Friday, March 20, 2009

How Many Days Does President Obama Have To Be In Office Before We Are Allowed To Critically Assess His Performance?

President Barack Obama has been in office for 57 days and some (myself included) are very critical of him and his administration. Obama supporters aren't hearing any criticism of PSBO & Company regardless how reasonable or valid the claims because he hasn't been in office for even 60 days. So my question to his supporters is how many days does PSBO have to be in office before you will begin to face the facts, both favorable and unfavorable? Then I would ask how many days did it take PSBO to sign legislation that will have long lasting and in some cases life changing ramifications? Answer 3 weeks! As far as I am concerned the 60 day disclaimer is ridiculous as PSBO and company rammed the pork-filled omnibus stimulus bill down our throats and we aren't suppose to be outraged?


JudyBright said...

Silly CBW.

We're not supposed to hold any opinions, political philosophy, sense of morality, evidence from the past, or any of those kinds of wacky things that we silly people use to judge a politician's performance.

We're just supposed to "give him a chance" and see maybe if all these wrong headed things will work to magically "stimulate" the economy.

So, maybe high taxes will work to help the economy just this one time in history, maybe just this once activist judges will serve to increase justice in the land, and the redistribution of income will fuel the entrepreneurial spirit of mankind. Maybe just this once a tax evader will gain the confidence of the people to run the IRS. Maybe just this once a porn industry lawyer is a wise choice for Deputy Attorney General. Universal health care will also work here, even though it has not worked in any country on the planet at any time in history.(Please save your Cuba examples)

I am also waiting for my cat to sprout wings and fly, because past evidence indicates there's a darn good chance it will happen.

Anonymous said...

CBW, put the crackpipe down.

Obama is getting plenty of criticism and outright attacks from the rabiud right who amazingly are responsible for the mess we currently are in domestically and abroad..

I think what's really bothering you is that despite the yapping from the right, Obama's popularity remains high amongst the American people.

So instead of accepting the fact that people want real change and leadership and see that represnted in Obama, you whine that he has received any "criticism".


Conservative Black Woman said...

JudyBright~You are hilarious!!!!

UTS~I asked an honest question. How many days? Why do I care about his popularity? What I care about is my 401K account dwindling more and more everytime PSBO or Geithner open their pieholes!

Anonymous said...

"UTS~I asked an honest question. How many days?"

Are you actually suggesting that Obama hasn't been critically accessed?


What are these bleatings of "socialism", "the Obama recession", not supporting the troops in Iraq, etc....

Figments of our imagination?

Like I said earlier, I believe that you righties are just angry because most Americans are optimistic about Obama and definitely prefer a diametric change in direction from the last 8 years.

DJ Black Adam said...


“Like I said earlier, I believe that you righties are just angry because most Americans are optimistic about Obama and definitely prefer a diametric change in direction from the last 8 years.”

To quote my boy Lt. Commander Tuvok: “I am inclined to agree”. It would appear that these people on the Right, who basically told the Left to suck it up, and basked in their evangelical science hating right wing neanderthalic hypocrisy, who had the nerve to say: “Well, even if you lefties don’t like him, you still have to give the President GW respect”, can’t seem to practice what they preach.

They act as if the world ahs ended, some of these people in their weirded out eschatology actually think that Jesus is about to show up because of Barack being elected.

It would be camp humor if it wasn’t so silly.

Conservative Black Woman said...

UTS~You wrote:"Are you actually suggesting that Obama hasn't been critically accessed?"

Absolutely not any thinking person would do so. My question is when will you imbeciles....err...I mean supporters begin to do so.

Anonymous said...

"Well, even if you lefties don’t like him, you still have to give the President GW respect”, can’t seem to practice what they preach."

The hypocrisy of the right is breathtaking.

Remember the righties claiming that liberals "wanted to Bush to fail" and that constituted anti-Americanism?

Now they openly bellow that they want Obama to fail and feel rightous about it.


Anonymous said...

"Absolutely not any thinking person would do so. My question is when will you imbeciles....err...I mean supporters begin to do so."

I already have.

I believe that he has been entirely to accomodating of the right and the Republicans who continue to be obstinate and nonreciprocative.

We have the votes in both Houses of Congress and should just roll those rightwing troglodytes until they squeal like pigs.

DJ Black Adam said...


“Absolutely not any thinking person would do so. My question is when will you imbeciles....err...I mean supporters begin to do so.”

Well I am a supporter, if that makes me an imbecile; I’m a Marine, so I’ve been called worse.

In either case, I criticized the man for some of his cabinet picks, his not immediately increasing troop levels in Afghanistan, and like Uptown said, I think President Obama has been WAAAYAYYY o accommodating of the right.

Conservative Black Woman said...

