Yuri Bezmenov a former KGB agent and expert on ideological subversion discusses the slow process of demoralization that transformed America from a conservative and mostly homogeneous country into a socially-marxist and egalitarian one.
H/T to the Astute Blogger
Here's the transcript: (You will find my comments in red)
YURI BEZMENOV: But in reality the main emphasis of the KGB is NOT in the area of intelligence at all. According to my opinion, and the opinions of many defectors of my caliber, only about 15% of time, money, and manpower is spent on espionage as such. The other 85% is a slow process which we call either ideological subversion, active measures, or psychological warfare. What it basically means is: to change the perception of reality of every American that despite of the abundance of information no one is able to come to sensible conclusions in the interest of defending themselves, their families, their community, and their country.
It's a great brainwashing process which goes very slow and is divided into four basic stages. The first one being "demoralization". It takes from 15 to 20 years to demoralize a nation. Why that many years? Because this is the minimum number of years required to educate one generation of students in the country of your enemy exposed to the ideology of [their] enemy. In other words, Marxism-Leninism ideology is being pumped into the soft heads of at least three generation of American students without being challenged or counterbalanced by the basic values of Americanism; American patriotism... (Well, isn't that the truth, our schools are veritable indoctrination centers for modern liberalism)
The result? The result you can see ... the people who graduated in the 60's, dropouts or half-baked intellectuals, are now occupying the positions of power in the government, civil service, business, mass media, and educational systems. You are stuck with them. You can't get through to them. They are contaminated. They are programmed to think and react to certain stimuli in a certain pattern . You cannot change their mind even if you expose them to authentic information. Even if you prove that white is white and black is black, you still can not change the basic perception and the logic of behavior.
In other words [for] these people the process of demoralization is complete and irreversible. To rid society of these people you need another 15 or 20 years to educate a new generation of patriotically minded and common sense people who would be acting in favor and in the interests of United States society. (This is exactly what Manning Johnson, a 1940's Communist describes in his book Color, Communism and Common Sense. Mission accomplished in the Black America. We have fallen for their devices hook, line, and sinker)
ED: And yet these people who have been programmed and as you say [are] in place and who are favorable to an opening with the Soviet concept - these are the very people who would be marked for extermination in this country?
YURI: Most of them, yes. Simply because the psychological shock when they will see in [the] future what the beautiful society of EQUALITY and social justice means in practice, obviously they will revolt. They will be very unhappy [and] frustrated people, and Marxist-Leninist regime does not tolerate these people. Obviously they will join the [ranks] of dissenters; dissidents. Unlike the present United States there will be no place for dissent in future Marxist-Leninist America. [Now] you can get popular like Daniel Elsburg and filthy rich like Jane Fonda for being a dissident [and] for criticizing your Pentagon. In [the] future these people will simply be [he makes a squishy noise] squashed like cockroaches for criticizing the government. Nobody is going to pay them nothing for their beautiful [and] noble ideas of EQUALITY. This they don't understand and it will be the greatest shock for them, of course.
(Social justices sounds good but it's really code which expresses the idea that America is an inherently oppressive society that is systemically racist, sexist and classist. Therefore America discriminates institutionally against women, nonwhites, working Americans, and the poor. The solution is for "community organizers" to rally the poor and minorities to demonstrate and demand political power so they will be given that which the government is "duty-bound" to give them since they have been "oppressed".)
The demoralization process in the United States is basically completed already for the last 25 years. Actually, it's over fulfilled because demoralization now reaches such areas where not even Comrade Andropov and all his experts would even dream of such tremendous success. Most of it is done by Americans to Americans thanks to lack of moral standards. As I mentioned before, exposure to true information does not matter anymore. A person who was demoralized is unable to assess true information. The facts tell nothing to him, even if I shower him with information, with authentic proof, with documents and pictures. ...he will refuse to believe it.... That's the tragedy of the situation of demoralization. (Just look at all of the facts about Barack Obama that "demoralized" Americans refuse to acknowledge or give even the slightest consideration)
This is amazing! I cannot wait to see his thesis in action when your regulars show up CBW!
Big ups, CBW! I posted this on my fb profile.
