I get it now....the black quasi-socialist progressive fundamentalist racism chaser just wants America to understand that it is all about US. The world revolves around US. White people need to just bow down and start licking our boots because we (black people) are entitled to our government funds at any cost! At least that's the tone I'm getting for the U.S. Rep James Clyburn, D-SC.:
COLUMBIA, S.C. – The highest-ranking black congressman said Thursday that
opposition to the federal stimulus package by southern GOP governors is "a slap
in the face of African-Americans."
U.S. Rep. James Clyburn, D-S.C., said he
was insulted when the governors of Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi and his home state, which have large black populations, said they might not accept some of
the money from the $787 billion stimulus package…
"These four governors represent states that are in the proverbial black belt," Clyburn said.
A spokesman for South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford accused Clyburn of playing the
race card.
"Spending money at the federal level that we do not have
represents a future tax increase on all South Carolinian, regardless of their color," Sanford spokesman Joel Sawyer said in an e-mail statement. "And in the process of doing so, he’s ripping off everyone he claims to represent."
Clyburn spokeswoman Hope Derrick later said Clyburn didn’t mean he thought
those governors were racially motivated in their opposition, but that rejecting
stimulus money would hurt black residents.
Clyburn began his remarks to reporters Thursday by talking about the Juneteenth celebration, which marks when slaves in Texas finally learned they had been freed by the Emancipation Proclamation more than a year after it happened.
"Knowing my history and knowing Texas history, all of this, it was a slap in the face of African-Americans," Clyburn said. (Source)
This is a classic example of what the democrat party has incubated. Black folks are poor, dejected, disadvantaged and entitled to government funds no matter what the cost! Does Rep. Clyburn represent all South Carolinians or just black ones? We need to start seeing ourselves as Americans not some special class of people who are entitled to money, jobs, promotions,loans etc. that we have not earned, merited, or qualifed for on the basis of income or credit. Perhaps then we will be treated as "real" equals and not contrived ones. I don't want to be in the "Special Olympics" for the game of life. If we are just as gifted and talented then lets start acting like it and stop holding our hands out.
"Does Rep. Clyburn represent all South Carolinians or just black ones?"
He represents his district, which is majority black.
Just like Rep. Adam Schock (R)of Illinois OPPOSED the stimulus package because as he stated, the people of his district who gave him the job, opposed the package even though it would bring thousands of jobs to Illinois.
Would those white folks who Schock represent consider themselves a "special class".
Do they want folks to "bend down and kiss their feet"???
If I live to be 100 I will never understand you black conservatives and the self hatred that motivates you.
"He represents his district, which is majority black.
Just like Rep. Adam Schock (R)of Illinois OPPOSED the stimulus package because as he stated, the people of his district who gave him the job, opposed the package even though it would bring thousands of jobs to Illinois.
Touche UTS -- valid point! However, Clyburn even though he backpeddled cried racism.
"If I live to be 100 I will never understand you black conservatives and the self hatred that motivates you.
Yes you will, I have faith in you UTS and you will eventually come to realize that "self-hatred" does not enter the equation. I also believe UTS that you will also come to realize that it is the BQSPFRC's ideology that is indeed self effacing.
I love your blog. Your voice in these crazy times, is breath of fresh air! Thank you for continuing to share your side of the story!
How did refusing the stimulus bill become racist? The new bill doesn't have any funds for areas devastated by Katrina. Does that mean the president is racist? Insane. Great blog!
I've finally come to the conclusion that you write these posts to get under the skin of the black quasi-socialist progressive fundamentalists to get attention even though we both know that the basic claim you're making is just plain conjecture, tinfoil-hat, and silly season joking. Ha, ha, I get it. Yeah, Obama put the stimulus packet out there as a "hook-up" for the Black Monolith inc. as promised as part of the secret contract with Dark America" [shhh...don't tell nobody]
Clyburn a black quasi-socialist progressive fundamentalists...that's funny.
" Yeah, Obama put the stimulus packet out there as a "hook-up" for the Black Monolith inc. as promised as part of the secret contract with Dark America" [shhh...don't tell nobody]
Actually I hadn't thought about that but if you say so....
"we both know that the basic claim you're making is just plain conjecture, tinfoil-hat, and silly season joking." (BK)
Now THAT'S an odd stance from a guy who ran...literally ran from another thread becasue he couldn't defend his own "plain conjecture, tinfoil-hat, and silly season joking" in asserting the workability of socialism.
And the challenge was a very basic one; "Prove it.
"You haven't produced a shred of evidence against even one argument I laid out.
"Take the "tax RATE cuts INCREASE tax revenues" charge of mine.
"FACT: When Reagan took office, America's total federal tax receipts were $618 BILLION...after slashing all tax rates by a whooping 25% and the top rate FROM 70% down to 35%...total federal tax receipts came to OVER $1 TRILLION! Tax RATE CUTS increased tax revenues..."
IF you could've defended your assertions, you would have.
As for Clyman's ridiculous statement, the FACT is that those Governors and others have every right to assess whether the strings that come along with thefederal monies is in each State's long term interests.
