Gov. Colin Powell has drank the Obama Kool-Aid. I have no words.
However Gov. Powell made a comment which did give me pause to consider my attitude when he said:
"I'm also troubled by, not what Senator McCain says, but what members of the party say. And it is permitted to be said such things as, "Well, you know that Mr. Obama is a Muslim." Well, the correct answer is, he is not a Muslim, he's a Christian. He's always been a Christian. But the really right answer is, what if he is? Is there something wrong with being a Muslim in this country? The answer's no, that's not America. Is there something wrong with some seven-year-old Muslim-American kid believing that he or she could be president? Yet, I have heard senior members of my own party drop the suggestion, "He's a Muslim and he might be associated terrorists." This is not the way we should be doing it in America.
He then went on to talk about young soldier Kareem Rashad Sultan Khan who gave his life for this country. I then realized that I had never considered that there are Muslim Americans who love this country and I am ashamed of myself.
Gen. Powell also mentioned that the Republican Party has gone too far to the right. This just confirms there is tolerance for everyone in the United States except followers of the Lord Jesus Christ. We are much despised.
"... tolerance for all but Jesus Christ..."
Isn't that wonderful?! Seriously, Jesus Christ said that the Kingdom of God comes with righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit, with persecution!
Now, of course I don't want to be under persecution, but He said it would happen and it's happening. And it is good to know that our Lord is right.
I hope that blacks realize that the government is not our savior. It does not matter the party at this point. I think Colin Powell and other blacks have had a rude awakening as far as the Republican party is concerned. Michael Steele got no support from the national party which was a shame. However I have known for decades that blacks have been played by the Democrats for decades but received nothing at all for their efforts.
I have challenged people on the issue of insisting that Obama is a Muslim. Those Christians that insist on harping on this or had problems with Romney just because he was Mormon need to keep quiet about people coming against Christians. The Bible speaks clearly about judging others of the thing you are guilty of. Too many Christians have not done well with this one.
We know it is open season against Christians. We are seeing in both major parties that there is no home for people of faith. This nation is not embracing our faith. It is becoming openly hostile to Christianity. Many Christians need to quit compromising their principles and get back to the Bible. Too many have thrown these issues under the bus because they are mad or hate Pres. Bush. Our motivation for voting or doing anything must be our faith and God's principles. Throwing them out is never good. When Christians do that they are choosing something or someone above Him. Our allegiance must be to God and God alone. God will be the defense for those that stand on His word.
Bashing God and His standards is the rule of the day. This is something that the Bible speaks will happen. Persecution will happen to Christians. However I struggle calling this persecution when I think about what others suffer in other nations for Christ. However I will vote for those people that I feel will not support policies that will restrict my religious freedom.
I think part of the issue with the Muslim thing is people don't trust Mr. Obama. I don't believe he was a Muslim. But I have so little confidence in his integrity that I am not at all convinced that if he had been a Muslim he would be honest enough to admit it.
I don't believe being a Muslim is a disqualifier any more than being a Catholic or (if left alone) a Mormon. But again, a lot of people believe he is lying.
The difficulty in getting to his past doesn't help a bit. There is even a question of whether or not he was actually born in the United States or in Kenya. If Kenya, even to an American mom, guess what? He's not eligible for the presidency. But again, people don't trust him, or his associates/allies to tell us anything approaching the truth.
I find it interesting that when this question came up with McCain he immediately got his papers to the court to prove his eligibility. Why did not Obama just submit his papers if he has them? Instead the Democratic party decides to raise the issue of race yet again. I want to know why he will not submit his papers to the court? They have requested them? Will be he able to get away with not submitting them? This is a constitutional issue?
I agree that his integrity is non-existent. When he is questioned the answer is racism. He is hiding something. I pray that the judge will force the issue about him getting his papers. If he cannot produce them then he nor anyone else should be able to take over our country if they are not allowed to run. People want the governor of CA to run. They would have to change the constitution for that since he was not born here. The race card should not trump our constitution. Of course it is apparent to me that he could care less about it. Just check out the policies.
I am just so shocked that Americans are not demanding an answer from Sen. Obama as to exactly what he is hoping for and exactly what is he changing?
His words by his own admission are just words -- empty containers of his hot air!
I question his intergrity as well. I'll give him credit for being a superlative politician but that isn't enough.