Terrific blog today! Posting to my FB too!
A great post... thanks for digging this out of the crates! :)
Telling that your comments are in "Red" Tovarsisch...
very interesting post. and a spot on analysis. i cant even post this on facebook or to my friends for i would be a kook. as it is i don't put anything negative about democrats and obama. we are in a very tough situation. very tough. look a this. one of my friends (who is, in the popular sense way more cool/hip then me) sent it to me with a serious 'isn't this cool'. Seriously though, nothing can stop it. we are full on right now. i am just laying low. even when i have tried it is pointless.
UTS~I am not asserting that the voice of black people should not be heard. We are Americans and as such we will be heard. I am saying that the USA is not "systemically" oppressive and that the "us" against "them" mentality that is so prevalent among our people is more harmful than helpful. Further to place all of the blame for our "ills" as a people at the feet of white America is a veiled attempt to remove ourselves from responsibility.
Manning Johnson (I linked his online book in the original post)posits that by doing this...
"This tends to make the Negro:
(a) feel sorry for himself;
(b) blame others for his failures;
(c) ignore the countless opportunities around him;
(d) jealous of the progress of other racial and national groups;
(e) expect the white man to do everything for him;
(f) look for easy and quick solutions as a substitute for the harsh realities of competitive struggle to get ahead.
The result is a persecution complex-a warped belief that the white man's prejudices, the white man's system, the white man's government is responsible for everything. Such a belief is the way the reds plan it, for the next logical step is hate that can be used by the reds to accomplish their ends.I maintain that you can substitute the word "reds" for "democrats".
I am saying that while there is racism present in the "heart of man" that race-baiting is a cottage industry and black folks have fallen into the snares set up for us. In fact-- In the book A Racial Program for the Twentieth Century by Israel Cohen published in 1913 he wrote:
"We must realize that our Party's most powerful weapon is racial tension. By propounding into the consciousness of the dark races, that for centuries have been oppressed by the whites, we can mold them to the program of the Communist Party ... In America, we will aim for subtle victory.
While enflaming the Negro minority against the Whites, we will instill in the Whites a guilt complex for the exploitation of the Negroes.Mission accomplished. That is what I am suggesting.
And I assert that Manning Johnson is full of dung and a racist apologist.
What the black conservative engages in as a fault laying exercise.
Absolving white America of any culpability in the systematic oppression of and discrimination against black folks while simulataneously ascribing negative traits such as projection, laziness, paranoia, lack of initiative and ingratitude to their fellow blacks.
The thing that kills me is that Obamas message was totally post racial, didn't deal with protest politics at all.
That goes for just about all of the current generation of upcoming politicians like Booker, Fenty, Ford, Franklin, Patterson, Davis and Leggett.
ON FACT it is your buddies on the far right who finetuning protest and identity politics with the tea party bs and rhetoric like "Joe Sixpack and Joe the Plumber" are being ignored by the "elites".
That's exactly why your side is losing CBW and one day soon there is going to be a wax figure of a black conservative at the Smithsonian.
Right next to the dodo bird.
"Absolving white America of any culpability in the systematic oppression of and discrimination against black folks while simulataneously ascribing negative traits such as projection, laziness, paranoia, lack of initiative and ingratitude to their fellow blacks."
This is the overall problem I have with the right, sure this may not apply to ALL right wingers, however; I have found the generalization to true. True enough that no matter how "conservative" some of my views may be, I can no more in good conscience align myself with the right any more than with the left.
UTS~So, you believe that White people today the one's you know, who live in your neighborhood, on your job, that you see at the gas station, restraunts, post office etc. are "oppressing" and "discriminating" against you? Or, are you saying that White people living today need to "absolve" themselves of the sins of their fathers? If so, how will we exact the same "absolution" from the descendants of Black Africans and Arabs who were responsible for selling our ancestors into slavery. Further shouldn't we also exacting "absolution" from the descendants of the 3,000 black slave-owners in the ante-bellum south?
