Truthteller wrote this exhaustive analysis over at the No Quarters USA blog. It is amazingly thought provoking. I highly advise you give it a read. I must say that I so appreciate pajama journalism because one certainly can not get the truth from MSM. Truthteller actually analysis all of the conversation as outlined in the Criminal Complaint filed by David W. Cain, Special Agent of the FBI. BTW, Michelle Obama is the "specifically named individual on page 64. It seems Blagojevich wanted his wife to get the "hook-up" like Michelle.
It seems to me that Chicago politics are notoriously corrupt. Barack Obama better hope that Blagojevich doesn't sing like a bird when he goes to the big house. Apparently Rezko is singing so I'm thinking Mr. Cool President Elect Obama might be slightly nervous.
Lastly, I find it a bit curious that the MSM never mentions that Blagojevich is a democrat.
CBW, is there any black person that you like that is not a conservative?? LOL. You are starting to look a lot like Fox News. : - )
Nope. Just kidding. lol
blagojevich can sing all he wants to. i think it's safe to say PE obama is safe.
Yes, phunny that certain things aren't mentioned, like Blagojevich is a Democrat.
Even more phunny, the timing. I'd have to agree with Bookworm as the 'timing' is such that things were not allowed to 'play' out to such a degree as to catch with an even bigger net.
When one's president requests a service, one tries to provide. Regardless of any prior speculation, I don't believe that PE Obama did (or needed to do) anything illegal, at this time. It was time for Blagojevich to cooperate.
My theory is, 'they' had 'enough' on Blagojevich, he didn't play, so they busted him. The only problem I have is with the timing: My other theory, bring down as few as possible.
Btw, anyone who feels one shouldn't question PE Obama, as all PE's and Presidents are, should themselves be questioned.
First of all, I really enjoy your blog. You write well, I have been reading for a while now. Did you just put your photo up? You are beautiful.
I am a pasty white middle-aged woman.
I could not have a blog because I write poorly, then again if you have my IP address then you know I only have a cat blog.
I agree with you on so many points. I live in Northern Va and we have all sorts living here... rich and poor, I live in Loudoun county which is growing rapidly.
I say go ahead and sound like FOX news.
did you hear Colin Powell criticise Rush Limbaugh today. How silly of him to feel threatened by a fluff ball of a guy, Rush. It is not like he is the conservative God or anything....
I will keep reading your blog. I enjoy it so much! You are a brilliant lady and I am glad I found your blog.
Thanks RM. We have some things in common. My initials are RM and I also live in Northern VA. I'm in Fairfax County. I'm glad you enjoy the blog. Attorneymom loves me she is just being contrary--that's her way, lol.
You watch MSM?
I thought it was Fox 24/7.
UBJ~Shut up!!! lol. Actual Fox has even disappointed me lately. What's a Conservative to do?
I'm even more suprised that you still call him Obama and not Barry Soetoro.
CBW & others,
I am from chi-town, now hailing from Columbia, South Carolina. I moved out of the big city almost 10 years ago for my kids sake. While growing up in the windy city, most residents know of the political machine that runs the city, and how corrupt they are. This was another reason I could not vote for PE Obama. Why is it he settled for Chicago in the first place? I'm sure he other job offers in cities more needy of a community organizer than Chicago. I knew when he first spoke at the dem. conv. that he was going to dressed up to run for presidency, and low and behold, here he is POTUS, with no experience.
I agree with you on Fox news getting a little disappointing lately. I am hoping when Glenn Beck joins Fox on Jan. 19, 2009, I will be able to stomach thier coverage at bit longer. Bill Orielly is still the go-to-guy for a no-spin point of view on current events.
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