In all those states mentioned, the law states that "Unemployment insurance shall not be made available to anyone who will not take full time employment as available."
With the vast majority of the people in all those states supporting that legal proviso, those Governors are right to demand that that kind of language be stricken from any federal monies before they take them.
"I've finally come to the conclusion that you write these posts to get under the skin of the black quasi-socialist progressive fundamentalists to get attention"
You know it.
And don't forget..."bringing a smile to massa's face."
""I've finally come to the conclusion that you write these posts to get under the skin of the black quasi-socialist progressive fundamentalists to get attention"
The truth of the matter is I have a teen-aged daughter who will soon be going off to a bastion of liberal thought diguised as college. I blog in order that she will have an archive to tap as she finds her way through this very liberal world. Especially since she has chosen to attend an HBCU it is my life's mission at this point to keep the twisted, illogical, godless ideology of the BQSPFRC from permeated her brilliant brain. Since she will not be having dinner with me everynight as we listen to the evening news, I feel I should get in a habit of writing my rants down for her to conveniently peruse as necessary.
No intention of getting under anyone's skin....I'm not that mean spirited. Although I do enjoy the lively debate. You know, iron sharpens iron.
I know that Obama has discussed reparations in the past. Maybe you stumbled upon something and didn't realize it.
Obama said, "The biggest problem that we have in terms of race relations, I think, is dealing with the legacy of past discrimination which has resulted in extreme disparities in terms of poverty, in terms of wealth and in terms of income. Our inner cities are a legacy of what happened in the past. And the question is less assigning blame or rooting out active racism, because that's not the reason that those inner cities are in such bad shape, but rather figuring out are we willing to make the investments to deal with that past history so we can move forward to a brighter future? And that involves investing in early childhood education, fixing the schools in those communities, being willing to work in terms of job retraining. And those are serious investments."
I believe he said this on "Meet the Press."
Thanks Judy! Good looking out.
I feel sorry for your daughter because her mama is twisted. I hope she doesn't ever read your blog because you got it all wrong lady.
I was pushing Pepperdine actually.
I keep hearing the irrelevant buzzing of an insect.
One buzz keeps bringing up some irrelevant argument that had nothing to do with me; Debt vs. surplus. was never my argument.
I used the word, "merit" and somehow that because a point for proving that socialism didn't work. ?
Then the insect goes (since it loves capitalism, I'd say it's a mosquito) goes on to say that just because a society SIMPLY nationalizes industry or services that that automatically makes it socialist - a lazy and unintellectual argument that Marx himself refute s simply by DEFINING that many, many component and conditions and elements s that defines socialism properly.
There is no running from mosquitoes. You either swat them or leave the room; too small to bother with because they love to fly in loopholes or dart into other unrelated areas of a conversation. The "Reagan thing" was totally an argument with DJ Adam, not sure what that has to do with my pointing out a purely HISTORICAL FACT debunked by many thinkers on the left that Adolf Hitler was leftist. :-0
In fact, looking at what he promoted landed him straight into the right if anything.
Oh come on, the federal government spends money it doesn't have all the time, the problem is that Conservatives can only see it when the "money we don't have" is going anywhere but the coffers of the Rich and Corporations in the form of "tax breaks" and such....jus saying....
"One buzz keeps bringing up some irrelevant argument that had nothing to do with me; Debt vs. surplus. was never my argument." BK)
You're a might confused there, as I've addressed EVERYthing I've posted on the distinction between DEBT & DEFICIT to UTS (the fellow who confused the 2).
"I used the word, "merit" and somehow that because a point for proving that socialism didn't work. ? (BK)
Seems like you've been drinking or otherwise indulging, as it was YOU who made the idiotic claim that Right-wingers do such dastardly things as valuing merit over "equality," competition over cooperation, realism over idealism, reality over fantasy, etc.
I merely called you on how batshit crazy that viewpoint of yours IS.
What "proves that socialism doesn't work" is that it's NEVER worked....NOT in the former USSR, NOT in formerly Communist China, NOT in Hitler's Germany, NOT in Pol Pot's Cambodia, NOT anywhere!
The reason it hasn't worked is because it can't work...and your point about socialism valuing idealism over realism, cooperation over competition, etc. may well be why.
Socialism is a fantasy that's been created in an intellectual vacuum. That is, like those old physics problems that go, "assuming constant mass," this canard (socialism) requires that we "assume there is a constant amount of wealth" (only a limited amount of wealth available at any given time) - it ASSUMES a static wealth.
Unfortunately, we DON'T HAVE a state of static wealth. In the real world wealth expands and contracts...and the people most responsible for expanding the wealth (let's call them "the producers") are motivated by being able to keep MORE of the wealth THEY generate....and THAT begets the generation of ever MORE wealth.
"...goes on to say that just because a society SIMPLY nationalizes industry or services that that automatically makes it socialist..." (BK)
Yes indeed, the NATIONALIZATION of industry is a prerequisite for SOCIALISM. ANY nation that nationalizes its businesses and industries IS a socialist nation.
Seems as though you're posting these replies in the wrong thread. Couldn't think up a reply until now?! Five days later?
