Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Turkish Announcer Reports Obama Story In Black Face

Well, I guess PSBO isn't so well-loved internationally that he has transcended ridicule. My goodness, I'm betting the black quasi-socialist progressive fundamentalist racism chasing Obama acolytes will be ready to start WWIII for this act of blasphemy against "The One"....

H/T to Conservative Brother for the video


Angela said...


Paul Ervin said...

Who worries about Turkey? I only get mad when american blacks bash him. by the way, don't you neo-cons act like reagan dang near walked on water!??!

Katrina said...

I am a proud American black woman and I will bash Obama for as long as he is in office.

I could care less who gets upset about it.

Obamabots are standing around waiting for Obama to hand out food for all with just five fish and five loaves of bread. Literally.

Keeping speaking the truth, CBW

DJ Black Adam said...


What's your real problem, that people expect help from their Federal Govenrment OR the fact that under the new administration and the new congress, they MIGHt get some, instead of just the very rich getting a break?

Just sasking...

Katrina said...

@DJ Black Adam,

When you were a young child and needed sneakers and you told your parent you wanted Jordans in particular, usually the first thing out of that parent's mouth was

1. Where you do you work at?

2. You will wear these skippies from Payless!!

And you had to wear them! Why?? Because someone else had the money and they were taking care of you. That's the same way I feel about the federal government and people expecting it to solve all of their problems. Sure, big government will march in to save the day-- but at what cost??

When someone else is supporting you, you pretty much have to live by their rules! Universal healthcare sounds awesome on paper, but that also gives the government the power to tell you what treatments THEY think you should receive and WHEN you should receive it! And if you are too fargone in your illness-- Oh well, it was nice knowing you! Think that is impossible-- it's in the massive stimulus plan that our elected officials just passed without reading! It's hidden in that 'digitalized medical records' part of it.

GM took money from the government and Obama FIRED their CEO! And he is demanding that they build the cars HE feels as though they should build! And WHY is he meddling in a private business?? Because government money is all up in it!

Pretty soon that is going to fall on the average American.

I know most liberals who are for big government intervention think those that are against it are greedy and selfish. But I can only speak for myself when I say I take care of myself because I don't want to have to answer to anybody!

I don't want the government providing me with healthcare, food or anything else. I just want my taxes used on the police, sanitation and the like.

Now many people fall on hard times and I understand that. But this is why it behooves everyone to get back up again and work hard to overcome.

Big government has never helped anyone accept big government.

*Sorry for the long response. This topic touches a nerve*

Paul Ervin said...

@ Katrina

I am a proud American black woman and I will bash Obama for as long as he is in office.<----------and we will tell you how it looks alot like self-hatred. esp when all you do is parrot talking points from fox news and talk radio

I could care less who gets upset about it.<----------neither do we wehen we call you on it.

Obamabots are standing around waiting for Obama to hand out food for all with just five fish and five loaves of bread. Literally.<-------------where do you get this tripe from? please provide a link or something...

Keeping speaking the truth, CBW<------------trith is really point of view...thanks OBI-WAN!

JMK said...

"When someone else is supporting you, you pretty much have to live by their rules! Universal healthcare sounds awesome on paper, but that also gives the government the power to tell you what treatments THEY think you should receive and WHEN you should receive it!....I can only speak for myself when I say I take care of myself because I don't want to have to answer to anybody!

"I don't want the government providing me with healthcare, food or anything else. I just want my taxes used on the police, sanitation and the like." (Katrina)
Absolutely 100% right!

That's very much how the overwhelming majority of Americans seem to feel.

The will to have power/control over others is a sickness and a large percentage of those attracted to government are afflcited with that weakness, just as camp counsellors and other jobs involving children, attract a disproportionate amount of pedophiles.

America was NOT founded on "freedom as license" - people being free to do whatever they'd like, it was founded on "freedom as LIBERTY" - complete self-ownership and the grinding weight of responsibility that comes with that, which is why in the USA government was set up as a SERVANT, NOT a ruler of the citizenry.

We can't throw off the burdens of self-ownership and having to struggle OURSELVES to make our ways through life without throwing off the Constitution as written, and to date, no American has dared to even suggest that.

DJ Black Adam said...
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DJ Black Adam said...

@JMK and Katrina:

False Arguements from the both of you.

I am talking about the NEED for action, you are discussing how far that action should go, which is a discussion we CAN have, but is a DIFFERENT discussionbut don't place one for the other.

The economy is in a situation that the Federal government has to and is doing something to rectify.

So, extra food stamp benefits for the newly unemployed, I have no problem with, a degree of Universal Health care, I have no porblem with. If you do, then we just have to agree to disagree.

Katrina said...

@Paul Ervin,

I have been called a self-hater and much more! I sitll hold fast to my views.

I could care less what color Obama is-- if he is wrong than I will call him out on it.

You can keep drinking the Kool Aid if you wanna....

DJ Black Adam said...


No here knows enough about you (or me or anyone else) tro call someone a "self hater" for not agreeing with Obama.

My question to you is what is your porblem with Obama? Ideological based on fiscal or scoial issues or a little of both?

Katrina said...


So, extra food stamp benefits for the newly unemployed, I have no problem with, a degree of Universal Health care, I have no porblem with. If you do, then we just have to agree to disagree.

I totally understand where you are coming from. A little help is great when you are in dire straights. But the government will always overstep it's boundaries.

It has happened before under FDR. It looks like we are headed down that same path when Obama.

DJ Black Adam said...


"Universal healthcare sounds awesome on paper, but that also gives the government the power to tell you what treatments THEY think you should receive and WHEN you should receive it!...."

See, this is what I mean by false argument. Corporate America and specifically Financial Services based Companies like Blue Cross blue shield TELL me what I can get treated for or even if the want to insure me or pay for something that happens after the fact.

I'd prefer that the government offer or help underwrite a reasonable alternative that provides basic health care to at the least those who cannot afford what I have, and especially those people who are under or unemployed temporally so that one accident or sickness doesn't destroy a family.

Seem like you been drinking the right wing kool aid, it might not be "blue" like Obama's kool aid, but the "Red" Kool aid is STILL Kolo Aid.

DJ Black Adam said...


"I totally understand where you are coming from. A little help is great when you are in dire straights. But the government will always overstep it's boundaries."

But Private corproations have screwed up the whole health care industry, so there needs to be a medium reached, if the Right would stop crying because they don't have the servers spot in the four square game and bring IDEAS to the tabel, maybe they could find the medium.

"It has happened before under FDR. It looks like we are headed down that same path when Obama."

Again, Regan and later gingrich and the boys swung it WAAAYYYY To far to the right, HMO's make billions and are screwing up, there ahs to be some balance.

JMK said...

"False Arguements from the both of you.

"I am talking about the NEED for action, you are discussing how far that action should go..." (DJBA)
You do this all the re-interpret your own stance.

Your argument was NOT about "the need for help", as opposed to "how much help is appropriate", as your first statement was, "What's your real problem, that people expect help from their Federal Govenrment OR the fact that under the new administration and the new congress, they MIGHt get some, instead of just the very rich getting a break?"

Katrina's response was absolutely accurate, "When someone else is supporting you, you pretty much have to live by their rules! Universal healthcare sounds awesome on paper, but that also gives the government the power to tell you what treatments THEY think you should receive and WHEN you should receive it!....I can only speak for myself when I say I take care of myself because I don't want to have to answer to anybody!"

THAT is true.