What evidence can you provide to prove that Black people today have been adversely affected by a slave system that ended well over 150 years ago? If these effects are so crippling and we have been so systematically "oppressed" then how do you explain the fact that the Black middle-class in America is a prosperous community that is now larger in absolute terms than the Black underclass. Doesn't its existence suggest that economic adversity is the result of individual failures rather than the lingering "after-effects" of racial discrimination or a slave system that ended well over a century ago? In fact, West Indian Blacks in America are also descended from slaves but their average incomes are equivalent to the average incomes of whites (and nearly 25% higher than the average incomes of Black American). How is it that slavery/discrimination adversely affected one group of slave descendants and not the other? I'm not "ascribing negative traits such as projection, laziness, paranoia, lack of initiative and ingratitude to their fellow blacks". But since you "insist" that we are " the victims" of systematic racism and a larger portion of our community than not has prospered in spite of that, what explanation do you offer as to why the underclass has not "overcome" like the rest of us. In other words if racism didn't hinder you or I, then why is it hindering Ray-Ray & Pookie? Do they bear no responsibility for their plight? Better yet, would you want your daughter to marry a man who doesn't go to college, enter the military or learn a marketable skill because he is of the opinion that it's "too hard out there for a brotha" and a "black man can never catch a break"?
Tragic and so sad. This process has obviously taken root and we have been living with the fruit of this for years actually. But honestly, if you are inclined to a biblical worldview, you understand that this is just the natural trajectory of humankind and the lifecycle of any nation. It comes to destruction as it moves away from its morals. We move into bondage as we attempt to shake off God's restraint.
Make it plain CBW!
"UTS~So, you believe that White people today the one's you know, who live in your neighborhood, on your job, that you see at the gas station, restraunts, post office etc. are "oppressing" and "discriminating" against you?"
NOPE and never suggested they were.
You totally miss my point.
The rightwingers know that they would have black folks in the cotton fields tomorrow were it not for liberal activism and black protest.
The conservatives are the ones who opposed Civil rights, integration, affirmative action and every other measure toward black advancement.
The election of Obama is proof positive that most Americans, black, white and brown want to get beyond racial conflict and move on to a new era of cooperation and shared interests.
However it is the conservative and his black flunkies who continue to beat this drum of angry, ungrateful blacks who blame the faultless "whitey" on their own shortcomings and failures.
At the same time claiminig victimhood for themselves by portraying the Christian Conservative and working class white as the "forgotten Americans".
CBW, who do you continue to erect strawmen.
Most black folks don't sit around whining about white folks.
We have too many other responsiblities like working our jobs, paying our bills and raising our children, you know?
Racism is still a reality in America and the righties just don't want to hear about it anymore unless it's THEM whining like victimhood like the New Haven civil service tests.
And of course, you're ready to jump in front of the bus for those white firefighters, aren't you?
There is a 5 year back log of civil rights complaints at the EEOC and for black plaintiffs a hiring manager would have to practically be wearing a klan robe to get a SCOTUS hearing.
But let some white boys cry discrimination, though!!!!
"In fact, West Indian Blacks in America are also descended from slaves but their average incomes are equivalent to the average incomes of whites (and nearly 25% higher than the average incomes of Black American."
Prove this.
I grew up in NYC and as many of my contemporaries could trace their lineage to the Caribbean as though of us whose ancestry was from the American South.
Their success was indistinguishable from ours.
You're just repeating some crap you heard on Fox.
"In other words if racism didn't hinder you or I, then why is it hindering Ray-Ray & Pookie?"
The problems for the inner city underclass today is more class and socio-economically based than race based.
When my grandparents came to NYC from SC in the 30s, an uneducated man could get a low skill job that supported his family.
When low skill industry and the middle tax base it created left the inner city, what remained were large swaths of poverty and unemployment.
You already know this CBW.
Why are you talking crazy?
"What evidence can you provide to prove that Black people today have been adversely affected by a slave system that ended well over 150 years ago?"
1. Lil Wayne
2. Crunk
3. Anything with Soldja Boy
4. Tyler Perry's House of Payne
5. Al Sharpton's processed hair
6. Micheal Steele in general
7. BET
"What evidence can you provide to prove that Black people today have been adversely affected by a slave system that ended well over 150 years ago?"
Nobody said this.
True. What about the system that began to end back in 1965?
