"Ever since the Tea Party phenomenon exploded onto the political scene a few months back, the Left has been up in arms over the inflammatory and offensive rhetoric featured on some of the signs and placards displayed by those in attendance. Chris Matthews, Keith Olbermann, and Rachel Maddow, among others, have fumed repeatedly about the bad taste exhibited by many of those expressing their displeasure with the President and his policies.
The Huffington Post ran a feature on this subject, titled “10 Most Offensive Tea Party Signs,” which singled out, among others, the following winners — or perhaps “losers” is a more apt term:
“Obama’s Plan: White Slavery”
“The American taxpayers are the Jews for Obama’s ovens”
“Our tax $ given to Hamas to Kill Christians, Jews, & Americans”
“Obama: What you talking about Willis? Spend my money?”
“Obama loves taxes, bankrupt USA, loves baby killing”
“Barack Hussein Obama: The new face of Hitler”
“Barack Obama supports abortion, sodomy, socialism, and the New World Order”
“Obama was not bowing [to the Saudi king]. He was sucking Saudi jewels.”
That’s pretty salty stuff. Reasonable people must concede that rhetoric like this is crude and offensive.
A question does come to mind, however: Exactly how did the Huffington Post go about selecting these particular signs for recognition? A simple Internet search turns up a whole host of protesters’ signs that were considerably more offensive, and more graphic, than these. Many of them, in fact, issued explicit calls for violence against the President. Among the uglier, more reprehensible examples were the following:
1.One sign exhorted Americans to “kill” the President and “bomb his f—in White House.”
2.Another said, “I’m here to kill” the President.
3.Another said to “hang” the President.
4.Another said the President “is the disease, death is the cure.”
5.Another said the President is “the only dope worth shooting.”
6.Another showed a likeness of the President’s face with a bullet hole in the forehead, oozing red blood.
7.Another called explicitly for the “death” of the “pig” in the White House.
8.Another displayed a caricature of the President’s disembodied, bleeding head.
9.Others featured the President’s face accompanied by such captions as: “Wanted: dead or alive,” and “Death to the dictator.”
10.Another showed the President’s neck being fitted with a noose.
11.Still another showed the image of a noose accompanied by a caption urging us to “support” the President (i.e., with the noose).
Perhaps examples 10 and 11 above, evoking images of lynchings, lend some credence to the claims of Jimmy Carter, who has told conservatives that, however much they may wish to deny it, their criticisms of President Obama are, in the final analysis, motivated chiefly by a subconscious racism that simply cannot accept a black man as President.
Oh, but wait. Actually, none of the signs in the numbered list above were displayed at Tea Party rallies protesting President Obama and his policies. They were displayed during the previous administration, at rallies protesting President George W. Bush and his policies.
Oops. Never mind."(Source)
Check out these pictures courtesy of Zombietime.com:

I wonder why all of these death threats against Bush were not reported? Double standard perhaps? Kathie Shaidle at zombietime.com says the following: "I contend that the media is aggressively reporting on, highlighting and pursuing any and all possible threats to President Obama — and even hints of threats — but they purposely glossed over, ignored or failed to report similar threats to President Bush. Why? I believe it is part of an ideological bias: most mainstream networks and newspapers tried their best during the Bush administration to portray the anti-war movement as mainstream and moderate; whereas now they are trying to portray the anti-tax and anti-health-care-bill protesters as extremists and as fringe kooks. To achieve these goals, they essentially suppressed any mentions of the violent signage (including threats to Bush) at anti-war rallies, but have highlighted anything that could even conceivably be construed as a threat at anti-Obama events."
I supposed I wouldn't care so much about the drones who haven't a clue, who are routinely deceived the Obama's lapdogs media except that almost everyone I care about is damn Obama drone.
The comments will be telling in two ways:
The lack of them because wtf can they say.
Otoh, it will be interesting to see someone type in defense of this morbid hypocrisy.