This is the voice of the moderate Republican that has been silenced for 8 years delivering the final blow to McCain. Powells message was clear you silenced us when we told you the war must be managed correctly, don't let the abortion issue become the party litmus test, and who's a real American. Hopefully, the party leaders will marginalize the Right and build a new base of moderate Republicans who have sat by and silently watched this disaster take place
@T. Sheppard ~ Then what "issue" should be the Litmus test for the Party? What Issues are christians duty-bound to uphold as we sojourn through this life? How do we distinguish ourselves as salt and light? Do you think that Jesus would be a moderate republican? Hardly, wasn't He a bit radical. Wasn't he a bit peculiar?
Conservative Black Woman said...
"I am just so shocked that Americans are not demanding an answer from Sen. Obama as to exactly what he is hoping for and exactly what is he changing?"
I completely agree with your statement above and have asked this question of others many times. I'm still waiting for a response.
Re: TS’s comment: "…don't let the abortion issue become the party litmus test,"
Abortion is my litmus test. As a Christian who used to be a Democrat, I have always thought that abortion was never the best answer for anyone, but did know many others who had abt’s. I frequently argued with “judgemental Christians” who said anyone who had an abt was going to hell. My response was, “But these girls were told by the Dr. that the abt is the best thing, the Dr’s themselves said that it was nothing more than a mass of cells - at 20 and 24 weeks gestation. I stand by my belief that a lot of blame goes to Dr’s and the laws we have.
When I was older and saved, it was not at my regular church but on Catholic radio that I was asked the question “Do you think Jesus would want you to vote for a candidate who believes it is ok for even 1 baby to be killed?”
I have to say, “No, I do not believe Jesus would say, ‘It’s ok to vote for this person who believes babies should be killed if the person seems like a good candidate in other ways'”.
I believe Jesus doesn’t want even 1baby to be killed and I believe that Jesus does think this is an important issue enough to not vote for a candidate over. I have asked Christian Democrats/Obama supporters this same question about Jesus desires and not one has said, “Yes, I think Jesus thinks it’s ok”. They usually just have an excuse like, “There are other issues, I’m not going to be a one issue voter”.
That comment does not address the issue of WWJD?
To bring it back to what I mentioned in the beginning, laws and Dr’s are making abortion way too commonplace and acceptable by offering it to too many young women too frequently. If it wasn’t pushed on the girls like the best, easiest, cheapest, safest option by trusted medical professionals, the abt rate might go down. I think laws that do not favor abortion would go a long ways toward reducing the frequency of abt.
1. I had the opportunity to serve with many Muslims, pagans, and Buddhists while in the Navy. I was surprised at how many muslims serve.
2. While I am no Obama supporter, it is disturbing to see people make statements such as "he is muslim." Powell made a good point in that if he was muslim it should not matter.
like Xians, muslims are not monolithic. LIke Xians, muslims have several sects that have different views.
3. I don't think that Xianity is under attack at all. I do find that the political power that evangelicals once had is not as prominent as it used to be.
4. while our country is a Xian one, our government is secular. this was done on purpose by the founding fathers.
What part of the country many of you so called conservatives reside?Provincialism is one of your biggest flaws.
Many of the conservatives who voted for George Bush were not Black and White Christians.
Arabs and many foreign born Muslims are some of the wealthiest people in this country, and they usually vote for the Republicans ticket.
Since when is the United States of America a Christian nation by deeds and action?
Does Jehovah Shalom consider it as one ? Is Mccain or Obama going to follow Jehovah's tenets? Why are you people so foolish?
God has no desire or intention for any one here to set up His kingdom. God himself will set up his kingdom with the only one (Christ) he has selected to rule. You are fooling yourselves because you use the Scriptures to suit yourself and your needs.
The U.S. is not and will never be God's kingdom.
Persecution?And stop this nonsense that you are being persecuted. Persecuted are all those people living in different parts of the world who your Republican government has made it difficult for them to live.Your provincialism and lack of natural love has blinded you.
Jehovah El Shaddai loves everyone. Stop believing that God only loves you because you are Americans. You also have a narrow view of God and Christianity.
What a shame!
No one, Obama nor McCain can interfere with God's plan. Maybe they can interfere with yours, but certainly not God's.
Seek first the Kingdom of God...
Let us stop putting our hope in people(politicians) and trust God.
@Marisol you write:
What part of the country many of you so called conservatives reside?Provincialism is one of your biggest flaws.
Many of the conservatives who voted for George Bush were not Black and White Christians
My Response: You are correct. Like it or not my faith matters to me and to other "provincial" christians. It's isn't a flaw its a duty to uphold our faith. Just as it your right and or duty to uphold your godlessness by embracing liberalism.
