Caroline Kennedy Schlossberg has lunch with Rev. Al Sharpton at Sylvia's today. I find this utterly absurd for a couple of reason. First, why do all pandering democrats feel compelled to dine with Al Sharpton? Isn't Hillary's seat going to be filled by appointment from the governor and not an election? So why does she need to sup with Sharpton? I use to tire of all of these self-appointed black leaders but it really doesn't matter. It seems black folks don't even realize they are being marginalized -- so have at it Rev. . Secondly, why does he always take these idiots who seek an audience with him to Sylvia's? Do they bring him a compulsory watermelon as a gift of appreciation too? Is the good Reverend's palate so indiscriminate that he can't eat any grubbage other that soul food? Don't get me wrong I'm all about baked macaroni and cheese, collards, and smothered chicken but Sharpton's photo opps at Sylvia's are bordering on the absurd. Way to perpetuate the chitlin' eatin' negro sterotype Rev. Sharpton!
I wonder who initiates these meetings. Does someone who has made a racial gaffe (like Don Imus) or someone who needs to get in good with the black community approach Sharpton, or does he approach them?
JudyBright~I'm not sure who initiates these mtgs. Who appointed Al Sharpton spokesperson of all black people, and why aren't black folks outraged that whitefolks actually believe that Al Sharpton has any influence over their minds. Like I said sheer absurdity.
"It seems black folks don't even realize they are being marginalized --"
Lol so true..
"and why aren't black folks outraged that whitefolks actually believe that Al Sharpton has any influence over their minds."
That is a great point.
If she is going to Rev Al to find out the feelings and get an understanding of black folks-that tells me she should not even be a thought for office.
I would have suggested the Harlem Juice Bar -- health food at it's best and run by black folks... why stick to the usual unhealthy cuisine?
Rev Al will go away when we stop making him news.
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