Saturday, April 4, 2009

Modern Liberalism Exposed

On March 29, 2008, Rockford resident Keith A. Sterkeson verbally attacked pro-life advocates Eric Nelson and Kevin Rilott outside a Rockford, IL abortion facility.

H/T to the Hiphop Republican

I am often asked how I call myself a conservative because the "right" is so racist as if there are no racist individuals on the left. I wonder if they will re-examine what it means to be in the liberal camp after seeing the depraved man on this video


DJ Black Adam said...

Soooooooooo THIS guy represents the "Left" huh...fascinating conclusions you all come to.

In any case, no one is saying the right has a copyright on RACISM, just that the right knows how to manipulate peoples fears on race to motivate their simple minded base.

Conservative Black Woman said...

"simple minded base".... DJBA what are we going to do about your inner snob?

DJ Black Adam said...


Being fair, I think the left has a simple minded base too manipulated by a different set of fears....


Robert said...

Abortion has been being used as a eugenics tool to reduce the black population. Go to for the full details.

So it does not surprise me that an abortion defender would call a black pro-lifer a "nigger." He was just being himself.

By the way, when is Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Rev. Jeremiah Wright, and the NAACP having a press conference to express their outrage?

Conservative Black Woman said...

"Abortion has been being used as a eugenics tool to reduce the black population" (Robert)

Exactly. BTW Jessie, Al & Jeremiah can't have a press conference against this guy. It would be a conflict of interest. This guy is on their team. The demon-crat party handlers are going to pull the reins on the "racism brigage" when it comes to this left-wing nut job.

Conservative Black Woman said...

"Being fair, I think the left has a simple minded base too manipulated by a different set of fears....(DJBA)

No one can accuse you of not being fair. You are an equal opportunity

Devon said...

Wow, this is just nasty...the guy is pro abortion and a racist..

Nice package he has goin there...

Yep...racists are all along the political spectrum....but abortionists are almost exclusively on the for the centrists libertarians....

JudyBright said...

The left isn't manipulated by racism??? Ha! OMGoodness

DJ Black Adam said...


"The left isn't manipulated by racism??? Ha! OMGoodness"

It is a different type of manipulation. The right uses White people's fear of Blacks (or Latinos) as a way to scare them into voting Republican (tough on crime and all) whereas the Left manipulates some of its base by telling people that they are not responsible for their own choices and that society has done things to them to make them justifably victims.

Same coin, two sides.

Constructive Feedback said...


You are not being FAIR!!

How do you know that this White man is not a Conservative Republican who likes abortions yet hates Blacks?

You know that White Liberals just love Black people.....especially when we are aborting our next generation.

(Did you catch the irony that he said to the woman who was about to abort her child "Good morning MOM"?

CBW - you should try to find a parking lot at a Klan rally and seek out pro-Democrat stickers. Then DJ Black Adam will seek to make excuses for these as well.

He'll likely say that these Democrat Klan members are working from the inside to bring diversity to this particular organization which has played an important role in American history.

DJ Black Adam said...

@Conservative Feedback:

"CBW - you should try to find a parking lot at a Klan rally and seek out pro-Democrat stickers. Then DJ Black Adam will seek to make excuses for these as well."

I don't make excuses for the commoners, rather they be Left leaning commoners or Right leaning...extremist on both sides in my opinion are simple minded cretins unable to fathom rational thought OR critical self examination, as you exemplify....

JudyBright said...

It's tempting to say this dude represents the left, but I saw video of similar idiots at a McCain rally that liberals could put up to this one.

I'd rather take the best the left has to offer and run circles around 'em.

Conservative Black Woman said...

"I'd rather take the best the left has to offer and run circles around 'em."

I agree Judy. I was just speaking to the notion that as a black conservative I am selling out because of racist idiots on the right...AS IF that would be a reason to abandon my personal ideology.

JMK said...

"Soooooooooo THIS guy represents the "Left" huh..." (DJBA)
CBW's point is valid, in that there are few, if any Leftists who can make actual, affirmative arguments for what they believe in.

The Keynesianism that infected America from 1964 - 1981 and from around 2002 - the present has been no more or less a failure than the Keynesianism that still infects much of Western Europe, even though both Sweden and France have moved toward Center-Right governments over the past ten years (Sweden in the mid 1990s and France in 2007 with Sarkozy's election). There've been no real arguments in favor of Keynesian economic policy and that's probably why most Leftists tend to resort to insults and personal attacks instead.

