The spousal unit forced me to listen to The Tom Joyner Morning Show this morning on the drive in to work. Now I understand why too many black folks are mired in ignorance (notice I didn't say all or most I said TOO MANY). Roland Martin was the guest for the 5 minute segment and they were discussing the stimulus bill. Roland Martin said the stimulus bill is a great bill that will stimulate the economy and will immediately provide jobs for 3 million people and added that 2 million people are out of work. He said that the house and congress spoke with leading economist to ensure that the bill was balanced -- a balance between tax cuts and "programs that will stimulate the economy and help the poor" but he continued the Republicans are trying to block the bill . Tom Joyner replied "well there are enough democrats so forgit dim republikins and pass the bill." He repeated this some 5 to 7 times throughout the rest of the segment. Joyner, questioned how tax cuts stimulate the economy to which Roland Martin replied that "they don't" and then proceeded to talk about how much the stimulus bill would be used for education. They painted the Republicans as rich, white bigots who want to keep the "little guy" down. Needless to say, I was yelling at the radio which irritated the spousal unit and we fought (but, I digress).
I wonder how many people who heard that exchange really believe that the stimulus bill is a good thing? I wonder how many people who heard that exchange really believe that republicans just don't care about the poor? I submit that too many will believe it. Not because they are dumb but because they are busy and they don't have time to peruse the nytimes, wsj, and washpo op-eds. They are busy dressing their children for school, making lunches, making dinner, cleanup after dinner, and they depend on the TV and the radio for information. There is no wonder that the liberal left wants to institute the fairness doctrine because they want to control information. They already have the MSM and the black media doing their bidding. I see why they feel the need to silence talk radio hosts like Limbaugh and Hannity -- they can't have people getting the whole story can they?
Well at least Joyner provides music in between his political musings (even if they are uniformed), Limbaugh is just a moron for the whole show, maybe you guys can get him to at least place some soft jazz between his inane ramblings....
"Now I understand why too many black folks are mired in ignorance (notice I didn't say all or most I said TOO MANY)."
And I guess the people who slavishly listen to Limbaugh and Hannity are wel informed?
CBW, what would be your alternative to the stimulus bill?
DJBlack Adam & UptownSteve~Ya'll missed the point entirely. The point is MSM is failing us! They are not giving the whole story. People with influence like Roland Martin, Tom Joyner, Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity should be responsible with that influence and tell the truth --not half truths. We have a national problem--people are too busy to be get informed.
My answer to the stimulus -- kill it or call what it is really is a pork barrel conumdrum but it will not stimulate a thing except the unions and the lobbists who are the benefactors.
Stimulus bill will create 3 million jobs right away. Please tell me how that can happen when any government spending has to have a bid process, procedural over view and rules that must be adhered to. Also most of this spending would be at the state level which adds another level of bureaucracy to the mix. So no jobs will be created until the shovels hit the dirt. Even congress has stated that only 25-30% of this money will be spent this year. Tax cuts are immediate and have a profound business effect immediately. I do agree that some government spending will be necessary for bridges and highways but we already pay taxes for this upkeep in every gallon of gasoline that you purchase.
Also there are almost 4 million people out of work not 2.
Black folk should stop getting their information from entertainers. And conservatives should not rely on the muses of Linbaugh and Hannity only.
"Black folk should stop getting their information from entertainers. And conservatives should not rely on the muses of Linbaugh and Hannity only."
Roland Martin is no more of an entertainer than Limbaugh or Hannity.
Most Americans get their news from TV and radio.
Most Americans don't read the paper.
I was referring to Joyner's comment...forget them republicans. Plus he presented his comments on Joyner's show.
Well all I have to say that if there were Republican obstructionists in the Republik of BrotherKomrade, they wouldn't fare very well.....not well at all.... So "forgittin' 'dem" would be a nice thing in our real-world reality.
But it's not MSM's resposibility to educate us.
It's like blaming a teacher for your child's poor grades.
But the fact that too many get their news from entertianment shows IS a problem.
When people see a skit on John Stewart, they get the joke.
When many hear a similar skit on Joyner, many takre it as fact.
Not just Joyner.
I know people who think that Don Imus is serious journalist who got shafted by "liberal media" for his comments about the Rutger's women basketball team.
Why do black righties always try to stigmatize black folks?
Ya'll really think that the rest of us are stupid and you are the only blacks with brains.
You wrote: "Ya'll really think that the rest of us are stupid and you are the only blacks with brains."
I don't know about our neo-con friends, as for me, I think that most people are willfully stupid, regardless of race or political affiliation…which is why I am considered an aristocratic elitist, and have no qualms admitting that I am.
Jus saying...