Dear friend,
Thank you for posting my piece on your "Conservative Black Woman" blog tonight. I'm glad you found it meaningful, and I'm always so delighted to come across people like you, people who choose to think for themselves rather than to be spoon-fed the "conventional wisdom" of the media and the race hustlers. I'll be sure to follow your blog in the future. God bless you.
Every good wish,
John Perazzo
CBW, how are you. Listen, I'll be honest, I didn't read the blog or got past the first paragrapgh. But it's a known fact that death threats on our president are up 300% as compared to George Bush. This is no urban myth; it has been confirmed by the Secret Service.
I wrote about this recently, and with extensive research what I say is a definite fact.
LINK: http://rippdemup.blogspot.com/2009/08/could-you-sleep-at-night-when-you-get.html
I suspect the dems are faking the shock and dismay, for the most part. I give them all a big Captain Louis Renault Award.
Never in American history has a president told so many lies.
Never in American history has a press been so complacent.
Never in American history have the people been purposefully de-educated.
Never in American history have there been so many lies told about him.
That's not true. That's just simply not true at all. That's just your opinion against a man you can't stand, who you also don't know. I can name some big liars, known liars including Nixon and Clinton who even lied under oath.
@ Smile:
There is no morbid hypocrisy, wrong is wrong. Those signs are offensive, but they don't negate the argument, or the point. The article was written to prove that Obama doesn't have more death threats than any other President, not to prove that Bush has signs, too.
I think the author is twisting the argument. The statement is that Barack Obama received more threats than any other President. Meaning more intel of threats are coming into the white house, that the secret service has to investigate, therefore stretching the secret service department.
Not that Barack Obama has more hateful signs than any other President. No one has ever claimed that Bush didn't have bad signs or been called vicious names. So proving Bush had a few signs as well, doesn't negate the fact that the secret service is in over drive.
The author could have better proven his point, by addressing the fact that part of the problem is due to budget cuts and cuts in manpower in the secret service department. Therefore stretching them thin.
Or he could have argued that Cheney must be running a close 2nd, because Obama extended his secret service protection past the normal six months giving to Veeps.
Well bush did start and illegal war which makes him a war criminal and war criminals at the least should be tried with death as a possible option.
Where Obama is receiving death threats for being black.(Most of the threats center around his race and not his policy)
Both former President G.W.Bush, and President B.H. Obama had and have their detractors.
Threats of violence against any President (or any other individual for that matter) need to be investigated and dealt with harshly if the individual is caught.
The real issue with Obama (and Bush as well)is the erosion of individual rights and the creep of socialist/statist policy and doctrine. This is why many are re thinking their choice already and Obama likely will be outsider again in 2012.
At least if rationality prevails. One can only hope it won't be to late to regain our republic.
Everytime one of these post come up about the "MSM".
I always wonder. Hey. Fox News is not Left Leaning. 700 Club is not Left Leaning, and for the love of all things Holy. Talk Radio is left leaning because they are so far right. That they had to start over.
What is stopping these news sources from reporting these things?
They always seem to come in on the tail end of a "Lib" story. Basically using the You guys do it too. Defense that I know that Conservatives love so much. Especially when used against Black men. Anyway.
I wonder why these sources are never in the forefront on these atrociticites.
Also. The guy you quoted. As expected never seems to condemn the racist signs against Obama. Interesting.
Once again common sense brilliance!
The amazing thing is that some people seem to actually believe the liberals' hype and spin.....the double standard applied is nothing short of dumb founding.
Hokie pokie grapie
MrsGrapevine~In fairness to Mr. Perazzo the author, his premise was entirely about signage. It was me who muddled the two issues and you have a valid point.However I did try and tie it together by quoting yet another writer who said "I contend that the media is aggressively reporting on, highlighting and pursuing any and all possible threats to President Obama — and even hints of threats — but they purposely glossed over, ignored or failed to report similar threats to President Bush. Why? I believe it is part of an ideological bias: most mainstream networks and newspapers tried their best during the Bush administration to portray the anti-war movement as mainstream and moderate; whereas now they are trying to portray the anti-tax and anti-health-care-bill protesters as extremists and as fringe kooks. To achieve these goals, they essentially suppressed any mentions of the violent signage (including threats to Bush) at anti-war rallies, but have highlighted anything that could even conceivably be construed as a threat at anti-Obama events."