"This guy is very much in that mold."
"It is a different type of manipulation. The right uses White people's fear of Blacks (or Latinos) as a way to scare them into voting Republican (tough on crime and all)" (DJBA)
Why do well-educated and comfortable blacks always make such specious arguments?

Seriously, you don't see middle-class whitesgetting a vicarious thrill out of how renegade, meth dealing bikers and skinheads "scare the hell" out others.

In fact, meth dealing bikers and skinheads are lumped in with all other criminals by whites.

For instance, Rudy Giuliani's (actually it was Bratton's Comp Stat program) appealed to ALL New Yorkers in the wake of the David Dinkins fiasco (a murder rate that topped at over 2500/year). In FACT, the Bratton plan saved upwards of 10,000 minority lives, by conservative estimates.

The ONLY rational way to look at violent crime as a simple interchange between a predator and a victim. Any DECENT, sentient human innately sympathizes with the victim and recoils at the horrors perpetrated by the predator.

Most violent crimes cry out for severe punishment, NOT "blaming society" or seeking to "rehabilitate the predator." The sad fact is that the ONLY thing that really deters violence among those so inclined is age and the decline in ability that comes with age and "hard living."

I find it amusing when the hearts of comfortable, middle class people of ANY background bleed for the predators among us.

Two things that most Democrats have learned over the last two decades is that gun control is NOT seen as "crime control" or "violence control" by the vast majority of Americans and blaming violent crimes on "an unjust and often cruel society" doesn't resonate with many voters at all.

Those are both GOOD lessons...we should ALL have learned them by now.

Anonymous said...

That guy in the video is proof that there is a Devil, how else can you explain such hatred? He needs prayer.

DJ Black Adam said...


Please stop positing foolishness. The Whites in question (those that the Republicans love to scare with their Willie Horton stories) don't ASSUME the average White boy is a skinhead or a bike gang member, they do assume that the average Black male wants to rape some virgin White girl.

This is part of the sociological fabric of the country rather you accept it or not, and often reinfocred by media of all types (which is another reason I don't give LIBERALS or the LEFT a pass) and definatly used by the Right as another one of their FEAR tools.

I am sure you will say this is the first you have heard of such "Crazy Talk"....

JMK said...

“The Whites in question (those that the Republicans love to scare with their Willie Horton stories) don't ASSUME the average White boy is a skinhead or a bike gang member, they do assume that the average Black male wants to rape some virgin White girl.

“This is part of the sociological fabric of the country rather you accept it or not, and often reinfocred by media of all types (which is another reason I don't give LIBERALS or the LEFT a pass) and definatly used by the Right as another one of their FEAR tools.” (DJBA)
Now THAT’S funny, you make the very same kind of assumptions, you claim whites do, only in your case you add “mind-reading” to your inane and erroneous assumptions.

None of the many whites I know have ever held the idiotic perceptions you claim the do.


That’s the key number.

The number of violent offenders within any ethnic group does not rise above 2%.

I’m one of those law and order folks and I before I ever worked in the FDNY in the South Bronx, I repossessed cars all over New York City for ten years. I ripped cars in every corner of the city and the only places I ever got any real static were in Garritson Beach, Brooklyn, by a bunch of dopes who were white and on Staten Island (SAME).

When I got onto the Fire Dept., I specifically sought to work in the South Bronx. Most of the guys I grew up with worked in either the busier parts of Brooklyn, South Queens or the Bronx.

At that time, I lived up in the Inwood section of Manhattan and often walked over to the firehouse I worked in, in the University Heights area, between Burnside Avenue and W. Tremont.

If there were some widespread view that “most blacks are violent thugs and that black communities support such thugs,” you wouldn’t have those firehouses manned with so many guys, most of them white, from Staten Island, West Brooklyn and suburban Long Island and upstate NY. Wouldn’t happen.

FACT is New York’s and America’s predominantly black communities DO NOT see crime control as “anti-black” nor do they support violent thugs.

Bratton’s ComStat program reduced New York City’s crime levels to unprecedentedly low levels, dropping the murder rate, that had peaked at over 2500/year under David Dinkins to less than a third of that.