UptownSteve~If you listen to Tom Joyner and ascribe to "his politic" without taking into account the entire political spectrum then yeah you are bound to be as dumb as a box of rock. No judgement just the sad facts. Conversely, if someone listens only to Imus then they are bound to pretty pretty stupid too.
However if someone listens to NPR, (which IMHO is pretty liberal because I listen sometimes) I wouldn't say they were stupid. I just probably won't agree with them. Just as I don't believe that Rush and Hannity listeners are stupid (especially being one of them) but they have a different point of view.
Ignorance isn't partisan or racial UptownSteve (although a case could be made that liberal logic is absurd-I'm not up for that fight today)
"Just as I don't believe that Rush and Hannity listeners are stupid (especially being one of them) but they have a different point of view."
I wouldn't say that the listeners are "stupid", and I wouldn't say that Hannity or Limbaugh are stupid, if they were stupid, I could excuse their ignorance, the fact that they aren't indicates that they are malicious deceivers, which is far worse than being stupid...
"Ignorance isn't partisan or racial UptownSteve (although a case could be made that liberal logic is absurd-I'm not up for that fight today)"
Oh yeah right.
I guess that's why even though W was the President for the last 8 years and his party controlled Congress most of the last 14 years, some righties like Hannity are call this the "Obama recession".
@DJ Black Adam~", I could excuse their ignorance, the fact that they aren't indicates that they are malicious deceivers, which is far worse than being stupid..."
Which is precisely WHY we should be able to TRUST MSM to be unbiased and report the facts...but we can't. So one has to figure it out for themselves....some will believe Chris Matthews, Keith Olbermann, and his ilk and some will believe Limbaugh, Hannity and that crew.
This whole debacle could be afforded if we could get the straigh skinny from professional journalist-- but there are none.
I meant to say this whole debacle could be avoided if we could get the straight skinny....(whew, I'd do well to proof-read before I publish)
@UptownSteve~"I guess that's why even though W was the President for the last 8 years and his party controlled Congress most of the last 14 years, some righties like Hannity are call this the "Obama recession".
I have not heard Hannity use that term. However, since said "rightie" doesn't think this stimulus bill will "stimulate" the economy but put the US deeper in debt and this bill is being peddled (not written, he gave Pelosi that task)by Pres. Obama then the only logical conclusion is that if we are in a recession now that it will surely be prolonged. What's so far-fetched about that?
Can't you admit that it was the policies of Bush and the rightwing Congress that has been in power for 6 of the last 8 years that got us into this mess????
Didn't President Clinton leave office with a record budget surplus?
"Can't you admit that it was the policies of Bush and the rightwing Congress that has been in power for 6 of the last 8 years that got us into this mess????"
Nope. I can't admit it. Bush did't tell Americans to spend more than they make. Bush didn't make people borrow for everything. Bush didn't tell people to rely on an employer rather than themselves and improve their marketability to get and keep a good job that can pay their bills.
Individual people got their own selves into this mess and individual people need to look to themselves to help themselves using some of the resources available to them. Or people need to work as individuals to improve their specific communities.
Believe me, I've had hard times, but you know what? The whole economy wasn't complaining and looking for a handout at that time. So, I had to figure it out on my own and with my family and with my existing resources. I had to step out on faith in God. I pray that God blesses and guides anyone and everyone who is having a hard time financially right now, but naw, it ain't Bush's fault. (;
"Nope. I can't admit it. Bush did't tell Americans to spend more than they make. Bush didn't make people borrow for everything."
No, he, just as his predecessors from Reagan to Clinton) just made it easier for people to take advantage of people by ALLOWING them to do so, The criminally responsible FINANCIAL SERVICES industry deregulated by REPUBLICAN CONSERVATIVE interest to give people the "no income verification loan" or the ever popular “do whatever you want to the consumer, post large debits before small ones and charge exurbanite overdraft fees to maximizes your profits while putting the consumer in the poor house with LOAN shark tactics and rates”…and while you’re loaning money to people based on stated income (knowing damn well they’re lying to you as long as you get to charge those nice fees) put those risky loan in MARKETABLE Securities you want to say aren’t RISKY.
Yeah...the consumer and workers have their responsibilty only the sychophantic conservative right can't see the criminal actions of BIG Businesss and the right wing governmnet that enabled them...fascinating...
Meredith, sweetheart...
What about the $4 billion a month we're dumping in Iraq????
Good post.
Do facts totally elude you?
Roland Martin wasn't a guest. This was his daily segment on the Tom Joyner Morning Show.
His guest was Melody Barnes, director of the White House's Domestic Policy Council.
But I guess you do like Limbaugh and Hannity. Ignore the facts and run off at the mouth.
Actually Anonymous Thankyou. I thought that sounded like a woman but I actually called the show and was told that it was Roland Martin. I was engaged in a screaming match with the spousal unit which through me off...but no excuses. Thanks for the correction.