JoeClyde~Why am I not surprised that you don't see the very obvious double standard which is why is it necessary for the guys on the "right who are actually on the left but start over" according to you which necessitates the "You guys do it too defense".
AR~You are absolutely right it is utterly ASTOUNDING that some folks are so invested in their racial composition and all that that means (whatever the hell it means) that they can't bring anything situation into clear, cogent and consise focus intellectually unless or until it's been processed through their mental "racial" clogs. So darn sad.
Rippa~See, this is why I like you so much (while completely disagreeing with you)at least you are honest. You said I didn't read the post, here is what I think. In other words -- I ain't hearing your side lady because it really doesn't matter. Mentally I'm here and it's settled. No one can accuse you of intellectual fraudulence....lol
"Thank you for posting my piece on your "Conservative Black Woman" blog tonight. I'm glad you found it meaningful, and I'm always so delighted to come across people like you, people who choose to think for themselves rather than to be spoon-fed the "conventional wisdom" of the media and the race hustlers. I'll be sure to follow your blog in the future. God bless you.
Every good wish,
John Perazzo"
CBW, did you know that John Perazzo is a white supremacist?
His pieces are almost exclusively anti-black propoganda and cooked numbers to support his hate.
He is regularly featured on racist websites like Stormfront and Frontpagemag.com.
None of this even matters to you, does it?
BTW, for you and Perazzo.
Has any President previous to Obama receive in excess of 30 death threats daily?
Has any other POTUS had armed protesters show up at his public appearances?
"JoeClyde~Why am I not surprised that you don't see the very obvious double standard which is why is it necessary for the guys on the "right who are actually on the left but start over" according to you which necessitates the "You guys do it too defense".
But yet. I am still waiting a condemnation of the Racist, morbid taunts by the Right. Because we all know how the right are staunt constructionist, and are against flag burning.
So anybody right or left threating the President of these Great United States. Well that can't and shouldn't be tolerated now or ever.
UTS~Frontpage magazine and Newsrealblog are daily reads for me and I have never read anything on either of those sites by Mr. Perazzo or Mr. Horowitz that I would consider racist. Stormfront.org is not a magazine or a blog. It is a forum, and many on that forum if not all are indeed white supremist. Because I did not believe that John Perazzo would be a contributor there I did a search and I was right. There was however a discussion about some of his writings. That is not quite the same as him being a contributor to that site. Plus those folks on that thread seemed a little "low rent" if you'll pardon my snobbishness.
You say that he writes exclusively black propaganda, and I'm not surprised that you would feel that way. Anytime someone tells an inconvenient truth about black folks you allow only two possibilities -- that the "truth-teller" is either racist or self-hating. John Perazzo wrote the following and if it weren't so well-written one might think I had written it:
"Black racism remains a dynamic phenomenon because African Americans have been told, ad nauseum, by "civil rights leaders" and by leftist whites in influential organizations like the ACLU, to look outside of themselves for the roots of every ill that plagues their community; to reflexively blame white society for their problems rather than to take responsibility for their own lives; and to view themselves as the oppressed and powerless victims of a white "power structure," a status they are led to believe renders them somehow incapable of being genuine racists themselves -- no matter how much they may detest the white people they perceive to be their tormenters. Moreover, they have been taught to angrily reject astute observations like those of Bill Cosby, who has publicly lamented how illegitimacy, parental neglect, lack of educational effort, and bad behavior have decimated black life.
Only the victim mentality fostered by the "civil rights" champions of our day could have prompted tens of thousands of people to think that rallying on behalf of the Jena Six was a worthwhile use of their time. Having listened for so long to the "civil rights" establishment's incessant depictions of the United States as a land of racial inequity, many black Americans have become angry, embittered racists themselves. They are among the legions who, in the words of black columnist Michael Meyers, zealously "transform themselves into the apostles of their own delusions."
