There is less and less room for Christ in this land. We are discouraged from saying "Merry Christmas" in our workplaces. The individuals in power in America (left wing liberal elitist) are doing everything in their power to alienate Christ and his followers from the culture. However, all of this is within God's divine providence and He is still in control. There is on room for Christ in America just as there was no room for Jesus in the inn but there is room in MY heart for Him and in the hearts of all of his followers. Nothing can ever change. So have a Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
Merry CHRISTmas, CBW. Well said.
Merry Christmas
Bless you my Dear Sister in Christ on this day in which we celebrate Deity coming into human flesh!!
Bless you
Devon from Canada
Merry Xmas! Yes HE is the reason for the season
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