NO group benefitted MORE from that drop in the murder rate than the black community of New York City. Giuliani rightly claimed that his (actually Bratton’s) program “saved over 10,000 minority lives over the course of [his] eight year tenure.” By all measures that would appear to be a conservative estimate.

As I said, “most violent crimes cry out for severe punishment, NOT "blaming society", nor seeking to "rehabilitate the predator." The sad fact is that the ONLY thing that really deters violence among those so inclined is age and the decline in ability that comes with age and "hard living."

THAT’S why the Willie Horton ad was so accurate. The reason you can’t furlough violent offenders is precisely because everything I just said is true.

Ironically enough, the “Willie Horton ad” was an AlGore Primary ad. Once out there, it would’ve been foolish of Bush Sr.’s people NOT to use that in the general election. The “Willie Horton issue” was about Dukakis’ poor judgment NOT about black criminality...except to the paranoid and the misinformed.

Constructive Feedback said...

[quote]those that the Republicans love to scare with their Willie Horton stories[/quote]

DJ Adam:

Have you ever watched the commercial that kicked off the feigned offense of Willie Horton?

Despite the fact that it was TRUE THAT HE KILLED SOME PEOPLE after being let out of jail on the weekends.....the key claim was that of all of the convicts who were seen walking through the turnstile - only THE BLACK GUY looked up at the camera with a menacing "I'm coming to get you" look.

The truth is that the White guy who followed behind the Black guy ALSO looked up at the camera. This point was immaterial to those who sought to organize a narrative that "The Black criminal" was being used to scare White folks.

I recall challenging a Black radio host who was also a Georgia State Representative. About 2 years ago she was pissed that the Republicans dared to show a powerpoint slide of a Black man who HAD SHOT A POLICE OFFICER IN THE FACE was being used as the main justification to alter the GA death penalty.

After ranting and raving through a few callers I asked her if she considered anything about the MURDERED POLICE OFFICER'S FAMILY and how there was a GRAVE INJUSTICE about him NOT RECEIVING ANY JUSTICE before his DEATH PENALTY.

(Then it happened once again: "Hey I'm not used to my callers challenging me, they usually agree with me" response. Better known as deer in the headlights.

Some of you are as HATE FILLED as those you claim are hatefilled)

Ilé Meroë said...

It's quite true that there are left wing racists but this man doesn't state any political, social or economic views that would allow you to categorise him as on the right or left. In fact his speech patterns and behaviour seem to indicate mental illness more than anything else.

As for racism in general, the day I start coming across liberal/leftie defenders of "racialists", "race realists", "white separatists" etc then I'll see the two sides as the same on that issue.

sean said...

Its too bad this guy wasn't there to dispense some community justice.

JudyBright said...

tough on crime and all

Ok, so being tough on crime, aka wanting law and order is racist? When race is never mentioned. And that's the same as Democrats actually using race to tell people that they're victims and they need their big government to save them.

It's interesting that you claim to know what white people are thinking, while at the same time condemning the false assumptions you think they're making about blacks.

DJ Black Adam said...


I am going to answer you and not specifically CF or JMK, because your point at least seems to be sincere.

You wrote: "Ok, so being tough on crime, aka wanting law and order is racist?"

No, THAT isn't racist, however, when one depicts the face of crime, in particular violent crime as "Black Males", yes, that IS racist.

If one posits, implies or inferes (as many on the RIGHT side of the fence and left in some cases) that Black Males or Black in general are prone to crime BECUAE of their "race" or "skin" color, that is racist.

The GOP has fueled that racist line of thinking FOR YEARS, starting with the Dixiecrats acting as if Black males were waiting to rape White women.

Bottom line, when you build your ideology on a bunch of fictions, the resulting arguements are often intellectually fraudulent. As is the case of how the GOP and the RIGHT has framed the crime arguement by implication and in some cases misdirection as a "Black" "Inner City" issue. THIS is why the drug [problem ran unchecked for YEARS in the White suburban areas.

DJ Black Adam said...


"As for racism in general, the day I start coming across liberal/leftie defenders of "racialists", "race realists", "white separatists" etc then I'll see the two sides as the same on that issue."

Very well said, I am inclined to agree.

JMK said...