That's the God-awful truth. I don't think a case can be made from anything that I have read so far that he is racist. If he is then that's between him and the Lord. I know that he was quite courteous and respectful to me, a black woman and that's all I require. Unlike you UTS, I don't need white people love, unless of course it's a white person that I happen to consider a friend and love -- other than that none is required. People can think as they wish it doesn't change one hair on my head.
JoeClyde---I'm coming back for you but I have to make dinner now.
I realize now that you have deep psychological issues that contribute to your self-hatred and hatred for your community.
Racists like Perazzo are offended by any black protest against bigotry and racial injustice and immediately divert to a rant about illegitimacy or crime as if those two issues alone define African-Americans and we cannot expound or concern ourselves with anything else until the entire community is perfect.
"Black racism remains a dynamic phenomenon because African Americans have been told, ad nauseum, by "civil rights leaders" and by leftist whites in influential organizations like the ACLU, to look outside of themselves for the roots of every ill that plagues their community; to reflexively blame white society for their problems rather than to take responsibility for their own lives; and to view themselves as the oppressed and powerless victims of a white "power structure,"
Who listens to Jesse and Al?
You're more likely to see them cheesing with Bill O'Reilly on Fox TV than anyplace else.
And once again YOU A BLACK WOMEN, cosign with a disgusting racist like Perazzo in suggesting that 90% of the black community are welfare collecting, crack smokin nine wielding ne-er do wells instead of the productive, vibrant majority middle class community that we are.
One thing I'm finding out about black conservatives is that there is little moderation with you.
Scratch you a little bit and you'll find a self-hating Tom every time.
"overwhelmingly believe that America is more to blame for any failures within the black community rather than those who have failed. "They all speak ad nauseum about institutional racism but not about Pookie's inability to conjugate his verbs, speak clearing, and poor critical thinking skills."
Do you listen to yourself?????
Are you actually suggesting that poor critical thinking and lack of articulaltion are exclusively BLACK PROBLEMS????
No sweetie, you're problem is that you know in your heart that the same rightwing white folks you aling yourself with do not look at black people as individuals but as stereotypes.
Ghetto negroes embarass you and you are on a marathon to convince massa that you are nothing like them and have as much contempt for them as he does.
Free yourself CBW.
White people are not your superiors and in no moral position to judge or evaluate you or any other black person.
Could you please explain to me how a Perazzo is telling an "inconvenient truth" when he stereotypes blacks as whiners and ingrates but if I correctly identfy Perazzo for what he is, I am a "racism chaser"???
Please wake up CBW.
Do it for your kids.
Well...I've said all I can say to clarify my position. I'm done. I know that you can't help but distort my words and that you are truth-adverse, but I respectfully ask that you refrain from recapitulating the out and out, lie from the pit of hell that you started out with today....that crazy 90% horseshit was just too low for even you UTS. Distortion is one thing, but you lied as you know I don't believe that! We've had too many exchanges for you not to know it.
For the record, you are correct Field Negro was quite reasonable today but we both know it's not necessarily the blogger/writer but the people who leave comments who are the biggest racist and that goes for Frontpage and FieldNegro.
One last question UTS, do you believe that blacks are incapable of being racist?
""You type really well for a boogIe. You must have some whip-crackin' massa-blood coursin' through your veins"
UTS, that sounds like something you wrote... Like that time you called me a bootlickin' aunt jemima, porch simian....remember. But I guess it's okay if for you. That old double standard thing, huh?
If you can produce a post where I called you any of those things I will leave your blog forever.
If you can't will you admit you lied?
You really can't bring yourself to stand up to white racism in any form, can you?
It's always got to be deflection back to some black "misbehavior".
The First Encounter Of the Vitriolic Kind Starring UTS & CBW:
uptownsteve said...