UTS~ You write:"You're just repeating some crap you heard on Fox."
Actually in point of fact you are just repeating the same old narrative of the "brainwashed" black blogsphere that Fox is somehow the "authority" for all things conservative. One of these days you will figure out that I'm a reader. Here is but one source to substantiate my claim. Not that it will matter because facts are immaterial to you "lefties".
Culture, Human Capital, and the Earnings of West Indian BlacksUpjohn Institute Staff Working
Stephen A. Woodbury, Associate Professor of Economics, Michigan State University, and Senior Economist, W. E.
Upjohn Institute for Employment Research
UTS~You write"The problems for the inner city underclass today is more class and socio-economically based than race based....When low skill industry and the middle tax base it created left the inner city, what remained were large swaths of poverty and unemployment.Yes, I do know this...that's my point. Why are you screaming about systematic racism when the real problem is class?
CBW, wonderful posts, and responses! I too am a reader, more than a watcher of the bloob tube. I would like to suggest further reading for your bloggers, all books by Thomas Sowell. Start with his book on basic economics, and move on from there. LOL
BTW your west indian link is a bunch of Uncle Thomas Sowell numbers cooking.
He even admitted that in 1980 (most of the data is for pre 1990) that West Indian born black was 0.4of the black American labor force.
"Native-born West Indians made up an extremely small part--about 0.4 percent--of total
black male employment in 1980. The vast majority of black workers (nearly 85 percent of the
total and 96 percent of those who responded to the ancestry question) identified themselves as
Afro-American. The other black ancestry subgroups shown in Table 1--European, African, and
American--are similar to West Indians in that none accounted for more than 1 percent of black
male employment."
"True. What about the system that began to end back in 1965?"
It didn't start in 1965..
That was the year Moynihan wrote his "Crisis of the Negro Family" as well as the year Great Society legislation passed.
Which causes one to wonder. If there was a "crisis" in the Negro family in 1965 then how the hell was liberal policies responsible for it????
The problem was the deindustrialization of America, the lost of low skill good paying jobs in the urban north, the loss of the middle class tax base which funded education, and continued disciminatory practices in housing and lending that is directly responsible for the urban underclass we see today.
Add to that the sexual revolution, the loss of elders in the urban underclass, the scourge of drugs and violence and you have a crisis.
LOL Brilliant!
This is a sociological gemstone, CBW, I am convinced that you are the brightest woman in the blogosphere!
This posting garnered some 11 comments on my fb profile, and a host of likes as well. Someone even said they subscribed to your blog. This was a classic, like peering into a petri dish!
"This is a sociological gemstone, CBW, I am convinced that you are the brightest woman in the blogosphere!"
Let it go man, she's married, besides, you'd have to get in line behind JMK, CF and Uptown who would probobly fight you.
LOL I'm married too! With three kids, and if my wife were on the blogosphere, I would have to revise my statement. LOL
Nevertheless she regularly makes mince meet of you dum dums and you are too goofy to realize it. LOL.
@digital publius "Nevertheless she regularly makes mince meet of you dum dums and you are too goofy to realize it. LOL."
you aren't kidding I was reading the comments on the 100 days thread and she slaughtered everybody. In fact, I had to print it off because her answers are so clearly reasoned that I will have to share it with members of my bible study group. she even turned one person's insult inside out and showed him how it was more of a complement. Talk about defending and contending this woman is not to be played with.
Keep it up cbw. You are making a difference.
"Nevertheless she regularly makes mince meet of you dum dums and you are too goofy to realize it. LOL."
Well, CBW is a bright lady, however; I think your observation is less than "objective" or without prejudices.
Thanks DP...and Anonymous...and DJBA. Awwwhhh, DJBA you think I'm bright? LOL
"Nevertheless she regularly makes mince meet of you dum dums and you are too goofy to realize it. LOL."
It's actually "mincemeat" dum dum.
I see why you stick to cheerleading.
Righties crack me up.
Always claiming victory, while losing arguments, elections, public support, etc....
Kinda pathetic.