P.S Anonymous~The dialogue I related was completely accurate!
The Bush Administration along with the Republican controlled congress swept through one of the costliest to business, financial market regulations in several decades....Sarbanes-Oxley of 2002. This act was passed after the financial demise of Enron and World Com in which those executives responsible did go to jail.
As far as loan shark tactics go, when I signed my mortgage papers at the closing table (with an attorney) I knew exactly what my loan entailed. Reading is fundamental. You sound as if you are holding blameless the person who failed to understand the mortgage contract in which they signed. Because in order to take possession of that house you had to sign something. Common sense would dictate that if you have a no income verification loan then you gotta know that there are some gottcha's involved.
But all was swell until we had a downturn in the housing and mortgage market and those ARMS got adjusted up (in the contract) and monthly payments went up along with the fancy car payments, expensive clothes and jewelry and the maxed out credit cards. At some point you have to pay the piper. Now the piper wants his!
You wrote:
“The Bush Administration along with the Republican controlled congress swept through one of the costliest to business, financial market regulations in several decades....Sarbanes-Oxley of 2002.”
Sarbanes Oxley was what we call, smoke and mirrors or “Balderdash”. It didn’t do anything, it was fluff to make it look like they were doing something, basically B##$#!&. That’s why it did nothing to address the issue we have, stupid bundling of assets that were know to be RISKY into “NON RISKY” Marketable securities.
You go one with: “Reading is fundamental. You sound as if you are holding blameless the person who failed to understand the mortgage contract in which they signed.”
Your right “reading is fundamental”. You might want to try to read what I wrote tovarasich, I don’t excuse the individual, I, unlike you AM NOT HOLDING BLAMELESS THE FINANCIAL SERVICES INDUSTRY. It takes TWO to tango my friend.
“At some point you have to pay the piper. Now the piper wants his!”
You’re so right, that’s why I say everybody upside down with nowhere to turn should file chapter 7’s and tell the banks to kiss their @$$#$.
Now Chase, Citicorp, Wells Fargo, etc., etc., can PAY THE PIPER for doing loans they damn well known they shouldn’t have. They knew that people could file chapter 7’s, since they aren’t trying to work with the people they overcharged on fees, and interest all this time, they should be left holding the bag for ALL THOSE HOUSES.
The consumers should now have learned their lessons, and 18 months from now when they rebuild their credit and their lives, the will make more prudent purchases, and now that we don’t have BUSH telling Americans to SPEND to let the terrorist know that they can’t beat us, perhaps people will also reign in the credit card spending as well.
Then all those rich bankers and their credit card and mortgage companies can deal with the mess they made.
My final question to you is what do you have against the rich? Corruption knows no social status. Some poor people are just as corrupt as some rich. Knowing how to work the welfare system to avoid having to take care of responsibilities is wrong too!
You asked: "My final question to you is what do you have against the rich?"
Nothing. I have something against greed that causes people to do criminal actions, rather they are rich or poor. I cut Big Business run by people no more or less slack than I cut a The average Joe. People like you don't seem to have a problem punishing the average Joe, but seem to throw yourselves in front of a bus to protect irresponsible and criminally negligent corporations from having ANY responsibility or repercussions of their actions, why you do, I can't quite understand.
Rich bank robs billions, you have nothing to say, Sheniqua, Ellie Mae or Maria get 20 dollars extra in food stamps, and you want a congressional inquiry. I just don’t grasp you alls logic. The banks and other financial services corporations bilked the consumer, milked them for year as the conservatives from Reagan to GW undermined consumer protections, irresponsibly bundle securities of risky assets, etc., etc., and you bring up “welfare fraud”…simply amazing.
You wrote: "Some poor people are just as corrupt as some rich."
Sure. Produce where I have said otherwise. False dichotomy.
"Knowing how to work the welfare system to avoid having to take care of responsibilities is wrong too!"
Its not an either or, you are presenting a false dichotomy. Fact is, when Gingrich and the biys went after the welfare queens, you all seemed happy, fair enough, now move out the way while we go after the Corporate Welfare KINGS, and have the same sense of satisfaction when they deal with the consequences of their actions.
"Do facts totally elude you?
Roland Martin wasn't a guest. This was his daily segment on the Tom Joyner Morning Show."
And your point is what?
(Correction Tom Joyner's guest was not Roland Martin as his engineer informed me but Melody Barnes Director of White House Domestic Policy Council--h/t to anonymous)
I have stated many times in the past that there is a Vertically Integrated Message Machine that blasts a focused beam upon the Black community:
* Politicians
* Press (The Black Press)
* Preachers
* Performers (Politically active actors, singers, rappers athletes)
* Policy Makers (community activists and organizations)
* Protesters (Civil Rights Organizations)
* Public School Teachers
* Pro-Union forces (Organized Labor)
* Posters (Black Bloggers)
( The 9 P's In the Pod)
When you listen to Tom Joyner or the local "Fight The Power" Black talk radio station here in Atlanta, on XM or anywhere else in the nation you are receiving nothing more than Democratic Party AMPLIFICATION.