Government can ONLY provide "free healthcare" by (1) forcing medical professsionals to work for lower pay (payroll costs are among the primary cost factors in U.S. Healthcare) and (2) raising income and sales taxes - that doesn't make healthcare "free", it merely masks the costs and government-provided ANYTHING always costs more than it would if delivered directly through the private sector.

And, another funny story, those "rich" they are NOT high income earners (there are virtually NO/ZERO top 1% of American income earners among America's "richest 1%) because "income is the least effective generator of real wealth, the "rich" are really those people who DON'T RELY on INCOME for the bulk of their wealth!

And those folks will ALWAYS get "a break" so long as we tax income, as they DON'T rely on income for any great percentage of their wealth.

DJ Black Adam said...


Yopu wrote: "Your argument was NOT about "the need for help", as opposed to "how much help is appropriate", as your first statement was, "What's your real problem, that people expect help from their Federal Govenrment OR the fact that under the new administration and the new congress, they MIGHt get some, instead of just the very rich getting a break?"

Again, I stated that the federal Giovernment will need to do something, NOW, The WHAT and HOW MUCH can be debated, as I have debated that with you and others.

Now if you wish to posit that the Fedearl Government should do nothing, and things should go one like they are, that is your choice, I would disagree.

Now if you want to honestly debate HOW FAR or WHAT EXATCLY the Fed SHOULD do, regarding Health Care and Education, we can do that.

Conservative Black Woman said...

Paul Ervin~Black people (Me & Katrina) who do not support Barack Obama and his far left radical socialist agenda no more hate ourselves than Obama supporters (You & your ilk) hate yourselves.
That is just the most moronic argument which YOU are PARROTING because I truly don't believe that you are so stupid that after having thought about the implications of such a remark that you would actually believe it.

If I hate myself because I don't support a black man then you hate yourself and your mama for not supporting me a black woman....Do you see now how profoundly stupid that line of thinking is.

As far as the "parroting" accusation. I tell you what when you, Field Negro, Prof. Tracy, the Jack & Jill gang, MSNBC, CNN and the MSM start saying something worthy of "parroting" then I will parrot ya'll too....see how fair I am?

DJ Black Adam said...

@CBW & Paul:

What the heck is parroting? Yes, I'll admit, I have no idea what people are talking about when they say that....

Conservative Black Woman said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Conservative Black Woman said...

DJBA~I think Paul is accusing Black Conservatives such as myself as being incapable of having original thoughts or opinions. Therefore we simply "repeat" that which we hear on Fox.

Apparently, Black Conservatives are too stupid to read, engage in critical thought and formulate an opinion. Because of our hair texture, facial features and the amount in melonin in our skin we are ALL supposed to think alike. Somehow the Black Conservative has "mutated" because they don't agree with the masses. No, no we really agree but we have just chosen to "parrot" fox because we hate our mutant selves.

This BS is really so stupid. I getting so frustrated because I never thought I'd see the day that the black intelligensia would actually live up to racial stereotypes and the fact that 96% of black folks voted for Barack Obama proves the sterotype that not only do we look alike, we think alike and we vote alike. It's a DAMN CRYING SHAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But, I'm not crying I choose to laugh and spit (metaphorically of course because I'm lady) in the face of these dumb-azz racism chaser. They can kiss my shiny, black, buttock.

Paul Ervin said...

DJBA~I think Paul is accusing Black Conservatives such as myself as being incapable of having original thoughts or opinions. Therefore we simply "repeat" that which we hear on Fox.<------------with all due respect CBW. this is because it really seems that you guys do. I have yet to hear an argument from that explains your point of view that isn't verbatim fox noise. Either that or the "godless" argument is thrown out. i could be wrong, but...

Apparently, Black Conservatives are too stupid to read, engage in critical thought and formulate an opinion. Because of our hair texture, facial features and the amount in melonin in our skin we are ALL supposed to think alike.<----------not at all. But do you have to demonize "our" people to the extent that talk radio does. I never hear about trailer trash or the fact that the majority of Foodstamp and welfare recipients are single white women.

Somehow the Black Conservative has "mutated" because they don't agree with the masses. No, no we really agree but we have just chosen to "parrot" fox because we hate our mutant selves.<-----but you agree 100% with what talk radio says? I donot agree with Obama on many things. this bail out is one of them. whenever you have 2 people that agree 100% of the time, you can rest assured only one is doing the thinking - chruchill.

This BS is really so stupid. I getting so frustrated because I never thought I'd see the day that the black intelligensia would actually live up to racial stereotypes and the fact that 96% of black folks voted for Barack Obama proves the sterotype that not only do we look alike, we think alike and we vote alike. <----------------no, it's just that 95% of "us" like the rest of the USA are not rich, and would rather have our agenda advanced then that of corp america or a loud mouth that makes 40 million a year, but is one of "you normal everyday folks"

It's a DAMN CRYING SHAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But, I'm not crying I chose to laugh and spit (metaphorically of course because I'm lady) in the face of these dumb-azz racism chaser. They can kiss my shiny, black, buttock.<---------------so calling obama a radical, mysterious, manchurian candidate is not code playing to base fears of mentally slow people in rural areas? all kerry was was a "flip-flopper", they even tried that this time around.

Katrina said...

I find it funny how people accuse conservatives of parroting Fox News (a channel liberals hate, yet mysteriously can quote Bill O'Reilly and/or Sean Hannity lines verbatim), yet are oblivious to the fact that liberals themselves sound an awful like clones of Chris Matthews and Keith Olbermann.

For the record, I have watched FOX NEWS in over a year and I actually watch The Chris Matthews Show on NBC EVERY Sunday morning.

Just because black conservatives don't like Obama doesn't mean we hate ourselves. It means we could care less about Obama's skin color. His policies is what we have a problem with.

If Hillary or McCain was elected doing what Obama was doing I would rip him too!

Katrina said...


For the record, I have* watched FOX NEWS in over a year and I actually watch The Chris Matthews Show on NBC EVERY Sunday morning.

*should be HAVEN'T

Conservative Black Woman said...

Paul~You write "with all due respect CBW. this is because it really seems that you guys do. I have yet to hear an argument from that explains your point of view that isn't verbatim fox noise.<----------The points of view of most black bloggers (who are Obama supporters) is all the same as well. They all sound like Roland Martin or Keith Olberman does that mean that they are all parroting each other or that they agree, that they share the same point of view? Granted I watch Fox-- but I also watch CNN and MSNBC (I have no choice my husband doesn't share my politics)so if I'm parroting Fox which I don't think I am it's because I agree with them.

" But do you have to demonize "our" people to the extent that talk radio does. I never hear about trailer trash or the fact that the majority of Foodstamp and welfare recipients are single white women."<----I don't demonize "our" people. I have said on this blog many times that I don't even have a problem with informed Obama supporters. I am well aware that people where fed up with 8 years of George Bush and the Republican administration and shuttered at the prospect of voting for McCain. I get it! But, my problem is with uninformed Obama supporters who voted for him just because he is black and I am most fed-up, disgusted and outraged with professing Christians who voted for Barack Obama and continue to support him in spite of what he has already done when it comes to issues of life. As far as food-stamps, hand-outs, yada yada. That's not my beef. I believe now and I always have that I individuals who need government assistance should receive it but those who are willing and able to work are better off if the work.

"so calling obama a radical, mysterious, manchurian candidate is not code playing to base fears of mentally slow people in rural areas? all kerry was was a "flip-flopper", they even tried that this time around."<----- Not for me. Obama is radical, mysterious and manchurian(esqe) and when I put that message out it was because I believe it to be true and I was trying to pass the information on to those who had ears to hear. I don't feel that Obama is radical because I heard it on Fox I know that he is radical because he has said as much and I've read both of his books. I have also read Saul Alinsky's Rules For Radicals and a blind man can see that Barack Obama and his campaign team executed Alinksy's tactics quite masterfully.