Upyours excuse me, upstown steve, you are the ideal democratic slave. Everyone knows Republicans and the party of Lincoln freed your ancestors. Democrats were actually the ones perpetuating the violence against black folks. Man, I remember these arguments with five percenters and NOI types. I just can't believe you lefties are still propagating these lies. I gave up on you black wannabe marxist/socialist victims decades ago. I could really care less what the democrats final solution is for you lefties.
I serve on the board of a national charity, and one day we were presented with some disturbing information. Additional studies were done and finally a meta-analysis of all the applicable data available in the US, but the results were the same.
Black patients who require analgesia for any condition without obvious visible injury (yes there are many such conditions) receive substantially worse treatment than white patients in the same situation. In fact ER staff were more than three times as likely to assume the black patient was an addict despite the rates of addiction being almost identical in the two communities.
Now this is obviously a situation that costs lives so what would you do, bearing in mind your feelings about "crying racism"?
"Everyone knows Republicans and the party of Lincoln freed your ancestors. Democrats were actually the ones perpetuating the violence against black folks."
Are you still attempting this weak shyt?
We're not talking about 175 years ago but TO-FRIGGIN-DAY!
Dude, a black man is President of the US.
Elected by a cross-racial, cross-gender, cross-class coalition of Americans.
While the Republican party looks like a Southern male country club with white working class groundkeepers and a couple of black waiters.
When are you gonna wake up?
Wow, CBW, this information is sobering. However, it explains a lot about what has happened to our nation.
@ ILe Meroe:
How does the study measure "worse treatment"? Did they factor in how these people presented themselves? I ask this as an honest question. Perceptions are not just based on race, but class, how you are dressed, how you speak, etc. How do the stats stack for hispanics, and asians.
Also, when CBW or anyone uses the term "cry racism" they are usually saying that racism is used too frequently to explain and all sorts of phenomena. Personally, I don't see what there is to gain by seeing "racism" in all of life's situations. It's so easy to not look at oneself as being responsible for what goes on in one's life. It also must be very burdensome and anger-producing to live under that kind of paranoia.
As to the John Birchers, couldn't they dig out a real KGB officer for this?
Marxist-Leninism demands the violent overthrow of the existing government to be replaced by a dictatorship. Who was supposed to be teaching this and where?
Now to me the civil rights struggle signifies America working to improve itself in a way most countries couldn't. To the JBs it was a sign of demoralization and communist influence in US society. In fact they still want the Civil Rights Act repealed on constitutional grounds.
I can see it now
Triage Nurse: He staggered into the trauma center and started shouting at the top of his lungs. I asked to him to lower his voice and sit down but he kept coming towards my desk . He had this wild look in his eyes and his clothes were all messed up. I mean he hadn't even done up his fly, so I asked security to escort him out.
Hospital Administrator: Well he had just suffered a stroke, I'm amazed he could dress himself let alone walk to the hospital. Anyway his family's pretty mad, and the DA's bringing criminal charges so you're going to need a lawyer...
That being said the studies compare like with like, so they don't measure the abusive or violent cases against those who aren't.
Hispanics are treated measurably worse than Non-Hispanic Whites but not quite as badly as blacks.
I haven't seen any studies on Asians and so can't offer an opinion.
Worse treatment means a number of things none of them good. Waiting longer for treatment of any sort, and with regard to analgesia lower doses given less frequently. Complaints about continued pain are less likely to receive a favorable response. Patients are less likely to receive the optimum treatment for a particular complaint esp with regard to cardiac issues.
An initial study was done and it produced a particular result. Further studies were commissioned and a meta-analysis of another 70 studies was performed. All of this bore out the initial findings and raises a very serious issue. You however feel that people should just get over being paranoid about racism.
Oh well at least it's not happening to you right?
"Personally, I don't see what there is to gain by seeing "racism" in all of life's situations."
Still more strawman arguing.
The thing with righties is that they don't want to hear anything about racism regardless of how obvious unless they are the ones identifying it.
Jeremiah Wright anyone?
You really expect anyone to believe that all the vitriol and talk of secession from the right in the wake of Barack Obama's election is because of his policies?
The racists can't deal with the notion of a black man being the leader of the free world and the President of the United States.
But they just don't want to be called out for it.
