Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Can I Live?

Hat Tip to Blacknright for posting this video this morning on her blog. I have to post it here as well because this is how the story of Mini-me and I began (except I was 26 not 17).

I was not a christian 18 years ago lying on the table at the abortion clinic but I clearly heard the voice of God admonishing me to "Get Out". Never having heard a clear distinct voice in my head except my own, I obeyed. I thank God everyday for loving me when I didn't love Him and for saving Mini-me's life.


Pamela said...

So much for people that lie and say that the only reason that women feel guilty about abortion is because of religious pressures.

Christians need to continue and increase support for women that find themselves in this situation. I'm convinced that the vast majority of them would not if they had support, especially from the fathers of these babies. Sad to say some of the pressure for abortions come from the fathers of the children who are married to the mothers.

Conservative Black Woman said...

Pamela~Women feel guilty because they have murdered. I felt that life inside of me. However, I was so selfish and my heart was so hard that I didn't care that it was a life. It took the voice of the living God to penetrate my wretched, calloused heart. No one can tell me that the scripture "My Sheep Know My voice" is not true. I knew who was speaking to me while I laid on that table and I was compelled to obey. I haven't had an encounter with the Lord like that since. However, by the time my baby was born so was I (Born Again).

Pamela said...

I have not found myself in that position so I could not speak from experience. However hearing women that have gone through this I am a strong advocate against it. It harms women in ways that those that promote it refuse to acknowledge. This is probably one reason why you did not hear as much about the consequences because women would be railed against for telling the truth of the results of that decision. Hopefully those that have been silent about the trauma of their choice will be able to find someone they can talk to (along with the Lord).

I'm glad your life turned around. I'm sure the Lord has great plans for your daughter. He wanted her born for some reason. It will not surprise me if she does something really great for the Kingdom. He also saved you a lot of grief and turmoil.

Anonymous said...

you heard a voice in your head? Do you ever feel a need for tin-hats. maybe you should talk to a trained professional about this...

Conservative Black Woman said...

Not that I should entertain your stupid ignorant behind Anon but the fact of the matter is I had never before and have not since heard a voice in my head (other than my own) However, since you have reading comprehension problems I'm sure that point was lost on you.

Zabeth said...

"It harms women in ways that those that promote it refuse to acknowledge. This is probably one reason why you did not hear as much about the consequences..."

That's absolutely right Pamela. There are elements of abortion that NOW and NARAL will not discuss or be upfront with women about. I know women who are still dealing with the consequences of abortion 30 YEARS LATER!

I was the same way - I was a lot more comfortable with abortion and the pro-choice movement when I was ignorant of many of the movements elements (i.e. it's founder, the procedure, potential medical complications, aftermath, etc.).

RainaHavock said...

Wow that's deep. I'm usually pro-choice but hearing your story makes me think. Personally thought I hope to never find myself in that situation for I'm am still a virgin and plan on remaining one till I've married. I think if alot more women did that then we wouldn't have to worry about abortions and other things of that nature.

Conservative Black Woman said...

RainaHavoc~I am so happy to hear you say that you plan on waiting until marriage before having sex. That would be the most wonderful gift that you could give your husband. I pray that you never have to make the "choice" to terminate a preganancy. Contrary to what the world tells you it is life changing as life shouldn't be disposable. I a husband finds you who is deserving of your beauty and wisdom. Bless you....

RainaHavock said...

@Conservativeblackwoman: Thank you so much. You're one of the first few people on the net who has been so positive about me being celibate. I usually get the "you think you're better that everybody", you guys are going to have sexless marriage, "he'll cheat on you". Then on top of that they makes excuse for their own behavior. SMH It's ridiculous.

Pamela said...

RaniaHavock, I am an older woman that is celibate. LET ME TELL YOU if you are 1000 years old and still a virgin you will not regret it a second. People will try and shame you because of your stance. I really got this when I was younger. In some cases I was accused of not liking men. I just refuse to date anyone that expects me to put out. Unfortunately (or fortunately) that choice resulted in few dates over the years. I don't want everyone to know that side to me. I want that to be only for my husband. I truly believe that people think it is impossible to live a celibate life. You may have missed out on a few minutes of fun but believe me I have heard from way too many people (men and women) that regret their sexual history. You still have the choice to start sleeping around but they can never go back to be a virgin. They can live celibate but it is not like never being with a person.