Conservative Black Woman said...

BTW Paul...I like this <-------

I think I'm gonna start using that regularly. Thanks.

JudyBright said...

There are about 300 million people in this country. Chances are if someone voices an opinion, it will not be original. Someone else has articulated it before, so you could be accused of "parroting" someone else no matter what your opinion.

I'd be a little frightened honestly if I was the only person who held a particular view. It would probably indicate that I was positively insane.

Of course, maybe someone has already said as much on Fox News, and therefore my opinion is invalid.

Carry on.

JMK said...

"Now if you wish to posit that the Fedearl Government should do nothing, and things should go one like they are..." (DJBA)
ALL our current economic ills were caused BY government - the excessive social spending and over-regulation of the G W Bush administration.

G W Bush spent MORE (even adjusted for inflation) than LBJ did on reckless social spending.

In the wake of the Tyco, Enron, Adelphia, Arthur Anderson scandals of 2001, G W Bush sought for and eagerly signed onto one of the costliest and far-reaching pieces of business regulation in over three decades.

G W Bush was the FIRST to use bailouts and "non-stimulating stimulus pakages" to fight a credit crisis born, in large measure by the Bush administration's ill-conceived attempt to close the minority homeownership gap by having Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac buy up/guarantee most of the subprime mortgages out there. In 2000 Fannie's & Freddie's share of the mortgag market stood at 24% (a number many pegged as "way too high"), but by 2007 that number INCREASED to just under 50% of the mortgage market with the increase almost entirely in those new subprime mortgages!

The problem with the current administration is that they aren't forging any new path, nor offering any real change form the Bush agenda, they ARE, in fact, offering only MORE of the same - MORE bailouts, MORE "non-stimulating stimulus packages" and even MORE reckless social spending.

THAT'S NOT "change," that's more of the same failed policies.

THAT is the problem.

DJ Black Adam said...


"ALL our current economic ills were caused BY government - the excessive social spending and over-regulation of the G W Bush administration."

Yeah, I can agree it was caused BY government allowing the Financial Services industry to run amok and not ENOUGH regulation.

Sorry, we are just not going to see eye to eye on this one.

Constructive Feedback said...

[quote]by the way, don't you neo-cons act like reagan dang near walked on water!??![/quote]

Paul Ervin:

As a Black person who is focused upon the Black community I am disinclined to fall for the traps in which people like you like to talk about everything BUT what is going on inside of the Black community.

Thus while it may be true that a lot of White Republicans adore Ronald Reagan - I as a Black Conservative, Non-Republican am puzzled as to why the various "Concerned Black Clergy" organizations around the nation seem to defend Black Criminal Politicians long beyond their court conviction and prison sentence:

* Bill Campbell in Atlanta
* Kilpatrick In Detroit
* James in Newark

and a long long list of others.

When we focus the question upon the HARM to the Black Community as a result of blind loyalty - Ronald Reagan has got nothing on the "death by a thousand cuts" that these various local operatives have executed.

Constructive Feedback said...

[quote]-not at all. But do you have to demonize "our" people to the extent that talk radio does. I never hear about trailer trash or the fact that the majority of Foodstamp and welfare recipients are single white women.[/quote]

Paul Ervin:

* Who threatens to KILL BLACK PEOPLE with a "9 to their chest"

* Calls Black women "hoes" and willing to do anything for money

* Brags about the "weight" that they have distributed within the Black community


Yet for some reason YOU find the "Black Conservatives" who have no elected positions and who are in disfavor among the ruling Black Quasi-Socialist Progressive-Fundamentalist Racism Chasers as the biggest threat.

Tell me brother - why did White Liberal Democrat Jim Martin of Georgia invite felons TI and Young Jeezy to the stage in order to win Black votes without any scorn from YOU or other BQPFRCs?

Annie said...

Why do some people get their panties in a wad just because someone else dares to say to the government, "I don't NEED you anymore."? DJ, from what I have read here in this post alone, you have a lot of nerve calling someone else a hater.

Robert said...

Paul Ervin:

You said "Who worries about Turkey? I only get mad when american blacks bash him. by the way, don't you neo-cons act like reagan dang near walked on water!??!"

Would you get mad if Greeks, a few hundred miles away bashed him?

How do you feel about Glen Ford and Bruce Dixon at who have been "bashing" Obama ever since 2005?


I agree 100% about lack of regulation. Here is evidence:

Devon said...

Okay lets get back to the original topic what does everyone think about the Al Jolsen act from this idiotic Turk???

Come on.....the sad fact is for liberals, Black and White, it is only racist is white americans of euro descent do such stupid things..

Note that we do not see BK or Uptown Steve on this thread...the turks are allowed to do...after all, they are muslims, nominally so anyways and since being as such, they 'are down' with the cause or some other liberal idiocy....

This Turk is an idiot...and the race hustlers that are silent are the hypocrites we always knew they were....

I mean, Ted Danson got away with it also years ago because he is a liberal and was dating Whoopi at the time...

Racism only exists when someone on the center right spectrum commits such actions...

Sad but true.

Patriotic American said...

I can't imagine why the Turkish news anchor (or his network) thought donning burnt cork and jumping Jim Crow was even remotely appropriate, much less acceptable.

It seems racism is not just a United States problem, as some would lead us to believe.

Constructive Feedback said...


The television personality likes Obama and hates Bush. The blackface skit was in protest of Bush - according to this site.

[quote]The Buzzfeed blog speculated that the face-darkening was meant to be "a metaphor for the way the Bush administration 'darkened' the face of the Turkish public, and how the anchor hopes Obama will turn things around".[/quote]

uptownsteve said...

"I am a proud American black woman and I will bash Obama for as long as he is in office.

I could care less who gets upset about it."

That's because you're only concerned about the white folks who pat you on the head BECAUSE of your Obama bashing.

The sad thing is that condescension doesn't even bother you.

uptownsteve said...


You need to come up with a new rap my brother.

Your "which are blacks' worse enemies, rappers or conservatives" is not only a false choice and bogus premise but it's downright stupid coming from an educated man.

Lift up your game.

uptownsteve said...

"Apparently, Black Conservatives are too stupid to read, engage in critical thought and formulate an opinion."

Nah CBW.

Black conservatives are very hard to take seriously because they are black people who align themselves with white racists, not only adopting their ideology but their rhetoric.

You've been almost hysterical in your Obama bashing since inauguration day, yet no matter how many racist utterances he makes or references from white supremacist websites you still grin in JMK's face.

Conservative Black Woman said...

UTS!!! Where have you been? You write:"You've been almost hysterical in your Obama bashing since inauguration day, yet no matter how many racist utterances he makes or references from white supremacist websites you still grin in JMK's face.

Actually, if you think I have been hysterical after inauguration day then you really shouldn't read my post before inauguration day. This is truly mind in comparison because there is nothing to be done about the BIG error in judgement that 53% of Americans and 96% of Black American's made on Nov. 8th. JMK, (for the umpteenth time)in my humble opinion is not a racist. I agree with him most of the time. You on the other hand insult me at every turn I do not return the sentiment so I would say that I do far more "smiling" in your face then anyones....I consider you my Anyway, I've missed your Monkey-Azz...What's up with ya?

Conservative Black Woman said...

TYPO:"This is truly mind* in comparison...

I meant to say mild in comparison.

DJ Black Adam said...