Arabs and many foreign born Muslims are some of the wealthiest people in this country, and they usually vote for the Republicans ticket.
My Response: As they should. Capitalism works though not perfect its better than the radical socialism which will be imposed on our nation with the likes or Barack Obama and his ilk. Oh, was your point that christians and republicans are not the same thing. Yeah, I'm clear on that. Personally I am not called to be a democrat or a republican but a disciple of Christ.
The U.S. is not and will never be God's kingdom.
Persecution?And stop this nonsense that you are being persecuted. Persecuted are all those people living in different parts of the world who your Republican government has made it difficult for them to live.Your provincialism and lack of natural love has blinded you.
My Response:Well, we can agree that America is not God's Kingdom. In fact, I can almost agree with Jeremiah Wright in that God Damn's America. Why, because we a nation who wants nothing to do with Him so why would He bestow blessing on this nation. Persecution??? WTH??I said nothing of persecution although there are Christians and other nations who are being persecuted I have not said the christians in America are being persecuted-- I said DESPISED. You clearly have proven that point with this vitriolic comment. My lack of natural love??? Because I love God I am naturally unloving. That's perposterous I have not espoused any hatred to any group. See unlike the civil rights industial complex, and uber-liberal democrats such as yourself, I don't hate people that I disagree with politically and philosophically.
Jehovah El Shaddai loves everyone. Stop believing that God only loves you because you are Americans. You also have a narrow view of God and Christianity.
What a shame!
No one, Obama nor McCain can interfere with God's plan. Maybe they can interfere with yours, but certainly not God's.
Seek first the Kingdom of God...
Let us stop putting our hope in people(politicians) and trust God.
My Response: Woman, you are clearly dillusional. No where on this entire blog have I said that God love me and other christians more than anyone else. You are the one blinded by your prejudice and disdain for those who love the Lord. But, I consider it all joy, clearly I am doing something right. I'm sorry that you are blinded my the LIGHT.
Your narrow mentality is what has you blind.
I meant Democrats and Republicans are the same. You have not been able to show me how the Democrats and the Republicans are different.
There is no need to be defensive and then say it is because you are Christian. Let God say if you really are.It is easy to call someone ungodly who you have never met.And it certainly is not very christianlike, but you are forgiven.You sound like the Muslims who refer to non-Muslims as "infidels".
Bush,Cheney, MCain, Palin, Obama and Biden do not represent God on earth. Women had abortion during Bush's administration and they will more likely have it under either Obama or McCain.
I am no Liberal, you do not know me, once again utter provincialism.What is ignored, is considered so different and even an enemy.
I just don't believe that both political parties(Democrats and Republicans) are anything close to God's doctrines.
"Let your light so shine before men, that he may see your good works and glorify your father which is in Heaven".-Matt5:16
I hope you know, that there is only one purpose for the "Light", and that it should go beyond our narrow existence.
Many American Christians are Republicans only because they are fiscal conservatives.Clinton was more of a fiscal conservative than Bush.
I really don't see how Jesus Christ would approve of the Republican version fiscal conservativism that is geared solely towards building wealth and a war machinery.
The war in Iraq was solely for this purpose.
May God bless you.
Marisol~It has not been my intention to convince you or anyone else that Dems and repubs are different. My contention has been that I will not support a party which takes my vote granted, I don't believe the democratic party is the party of the "people". If you think my views are narrow -- that's cool but you are reading my blog not the other way around. Lastly, anyone can quote scripture the real challenge is to live it. Admittedly, I fall short more often than not. Why is it that Christians are accused of being narrow minded because we accept that the bible is true--is it more "moral" to believe in nothing at all and stand on nothing at all except that which is popular? Look, if you want to re-define the family, kill your babies, spread your wealth around at the bidding of the government and not your own heart knock yourself out. But let me love up on Jesus -- Okay? The war--I'm not defending not because I can't but I just don't feel like it. But I will say that even Joe Biden knows what's in store for this country if and when Obama takes the helm--Why do you think all of the islamo-facist websites support Obama? I'm not making any indictment against Sen. Obama I'm simply asking why are our declared enemies anxious for him to take office? I tell you-- because he is inexperienced and over-confident in his abilities. You know scripture Marisol, what comes to mind? Pride comes before the fall (but I digress). Our enemies want him in office because even they can see that our ecomomy is going to crumple like a stale saltine and we will be sitting ducks. You know how they know? Because they know what happens to countries who adopt marxist policies. They can't wait.
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