Hello CBW, I am a fellow "sistah" who came upon this blog and I am really pleased. While I don't consider myself a conservative or a Republican, I do agree with much of what you say. Sometimes I feel so alone because I am not fond of Obama or his policies -- its glad to see other black folks like me out there.
I am amused by the comments of some of your detractors. They are always talking about how hateful "righties" are but they are the ones who call names, resort to stereotypes, and personal attacks. It's sad that any black person that does not adhere to the liberal Democratic line has to be subjected to such treatment. Why are black people always talking about "diversity," when diversity of thought is not tolerated?
Anyway, keep up the good work! I'll be reading!
More black conservative victimhood.
Thank you Phillygirl.
@ Ile Meroe:
You added a little bit of nastiness in your response that was unnecessary.
Nevertheless, considering that we have spent a generation at least on all sorts of studies, laws, focus groups etc. for the sake of decreasing racist attitudes, it's odd that negative responses to skin color alone would still be so prevalent. (It's kinda like that pesky problem with male/female pay differentiation after 10 years in the workplace even when they start out with the same salary at hire.) What do you suggest to fix that problem? Maybe black hospitals staffed with black doctors and nurses? Black people will never dole out "worse treatment" to black people will they. Everyone will receive the same treatment. I think we found our answer. Truthfully, I suspect there is more to the discrepancy in service and I feel that racism is a catch-all phrase that means everything and nothing. It has become a crutch because it is the easy thing to point to. "Racism" keeps too many people in business and sets too many wannabe ntellectuals on a pedestal. The cry of "Racism" makes a victim out of black people. Who wants to be thought of as a chronic victim? By the way, you are right, that emergency room scenario hasn't happened to me, but I have accompanied others in emergency situations and I've seen black, doctors, nurses, administrative types, so I think I'll be in good hands no?
Why would the passage of some law or the other end discrimination? We've had laws against theft and murder since the dawn of recorded history, yet these crimes still exist.
We also don't say pedophiles will always exist so there's no point in doing anything about their behavior.
When other "bad acts" are reported the reaction is pretty uniform. We investigate to see if the complaint is valid, and then take appropriate action.
My concern is not with some theoretical "thought crime", it's with how people's behaviour (in this case medics) impacts others.
I genuinely don't see how refusing to see yourself as a victim would help you in this instance. The patients weren't seeing themselves that way either, they still received inferior care that had lethal repercussions in some cases. . In fact the issues in healthcare have existed for years (definitely before I was born) the question is how to deal with it.
@ Ile Meroe:
What do you suggest is the appropriate action for this problem then? Actions stem from thoughts, so the logical way to fix these "actions" is ultimately to fix the thoughts of people. It's a slippery slope isn't it? It's why we are now in an era where we can easily face prosecution for "hate speech" for example. It's a way of punishing us for those thoughts that are deemed wrong (and by who?). Punish the words and actions that stem from our thoughts.
I take objection with the endless reports of racism and discriminatory actions because differentials have and will always exist. The treatment that blacks receive in any emergency room today is better than we would have received even 40 years ago I'm sure. That fact keeps getting left out. It becomes an endless litany of all that is wrong as if perfection is capable here on earth. In trying to meet some acceptable standard of equality we manage to create less freedom and more bondage for ourselves, all of us regardless of race. More petty rules, more beauracracy...
I see the demoralization that happens when we are constantly bombarded with news of inequality. The inequality is always one sided. Blacks on receiving end of discrimination. Discrimination goes both ways. Is the inappropriate amount of analgesic given to the patient enough to hurt, maim, or kill them, or are they recovering from their emergency and walking out alive?
I know we all are, regardless of race, discriminated against for one thing or another and there is no way to erase that fact from human experience. I simply don't see any benefit in identifying myself as a victim because of my race. There are ways we win because of who we are and ways we lose, it all balances out in the game of life. That can be said of any race or ethnicity.
I'm surprised to hear the accusation of victimization against conservatives Uptown Steve. I thought liberals had that market cornered.
A tribute site to Manning Johnson has just been posted here:
It includes an audio file of his last speech, taken from an old LP, in addition to a full transcription of his book.
Great article you got here. It would be great to read a bit more concerning that topic.
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