Oh come on man, there is NO difference between TI and Barack Obama. Isn't it obvious to you? If you support Barack you must OBVIOUSLY buy TI's Music.

Heck, I heard Barack is working on a Single with Dre and 50....

DJ Black Adam said...


"Why do some people get their panties in a wad just because someone else dares to say to the government, "I don't NEED you anymore."?

Well if you don't "Need" the government anymore, I hope you never "need" the police dept., fire dept, schools, libraries, water service, streets and sanitation, etc., etc. YOU must live in the woods in a shack away from civilization.

"DJ, from what I have read here in this post alone, you have a lot of nerve calling someone else a hater."

Really? Who am I "hating" on? Fiancial Services giants and the republicans who allowed them to screw American workers, consumers and the American economy by their rampant and out of control greed and excess? Say what you say, just give me that bomb beat from Dre...

Conservative Black Woman said...

" dental surgery on Wednesday"


Conservative Black Woman said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Harbinjer said...

To this day blacks are much more comfortable in a master slave relationship than they are in a relationship of equals, the basis of which is that they are to be considered not only equal but responsible for their own well being. This explains blacks fatal attraction to paternalistic governmental schemes such as liberalism and communism, which promise cradle to grave welfare in exchange for the individual's surrender of autonomy. Since blacks don't value autonomy, which demands responsibility, they are giving up nothing, as they see it, for everything. Compared to that bargain any facts about the actual track record of communism or liberalism are small potatoes.

DJ Black Adam said...


"Obama is a Bi*tch-Azz punk."

I thought the term was Punk Azz B*tch? Well, at least that's how they say it here in the Chi, albeit we are more influenced by thw "West Coast" in that sort of thing!

Actually TI would have more than likely BEEN a pirate, thank God for the entertainment industry.

Seriously, piracy is a very difficult military issue for Naval forces to deal with. Though you have to admit if for the last 8 years we didn't do anything of significance on the Horn of Africa (aside from supporting my fellow Ethiopians in a silly and futile campaign into Somolia) Barack is working on problems YOUR GUYS let get out of control. I give Barack a pass on this one.

DJ Black Adam said...


Verily, you are just being silly. Basic Universe health Care and expanded food Stamp beneifts for the recently unemployed is hardly craddle to the grave.

uptownsteve said...


See what I mean.

Why does racist pondscum like Harbinjer frequent black conservative websites?

And why won't you black righties stand up to them?

Or maybe you agree with him.

DJ Black Adam said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
DJ Black Adam said...


"Why aren't elected democratic officials held accountable?"

Now we get to an acutal VALID point. See once we get past the insults, false dichotomys, and fictions, a VALID point.

Now can we all talk about this like adults? I really would like to have this conversation. I can't speak for the rest of the nation, but here in CHICAGO, the Demiocrats are definately part of the problem. BUT what alternative do the REPUBLICANS offer?

And BTW CBW, it is not misplaced contempt, the GOP has proven they are worthy of CONTEMPT, maybe we just need more CONTEMPT to go around.

Conservative Black Woman said...

"Or maybe you agree with him."

Well, UTS I have to admit that I do. The truth is painful and hard to hear and it breaks my heart. Not for ALL black people fall in this category but it IS true for some. It's hard not to make the logicical conclusion that if 96% of black folks voted for PSBO and he campaign using rhetoric that was "socialist" in nature that black people aren't attracted to " paternalistic governmental schemes such as liberalism and communism, which promise cradle to grave welfare in exchange for the individual's surrender of autonomy." Although to be fair most have no idea that they will surrender autonomy.

uptownsteve said...

"CF raises an excellent question."

Are YOU crazy?

"Why have you misplaced your contempt?"

It's not an either/or question.

My contempt for black conservatives has nothing to do with rappers or corrupt politicians of either party.

And I happen to be quite satisfied with the black leadership in my community, th 27th legislative district of Maryland.

"Why aren't elected democratic officials held accountable?"

Who says they aren't CBW?

This is ridiculous.

All over the DC area politicians like Al Wynn, Harold Brazile, Kevin Chavous and others have been voted out by their constituencies who felt they were not serving the needs of the people.

What you and CF seem to bother with is that they are not replaced by black conservatives.

Well my sista, if you negroes came before the communtity and spoke to it with respect and some tangible ideas and solutions maybe you'd get a listen.

But as long as you (and you have said this constantly) consider black people unworthy of being courted and continue with the "why are you blacks so stupid and criminal" mantra, people are going to consider black conservatives sellouts and hustlers.

"Even if the black conservatives are just confused pathetic individuals why not just ignore us and hold elected official accountable."

I'd say black conservatives are pretty much ignored by the black community at large.

I just like to debate on black conservative blogs.

I get bored on sites where everyone agrees with me.

uptownsteve said...

"Well, UTS I have to admit that I do."

This is really sad CBW.

"The truth is painful and hard to hear and it breaks my heart."

This is not truth but stereotypical horse crap.

"Not for ALL black people fall in this category but it IS true for some."

What percentage CBW? More than 50%

A greater percentage of blacks than any other ethnic group?

Prove it.

"It's hard not to make the logicical conclusion that if 96% of black folks voted for PSBO and he campaign using rhetoric that was "socialist" in nature that black people aren't attracted to " paternalistic governmental schemes such as liberalism and communism, which promise cradle to grave welfare in exchange for the individual's surrender of autonomy."

Herein is the lie.

You produce for me one quote of Obama promising black people cradle to the grave government assistance.

Or any black person demanding it.

You can't get over the fact that your side lost and lost bad.

And a lot of people who are not black are in full support of Obama's stimulus package and corporate bailout program (welfare for companies) mainly because there are no alternatives offered by the right.

But you are now, pathetically, trying to attribute Obama's victory, not to the multi-racial, multi-regional, multi class coalition that fueled his campaign for "Change" but to lazy, dependent black folks looking for cradle to the grave handouts.

CBW, you ought to be ashamed of yourself.

Any body in your family been on the dole?

I know none in mine.

Although to be fair most have no idea that they will surrender autonomy.

DJ Black Adam said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
DJ Black Adam said...


"You don't pander to equals you pander to those you consider to be simple-minded."

Ohhhhhhhhh, so that's why the GOP pandesr to White Racist and the Joe Sixpacks across the country in the "real" America huh? I agree they are simple minded cretins.

Being fair, I think Black folks who blindly support democrats are also simple minded. BUT, being more fair I think a good 80-85% of the general population are simpletons.


uptownsteve said...


"Being fair, I think Black folks who blindly support democratcs are also simple minded."

I disagree.

There was a time when Republicans like Mathias, Rockefeller, Brooke and Javits got strong support.

I can remember as a young child in my father's hometown of Philadelphia in the 70s the black community supporting the Republican patrician Thatcher Longstreth over the brutal police chief Frank Rizzo in their race for Mayor.

The fact is that with very few expections in today's climate the GOP has given black people very little reason to support it.

Black folks are being intelligent.

DJ Black Adam said...


I wrote: "Being fair, I think Black folks who blindly support democrats are also simple minded. "

You replied: "I disagree."

Maybe you can since you don't live in the City of Chicago, in the County of COOK in the Great State of Illinois.

Black folks here in Chicago, often following the lead of some very well paid Pastor, support hook line and sinker Daley, Stroger, Meeks, and whomever else SIMPLY because they are "democrats". I have heard Black folk say they wouldn't vote for Colin Powell BECAUSE "he wasn't a democrat" if the Secretary had ran back in 2000.

Sorry, Black folks blindly support the Democrats and often that ISN'T in their best interest.

