Thursday, September 18, 2008

A look at How Closely Barack Obama is tied to the Housing Crisis...

I have tried not to participate the bashing and finger pointing that's going on between the Dems and Repubs. The Dems are screaming about Bush being in bed with Bin Ladin for oil and 911 being an inside job, last night the liberal talk show hosts were screaming that the repubs are intending to "steal the election" again. I don't believe that 911 was an inside job nor do I believe that the election was stolen in 2000. What the Barack Obama acolytes would be shocked to know and will probably never know since he is the media darling and mainstream media rarely reports any of his dirt is that his hands are not clean where this housing crisis is concerned and John McCain predicted that this would happen during a 2006 speech on the Senate floor. Check this out:

Let me reiterate......

"Simply put Barack Obama and his party allies own the Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac big government failure. McCain and the republicans tried to stop this from happening. This is just another example of what big government and the democrats will give you and the accountability that the republicans demand. Failing to see the difference will cost YOU" -- Amanda Carpenter

1 comment:

Pamela said...

I had heard that Obama received lots of money from this but had no idea that the Republicans tried to address this back in the day. No wonder the Democrats want the fairness doctrine back. They want to shut up alternative media that is exposing their behinds (and those of the Republicans also at times). This is getting pretty serious.