Well, quite frankly, I'd have expected better for that amount of incubation.
Hitler nationalized the industries and businesses of Germany and he was indeed a left-wing socialist, regardless how much that hurts your feelings.
Look, if it makes you feel any better, Hitler was fundamentally no different than Mao (who murdered over 80 MILLION Chinese) and Stalin (who murdered over 50 MILLION Russians)...it's just all that wanton ethnic-hatred that made Hitler stand apart, though ALL leftists prey on generating and encouraging such ethnic hatreds, don't they?
Sure they do!
And "the Reagan thing" was an open challenge to ANYONE who thinks that socialism CAN work and markets DON'T work better.
If one could prove that Reagan's income tax cuts DID NOT increase income tax revenues, that would, as they say, "put the lie" to one of the pillars of Reaganism.
Is that gonna happen?
Doesn't seem at all likely!
"Oh come on, the federal government spends money it doesn't have all the time, the problem is that Conservatives can only see it when the "money we don't have" is going anywhere but the coffers of the Rich and Corporations in the form of "tax breaks" and such." (BJBA)
Tax CUTS cost us MONEY and INCREASE deficit spending?
Not income tax rate cuts and Capital Gains cuts!
When Reagan cut ALL tax rates by 25% and dropped the TOP rate FROM 70% TO 35%, government tax revenues exploded FROM $619 BILLION TO over $1 TRILLION!
How was that "a cost" again?
Just sayin.
When Bush-Jr CUT the income tax rates across-the-board, income tax revenues again soared!
Wen the Capital Gains rate was cut from 30% to 20% by the Gingrich Congress, Cap Gains revenues skyrocketed...and they went UP again, when G W Bush CUT the Cap Gains rate FROM 20% TO 15%!
Again, just sayin.
Funny story! Turns out that the President DOESN'T DO any of the spending....nope, Congress DOES!
I guess that's why the ONLY Congress to EVER CUT spending and REDUCE the federal budget (and they had to shut down the federal government to do it) was the Gingrich Congress....and those CUTS, coupled with that HUGE Capital Gains rate cut, delivered all those budget surpluses of the late 90's and some of the BEST years America's seen economically post-WW II!
In 1998 the USA posted a 6.5 Misery Index....it had been as high as 22 under Jimmy Carter!
"When Reagan cut ALL INCOME tax rates by 25% and dropped the TOP INCOME TAX rate FROM 70% TO 35%, total government tax revenues exploded FROM $619 BILLION TO over $1 TRILLION!
I'm happy everyday, Ilike you CBW. I come here to talk/debate with YOU because I know the day will come when we will work on common ground. Not trying to change you, but work on common ground. I know it can happen because we do care about the same people.
I'll assume that was a typo, or you may come to find why I picked the name DJ Black Adam as oppossed to DJ Captain Marvel.....lucky for you when I say "SHAZAM" I remain a mere aristocratic elitist mortal...
"BJBA"? I'll assume that was a typo (DJBA)
Actually I hadn't even seen that til you mentioned it....yeah, typo.
All is forgiven then. I'm still an aristocratic elitist, I just didn't know what fellatio had to do with it (trust me, I married and wouldn't know about THAT sort of thing anymore)
"I'm still an aristocratic elitist," (DJBA)
I'm probably more of a pragmatic populist, leaning toward the Libertarian.
I've seen government up close and it's better, far better restrained.
I just didn't know what fellatio had to do with it (trust me, I married and wouldn't know about THAT sort of thing anymore) (DJBA)
Me neither, I'm married so long, I've forgotten.
Although, to be honest, I consider myself fortunate, in that lust gave way to a deeper love......or, at least that's what I keep telling myself.
"Although, to be honest, I consider myself fortunate, in that lust gave way to a deeper love......or, at least that's what I keep telling myself."
lol, Maybe I should start telling myself that too!
"Maybe I should start telling myself that too!" (DJBA)
It's worth a shot. It may not be great....but it's not all that bad, either.
Just a little note as a reminder to those who are into the concept of distributive wealth.
This Government gives money away to the businesses that are too big to fail, to wealthy farmers to produce nothing sometimes, mainly those in the top quintile. They also give money to about 40 percent of the people who are too poor to stand on their own or those in the bottom two quintile. Since the Governments do not involve themselves in money or wealth creation activities, instead the bulk of the revenues and loans are confiscated from the middle two quintiles. Those of us who cannot hide our incomes from them through tax write-offs or participate in the underground economy.
Eventually those of who pay as we earn may be paying north of 70 percent of our earnings towards the well-being of the top and bottom welfare kings and queens. The recipients of this largesse at the top will always return some of those funds for the re-election of politicians like the current set in Washington. In addition, the dutiful ones at the bottom will always return the favor by voting as a block for those who continue to share our wealth with them.
I have first-hand knowledge of such a system of Government as I have lived in such a system in the past. Thank God, I could flee legally to an America. However, as I see things now, America is still a great place to live and those of us who pay through our noses should do our best to keep it that way and not let it slide incrementally down the path of my familiar banana republic.
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