Conservative Black Woman sez,
"I am fed up with what has happening within the black community. Too many of our families are broken, too many of us are morally degenerate and too many of us are willing to blame all of our pathology on slavery, George Bush, the Republican party or anything but our failures as Parents, Husbands, Wives and Christians."
This is all I need to know about you.
Just another blogosphere coon peddling negrophobia to get yourself noticed.
You negroes have no shame whatsoever.
January 26, 2009 11:38 AM
Anonymous uptownsteve said...
You do realize that the recession and tanking economy is the result of Bush's unfettered "free market" policies, don't you?
And you're asking for more?
More of the Buch legacy.
Sprint cutting 8,000 jobs.
Home Depot cutting 7,000 jobs.
Caterpillar cuts 20,000 workers.
January 26, 2009 11:43 AM
Blogger Conservative Black Woman said...
@Uptown Steve~LOL LOL LOL. Now I can honestly say that I have never been called a "coon" it is truly a first. Why am I not surprised that such a disparaging slur would be hurled towards me by a black Quasi-socialist progressive racism chaser like yourself. You militant Negroes never cease to amaze me.
Get myself noticed? Have you looked at my blog hits? If my goal is to be noticed then I'm doing a piss-poor job of it. I blog for sport not profit you dumb-ass pissant.
Peddling Blackphobia? Paleez, you my pathetic misinformed, misguided, negro friend with a PHd. are delusional!!!!
Do us both a favor and continue to spit your venom on Cobb's blog. I'm fair game over there if I leave a comment. But don't bring your monkey-ass to my blog and talk shit. Why are you visiting my blog anyway? Be gone you iniquitous Son Of A Bitch!!!!!
January 26, 2009 12:10 PM
Anonymous uptownsteve said...
Aunt Jemima meltdown!!!!
It never ceases to amaze me how touchy you coonservatives are.
Your posts and blogs are just an endless stream of anti-black venom and propoganda yet you cry little children when we push back.
January 26, 2009 1:09 PM
Blogger Conservative Black Woman said...
Aunt Jemima? Whoo...you are on a roll. Don't flatter yourself. You are not capable of melting this CBW down or of making me cry. The only tears that will roll for you are tears of pity.
Clearly, you have not read my blog because there is nothing venomous or anti-black anywhere to be found. But....I'm sure you would rather just make assumptions. Knock yourself out as you Roll YBAOFL. Meltdown....Negro Please.
January 26, 2009 1:24 PM
Anonymous uptownsteve said...
CBW sez there is nothing anti-black on her blog after I reposted this filth from her HOMEPAGE.
"too many of us are morally degenerate and too many of us are willing to blame all of our pathology on slavery, George Bush, the Republican party or anything but our failures as Parents, Husbands, Wives and Christians."
Are you crazy?
Now maybe you see nothing but failure in your personal world but I definitely don't.
I live in a world where black people are strivers and achievers and I am sick to death of foot shufflin self hating negroes like your shortcomings and dysfunction on the rest of us.
You have to admit that was when I first started posting here and before I got to know you.
Still consider you a friend as well.
Misguided, but still a friend.
@ black ink:
Once again common sense brilliance!
The amazing thing is that some people seem to actually believe the liberals' hype and spin.....the double standard applied is nothing short of dumb founding.
I couldn't agree with you more. My sentiment exactly, well almost exactly. I have just one small change:
Once again common sense brilliance!
The amazing thing is that some people seem to actually believe the Conservative' hype and spin.....the double standard applied is nothing short of dumb founding.
David Horowitz has FAR MORE CREDIBILITY than WhiteBowieSteve will EVER have.
Instead of worrying about "White Supremacists" you need to stop the Black Inferiorists from setting policy in our community.
@ CBW & UTS:
1) "white folks don't blame America (unless they are liberals and they have a double standard when it comes to their own)for those among them who are inarticulate and/or unsuccessful the rightly place the blame with the that individual or that individual's parents... not us."