Look at Chicago's failing schools, that what mindlessly voting for Daley has gotten these folks. Chicago's most famous and corrupt police, while Daley puts resources towards Northside White neighborhoods and throws a bone to Hyde Park.

Sorry, Black people 9at least here) are damn fools for mindless supported the Democrats.

Now should they support the GOP? Probobly NOT, as the GOP has made clear that Blacks aren't important to them as a bloc, and have that latent and sometimes blatent racism thing going.

BUT, we should make the democrats deliver more than what they have.

Conservative Black Woman said...

"Well, UTS I have to admit that I do."

This is really sad CBW.<----I agree. I said as much. The truth hurts.

"Not for ALL black people fall in this category but it IS true for some."

What percentage CBW? More than 50%<---I'm not a statistician. But I would say at least 30% of the 96% of Black American's who voted for PSBO. How many times have you heard Black people say "The democrat party cares about black people." That's slave\master mentality because I don't need a "party" or a "politician" to care about me. I need my husband to care about me. I don't need a democratic or republican politician for that matter to "look out for my best interests" I will look out for myself thankyou and engage in activities which will prosper me. Not the job of the state to look out for me. Keep me safe in my community, and internationally beyond that I don't want government intervention.

A greater percentage of blacks than any other ethnic group?
Prove it.<----Yes, when I hear other ethnic groups as concerned about politicians "caring" for them I'll let you know.

"It's hard not to make the logicical conclusion that if 96% of black folks voted for PSBO and he campaign using rhetoric that was "socialist" in nature that black people aren't attracted to " paternalistic governmental schemes such as liberalism and communism, which promise cradle to grave welfare in exchange for the individual's surrender of autonomy."

Herein is the lie.<---Therein lays the beautiful truth. Prove me wrong. Because you live in a community with responsible citizens and your family is choked full of responsible parents, husbands, wives etc. still doesn't change that fact that too many of us believe the government should somehow "care" about us. No, we should "care" about ourselves.

You produce for me one quote of Obama promising black people cradle to the grave government assistance.<---umm, pick a speech. No he doesn't say I will take care of you from cradle to grave. But he is promising to redistribute wealth. Give everyone a piece of the pie. Everyone will have health care coverage (I'm not saying that's a bad thing--but we already have that essentially with medicaid)which means that more of our money will be taxed. My first responsibility is to my family and if I'm taxed more then my daughter suffers -- I'm not cool with that. Everyone's college education will be paid for. Promises, promises, promises which have to be funded with tax dollars. People who don't have to write a check to Uncle Sam (yes, I'm bitter) don't give a flying fig about it because they get refunds! Of course they are happy with the promises.

You can't get over the fact that your side lost and lost bad.<---Silly goose, we ALL lost. You may be too in love to notice as our liberties slowly dissapate but it has already begun.

And a lot of people who are not black are in full support of Obama's stimulus package and corporate bailout program (welfare for companies) mainly because there are no alternatives offered by the right.<---True, most liberals are mentally challenged regardless of their race. However, the Republicans in Congress have offered alternatives but they have no power and the libs are serious about getting their agendas pushed through.

But you are now, pathetically, trying to attribute Obama's victory, not to the multi-racial, multi-regional, multi class coalition that fueled his campaign for "Change" but to lazy, dependent black folks looking for cradle to the grave handouts.<----No, I'm attributing Obama's victory to black folks who have bought into style over substance, and racial solidarity above all else. I'm not dumb enough to think that the miniscule percentage of lazy black folks were enough to get PSBO elected. And being only 12% of the population there is no way he could have been elected based on our votes alone.

CBW, you ought to be ashamed of yourself.<---I don't have one thing to be ashamed of except my fellow Christians who have thrown the Lord Jesus Christ under a bus in favor of the Handsome, smart, articulate, Black man who loves his wife and kids.

Any body in your family been on the dole?<---I don't think so. Although I once tried hiring a babysitter who would live with us and she wanted to get on the "system" so we rescinded the offer of employment.

DJ Black Adam said...


" How many times have you heard Black people say "The democrat party cares about black people"

Being fair CBW, if the GOP and the Dixicrats hadn't of opposed Civil Rights bills (that you and I benefited from), maybe Black folks could take them seriously, at this point, the GOP is an unwise alternative.

In any case, the African American community need sto demand accountability from whomever they support.

DJ Black Adam said...


“I don't have one thing to be ashamed of except my fellow Christians who have thrown the Lord Jesus Christ under a bus in favor of the Handsome, smart, articulate, Black man who loves his wife and kids.”

Verily CBW, please tell me why a Christian should have voted for McCain and Palin or any other GOP candidate when I can point out chapter and verse where THEY don’t line up with Christ on VERY key Kingdom of God principles.

uptownsteve said...


I studied Chicago in political science classes in college and it is definitely a unique situation where the Republican party is almost neutered except when a black is Democratic nominee.

Long, established and entrenched relationships between ward bosses, committee chairman who hand out jobs and city positions for favors and votes.

It is not so much a reflection of the Democratic Party as the corrupt Chicago political machine.

From what I've read a lot of peoples jobs and livelihoods depend on the political machine.

It's that culture that needs to be broken.

Conservative Black Woman said...

DJBA~Are you talking about the Civil Rights Bill of 1964? If so, it certainly was not the GOP that voted against it:

"The Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Pub.L. 88-352, 78 Stat. 241, July 2, 1964) was a landmark piece of legislation in the United States that outlawed racial segregation in schools, public places, and employment. Conceived to help African Americans, the bill was amended prior to passage to protect women, and explicitly included white people for the first time. It also created the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.

Vote totals
Totals are in "Yea-Nay" format:

The original House version: 290-130 (69%-31%)
The Senate version: 73-27 (73%-27%)
The Senate version, as voted on by the House: 289-126 (70%-30%)

[edit] By party
The original House version:[9]

Democratic Party: 152-96 (61%-39%)
Republican Party: 138-34 (80%-20%)
The Senate version:[9]

Democratic Party: 46-21 (69%-31%)
Republican Party: 27-6 (82%-18%)
The Senate version, voted on by the House:[9]

Democratic Party: 153-91 (63%-37%)
Republican Party: 136-35 (80%-20%)

[edit] By party and region
Note : "Southern", as used in this section, refers to members of Congress from the eleven states that made up the Confederate States of America in the American Civil War. "Northern" refers to members from the other 39 states, regardless of the geographic location of those states.

The original House version:

Southern Democrats: 7-87 (7%-93%)
Southern Republicans: 0-10 (0%-100%)
Northern Democrats: 145-9 (94%-6%)
Northern Republicans: 138-24 (85%-15%)
The Senate version:

Southern Democrats: 1-20 (5%-95%) (only Senator Ralph Yarborough of Texas voted in favor)
Southern Republicans: 0-1 (0%-100%) (this was Senator John Tower of Texas)
Northern Democrats: 45-1 (98%-2%) (only Senator Robert Byrd of West Virginia opposed the measure)
Northern Republicans: 27-5 (84%-16%) (Senators Bourke Hickenlooper of Iowa, Barry Goldwater of Arizona, Edwin L. Mechem of New Mexico, Milward L. Simpson of Wyoming, and Norris H. Cotton of New Hampshire opposed the measure)

Conservative Black Woman said...

"Verily CBW, please tell me why a Christian should have voted for McCain and Palin or any other GOP candidate when I can point out chapter and verse where THEY don’t line up with Christ on VERY key Kingdom of God principles."