DJBA & UTS~ So it's OK for supporters to voice criticisms of PSBO but if one who self-identifies as conservative or republican does so then the "HE'S ONLY BEEN IN OFFICE 57 DAYS!" tactic is employed. Our concerns are not valid because "we want to see him fail" because "the thought of a black man in office makes our "massa" angry". Do you not realize how absurd that line of reasoning is? I think both of you do but you have so much invested in your support of "THE ONE" that you can't stand anyone who has not joined the cult of Obama adoration to state the obvious about this man. The obvious being that he is a puppet for the most radical, leftist elites in this country who were well aware that americans were disenchanted with Bush, Republican, and the far-right threw millions of campaign dollars at him and now he is beholden to them and is doing an EXCELLENT job for THEM. You "supporters" have been bamboozled and hoodwinked but by the time you realize that it will be too late. Your net worth have been transferred. You won't have to worry about racial profiling because America under the direction of PSBO & Company will have a system of occupational profiling going on and if you two are executives it's very probable that your salaries will be capped. The value of the dollar will continue to decline which invariably leads to inflation. Who will really be hurt if this happens? Not the rich -- they've been buying gold, moving money overseas--not the super poor because the Gov't will continue to subsidize them...The middle class will be hurt! This is the "change" that has come to america is straight from the pit of hell!

DJ Black Adam said...


“DJBA & UTS~ So it's OK for supporters to voice criticisms of PSBO but if one who self-identifies as conservative or republican does so then the "HE'S ONLY BEEN IN OFFICE 57 DAYS!"”

When a person is being intellectually fraudulent and positing that THIS MESSED UP ECONOMY WE HAVE is somehow the Fault of the junior senator from Illinois who JUST became president, YEAH…not hard to follow that, basic logic.

Conservative Black Woman said...

"When a person is being intellectually fraudulent and positing that THIS MESSED UP ECONOMY WE HAVE is somehow the Fault of the junior senator from Illinois who JUST became president, YEAH…not hard to follow that, basic logic."

Intellectually fraudulent my foot! PSBO & Company pushed through the stimulus bill! The stimulus bill which includes a provision for the bonuses for AIG for which PSBO, Dodd, and Geitner are feigning outrage over. Then on Wednesday the Fed printed A TRILLION MORE US DOLLARS...This is without a doubt, unequivocally, undeniable (unless you are an Obama acolyte)going to MESS UP THE ECONOMY! No one is saying that GW Bush isn't to blame for his part in this with the first bailout. But PSBO didn't stop there ooooooh no PSBO & Company spent more money after 3 weeks in office than GW Bush did in 8 years and two wars!!!!! Get the facts and then we will talk about intellectual fraud.

DJ Black Adam said...


O.K., now I'm concerned. You actually want to blame the current state of the US Economy, NOT on the last 20 years of bad diecsions across the baord, Republican and Democrat, BUT on the Junior Senator from Illinois who just became president?

You CAN'T be serious?

Conservative Black Woman said...

DJBA~I am talking about what is coming. With the printing of 1.8 trillion dollars on Wednesday our dollars are going to worth squat. Bush and the last twenty years of bad decisions have nothing to do with what happened on Wednesday. The MSM isn't even talking about it and this whole AIG bonus bruhaha was just a smoke screen to divert attention from the real knife in our backs. Those bonus payouts were in the stimulus bill and there are more to come (unless they write them out at this point)

DJ Black Adam said...


So, let me get this staright, you wrote:

"DJBA~I am talking about what is coming. With the printing of 1.8 trillion dollars on Wednesday our dollars are going to worth squat. Bush and the last twenty years of bad decisions have nothing to do with what happened on Wednesday."

So, either you're operating under the prophetic anointing (as they say in Charismatic circles) OR you are basically critisizing President Obama for doing something to fix the mess that started with Reagan that has not yet failed?

So you just are saying you believe his plan will fail, so you are critisizing President Obama now?

Amazing. Well, I don't think what he is doing is the wrong thing, so we have to agree to disagree.

brotherkomrade said...

CBW, I'm disappointed.

Go to counterpunch and you will find an example of Leftist criticism. There are many voices and mine is included. Are we in jail?

You, the right-wing can't shut your collective pieholes since the voters of Obama destroyed McCain in November by that large 52% margin and none of you are in jail.

But let's talk about what happened when you were critical of a criminal administration that was put into power by a stolen election:

Police tactics and Pier 57 (RNC convention - 2004)

Police raids on protesters and arrests - 2008

Sherman Austin Vs. The Patriot Act

All of these cases have been the end result of the Patriot Act and other anti-democratic machinations put into place by the last administration.

As we've seen as of late, The Tea Parties encouraged by the ruling class will go on peacefully and YOU PEOPLE will go back to your nice wittle suburban homes. Why would that be, I wonder? So all of this fake posturing that you are the huddled masses under an admin that seeks to silent you is just bad theater at best.

Get over yourselves, because if this was brotherkomradelandia, wooo... I don't even want to write what would happen to the Right-Wing in public.

JudyBright said...

Yeah, you're right, Obama is not to blame for most of what's wrong with the economy right now.


What he and congress and the Fed are doing is the equivalent of pouring gas on a fire and then telling us that it's water. And yes I will be very critical of that. On day one or one thousand.

Anonymous said...