"Sorry, I don't claim ALL whites do..." (DJBA)
Actually you DID! "The Whites in question (those that the Republicans love to scare with their Willie Horton stories)....such "law & order whites" comprise virtually 99% of the white population...and a similar percentage of other ethnic groups as well.

I'm positive that I know more about the "inner city" and what it's people believe than you do about the white community.

"And you IN NYC, with that whole Central Park "Wilding" incident acting as if some and I'd say MANY WHites weren't or aren't preped to believe Black men are laying in wait for poor innocent White women? That doesn't help YOUR argument at all.

Those spoiled scumbags (the group that attcked the Central Park jogger) were all well-off low-lifes. At least two of that "wolf-pack" had BOTH parents working as NYC Corrections Officers (back then that was $180K to $200K per year with OT).

Again, violent felons like that CAN'T be rehabbed. The ONLY thing that reduces violence among violent offenders is the vicissitudes of aqe.

You keep on bringing up legitimate cases that cry out for harsher punishments and MORE law & order/crime control (Willie Horton - who DID everything he was accused of on furlough and the wolf-pack that attacked the CP jogger) as "proofs" that "tough on crime" is a code phrase for "race?"

Not a good strategy.

FACT is, at least in NYC you could scarcely find a critic of the Bratton anti-crime plan among NYC's black population, and as Giuliani rightly boasted the ComStat plan DID save upwards of 10,000 minority lives over Giuliani's tenure.

Whites applaud "crime control" and harsher penalties for violent felons for the SAME reasons the vast majority of blacks do the same - because such measures save lives, make the areas where people work and play much safer and make doing business easier and less costly.

One thing I'm very happy to see is that NOT ONE person has sought to legitimize or rationalize inner city violent crime as some form of righteous is anything but.

DJ Black Adam said...


"Actually you DID! "The Whites in question (those that the Republicans love to scare with their Willie Horton stories)....such "law & order whites" comprise virtually 99% of the white population...and a similar percentage of other ethnic groups as well."

Actually I DIDN'T, thank GOD you are not a lawyer, your weak syntactical reasoning and purposed false conclusions to force your strawmen is laughable. I said: “The Whites in question (those that the Republicans love to scare with their Willie Horton stories…” the Whites in question were the Whites that comprise the Republican BASE, by definition NOT ALL WHITES.

Catch a clue JMK, talk to me when you can actually have a honest conversation.

JMK said...

"...the Whites in question were the Whites that comprise the Republican BASE, by definition NOT ALL WHITES." (DJBA)
That's NOT who "law & order politics" APPEAL to.

You're focused on thinking I misinterpreted your claim, when that's clearly NOT the case...I DIDN'T misconstrue what you said...I am saying your inane claim that "the whites who comprise the Republican base" are the primary supporters of "law & order politics," is WRONG, as, in FACT, it's probably about 98% of ALL whites, around 95% of all blacks and similar numbers among all other ethnic groups.

There are very few Americans black or white who subscribe the whacky conspiracy theory that "law & order" is a code phrase for anti-black" FACT, black New Yorkers benefitted far MORE from Bill Bratton's hard crack down on crime in that city than ANY other ethnic group.

Like I said, I walked through those neighborhoods in the South Bronx....Bill bratton's policies didn't save the likes of me, there weren't any people looking to jump fact, I repossessed cars in such could say, "I've jumped them."

Bill Bratton's ComStat program saved the lives of over 10,000 minority New Yorkers during the Giuliani tenure.

His programs didn't help folks like me much. As I always say, "Kittens don't f*ck cats."

I never worried walking down those streets.

I DO appreciate your NOT assailing the Bratton plan. If you had, you'd be among the only blacks I'd have ever come across to have ever had a complaint with Bratton's highly successful anti-crime program that really did save thousands of black and Hispanic lives in NYC.

"Tough on crime" is indeed a code phrase, it's a code phrase for "getting tough on crime - hasher sentences, more intrusive policing, etc."

M said...

I was a democrat, I proudly called myself a liberal democrat for virtually all of my 49 years, but re-affiliated last year, because I finally saw for myself that my former party had regressed back to the party of slavery again, but this just takes the cake. It makes you realize that this sort of hatred has been lurking in the liberal elites, hidden behind those false smiles and glad handing. It makes me sick to my stomach.