If I had those feelings towards the McCain\Palin ticket then I would not have voted at all. Again, I'm not holding non-professing followers of Christ to the same standard. But I just don't think God's people were very good representatives in this election. I just question if many really sought the heart and face of God in this election. No I don't question it...they could not have. They didn't. They "needed" a Black POTUS more than they needed the approval of the Father.

Conservative Black Woman said...

"But now, when an incandescant, gifted politician like Obama comes along and galvanizes the black community among many others you attrtibute to "black solidarity".

Again, my friend we will have to agree to disagree. But it is pathetic that you will not "get honest" about that fact. How is the heck does any group of people agree 96% on anything, especially in this political climate unless the galvanizing force is race. Brother, you know you are lying if you say it isn't so.

DJ Black Adam said...


I posit that the information is scewed as the Eisenhower Republics were in the party and in the process of leaving it during the 60's and part of the 70's.


Corruption in Illinois and Chicago politics is a probelm, however, the democrats are in power and are the primary problem. The corruption wouldn't be so rampant if the Black democrats (espeically the so-called "Pastors") held the DEMOCRATS accountable.

Conservative Black Woman said...

DJBA~I posit that is is inaccurate not matter what the reason to say the the GOP opposed the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Misinformation is just bad, bad, bad.

DJ Black Adam said...

“How is the heck does any group of people agree 96% on anything, especially in this political climate unless the galvanizing force is race”

CBW the %of Blacks who voted for Kerry / Gore: 90%, the% of African Americans who voted for Bill Clinton: 95%

You need to reconsider or broaden you initial conclusion.

DJ Black Adam said...


"DJBA~I posit that is is inaccurate not matter what the reason to say the the GOP opposed the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Misinformation is just bad, bad, bad."

You have me on the numers, as Northern Republicans skew those numers and I didn't account for that. Suffice to say, the GOP welecomed with open arms the Dixicrats of the south AND their ideology.

The POST Civil Rights movement GOP, is not a friend to African Americans, do you dispute that and if so WHY?

uptownsteve said...

"How is the heck does any group of people agree 96% on anything, especially in this political climate unless the galvanizing force is race. Brother, you know you are lying if you say it isn't so."

Sista, I posit that 96% of Jews would have nothing to do with the Nation of Islam.

I also would wager that 96% of Arab Israeli pols did not support the Likud party.

You still won't deal with the question.

Where is the intelligence of people supporting a party that has actively rejected their support for 40 years and an ideology which has intensely opposed their advancement?

Just like the white conservatives you mimic, you won't admit to the anti-black posturing of the GOP for the last 40 years.

You just continue to rant bs about blacks being too tribal or hooked on handouts to support conservatism.

It is a reprehensible lie and an insult that you can't possibly think black people will accept.

Anonymous said...

I don't read most of these comments because you and your friends go on ad nauseum. But I always read your comments because I think you are funny as hell even if I don't always agree you just seem like such a pleasant reasonable although misguided at times person. Today is no exception and you did not disappoint. I hope all of you continue to do what you do because the dialogue is rich and meaningful. I love your blog but I am not usually brave enough to go into to ring with you, Steve, JMK and Adam. You guys should have a talk show your ratings would be through the roof. I applaud you all.

Conservative Black Woman said...

"Are you seriously suggesting that God would rather we voted for McCain / Palin?"

Yes. But, I'm not talking about the people. I'm talking about the platforms/ideals if you will. I believe that God loves Barack Obama as much as John McCain and Sarah Palin (that's why He is God and I'm not)

Conservative Black Woman said...

Thanks Anonymous! That was nice. Don't be afraid to fight with us. We always kiss and make up after we verbally slaughter each other. One day even UTS & JMK are going to be cordial to each other ( I couldn't even write kiss and make

DJ Black Adam said...


I wrote: "Are you seriously suggesting that God would rather we voted for McCain / Palin?"

To which you replied: "Yes. But, I'm not talking about the people. I'm talking about the platforms/ideals if you will. I believe that God loves Barack Obama as much as John McCain and Sarah Palin (that's why He is God and I'm not)"

What specifically about their platform and ideas besides they're phoney stance on abortions (because If they wanted to really change anything they had 8 years and didn't) are you talking about?

uptownsteve said...

"Yes. But, I'm not talking about the people. I'm talking about the platforms/ideals if you will.

I've heard it all now.

God supports the shooting of wolves from helicopters, 17 year daughters getting knocked up while publicly preaching chastity, and the dumping of your spouses for rich beer heiresses.

You're on a roll today CBW!!!

Conservative Black Woman said...

"What specifically about their platform and ideas besides they're phoney stance on abortions"

Well see, this is where you get me to admit that were it not for Sarah Palin I would not have voted for McCain because he is too moderate (I don't have a better word to describe not conservative enough) for me. I'll keep this simple and just say that the stance on abortion is really enough but there is so much more. First, PSBO believes that the Constitution is flawed -- I'm no Constitutional lawyer but it's (the constitution that is) is working for me. But knowing that Barack Obama is very liberal I wouldn't vote for him because of the supreme court appointments he is likely to make (which will have ramifications that will effect us long after his term is over), I was concerned about public policy (taxation,immigration,national security) and his cabinet appointments. I will always choose an individual who is Conservative in his ideology over an individual who is liberal because the Modern Liberal is dangerous to our society at large. JudyBright said it best on yesterday when she wrote that choice is only a choice to have an abortion other than that they want to control your life (well, she said it better).

Conservative Black Woman said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Conservative Black Woman said...

"God supports the shooting of wolves from helicopters, 17 year daughters getting knocked up while publicly preaching chastity, and the dumping of your spouses for rich beer heiresses."

UTS~God would rather you shoot a wolf than abort a soul in utero.

As far as personal attacks about Palin and McCain,I'm not going there. Rest assured PSBO has some skeletons in his closet but who profits from ad hominem attacks against these individuals personal lives. It's fruitless.

uptownsteve said...

Controlling your lives??????

Basically being a conservative today comes down, among other things, to being pro-death penalty, anti-abortion, anti-gay marriage.

So that means taking AWAY rights that you don't like.

uptownsteve said...

"God would rather you shoot a wolf than abort a soul in utero."

And it gets nuttier.

I'm going to lunch.

I can finally eat after two days.

DJ Black Adam said...


"First, PSBO believes that the Constitution is flawed -- I'm no Constitutional lawyer but it's (the constitution that is) is working for me."

CBW, the constitution is amendable for a reason, lucky for YOU twice, as it had to be amended for women and blacks to vote. The constitution as a foundation to build up, not to be static.

We obviously just see this issue very differently. I don't think EITHER side is more or less representative of Christ.

DJ Black Adam said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
DJ Black Adam said...


I am with you on the rights BLATANT Hypocrisy on certain issues, but, I will have to say I don't need a theology degree to be sure God (the Christian God) would rather we kill wolves than humans at any stage of development. ON THE OTHER HAND I think he would rather that we DIDN'T Execute people under a system shown to be flawed with innocent people often times on death row...

Constructive Feedback said...

[quote]Black conservatives are very hard to take seriously because they are black people who align themselves with white racists, not only adopting their ideology but their rhetoric.[/quote]


It is just not that difficult to undercut your arguments.

In my analysis White Racists seek to:

* Kill Black People
* Deny Us Education
* Undercut Our Economic Prowess

I have a new term that needs to be applied to describe the straw men that you and other Progressive Bigots like to build up only to tear down like strawmen.

"Racist Scarecrows".

If we run the numbers Steve - this "Racist Scarecrow" has killed far fewer Blacks over the past 10 years than have the Drug Thug Negroes you are loathed to talk about.