"What he and congress and the Fed are doing is the equivalent of pouring gas on a fire and then telling us that it's water."

Okay Judy. What is your or any rightwingers suggestion for fixing the economy?

I'll wait patiently for a detailed response.

DJ Black Adam said...


"Okay Judy. What is your or any rightwingers suggestion for fixing the economy?"

That's easy, cut taxes for the rich and big business, cut wages for workers, cut entitlement programs like Food Stamps and WIC, and everything will work itself out....

Conservative Black Woman said...

"That's easy, cut taxes for the rich and big business, cut wages for workers, cut entitlement programs like Food Stamps and WIC, and everything will work itself out...." - DJBA

Intellectually fraudulent indeed! Did GW Bush cut entitlement programs like food stamps or wic? HELL TO THE NO!!!! No one is saying that is the answer.

AIG, Citibank and whomever else received a bailout should have filed bankruptcy and gone under that's the price to be paid for poor business practices. Government involvement cause huge problems as we are seeing not only with the market but for individual freedoms. Housing bubble expanded and contracted. Let it adjust itself. I would hope that the banks would modify the loans for those facing foreclosure who lost a job, or suffered some sort of disability or illness without the government forcing them to. But for individuals who mortgaged 100% of their home equity in order to live large, no I don't think the banks should be FORCED TO modify those loans. I have also heard that claim that minorities have been forced into subprime loans...well, there is a price to pay for ignorance. It's 2009 you should know what your credit score is and what type of loan you are eligible for. No one was forced to sign loan documents at closing. These poor "victims" will continue to be "victimized" if they don't become informed consumers. Do you racism chasers ever consider that liberals are really saying black folks are stupid seems like black folks are always dealt the bad hand doens't it? Seems to me that your liberal masters are throwing a under-handed insult at us. Ok, back to the CBW Economic Recovery Plan. I believe in welfare reform -- I would support grants to send single parents to college but they would be on their own after graduation, job training, etc. I believe the abled-bodied poor should be given a hand up. I would support small business development grants for poor and middle class citizens.

As far as taxing is concerned...I would not repeal the Bush tax cuts. My clients really love the Earned Income Credit thanks to GW Bush...but under PSBO we can kiss that goodbye.

Anonymous said...

"Did GW Bush cut entitlement programs like food stamps or wic? HELL TO THE NO!!!!"

Not like he didn't try.

Anonymous said...

"It's 2009 you should know what your credit score is and what type of loan you are eligible for."

That's one of the problems.

Many of the loans were granted on credit scores and not income.

And it wasn't just minorities CBW.

There were many white folks who got subprime loans.


JudyBright said...

The tea parties are being organized by the entrepreneurial class and others who don't like sky high taxes.

The ruling class is generally not fond of citizen protest, and is who benefits from increasing the size and power of the Federal government.

JMK said...

"Many of the loans were granted on credit scores and not income.

"And it wasn't just minorities CBW.

"There were many white folks who got subprime loans." (UTS)
That's right! There's was NOTHING "racist" about subprime loans. Most of those who got them were indeed white.

That's why the NAACP's lawsuit over them will almost certainly fail.

AND credit scores TRUMP mere income ya dope!

Your INCOME doesn't qualify you as "creditworthy," your DEBT-to-INCOME RATIO does!

A couple earning $200,000/year, with $80,000 in consumer debt (credit cars, car loans, etc), and a first mortgage of $250,000 on their current home are going to be FAR less "creditworthy" than a couple earning $90,000/year with no mortgage outstanding and only $5,000 in consumer debt.

The second couple will be able to borrow MORE money and at a lower (preferred) rate than the ALL cases.

Only an ignoramous wouldn't understand how THAT works!

Whoooops! I forget who I was responding to, for a second (debt/deficit, etc).

OK, let me be a little more patient; "INCOME alone doesn't make a person "creditworthy," in FACT, it's not even THE major factor. One's DEBT-to-INCOME RATIO, along with other considerations, "how long you've been at your current job," and "if you've ever defaulted on any loans," all factor into "creditworthiness."

DJ Black Adam said...


"Your INCOME doesn't qualify you as "creditworthy," your DEBT-to-INCOME RATIO does"

Are you really that slow? Debt to Income ratio is to detrmine how much income you have to service the debt, your FICO score is a whole nother matter.

Bottom line, loaning money for a house is very simple if Debt to Income ratio is determined, the interest rate one gets, should be determined on credit score and down payment amount.

JMK said...

"Bottom line, loaning money for a house is very simple if Debt to Income ratio is determined, the interest rate one gets, should be determined on credit score and down payment amount." (DJBA)
Thanks for regurgitating EXACTLY what I just said and,in effect, slamming the dolt who said "That's one of the problems.

"Many of the loans were granted on credit scores and not income."

As I said, and you ungraciously amplified, INCOME is NOT and CANNOT be a primary determinate of creditworthiness....debt-to-income ration IS...and SHOULD and WILL remain so.

For a second there I thought you wer going to side with the person who posted the above statement....I appreciate your NOT doing that.