More than "Pro-Black" they are "Anti-Republican". I feel sorry for the Black people who listen to them in abundance BUT WHO DON'T seek out other sources of information. They will be fooled into assuming that THIS COORDINATED MESSAGE is the ONLY valid message and that anyone who thinks otherwise stands against the interests of Black people.
I struggle and struggle hard to understand HOW it is that at a time when the DEMOCRATIC PARTY HAS CONTROL OVER MORE BLACK AREAS and more areas where WORKING CLASS PEOPLE LIVE that the people in these same areas focus more on the NATIONAL REPUBLICANS than they do on their LOCAL DEMOCRATS.
The reason why the BLACK ESTABLISHMENT is not going to CALL THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY on what they have FAILED TO DO "Within the Black community" is because most of the people who:
* Call other Blacks Sellout
* Who attack other Blacks for putting PARTY above COMMUNITY INTERESTS
* Who claim that someone is HURTING THE INTERESTS OF BLACK PEOPLE...........are right in line IN AGREEMENT with the other members of the ESTABLISHMENT.
The one saving grace that I have to keep my sanity in what I am seeing is the INDEPENDENT STATISTICS and my ability to listen into the various "Just Between Us Chickens" conversations that Black people frequently make use of.
If I didn't hear the pain and the frustration about what is going on WITHIN THE BLACK COMMUNITY I would believe that I am CRAZY.
The only problem is that the individual members of the Black Community have not yet figured out that the BLACK ESTABLISHMENT is but ONE PERSPECTIVE on Blackness and is not the DEFINITION OF.
What we are seeing is "Democratic Immunity". Just as "Diplomatic Immunity" allows a foreign dignitary to run over someone and not be prosecuted for a crime in America - so too does the "Democratic Immunity" in Black America allow the Democratic Party to gut our key interests and not suffer any loss in position within the Black community for it.
"The reason why the BLACK ESTABLISHMENT is not going to CALL THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY on what they have FAILED TO DO "Within the Black community" is because most of the people who:"
What specifically have they "failed to do in the Black Community".
Keep in mind that within the "black community" you have an upper professional class, a middle class majority, a working class and an underclass.
I'll wait patiently for your response to THAT question.
What specifically have they "failed to do in the Black Community".[/quote]
1) Key Issue in the 100% DEMOCRAT Detroit mayoral elections: HOW TO MANAGE THE GROSSLY FAILED DETROIT PUBLIC SCHOOLS. No mention of the past FAILURES by the 100% Democrat Detroit School board and the 100% Democrat City Council and the last 5 Democrat mayors over the city.
How many thousands of school children are being injured by this incompetence? (There is no Bowie for the average Detroit resident to move away to escape the failure)
2) I just saw an article about the murders of Black males and how it has reached a crisis proportion. http://www.frostillustrated.com/atf.php?sid=5118
The leadership, elected and community will NOT be held accountable for these CIVIL RIGHTS VIOLATIONS that are taking place on their watch.
Their solutions are LEFTIST PROGRESSIVE, boil the ocean. It is SOCIETY'S BURDEN rather than they managing the individual thug operatives who are doing the killing.
The ironic thing about all of this Steve is as you win POLITICAL VICTORIES another bit of your soul and racial consciousness DIES.
"The ironic thing about all of this Steve is as you win POLITICAL VICTORIES another bit of your soul and racial consciousness DIES."
This is hopeless.
I don't live in Detroit you friggin imbecile.
[quote]Stimulus bill will create 3 million jobs right away. Please tell me how that can happen when any government spending has to have a bid process, procedural over view and rules that must be adhered to[/quote]
Ron B:
Do you think that in 4 years if there is a net 5 million job loss under Obama that he will get less than 90% of the Black Vote?
Steve and other Black Quasi-Socialist Progressive-Fundamentalist Racism Chasers will simply say "Bush destroyed this nation much worse than OBAMA had thought. We need to give this brother 4 more years so that he can continue to undo the damage from Bush".
And so it goes.
How is it that the party that brought us "The Rust Belt" but has convince the Blacks and the working class that IT has their best interests in mind is going to be dislodged from the position it has with Steve and others?
YOU ARE NOT GOING TO DO IT WITH logic and reason.
Some people will only CHANGE when they suffer a material loss from their ideological bigotry.
As long as a White man is alive STEVE is going to have his out.
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