America, it will occur at the micro-level by correcting institutional injustices. Until that happens, the U.S. will continue to be separate and unequal in many ways (especially referring to the urban poverty tracts and the poor ethnic enclaves). We cannot point to a few minorities in power and assume that race no longer matters in America (this would be considered tokenistic fallacy). Yes, we should love all races, but we should not deny existent disparities. Why are the prisons overpopulated with minorities? Why do minorities have a greater high school drop out rate? Why are education systems unequal? Why are minorities exposed to more chronic health issues? I believe this newly arrived concept of accusing everyone of "playing the race card" is just a way to undermine or downplay true injustices. Accepting other races does not mean denying injustices. There is serious aftermath that needs to be corrected at the government level. Also, it would be quite foolish to deny the existence of white privilege in America (especially since white professors teach it in their curriculum at my university). Let us not live in the past, neither let us live in denial of the aftermath of racism in America.

liberateyourself said...

(final draft lol...I should really proof before submitting)Wow, with all of this ruckus between political parties it's no wonder why I don't pledge alliance to any. Seems like political parties serve to divide people not to unify. You cannot deny the history of the past nor can you deny its aftermath on the black community. However, you cannot live in the past and assume blame if you ever expect to move forward. Yes, there are structural inequalities which lead to disparities in education, housing, health, and life chances (It is factual and cannot be disputed). If any change will be effective in correcting the inequalities present in America, it will occur at the MACRO-LEVEL by correcting institutional injustices. Until that happens, the U.S. will continue to be separate and unequal in many ways (especially referring to the urban poverty tracts and the poor ethnic enclaves). We cannot point to a few minorities in power and assume that race no longer matters in America (this would be considered tokenistic fallacy). Yes, we should love all races, but we should not deny existent disparities. Why are the prisons overpopulated with minorities? Why do minorities have a greater high school drop out rate? Why are education systems unequal? Why are minorities exposed to more chronic health issues? I believe this newly arrived concept of accusing everyone of "playing the race card" is just a way to undermine or downplay true injustices. Accepting other races does not mean denying injustices. There is serious aftermath that needs to be corrected at the government level. Also, it would be quite foolish to deny the existence of white privilege in America (especially since white professors teach it in their curriculum at my university). Let us not live in the past, neither let us live in denial of the aftermath of racism in America.

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