Here is the latest rant ala Zo and I implore you please pass this video along. Zo breaks these issues down like fractions -- one would have to have an IQ just slightly above plant life not to understand these issues the way he presents them. So, for those of you who have drunk the Obama Kool-aid please take 10 mins (if you haven't already voted) and give serious consideration to the possiblity that you may be mistaken in your assumptions about this election. P.S. for my sensitive readers I'm not saying you have a low I.Q. if you are a democrat with an informed opinion. However if you are a democrat and not quite sure why -- then I think the shoe fits and I'm pretty much assailing your intelligence quotient.
Another excellent video by Zo.
Ironically enough, one of the most egregious things about a potential Obama win is that the likes of Barney Frank and Chris Dodd, who've done so much to rape this country will be protected instead of prosecuted.
Zo is amazing. He just agreed to do a BTR show with me... Yeah!!!! A fangirl's dream come true!!
Barack Obama may be well-intentioned but his political ideology is too scary for my tastes. Do you think he's going to win on Tuesday? -- I don't.
Thanks for the post. I needed to hear that. Zo is on it. Thank God for people like you and Zo who believe in and speak up for God's word.
"Do you think he's going to win on Tuesday? -- I don't." (CBW)
Much as it pains me to say it, CBW, I think McCain's chances on Tuesday are 30% at best.
As much as I’d like to think otherwise, I think the McCain camp hasn’t done enough to sell themselves, although, in their defense, they were swimming against a HUGE tide.
I think it's a function of a number of things, (1) the Party with the Presidency usually gets the blame (in this case, for a housing bubble that the opposition Party (especially Dodd, Frank and Obama) helped create and then exacerbate and (2) the willing and enthusiastic support of a Left-wing mainstream media (MSM) that was in the tank for ANY Democrat, but gleefully embraced Barack Obama as some sort of "bi-racial Messianic figure" that might "transform America."
That second one may also be Obama's undoing. The expectations are so high for this guy and his abilities seem so meager, relative to his eloquence, that he is almost bound to fail and fail badly.
In many ways I think he'll immediately embrace policies, like expanding the use of the discredited construct of "disparate impact" to re-make (downgrade) standards in all fields across the board, that will heighten and deepen racial tensions and, in fact, may create them where they do not already exist.
I think that that will be one of the early ironies of an Obama administration - his policies will almost certainly be even more racially and ethnically divisive and to many observers, "deliberately so."
His redistributive tax policies will be so unworkable that even if they do pass over the expected opposition of both Republicans and Conservative ("Blue Dog") Democrats, they will result in an economy worse than what we suffered under Jimmy Carter.
In short, I feel we’ll be heading into the worst times of most people’s lifetimes.
Carter presided over the REAL “worst economy since the Great Depression,” and I lived through that and it was awful – a four year average of 16.5 for the Misery Index and a high of 21 in 1980 (his last year in office).
I know the polls have been tightening and I know Murtha and Biden have hurt him in Pennsylvania and other close states, but McCain’s been playing defense since the credit crisis hit and he failed to act like a “maverick” in the one spot he had a chance to. Once he’d cancelled his campaign, against the advice of his advisors, he NEEDED to continue to ignore them and stay in D.C. until a better deal was worked out, OR until he was able to simplify and define what the problem was all about.
To this day, probably 80% of the American people don’t understand what’s going on economically (you and Zo and some folks I know are in a distinct minority)...and that’s probably going to cost ALL of us, and cost us BIG!
We are about to reward the Party that has railed against the prosperity of the quarter century between 1/1981 and 1/2007 and changed course to Keynesianism as soon as they took back Congress in January of 2007...the economy has tanked since that point. We are about to reward the likes of Barney Frank and Chris Dodd, who have engineered the housing bubble, via a turbo-charged CRA that FORCED banks to make over a TRILLION DOLLARS in “bad”/high-risk/subprime loans, which in turn created the credit crisis.
I believe that a loss here Tuesday means that we’ll have to hit bottom again, maybe (if we’re lucky) a bottom like Carter’s, but very possibly, much deeper.
I’m an independent Conservative CBW, so I have no immediate affection for the GOP, other than their Conservative wing. There have been many, MANY “Moderate” (socially Liberal) Republicans who have hurt the cause greatly and reined in the larger Conservative wing of that Party for a very long time.
To me, BOTH major Parties are abominations.
I believe the worst about Barack Obama. His associations with Bill Ayers and Jerremiah Wright alone, warrant that, in my mind. I believe he, like them, are actually unrepentant radicals, who revile what they call “Capitalist Imperialism.”
