Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Credit Worthiness Is Not Directly Proportional to Character

I write this following a rather heated conversation I had this morning regarding credit scores. I once attended a course on Marriage at a local church and the pastor\teacher of this course maintained that one should consider the credit score of their intended and if said intended does not have "good" credit that you should not marry them.I thought this was a crock of simmering kaka because credit can be rebuilt but a person who is willfully beligerent, vindicative, mean hateful or any other horrible human affliction of the mind or spirit is far worse than a tarnished credit record. My friend then rattled off a litany of statistical data to support that financial issues is the reason that marriages fail. Well, I submit that if a couple can't weather a financial rough spot or season then money is not the "real" issue. The real issue would then be honesty, integrity or trust (someone lied about spending or stashing cash or perhaps one partner doesn't trust the decisions the other makes)I had to remind my dear friend that we unfortunately know a few unseemly woman (and men) who will do whatever they need to do to pay the electric bill or car note on time lest they ruin their hard earned credit rating. So, these types of women or men I'd venture to say are on no higher moral, ethical or socially responsible ground then the individual who takes the credit ding but holds on to their virtue. Also, all credit problems do not stem from living above and beyond one's means sometime you just don't have the money on the day the bill is due because life happens.


Vintage Mother said...

Hi CBW, good post. I agree with you on this. I do think, however, that it might prove prudent to at least know what kind of debt/bad credit issues the person you are marrying has and to understand the implications if you decide to marry the person. So, in my opinion, it's not necessarily as important whether the credit score is good or bad, but what items are contained on it. - Meredith

Conservative Black Woman said...

Meredith!!!! Where have you been Mamacita? I've missed your comments.

I believe in absolute full disclosure on all things finacial before marriage but I think that a persons character should trump their credit score.

Smile said...

I agree, CBW. Yet, I'd guess that the 'speaker' was saying something akin to what you are. IOW, marry in haste and repent in leisure'.

Vintage Mother said...

CBW: I've been reading your posts daily still-you know this is my computer homepage-but my business has been keeping me preoccuppied. I also couldn't figure out how to leave a comment since now you have to use your blog login to sign in. But I've been on here, watching and reading and sharing the information with my children. Keep up the good work CBW!