I wasn't aware white folks were enslaved for nearly 400 years, and freed for nearly 125 years, and full citizens with rights for only 40 years of this nation history. Not sure why they would be blaming America; IDK for providing them freedom and opportunity since its conception. For making them full human being instead of 3/5ths a person. IDK, maybe they would blame America for taking away their slaves, OH! wait that's what the confederate flag is for.
I guess they don't have to blame anyone, especially when their is no backlash when they eat up 38% of public welfare, not sure why unless they are decedents of indentured servants. LOL!
2) "We blame racist white people or institutional racism for "not caring" enough about ourchildren...can you connect the dots? Do you see the plantation mentality playing out here? plantation negro"they don't care about our children. Massa ain't looking after us well. free negro(that would be me)"my child isn't performing well, what's the problem, how can I correct this?"
In your sarcasm you have made his point. Blacks have a slave mentality, a mentality passed on from generation to generation as a legacy of slavery. How do you break this mentality? By modeling a better behavior? Not by calling blacks ignorant and degrading them because those are the same tactics that were used to make them think this way in the first place.
Master: "You're an ignorant black negro that can't do anything; you're not fit for anything but to be a slave."
Slave: "Yes master, I'll stay in my place."
Think about it, now flash forward to 2009:
Black woman to child "You're just like your daddy, you won't amount to nothing".
3) Neither one of these methods the two of you are arguing about does anything, but keep us talking in circles. While intellects keep talking in circles more and more kids are following behind. It may not be your child, but it's your responsibility. Why? Because you're black? NO, because they're children.
4)It's never their fault no matter the reasons they were born or what circumstance they are born to endure. A child born to parents who don't care have little hope unless they're divinely favored for more, unless the teacher is going a little further, and the lawyer is mentoring, and the preachers are knocking on doors in their community.
The problem is that a significant amount of our race is falling behind? What is your role in helping because no matter the reason they are the least among us, and God has ordered us to help them. And no, that doesn't always mean through government.
So if your method is building the family unit, then build it up, but don't stereotype us down. If you start with children then you break the cycles and create a new one.
It sounds so cliche, but it works. Hard work and discipline works. Mentoring works.
Talks about whether or not systematic racism exists, is pointless if you're not changing patterns of behavior.
P.S. When are you going to have a blog radio cast, because these long essay replies are getting longer and longer
I'm not familiar with Frontpagemag but I am familiar with comments made by UTS. These comments sound like something he would say and the tactic is his M.O. That being said, the mag could be racist, I've no idea. It's clear (over time) that UTS is obsessed with race and often appears racist.
"If you can produce a post where I called you any of those things I will leave your blog forever.
If you can't will you admit you lied?" Dayum! Always seeing how far you can go, just in case. Always the drama queen.
You call CBW crazy. You're the crazy one UTS, though you'd like to convince CBW otherwise. She's not having your guilt trip though. "I said TOO MANY of OUR people.... " See, you desperate to keep others from fleeing your game. You want to make something out of nothing, not recognizing that all healthy families critique each other, communities the same. I've seen you go all off on the myriad problems in the blk community, yet if CBW says anything about a problem, you jump her. As if she's saying ALL... But YOU say ALL. You say "All black people..." are hated by white people, are kept down by whites. YOU don't believe in critiquing your own community. You don't believe another black person should. You dayum sho ain't gonna believe some white person should. I'd ask who should but I have no confidence in you.
There's is a big difference in plain disagreement. Zample: MrsGrapevine and I disagree at every turn. I'll have to admit it's been quite...well...kinda mean a few times. Not ever once has there been any indication of a racist issue flung out, or the rest of your porch monkey crap. It is an example to you that MRSGrapevine has said plenty of ideology that (regrettably imo) is the same as yours. The two of you couldn't be more different. Matter of fact, she willing says when she agrees, without any amendments (as above) without feeling she has to lie to make her point. She's just sharing what she believes. She certainly deserves some kudos for this and a shout out of recognition. God bless you Grape, you are a joy and a pleasure.