There is a present assault upon Black owned businesses as these thugs seek to ROB them out of business. Beyond the question of the SBA for financing is the question of if the Thug is going to allow you to stay in business as a small business owner.

At the end of the day you are worthless Steve

uptownsteve said...

Like I said earlier CF, your spiel is tired Uncle Tom buffoonery.

"In my analysis White Racists seek to:

* Kill Black People
* Deny Us Education
* Undercut Our Economic Prowess"

And you're suggesting that black people SEEK to do these things???

And are you denying that throughout the history of this country white racists HAVEN'T?

You're a pathetic excuse for a black man.

Robert said...


"And are you denying that throughout the history of this country white racists HAVEN'T?"

There is no way we cannot talk about the white racists. Look at the lion's share of history of the Democratic Party.

Democrats opposed the Abolitionists
• Democrats supported slavery and fought and gave their lives to expand it
• Democrats supported and passed the Fugitive Slave Laws of 1793 & 1854
• Democrats supported and passed the Missouri Compromise to protect slavery
• Democrats supported and passed the Kansas Nebraska Act to expand slavery
• Democrats supported and backed the Dred Scott Decision
• Democrats supported and passed Jim Crow Laws
• Democrats supported and passed Black Codes
• Democrats opposed educating blacks and murdered our teachers
• Democrats opposed the Reconstruction Act of 1867
• Democrats opposed the Freedman’s Bureau as it pertained to blacks
• Democrats opposed the Emancipation Proclamation
• Democrats opposed the 13th , 14th, and 15th Amendments to end slavery, make black citizens and give blacks the right to vote
• Democrats opposed the Civil Rights Act of 1866
• Democrats opposed the Civil Right Act of 1875 and had it overturned by U.S. Supreme Court
• Various Democrats opposed the 1957 Civil Rights Acts
• Various Democrats argued against the passage of the 1964 Civil Rights Acts
• Various Democrats argued against the passage of the 1965 Voting Rights Acts
• Various Democrats voted against the 1972 Equal Employment Opportunity Act
• Democrats supported and backed Judge John Ferguson in the case of Plessy v Ferguson
• Democrats supported the School Board of Topeka Kansas in the case of Brown v The Board of Education of Topeka Kansas.
• Southern Democrats opposed desegregation and integration
• Democrats started and supported several terrorist organizations including the Ku Klux Klan, an organization dedicated to use any means possible to terrorize African Americans and those who supported African Americans.”

Constructive Feedback said...


If I knew that you were 22 years old then I would excuse your lack of ability to engage in substantive debate as due to youthful inexperience. Since you are older than this there IS NO EXCUSE FOR YOU.

[quote]Like I said earlier CF, your spiel is tired Uncle Tom buffoonery.

"In my analysis White Racists seek to:

* Kill Black People
* Deny Us Education
* Undercut Our Economic Prowess"

And you're suggesting that black people SEEK to do these things???[/quote]

Notice that my friend Steve keyed in upon the work "SEEK".

It is important to analyze Steve's tactics as I deconstruct his arguments.

In the mind of Steve he views INTENTIONS as more important than EFFECTIVE RESULTS. On the one hand he shifted my statements about "Black Thugs and Rebels" who INDEED DO THESE THINGS over to BLACK PEOPLE AS A WHOLE. Thus Steve's goal is to make any critical analysis about subsets of Black folks WHO HE PROTECTS (basically everyone EXCEPT BLACK CONSERVATIVES) as being assaults upon Black people as a whole. There is no amount of negative criticism that a White liberal could hoist upon Clarence Thomas, for example, before Steve makes note that a racist White liberal is really using his attack upon this Conservative Black as a proxy for his attack upon Black people.

Liberal White Supremacist educator Jonathan Kozol called a class of Black 7th graders "IGNORANT" but he blamed their ignorance on "No Child Left Behind" and thus by using an intermediate concept to attack - he knew that he would escape the wrath of Steve and other BQPFRCs. They hate NCLB because of Bush and thus they didn't mind that this racist White Liberal called these Black kids IGNORANT - because the BQPFRC by assuming the position might just get more money from the government and a bit of forbearance from accountability for their results.


Thus Steve's claim of "seek" is IRRELEVANT. Even if the intention was NOT to do anything on the list per any sort of systematic HATRED that White Supremacists have THE FACT THAT THIS IS INDEED OCCURRING at the hands of the Black Thugs makes them JUST AS GUILTY.

And are you denying that throughout the history of this country white racists HAVEN'T?

Steve when I crafted my latest term "Racist Scarecrow" to describe the straw man that is thrown out to focus Black people on a certain RACIST THREAT - you were one of the key people who brought this concept to my mind.

My ANALYSIS that today the Black Drug Thug is the key terrorizer of Black people is not DEPENDENT upon me acknowledging to you that White Racists were our main terrorists in the past.

In fact it is the fact that YOU are unable to look at the RESULTS: DEAD BLACK PEOPLE as a result of a terrorist group's romp through our community that has me to believe that YOU BELIEVE that the Black Drug Thug is INFERIOR to the White Racist Thugs who sought to intimidate Black people and keep us in our places.

JMK said...

"Sorry, we are just not going to see eye to eye on this one." (DJBA)
There's no opinion in my posts for us to differ on;

G W Bush sought and signed onto the most expensive and far-reaching piece of business regulation in the country - Sarb-Ox.

G W Bush signed onto the FIRST bailouts and TWO "non-stmulating stimulus packages" AND spend MORE (even adjusted for inflation) on reckless social spending than even LBJ did.

Bush, joined Frank, Dodd and others in having Fannie & Freddie buy/guarantee a wider swath of the mortgage market...FROM 24% of the mortgage market in 2000 TO just under 50% by 2007, most of that increase in subprime loans, which fueled the bout of credit counterfeiting that's triggered the ongoing global credit crisis.

NONE of those are opinions we can "disagree on," they are facts that are, what they are.

DJ Black Adam said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
DJ Black Adam said...


"G W Bush sought and signed onto the most expensive and far-reaching piece of business regulation in the country - Sarb-Ox."

Oh come on, I work in the financial services industry, Sarbanes / Oxley was and is just window dressing, all bark no bite, a way to ACT like something is being done while the real problems were continued to be ignored.

“Bush, joined Frank, Dodd and others in having Fannie & Freddie buy/guarantee a wider swath of the mortgage market...FROM 24% of the mortgage market in 2000 TO just under 50% by 2007, most of that increase in subprime loans, which fueled the bout of credit counterfeiting that's triggered the ongoing global credit crisis.”

JMK, you are smarter than that. The business that got INTO the Sub Prime business had MANY ways to do loans to the sub prime market, they CHOSE the STUPIDEST ways becuase they could make MORE PROFIT off of the STUPID WAYS not because they were "forced to".

Credit Default swaps and the bundling of these types of STUPID credits as “SAFE MARKATEBLE SECURITIES” is the primary agitator here. And honestly if Banks were REALLY trying to loan money for homes to people with bad credit or low incomes, there is a real simple and easy way to do it, loan people money based on their DEBT to INCOME ratio, they KNEW that, they just wanted to make a bigger buck off of the credit programs they created to supposedly “serve” the sub prime market. They took a gamble, they failed, their fault.

THOSE are the FACTS.

Robert said...


Can you comment on the following video?

JMK said...

"Oh come on, I work in the financial services industry, Sarbanes / Oxley was and is just window dressing, all bark no bite, a way to ACT like something is being done while the real problems were continued to be ignored." (DJBA)
Why do you do THAT?

Why do you try an cover up your substantial and woeful ignorance with a puffed up persona?