I am saddened that our MSM derailed Hillary Clinton in the Democratic Primaries and the GOP nominated perhaps their weakest candidate – McCain’s never been a real Conservative, he’s now 71 and running against a 47 y/o, looks ancient thus ceded much of the “youth vote,” and he’s been generally unenthusiastic about making his own case.
Here’s the irony CBW, the Left has derided G W Bush’s NSA program that merely expanded an existing FISA program that allowed contacts (calls/emails) FROM suspect foreign portals (suspected terrorists) to be tapped sans a warrant, to include those calls TO such suspect foreign portals, “fascism.”
BUT the Bush administration’s intrusions were NEVER directed against American citizens!
That’s not the case (even now) for the Obama camp. See:
Janet Reno showed how destructive a Justice dept that focuses on Americans they don’t like can be (in Waco, TX, the local sheriff said he’d spoken to David Koresh numerous times and could get him to come in for questioning any time – the Reno led “Justice Dept” decided it was better flame them out.)
Right now, I accept that this is one of the MOST important elections EVER, but am being realistic when I say that I DON’T like John McCain’s chances much.
What happens with an Obama win?
I believe it’ll get very, VERY dark before we see any light at all.
P.S. The reason why I give McCain a 30% shot, is that I see the polls tightening, BUT I also see a huge turnout drive by the Dems along with what may well be the most well-organized voter-fraud campaign ever.
John McCain is an honorable man, taking on a very dishonorable camp (Axelrod, Ayers, etc., are vilely dishonorable people, compared to them, Obama is merely a glssful dupe)...I think that McCain's sense of honor and "duty to his country" would not allow him to challenge the rampant voter fraud the way the G W Bush team did.
He'd probably prefer to go down like Nixon did against JFK, when the Nixon camp KNEW there was widespread voter fraud and chose not to challenge it, "for the good of the country."
McCain's NOT being a real Conservative, also gives him a different perspective than we have...he doesn't see even the most extreme Liberalism as the "anti-American force that it is.
The Obama camp wouldn't concede a close election, McCain's camp would....advantage Obama.
Whoops: "glssful dupe" = GLEEFUL dupe.
"I’m an independent Conservative CBW, so I have no immediate affection for the GOP, other than their Conservative wing. There have been many, MANY “Moderate” (socially Liberal) Republicans who have hurt the cause greatly and reined in the larger Conservative wing of that Party for a very long time.
To me, BOTH major Parties are abominations."(JMK)
So true, JMK. But, I'm still hoping and ferverantly praying that McCain will pull this one out.
"John McCain is an honorable man, taking on a very dishonorable camp (Axelrod, Ayers, etc., are vilely dishonorable people, compared to them, Obama is merely a glssful dupe)...I think that McCain's sense of honor and "duty to his country" would not allow him to challenge the rampant voter fraud the way the G W Bush team did."
What's really uncanny is that a Obama supporter who still happens to be my friend says to me last night that John McCain and his camp have run a dirty campaign. How delusional is that! I guess the republican party has so often gone for the jugular that Dems are conditioned to perceive all campaign ads from the repub camp as vicious.
"So true, JMK. But, I'm still hoping and ferverantly praying that McCain will pull this one out." (CBW)
Me too, and like yourself, I'm not at all enthused about McCain, never really have been.
If we had a solidly Republican House and Senate, then I could see an Obama win as merely "divided government" - the less mischief they can do, generally, the better.
But here, the ONLY hope (and it's a feint hope) for bringing some of those responsible for the current credit crisis and the subprime mess that triggered it and hold those folks (including the likes of Dodd, Frank, Johnson and Raines) to account, lies with a divided government - a GOP Executive branch.
Will we get that?
I still say, looking at this honestly, it doesn't look good, short of some miracle change of heart on the part of the electorate, UNLESS, of course, all those "undecideds" are actually ultimately going to vote for McCain no matter how unenthused they are.
Which IS a distinct possibility, with the operative word being "possibility." I can't see counting on that at this point.
"What's really uncanny is that a Obama supporter who still happens to be my friend says to me last night that John McCain and his camp have run a dirty campaign. How delusional is that!" (CBW)
No more delusional than all those dopes who believe that "FoxNews is biased, while MSNBC is on the level."
In fact, an independent radio survey showed that MSNBC has been the most biased in its coverage, doing 78% negative stories on McCain, compared to 13% negative on Obama, while the rest of the MSN has been about 58% negative on McCain to 24% negative on Obama.
In fact, FoxNews has 40% negative on McCain and 40% negative on Obama!
People who have that skewed a view of the media, cannot hold a less skewed perspective of these two campaigns.
This guy is brilliant.
Evaporative economics! What a terrific line.
I love Zo.
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