You, UTS, are a despicable example of what's wrong in this world and in the black community.
I'm not sure what I'd do if I were in your presence while you treated CBW as you so often do. You need your mouth washed out, your mind as well. What a shameful way to treat this lovely woman. You claiming to give a rats about black and all, dear God.
People, the Secret Service does not deal like that. They don't go all public with threats to their active job. Stop that! You make yourself look silly on that one.
Well, some of ya'll are pretty silly.
MrsG, your posts show you're not a silly woman. You don't need to parrot that crap. You're better then that. Think about it and lets remain genuine. Trust me on this, leave that one to the UTS's and that crowd.
@ Smile:
I think I have a tear in my right eye, sending you a e-hug. It's people first for me, policy and ideology second. Although when I'm with my liberal friends I do have some jokes about y'all.
@ CBW:
Do your thing? I value your intellect and this blog. The reason I'm here is because I like to be challenged and forced to think. I'm sorry but out here in Wylie, TX I typically find conservatives who just believe for the sake of believing. Haven't read a book and can't defend their ideology. Don't know anything about history and can't name any amendments, yet believe in the Constitution. They just don't want their money going to welfare, but wants to keep their food stamps and medicaid type of folks. huh?
I definitely don't agree with you often, but I can respect that you're nor a Conservative because your pastor says so.
How does it work living with a progressive? Do you fight and make up a lot? Were there more fights when Bush was President or now with Obama.
I do have one Conservative neighbor who I can debate with, but the debates last 3-4 hours or go well into the AM hours. He's an intellect and a Conservative.
Grapevine you remind me of a fella on another blog. He drove me nuts, too. Ha ha And like you, he was honest. Even to admit; with particular subjects, he wasn't interested in finding truth. i guess he was satisfied with what he had but at least he said so.
There's more to you than that. I found something for you to read. It's bothersome, some. It was written by a judge about who is in control of america's subjects(you and me).
That's why i say; There are foreigners in washington deceit.
So that leaves just you and me, baby.
"David Horowitz has FAR MORE CREDIBILITY than WhiteBowieSteve will EVER have."
This statement encapsulates the tragedy of you CF.
A white racist could put his foot up your ass on the corner of Broad and Olney at high noon and all you'd do is turn around and give him a sheepish smile.
The hilarious thing is that you truly believe all the rest of us have issues.
"I'm not sure what I'd do if I were in your presence while you treated CBW as you so often do"
Are you threatening me?
Here's my e-mail address punk.
If you'd ever like to meet just drop me a line and we'll make a date.
@ Ar:
Am I mistaken, I thought you were a Conservative, I'm reading this article. I'm thinking you're libertarian, now. Conservatives think the founding fathers are like Gods on earth, and this article seems to imply they are more like modern elite liberals.
I will leave my comments on that blog post under "MGV", so we want take up the comments section on CBW.
"When do you ever see white folks critiquing themselves or America?" You obviously need social skillz, perhaps broaden your circle of awareness. Talk to a social worker, they could highlight what I'm referencing.
"Hell, Phil Gramm stated that America had become a nation of whiners and he got fired from the McCain campaign the next day." This explains a lot...you thinking this is a good example.
"White conservatives went nuts when Obama wanted to give speech to America's schoolchildren because they though he was going to lecture them." That wasn't why.
"You try to stigmatize black people with special, unique pathologies and it all stems from you self-hatred." Hmmmm. Well, I guess those are your thoughts then, that's just the way you think.
"If you'd ever like to meet just drop me a line and we'll make a date." Thanks but no thanks. You're not my type.
"You name me one problem exclusive to the black community or which doesn't exist in some form in the larger community as well."
Glad to see this. See, this is some of what we're trying to say. This is some of what this blog is about.
We are all the same. Red and yellow, black and white, we are precious in His sight...
Why do you arguging with uptownsteve? Arguging with him is piontless. I know he such a jerk, but why just ban him for posting your site or even ban him from entering your site? I think is a good option to have peace in your site.
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