It makes you appear even more ridiculous!

Sarbanes-Oxley or SOX was virtually solely responsible for the "jobless recovery" in 2002 -2003, from the recession that began with the NASDAQ implosion in the Spring of 2000.

"In March of 2005, it was estimated that it would cost a company with less than $1 billion in annual sales approximately $4 million annually to comply with SOX." ( The costs estimates have only gone up from there.

Moreover, "There was a 30 percent increase in the number of firms going private from 2002 to 2003 (the year after SOX). More recently, surveys found 21 percent of corporations considered going private over the past year."

SOX was one of the most expensive and far-reaching pieces of business regulation since the Nixon administration.

Again, WHY do you do that, especially with things that can be so easily vetted in a matter of minutes???

JMK said...

"The business that got INTO the Sub Prime business had MANY ways to do loans to the sub prime market, they CHOSE the STUPIDEST ways becuase they could make MORE PROFIT off of the STUPID WAYS not because they were "forced to"." (DJBA)
I NEVER said banks and brokers were "forced" to make loans.

I SAID that the government, by re-tooling the CRA in 1995, repealing Glass-Speigel in 1998 and then signing onto 0% down on FHA mortgsages and pushing Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to buy/guarantee more and MORE subprime loans 9which they did, increasing their share of the mortgage market FROM 24% in 2000 TO just under 50% in 2007, INCENTIVIZED such reckless lending procedures.

I don't bet money in casinos, BUT, if the government gave me YOUR WALLET to gamble with....I sure would, and why not? I'm risking nothing and you, or the government, be on the hook!

Same with those bankers and brokers, ONCE Fannie and Freddie jumped into buying and bundling those subprimes into Mortgage-backed Securities, the risk was ALL on government/us taxpayers and NONE on the people making those reckless loans.

And yes....THAT'S exactly what happened.
"Credit Default swaps and the bundling of these types of STUPID credits as “SAFE MARKATEBLE SECURITIES” is the primary agitator here." (DJBA)
Your wrongly lumping two very different instruments there.

The CDS (Credit Default Swap) is a means to insure banks and brokerages that were holding large amounts of subprime/"HIGH-RISK" debt. AIG specialized in CDSs AFTER Hank Greenberg was pushed from that company.

The CDS, like the CDO (collateralized debt obligation) are private sector creations that had horrifically bad consequences.

THE, as you call it, "the bundling of these types of STUPID credits (subprime/high-risk loans)as “SAFE MARKATEBLE SECURITIES (Mortgage-backed Securities)” was a PUBLIC SECTOR (at least a quasi-public, as the GSEs were de facto government entities) concoction. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac buy/guarantee mortgages and bundle those as "Mortgage-backed Securities" that are then sold around the world by various investment banks.

Government backed and encouraged high-risk lending, in effect briefly legalizing the "counterfeiting of credit," and THAT is the crux of our current problem.

Anonymous said...

DJ Adam and Uptown Steve:

You two are so representative of the lazy-minded, non-thinking mindset of too many black folks. What seems to be driving you is miss-information and hatred. You buy what could only be described as the racially paranoid "old-wives tales" that black folks simply refuse to put down. Isn't it time to think, define your values, and stop making decisions based on what white people used to do to us. For crying out loud.

The sad thing about black folks today is that we really come as someone who has been used and abused and can't get past it. Decades go by and the perpetrator has gone on with their life, and the victim is still carrying the offense, wanting somebody, anybody to pay for their pain. The sad part is, nobody is able to pay for it. The only thing to do is move on. Forgive and move on. Because many of us choose to stay in bondage to resentment and hatred of white people(yes, as quite as it's kept, black folks are quite racially hateful) we are disoriented in our thinking and only punishing ourselves in our quest to punish white folks. That's why we can fall for the lies, and failures of the democratic party over and over again. Like Pavlov's dogs we unthinkingly reject anything with the name republican or conservative, even though democrats/liberal thinking are at the helm of so many failed government programs and bad societal trends. For black people to routinely vote 80-odd % percent democratic is shameful proof that we ain't thinkin' 'bout nothin' we's on auto pilot. DJ Adam and UPtown Steve, both of your arguments are symbolic of that kind of thinking. It's so sad. People like you will deserve the fallout of this Obamanation in office. It's just a shame that the rest of us will get caught up in it. Actually, the really sad part is that even as his policies fail this country, the sleeping, lazy-minded, automatons, that is the majority of black America will still find a way to blame conservatives and republicans for the mess.

DJ Black Adam said...


I'll give you a pass because you obviously are a simple minded commoner and don't know any better.

Ab absurdo

Robert said...

No need to give me a pass, because I agree with him 100%.

DJ Black Adam said...


I'm sure a raving buffoon as yourself would agree with a moron.

No surprises there...

Robert said...


Until you started to resort to the ad hominems, I respected your opinions, even though I disagreed.

When you start calling people "morons" and "buffoons," you only publicly denegrate your own character.

Resorting to name-calling shows a juvenile lack of self-control and lack of maturity.

Your opinion of me has no authority. You only hurt yourself in the public eye.

I'm sorry you could not be more intellectual.

Anonymous said...

DJ Adam:

My response to you is this: Challenge yourself. You have nothing to lose by seeking to (non-emotionally) consider another viewpoint. Your arguments here are generally based on emotion. I challenge you to think about what you really believe. What do you think about abortion, nationalized healthcare, must government really provide us with cradle-to-grave security, how much are you willing to pay in taxes for inefficient services? Think about the things that matter to you not only as a black person, but as a human being and a hardworking one. Do some research on where democrats and republicans stand(although I'm conservative myself, Republicans generally come closer to upholding my views)on those issues. We are more than just Black, we are fully human and care about a wide range of issues. Finally, consider what big-government has meant historically.
Let go of the hate and anger, it only leads to high blood pressure and heart attacks. Hey, maybe it's not the poverty that leads to blacks having a shorter lifespan. Maybe, just maybe, it's all the anger we unneccessarily carry around.
Just the thoughts of a moron....I'm done.

Robert said...


"You said Let go of the hate and anger, it only leads to high blood pressure and heart attacks. Hey, maybe it's not the poverty that leads to blacks having a shorter lifespan. Maybe, just maybe, it's all the anger we unneccessarily carry around.
Just the thoughts of a moron....I'm done."

That is an interesting perspective.

DJ Black Adam said...


"When you start calling people "morons" and "buffoons," you only publicly denegrate your own character."

No, actually I was publicly insulting someone who felt the need to cosign on the statements of someone who was insulting me, if the shoe fits say ouch and where it, otherwise you might just want to assert YOUR opinion if you don't want to be taken to task for cosigning on the b/s of others.

It is what it is, your "respect" is not sought or required.


Robert said...


Your need to publically insult shows lack of character. What is worse you even admit to it.

I was merely agreeing with the brother's factual points without me insulting anyone.

Again, your opinion of me has no authority at all and is none of my concern. If you love to resort to juvenile name calling for the world to see, then there is no basis for a rational conversation.

Conservative Black Woman said...

UTS~"Are you suggesting that I don't take care of my family?

Only black conservatives do?'

Stop trying to pick another fight with me...I am not saying that and I made that clear which is why I said:"One who is taking care of his family and focuses on racism to the point where he is unable to reason or think clearly?"

UTS, I implore you to just think about what has been said in this thread without getting angerier and tell us (Myself, Robert & Anonymous) what it is we are missing that you and DJBA get.

uptownsteve said...

"One who is taking care of his family and focuses on racism to the point where he is unable to reason or think clearly?"

Like whom?

I still don't understand the question?